About Ahava Jerusalem The website and the Social Media Channels are a Christian host for devotionals, sermons, and videos with a focus on Jesus Christ and His Word so that the Church may be built up. MISSION: that Christ is formed in you (Gal 4:19) and that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Ro 12:2) so that you may grow to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. (Eph 4:13) #fyp #forgiveness #salvation #light #heaven #time #Youtube #Google #Internet #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Father #HolySpirit #Faith #Hope #Love #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #HolySpirit #World #Word #Love #Grace #joy #future #grace #amazing #best #live #life #bestsermons #fyp #forgiveness #light #heaven #time #bewithChrist #home #family #parents #children #sermon #JesusChrist #God #Faith #Hope #Love #sermon #God #Jesus #Christian #Future #people #ahavajerusalem #Truth #Bible #Peace #Kingdom #HolySpirit #JesusChrist #God #Bible #Word #Love #Grace #time #future


my message this morning the Lord will

fight for you the Lord will fight for

you it sounds like somebody needs some

help please go to Deuteronomy the first


Deuteronomy first chapter that started

verse 21 I’m going to read right through

to verse 35 behold the LORD thy God has

set the land before thee go up and

possess it as the Lord God of your

father’s has said unto you fear not

neither be discouraged you came near

unto me every one of you and said we

will send man before us they shall

search out the land and bring us word

again by what way we must go up and into

what cities were so come now that was an

act of unbelief God told him to go up

and they said well just wait a minute

we’ve got to go check it out and even

though Moses approved it there’s no

evidence that God ever asked Moses for

that permission and the saying pleased

me that’s Moses speaking pleased me well

I took 12 men of Yueh one of a tribe

they turned and went up into the

mountain and came to the valley vessel

and searched it out they took of the

fruit of the land in their hands brought

it down to us brought us word again and

said it’s a good land which the Lord our

God has given us nevertheless or

notwithstanding we would not go up you

would not go up but rebelled against the

commandment of the Lord your God and you

murmured in your tents and said because

the Lord hated us

he brought us out the land of Egypt to

delivers in the hand the Amorite to

destroy us whither should we go up our

brethren of the spirits of their heart

saying the people is greater and taller

than we the cities are great and walled

up to heaven moreover we have seen the

sons of anak comes there then I said

unto you dread not need to be afraid of

them the Lord your God was good before

you he shall fight for you according to

all that he did for you in Egypt because

before your eyes and in the wilderness

were thou seeing how the LORD thy God

bare thee as a man death bear his son in

all the way that he went and he came to


please yet in this thing you did not

believe the Lord your God who went in

the way before you to search you out a

place to pitch your tents in and fire by

night to show you by what way you should

go in a cloud by day and the Lord heard

the voice of your words it was Roth

insanely there shall not one of these

men of this evil generation see that

good land which your fathers were to

give under your father’s well father

this is the third or fourth message you

put on my heart regarding unbelief and

I’m asking Lord to speak so clearly

awaken our hearts to the of the

horribleness of this sin of unbelief and

help us to see this mighty God whose

promised to fight for us and let us rise

in faith this morning believing God for

the impossible God for those who need a

miracle for those facing a crises for

those of God going through the hardest

time of their life let faith arise O God

we asked you to forgive our unbelief nor

you won’t let me get away from this

subject you’re dealing with me deal with

all of us likewise in your marvelous

love I pray in Jesus name Amen

now the book of Deuteronomy is Moses

rehearsing with the children of Israel

in connection by Ania

about why God turned them back into the

wilderness now children of Israel after

11 months came to Kadesh Barnea and they

could look over the hills and they could

see Canaan land they see the Promised

Land they were that close and the LORD

commanded them to go in and of course

they disobeyed and this is what we just

read and so they were cast back into the

wilderness and they wondered for an

additional thirty eight and a half years

and Moses now is speaking to the

children there he’s speaking to the

children of the the fathers who died in

the wilderness and he’s reminding them

of why their parents were wasted in the

wilderness how they lost the vision of

people who were called in annoying

to a people who God so loved who was so

miraculously cared for and bore them up

in his arms and how time after time

unbelief and doubt and murmuring and

complaining entered their hearts and how

they grieve God and God’s patience came

to an end with it and he said no he saw

the committed unbelief they were

committed to unbelief

there was nothing God could do there was

no miracle he could perform that would

change their minds they were set in

unbelief like concrete and God said

that’s enough and he said go back into

the wilderness not one of you not one of

you are going to enter the promised land

and hundreds of thousands of men that

came out of out of Egypt died wasted

empty lives in the wilderness and he’s

trying to say to the children now you’re

going to go in but he said I want you to

remember what happened to your parents

what you remember happened to your

fathers they’re all dead they’re all


you don’t have any of them now living to

be a hundred and Moses looked to be a

hundred and twenty air and 123 and and

Miriam much older than that

and they were not living they’re gone

every one of their fathers the elders

were all gone and did except Joshua and

Caleb and he’s also speaking not only to

the children of that generation be

speaking to us today upon whom the ends

of the world have come and the messages

beware lest any man fall after the same

example of unbelief beware lest you in

the last days fall he calls it a fall

into this unbelief the same kind of

unbelief that caused them to be driven

back into the wilderness and live such

empty wasted devastated lives said take

heed what manner of impossibility you

face he said be careful of the

impossibilities that come against you

beware that you understand that God will

lead you he led them into these crazy


to enable them to trust him to see his

power and to to build he one of the

people who would be unshakable in their

faith tested and tried that a golden

faith would come forth as a testimony to

the whole world at that time and for

history in God uses some very strong

language when referring to the the

unbelief in these children of Israel

words like wrath this is God’s attitude

toward their unbelief

God was wrath Rock anger abhorrence he

said you’ve tempted me you’ve tempted me

with your unbelief Moses reminded Israel

you saw how the Lord your God bare thee

as a man that bear his son and all the

way that you went he went before you to

search out a place for you to pitch your

tents he gave you a fire by night to

show you the way he gave you a cloud by

day that you’re still not believed did

not believe the Lord your God the Lord

heard the voice of your words and he was

Roth saying I tell you not one of these

evil men or doubters shall see the good

of the land except Caleb

he said God led us to Kadesh Barnea and

he said there he tried us

he said you saw the land and God said go

in they should have moved instantly on

the Word of God the promise of God God

said I’m gonna fight for you I’m gonna

go before you I’m gonna send Hornets

before you and chase them I’m gonna

chase them like bees I’m just going to

chase them and you’re going to many of

these values that’s going to stand still

and see the salvation of the Lord

go Moses and the elders decided to send

spies into the land now folks here’s the

lesson and learn it well you see when we

don’t act immediately on God’s Word if

we don’t stand and act on God’s Word and

allowed that to chase the

some fears from our life and move on

that word this word is given God means

what he said he doesn’t want to have to

repeat it over and over again he gives

it and says I expect you to believe it

and stand on that word they should have

gone on they would have marched into the

promised land they would have victory

after victory and God would have would

have undertaken for every one of their

crisis he would have seen them through

he was determined to to bless them he

said go but you see when you don’t act

on God’s promises and when will you you

toy with and say did God really speak

did God really say that can i really

trust my life to that promise so they

send the spies and remember whether

they’re the enemy Satan himself

possessed inhabited ten of those men and

he brought them back as Liars as

instruments of lies from the devil

himself they came back to report their

giants that cities are walled up to

heaven now that’s the biggest lie you

ever heard walled up to heaven and now

they have opened themselves to the lies

of the enemy because they did not take

God at His Word they didn’t move when

God said move they did act on his

promises and now here they are weeping

about their children we think about

we’re going to be in poverty our

children are going to starve in this

wilderness God you brought us here

because you hate us you hate us how do

you get from this point where they’re

ready to go the armies are prepared they

have honed their skills they’re ready to

go into the Promised Land God’s about to

open everything he’s ever promised to

them after showing them so many miracles

and now because they won’t act on God’s

promise they truly don’t believe what

God said and now they’ve opened

themselves to lies and now they’re

weeping in their tents they’re murmuring

they’re complaining and they’re looking

up to the sky shaking a fist God you

hate me

you’ve left estará oh they’re doubting

their call they’re doubting their the

anointed people they doubt that they’re

special in the eyes of God and somehow

they say to one another is God with us


in other words God at what point did you

forsake us

we’ve done our best they hadn’t done

their best

they didn’t believe God’s Word they did

stand on the Word of God and here they

are now the camp is in total confusion

when did the devil start lying to you

how many of these lies Out of Hell have

come against you that you’re not going

to make it that you’re not good enough

with God is mad at you for your past

sins and really hasn’t forgiven you how

is it that you can stand by and you you

know that God has called you to a life

of peace and rest in the Holy Ghost he’s

made you promises I’ll never leave you

I’ll never forsake you he’s made you

promise that he’s merciful more willing

to forgive than you are to confess he

said I’ll never leave you I’ll never

forsake what happened when did you stop

believing the lies that God’s going to

fail you in your crisis when did did

that come to you because somewhere along

the line you did not take God at His

Word somewhere you did not act he said

to them fear not neither be discouraged

but you see they struggled they

staggered at God’s promises God had said

no enemy will be able to stand before

you but the Bible said they would not go

up but rebelled against the commandment

of the Lord

now Kadesh Barnea is the place God

brings all his children it’s the this is

the place of ultimate testing of faith

the root word means fugitive vagabond or

Wonder because you see if you make the

wrong choice I could eat one day you’re

going to be a future

they’re going to be running and

wandering through a wilderness the rest

of your life and how you react your

Kadesh Barnea is a test an ultimate test

you come up to many tests you can look

back over your life you can see so many

deliverances that God brought you

through look back now and try to count

the times that you thought that you were

going down and here you sit in this

auditorium today you look back with

mercy and grace of God that’s been

poured upon you you could say God has

never failed me it was hard at times I

thought I’d never make it but God

somehow someway he made a way

there were times my finances look so bad

there were times I thought I was I was

going to go bankrupt there were times I

thought our family would be broken up I

thought my children would never hear the

voice of God and looking back oh I look

back at all the hell that I experienced

in time looked back at so many times God

in His mercy reached down and picked me

up and I stand here now in the grace of

God if you were here by the grace of God

but there comes a altima testing time in

our lives when we face the faced with

the battle so intense so beyond anything

we’ve known in history and the Lord is

trying to break us through to a place

where we’ll never doubt him again he’s

trying to produce in us a kind of faith

that is pure gold what you see without

it you can’t please him he can’t please

him just by doing work you can’t please

him by

Bible reading can’t please him just by

intense prayer you can do all of that

and still not please him because you’ve

done it in unbelief you can pray and

still not believe in God answers them

but he says without faith you cannot

please him

when the Lord brings them Kadosh bonier

and they have to make a decision they

move on and live by faith they have to

absolutely put their hands in the hands

of God because yes there are enemies yes

there are walls yes there are giants

they’re things ahead of them that look

impossible yet God says folks I cannot

understand why God has objected his

miracle-working power to human faith I

will never be able to understand that

that God has limited his miracle-working

power in the hands of our faith because

you see it jesus said in his own

country’s own place he could do no

miracles there because of their unbelief

he said I can’t work unbelief paralyzes

God and if you’re facing a battle now

you’re facing a crisis in your life I

don’t care if its financial marital

on-the-job I don’t care if it’s about

your children I don’t care what it is

whatever the issue is not if you’re

harder in life if there’s unbelief God

is paralyzed in working it out for you

absolutely paralyzed it so I cannot do

any work because of your unbelief is God

still with us they said and what they’re

really saying to God you’re with us we

still wouldn’t be in this crisis this

one’s impossible this is a hopeless

situation that I’m in but folks if it’s

impossible my Bible said he’s the god of

the impossible he said nothing is

impossible with him you can’t name me

anything that is impossible with God I

don’t care what you’re up against I have

to stand up God’s word nothing that you

and I are going through it’s impossible

for God to work out don’t tell him how

to do it

let me put my finger on the root cause

of Israel’s unbelief to say a root cause

today God’s spoken word is already

revealed word was not enough for them

they heard it and then immediately

forgot it because it was not mixed with

faith and you see the word that we

received from this pulpit or any pulpit

where the true Word of God has gone

forth if you don’t immediately mix it

with faith and have the holy ghost

imprinted on your mind and say I will

not forget this I’m going to make this a

part of the fiber of my life and God

will speak but you see every word that

God has spoken they’re in a crisis now

it cannot smell any and they’re about to

go over but they have forgotten every

promise God made they have they have

removed from their mind all the miracles

and all the remembrances of that which

God had done in the past and here they

stand in their crisis and they had not

laid hold of a single promise I’m asking

you when you hear preaching from this

pulpit do you lay hold of it do you let

it take as a seed take root in your

heart so Oh God water this with your

spirit let it take roots so that when I

am in a crisis I have the word that I

need but you see was useless it was not

mixed with faith see they wanted a new

word they wanted a fresh revelation God

are you with us or not

in other words Lord I really have to

hear from you now

I have to have a word and folks the word

that came through the lips of Moses God

said tell him I am the Lord your God and

I will fight for you but that was not a

new revelation it was not a new word God

says I’m going to remind you I’ve

already gave you everything you need to

see you through I told you you it was in

Exodus 14 14 they were told

long before the Lord shall fight for you

you shall hold your peace in Egypt you

told I will go before you I will fight

for you I will dwell among you do to run

322 you shall not fear for the Lord your

God he shall fight for you over and

again he said I’m with you I’ll fight

for you out I want you totally hold of

this promise but here they are trembling

before their enemies and saying is God

with us or not

is that what you’re saying now are you

saying Lord I know that you said that

you’d not let us bear it anymore

you’ll not allow any difficulty or lives

more than we’re able to bear but Lord

I’ve reached the point where I cannot

bear I’ve passed that point and you’re

not there yet I don’t see any evidence

of you undertaking from my crises well

you said you wouldn’t allow me to bear

more than I’m able but this is more than

I’m able to bear I’m past the crisis

point right now I’m in a place where I

wonder if you hear my prayers I wonder

if you’re with me are you among us or

not if you’re – why aren’t you working

if you’re fighting for me where is the


and until you it happened in referendum

when they took God led them right into

the – the driest portion of the whole

wilderness the driest spot no water in

sight in it revered him that’s where the

children were crying and God brought

them to the point of agony absolute

agony yes they were thirsty they they

were at the point of total thirst

children crying in their their murmuring

and their complaining and everybody said

well we’re just human no but you see God

had a mate God had made them a promise

and God was waiting for them to stand on

the word and say well back here God met

me and remember at this point he met

this and over here let’s fall underneath

raise our hands to God and let’s cry out

to him he’ll answer

God will send water if it’s rain from

heaven and now their trembled before

their enemies and God had told them the

dread of you is going to fall upon all

the nations wherever you trod there

you’re going to be a feared people here

they are instead trembling before their

enemies do you tread did you dread and

tremble before your enemy when we had

that many speeding sin God has made you

so many promises that he will deliver

you I I like what David said I will fear

no evil I will fear no evil when I draw

thy staff and cover me you see the devil

wants you to tremble before him and this

is what God despised that he seized his

people trembling before his enemy he’s

our enemy and God had made them every

promise to sustain them that no enemy

could touch them and folks exactly what

God has said to you I’ll never leave you

I’ll never forsake you

I’m more willing forgiving you are to

confess and if you cannot lay hold of

those promises you dis tremble before

the enemy and the only way out is not by

trying to promise God to do better it’s

not gritting your teeth saying somehow

yes God does sanctify our will the Holy

Ghost comes and gives us the mind of

Christ he does empower us but he wants

more than anything else that you walk in

the faith of his promise the Covenant of

God all the covenants work only through

faith no other way to bring the Covenant

into full fruition in our hearts you

want to go

I believed in unbelief in the New

Testament is a greater sin than unbelief

in the Old Testament it’s a greater sin

and he did not many miracles there

because of their unbelief Matthew 13 57

now you think about that for a minute

this is the New Testament and this is

how dangerous it is he said because of

unbelief they I could not I would not I

could not do anything in their midst

the scripture says under the New

Testament that his own disciples

couldn’t cast the demons out of a little

child and the Lord said because of your

unbelief in fact in the New Testament

Jesus was absolutely shocked at the

unbelief of his own disciples the Bible

said he upbraided in other words in

plain English he disgraced them for

their unbelief in fact the Jews because

of the unbelief scripture says in the

New Testament broken-off of the vine

folks we have something that the Old

Testament Saints could only dream about

they could only dream about the

communion that is possible that we we

now experience you see in the in the Old

Testament the Holy Spirit occasionally

moved upon the you’ll read and the

Spirit of God moved here the Spirit of

God moved here but you see the Holy

Spirit had not been not poured yet and

we live now in the time of the outport

Holy Spirit you see when they worse if

they had to go to the temple but you see

today God has made us the temple this

body is the temple the Holy Ghost they

had to go to the temple now God comes

here to his temple the Holy Ghost

divides he has given us he has given us

his own son to bear our burdens to carry

us like a father does his child he is in

dudas with the Holy Ghost and we have

all of these privileges and promises

that the people could only look about in

the Old Testament only dream about and

we live in this glory and still we got

him they could only dream of what you

and I enjoy now you see

we have a Christ that’s available any

hour of the day or the night 24 hours a

day a whole lifetime you can call on the

name of the Lord and you can hear his

voice my sheep know my voice and they

hear when I call we have this privilege

and we walk stone deaf in spite of it

all in time of extreme testing we doubt

Jesus said shall God not avenge his own

elect which cried day and night to him

though he bear long with them I tell you

that he will avenge them speedily

nevertheless when the Son of man cometh

shall he find faith on the earth

I’m going to come back to that that the

close of my message and that has to do

with the experience I had last night on

42nd Street when I went back after 16

years where God called me to raise up

this church and went back last night to

have a timeout we’ll have some time with

God reminisce with God and heaven

speaking the word to my heart and I’ll

tell you it has to do with his when he

returns he says am I going to find any

faith let me tell you the consequences

of unbelief all that generation

Deuteronomy – 14 – 16 all that

generation wasted away the hand of the

Lord was against them to destroy them

and folks these are strong words these

are strong words the hand of God was

against them his his own people his hand

was against them and he said not one of

you not one of you going to enter in to

the promise that I made to the rest see

the promised land is the life of rest

and peace and trust in God and life

without fear you see

grace in the New Testament the Bible

says there remains arrest and some must

enter in you know when I read that this

week some must enter in to know God if

some are going to enter in by great I’m

going to be one of those that enter into

that rest some have to that’s a command

God says some are going to enter into

that rest they’re going to get the word

that they’re going to end that are in

you see unbelief defiles every area of

our life now we have faith in many areas

of our life we have faith that God is

truly God we believe that the Holy

Spirit is on earth and he’s at work he

that he’s a comforter we believe that

we’re saved by grace we believe it’s

possibly sanctified by the Holy Ghost we

believe so many things we believe

there’s a heaven we believe there’s the

hell we believe in so many Arizona would

tell you if you have if we have in one

area of our life we’re doubting him

seriously in one area of our life that

spills over it’s like a concert that

defiles every issue that pours out of

our heart all the issues of life right

of our heart and if there is one area in

our life you’re safe for example your

children are not serving God and and you

believe for every other air but in this

one your heart is sunken you’ve almost

given up on that that area can defile

every other source of faith in every

issue in our lives

God’s Reed have been dealing with me

that God says what you want to fate

you’re going to trust me everything in

your life your finances your job your

career your marriage your relationships

everything if you’re going to have rest

you’re gonna have to have it in every

area of your life you can’t rest in one

area and be agitated in another area you

can’t be mad at somebody you can’t hold

a grudge against somebody expect peace

here though you trust him in every other

area of your life you don’t trust him

for forgiveness and reconciliation

and he says to them as for you turn you

and take your journey back into the


I’m not among you and you see the the

sin of unbelief leads to the sin of

presumption presumption is to act on

your own as if you know everything is

okay in other words it’s just arrogance

it says I know the same and so they come

to to Moses and they said oK we’ve

sinned they really didn’t repent if

they’ve repented they would have

received God’s Word to go back and learn

their lesson in the wilderness but they

said no no we have we’ve got this

figured out now and we should have gone

but we missed it now we’re going to go

and so they in their own skill own power

their own abilities they organized

captains and they organized a small army

and they head up the hill to the mobile

and Moses said you could go but you’re

not taking the ark the ark stays right

here in the camp God’s not going with

you you go you’re going alone you see

will give God time will say well Lord

it’s past the deadline now you you

didn’t answer so I’m going to do

something about this and so we take it

in our own hands it’s presumption it’s

arrogance and say well well I have to

get a hold of this or I’m going to

bankrupt I have to I have to do

something now all you have to do is pray

and believe that God hears you it open

your heart and your ears for his

direction and say trust live or die I’m

the Lord’s if I go into the furnace I go

into the furnace he can deliver me but

if not I’m going to die in the furnace

I’m going into lion’s den God can shut

their mouths but if I’m meat for the

Lions I’m going to be resurrected and

I’m going to be with God and glory we

have to come to the place we don’t even

fear death we don’t even fear the

spoiling of our goods we say God is in

control of our lives


they go up in the bow it said them all

by its takes them like bees chase them

like bees and you see Christians being

chased like bees all over the world

today because they’re doing it their way

they’re no longer trusting God

you see God didn’t meet them on their

schedule they said well this is getting

too too too serious I’m gonna make

something happen oh man have I gotten in

trouble over the years for making things

happen God where are you I can’t wait

any longer I love you God but I have to

do something now you’re going to end up

in a wilderness have you ever seen these

people that that have a measure of

religion a lot of believers who even

come to church and the sing the songs

and so forth but you see they have no

faith and what happens then they’re they

they go back into this wilderness and

all they do is murmur and complain all

their life I mean they murmur about

their kids and all they talk about are

their problems and troubles and their

real problems and real troubles because

there’s no faith and if you want to walk

that way folks it’s going to be it’s

going to be your lifetime the rest of

your life and what happens then you lose

your history what happens to these

children when they go into the Promised


and the grandchildren of these who died

in the wilderness the parents children

say what about grandad what about

grandma where are they what happened you

see the Bible says we we live as a tale

that is told if you see there’s a book

being written here in the wilderness and

you know what the book is titled would

be they all died in unbelief and there’s

no history now they die and what what

what are you going to say what are the

parent whether the children going to say

well well for 38 years all I heard was

my granddad murmur and complain and

think that God wasn’t with him and and


didn’t accomplish anything there’s no

testimony there’s nothing there there’s

nothing I can show there’s no history

there’s nothing it’s all gone

that’s the dread of unbelief cut your

history off immediately and then all you

have is that wasted life where the rest

of your life you murmur your complain

and you doubt there is no joy it’s all

gone and you wait to die I have a lot

more there but I want to just get it out

of my heart God’s been dealing with me

for a month on this issue because I’m

I’m finding if I go to preach the

preachers and and and I can talk to them

about brokenness and I can talk to

pastors about sin

and all of these things but folks if

there’s unbelief nothing else works this

issue has to be dealt with first am I

gonna trust God with my life I went down

to 42nd Street last night

Gwen’s down to Dallas visiting their

grandchildren for a week and be home

tomorrow but I was alone so I went down

last night to 42nd Street between 7:00

and 8:00 that’s when it’s most crowded

the shows all the show people are coming

in racing to their shows I went to the

spot where 16 years ago I stood weeping

where they were selling crack cocaine

and they were advertising death I got

the good stuff that’ll kill you and I

remember weeping there and God said

raise up a church right here in Times

Square I went back that spot Ford

theaters there now and there steps and

so I’m going up the steps and just sat

there and I watched the multitude now

it’s been estimated probably on 42nd

Street in in a rush time doing the show

time could be probably a quarter million

people go past there and I just set


look at these people running by and I

heard the Holy Spirit whispered they

have no God there are no believers but a

few in fact the few believers there saw

me and came up and said hi pastor what

are you doing here

I said I’m praying and I was praying and

weeping and you see they have no God

except sports they have the god of

pleasure success and money but they have

no God they have those false gods are on

all this mass going by and I’m thinking

they say there could be a quarter

million and and they’re not all here

some of them are all the way up Broadway

so I’m probably seeing 150 thousand

people here in in an hour

going by with no God except in name only

know so few submitted racing and there’s

no joy they look like they’re going to

the guillotine I mean they they look

like they’re going to a prison and just

racing and I thought no they’re me six

hundred thousand men that came out of

Israel and I said I’d have to stay here

half the night to see them pass by by

the thousands here’s maybe 150 thousand

passing by and it was such a mass you

have to walk out on the road the whole

place is filled in fact I had to fight

my way through to get to the Ford

theater from 42nd Street just to get to

the theater and I’m thinking I had I’d

have to wait here for hours before

600,000 men would pass me all going into

the desert all full of unbelief it has

struck me the Holy Spirit was teaching

me said you would have to see and he hid

in the Bible says oh they too

now can you imagine that multitude going

by him only two men get into the

Promised Land

Joshua Kaylin and over six hundred

thousand fighting men all died before

the time died in despair because of what

unbelief I believe I think of Jesus

I said no God how do you reach them is

there anything we have not done yet is

there some way the times where church

there’s some way I’ve been here 16 years

as part of the church and been here 40

years actually with Teen Challenge and

going back to the beginning of Teen

Challenge and look at the masses and

Jesus did you remember when I wept over

Jerusalem is that all Jerusalem Jews and

they’ve come from all of the world the

masses were in the streets and he went

out and he he had advantage points it’s

like I’m sitting there two vantage

points and he’s looking these we don’t

know if you’d only knew I wanted to

gather you as a mother hand under my

wings as the mother hen gathers her

chicks but you would not you would not

you see these people that are marching

by they have the gospel and Internet

they hear hear it on television they

hear it on all these different places

they they they have a testimony right

here they walk right by it

here on Broadway I say some people

passing out tracts and nobody wants them

I sold the Jews down there I said the

Jews passing out their literature nobody

wanted it and they’re all going here and

I began to see the value in God’s eyes

of a single believer the one who has

faith one man one woman who has absolute

faith in him I was I’d look across the

street and there there’s a great big

billboard and it’s it’s a new music

video network that’s being it’s called

fuse if USC is it’s good it’s an evil

music video outlet there’s a picture of

Tammy Bakker all dressed up and dragged

and it says I saw the light and it was a

TV with music videos and under it says

Tammy it’s number one for fuse Tammy’s

number three for drag queens

and I’m like it’s that’s way go down

you’re sitting up there way on top of

Broadway and to see what unbelief does

to see how far below and see a man can

go when a woman when there’s unbelief

when there’s no trust in God and I I

pictured sitting there the Lord saying

it’s near time he’s about to come and so

the searcher of all men’s hearts starts

searching for those that are trusting

him and he goes to the football stadiums

all over this country football state

hundreds of thousands every Sunday and

he can’t find anything and then I see

him going into Washington DC in to the

Congress and into all of the legislative

bodies all over the United States and he

can’t see any faith at all he sees or

those trying to push him out of this

society not even want to mention his

name they want to absolutely take God

out I see him

searching in every college campus he

can’t find any faith here one here

another and I see him searching football

stadiums I see him in hockey arenas I

see him at basketball courts and all the

venues all over the United States he’s

looking he’s searching where are those

are going to believe me I I came to die

for you I came and gave my life where is

anybody that believes me

the trust in me give their life to me

and he can’t find them and I hear an

angel say go to your church it so he

goes to the modern church and he looks

everywhere and they don’t even believe

in his birth as God they’d believe don’t

believe in a virgin birth there is no

faith there’s nothing but death and he

searches these cathedrals and he

searches the city and he specially

searches New York and he goes the search

took men’s hearts he’ll have faith

to her faith do you believe he knows the

hearts but he’s looking searching and

then he comes to his own people and

remember the scripture said he came to

his own in his own accepted him not he

came to his own people and they did

believe in him and I began to feel the

grief of God’s heart because he comes

into his church he comes into his own

body to his own family to his own

children and he sees despair he sees

fear he sees so few that believe and

trust everything in their life to him

and the Lord spoke to my heart he said

I’m not grieved by this they’ve made

their choice they’re children of the

devil but I am grieved because I have so

few so few to trust me to him and the

search of men’s heart is here today and

I hear that ringing in my heart and I’m

sitting there it’s an old God surely up

a few blocks on 50th Street and Broadway

right next to the most wicked show and

Broadway right here and down here taboo

that’s Boy George it’s all drag it’s all

homosexual and you see him lying duck

trying to get in there you see families

lined up and you see people lined up to

see these shows and you say all that

must grieve the heart of God not nearly

as much as what he feels in his heart

when he comes to his own house he comes

to his shepherds he comes to me he comes

to all of us and he says do you trust me

when I come am I going to have am I

going to find any faith and faith will

not take matters in its own hands faith

will wait on God faith will stand still

and see the salvation of the Lord

we just and the Lord forgive my unbelief

forgive my unbelief Oh God how you hate

this sin oh Jesus you’re merciful you’re

so loving but there comes a time you’re

going to have to turn this over to some

wilderness experience

you still love us you will still provide

bit Lord there will not be intimacy

there’ll be that nearness of God and we

were murmuring we will complain Oh God

forgive us Lord let this be a church

that believes fully and completely in

your faithfulness in a time of need even

in the time of death Oh God in these

last days when men’s hearts you’re going

to be failing them for fear and even now

it’s happening folks like tell you

something look this way just a minute I

stood over the balcony the street

balcony of the Ford theater last night

there’s no God number of years ago I

stood here and you showed me a vision of

a thousand fires burning in this city

and you showed me 42nd Street all the

blaze horses these horses and gunshots

and young people running over the cars

and upsetting cars and setting things on


Oh God have I been misled did is

something in me that just it was that

personal was that

flesh and all Spirit of God came on me

so strong no David every word he said

I’ve been patient and long-suffering

I’ve even tried to bring a government

that would have some sense some blitz of

righteousness because of my mercy but

the time is coming and I believe I’m

going to live to see I don’t want to

live to see that day but I believe I’m

in when all of this comes to pass these

things gonna happen folks you’re gonna

need to have faith you’re gonna have to

trust God

you just got he’ll see us through he

will not fail us God is faithful do you

believe that how is it that these that

the Apostle ministered to Nepal so could

see you took joyfully the spoiling of

your good you were chased and you were

harassed but God has never failed he

will not fail you he’s going to keep his

children in the hollow of his hand

you’re not going to starve your children

are not going to be given over to the

enemy God’s going to see you through I

know that I stopped this birth for one

reason because I believe that there are

a number hearing me now and and I base

this partly on the response I got when I

announced my subject the Lord will fight

for you that many of you are facing that

ultimate test God brought you to this

place you’re at Kadesh Barnea right now

the Lord has brought you to this place

everything that’s happening your life

God has had a hand in that he’s allowed

it he’s going to see how you react now

how do you react

will there be from this moment on after

what you heard still some murmuring and

complaining and saying God why did you

let it happen or why you letting this

happen and oh god what do I do now

folks you just rest in him you come into

his rest and die to self die to your own

will to say Lord everything I give and I

put it in your hands live or die I’m

Yours Oh God answer the cry of your

heart no I’m not asking you to answer

the cry of my heart I’m asking it to

answer the cry of your heart Lord

there’s grief in your heart when you see

your children so downcast when you hear

God said I heard your words you were in

your tent or you were in your house and

I heard what you were saying I hear how

you talk to your husband how you talk to

your wife you talk as though I’ve

forsaken you talk as though there’s no

God you talk as though I’m beating you

down when I’m simply trying to get you

to love me and trust me God help us to

see how much we’re loved you love your

children you’re not mad at us you’re

trying to bring us to a place where we

are able to withstand the storms and the

trials that come our way because we have

a history with you that you have

answered prayer because we have believed

you and we’ve trusted you God can we

have parents that put their children in

your hands now can we have people Lord

in this house hearing me they can put

their career their job their business

everything in your hands their family

their marriage and their own health

their own health and not be afraid would

you raise your hands everyone in the

annex overflow room and this will raise

your hands and when you pray God forgive

my unbelief first that’s where they pray

it out loud in your own words Lord

forgive my unbelief God forgive my

unbelief folks pray it pray it from your

heart Lord I have doubted you

there’s area in my life that I’ve not

yet believed you in and I’m asking you

Lord to forgive me and pluck it out

pluck out the unbelief Oh God

I don’t want a desert I want to go into

the promised land

rest Lord you brought us out to take us

in you brought us out of sin to take us

into this rest some must enter in Lord

let us be that some God O God do it in

the annex right now ask him ask him to

forgive you and say God helped me to

trust you whatever it is put it in God’s

hand right now put it in God’s and more

I give it to you I put it in your hands

and I trust you Jesus now you can put

your hands down I’m going to give an

invitation about for just one segment

here you may be visiting us for the

first time here and in the annex

but I’m give you an invitation I’m not

going to give an INT a station for those

who knowledge unbelief everybody would

come but there’s some of you have walked

in here now you have to get to starting

point you’re not even at the starting

gate because you have slipped away from

the Lord

maybe you walked into you have never

really known Christ as Lord and Savior

in your life and he’s here the Holy

Spirit’s here now to change your life

it’d be a shame for you to walk out of

here without the capacity to believe and

you can’t have the capacity to believe

without the Holy Spirit and you have to

open your heart to the Holy Spirit the

Holy Spirit is hovering over everyone

hearing the sound of my voice and he’s

here right now to bring a miracle into

your life if the Holy Spirit’s been

talking to you now you may be bound

absolutely bound up especially I am

absolutely bound by fear and I’m just

about it could be a sin nobody needs to

know get out of your seat up in the

balcony go the stairs and steps on

either side and here may look just step

out of your seat and stand here in the

front we’ll pray with you buddy for a


marvelous thing about living in the New

Testament is that the Lord tore the veil

he’s given us access and we could come

at any time with our unbelief and lay it

in his feet we can come at any time

you’ll never turn this back you don’t

have to go into the wilderness you don’t

have to go the way the Israel in where

the true Israel were the Israel of the

Spirit the Israel of the New Jerusalem

and we are his children or how anxious

he is the moment he sees you take a move

toward him that move is not just walking

down the odds a move you take in your

heart it’s an attitude say Lord Jesus I

have to have help I’m asking the Holy

Ghost to come and instill faith in my

heart I’m not capable of it unless on my

own I have to have the Holy Spirit to

come and provide the very faith of Jesus

Christ himself and he does just that

that’s a wonderful prayer to pray and

it’s music to his ears that you want to

believe that you want his heart and you

don’t want to grieve him with the

unbelief you don’t want to tie his hands

God’s so faithful how many of you came

for believe God truly loves you he’s not

mad at you keep your hand right keep

your hand race and say it Lord Jesus I

know you love me you’re not mad at me

you’re not trying to chase me into

wilderness you’re trying to bring me to

your heart

Lord I don’t want to grieve you with

unbelief you said I can please you

through my faith I trust you to forgive

me and cleanse me of all my sins of all

my unbelief

I come to you as a child say Jesus I

need you I need you today

I need the Holy Spirit to comfort my

heart and to lead me and guide me I want

to be a person of faith that you’ll be

pleased with then you will smile when

you see my heart because you know like a

child trusting a father I trust you

because you are my father now let me

pray for your father I thank you for

your gracious love that’s being poured

out upon us right now we thank you for

this congregation Lord we’ve come this

far by faith but we’ve trusted you up to

this day

sometimes we faltered sometimes we

failed but you saw something in our

heart Lord that just held on tenaciously

and we say now Oh God

take us through this crisis take us

through Lord all the saints that are

here both men and women young people as

well that are going through a great

ultimate time of testing Lord let them

rest in the fact that you’re going to

bring them through to victory they’re

not going down they’re going to survive

but more than survived they will be

overcomers overcomers to give glory and

honor to Jesus hallelujah

thank you Jesus
