Bible Teacher Derek Prince Starts his Master Class on Curses: Cause and Cure. A series composed by 1 sermon divided into 3 parts each one. This part is: Curses: Cause and Cure – Part C – Curses that are the Product of Satanic Influence


I’m on the close with

the last kind of curse curses that are

the product of satanic influence notice

up to this time they haven’t been

and I want to look at two kinds of

curses that we may have to


the first is what I call emotional

reviling where people get mad at us

and start curses

that probably happens quite frequently

in the United States but it’s very very

common in the Middle East

I could give you the standard Arab

Arabic curses because living in an Arab

Village I got to know them they usually

Center on cursing the person’s father

and there you’ll hear any little Arab


repeating the the Arabs are the people

who curse as a matter of fact

I remember

just about the time the state of Israel

was coming into being

Lydia was walking through the streets of

Jerusalem and at that time

many Arab many Jewish people spoke

Arabic rather than Hebrew

but in order to be patriotic

they had now decided they were going to

give up talking Arabic and speak Hebrew

so Lydia was going on the street and she

had two Jewish men

arguing and cursing one another in


so she said to them in Arabic she said I

thought you were supposed not to speak

Arabic anymore one of the month it’s

good enough to curse in anyhow

well I I don’t want to be misunderstood

but Arabic is a language given to curse

a lot of things that one says the one

just picks up a curses if one doesn’t

know them

now dealing with what I call emotional

curses which are probably demonic in

other words there’s a demon behind that

I believe it’s important we understand

how to protect ourselves

and I think the protection consists in

immediately adopting the right attitude

let me look at three passages of


Romans 12

and verse 14.

bless those who persecute you bless and

curse not

I believe that basically we have to

overcome the negative by the positive

I think that’s summed up in the last

verse of that chapter do not be overcome

by evil

but overcome evil with good

really in such a situation you’re either

going to give way to evil or you’re

going to overcome it with good there’s

no third option

so when somebody curses you revolves you

you may not do it out loud but bless


take a positive attitude keep your own

Spirit clear

First Corinthians 4 12.

speaking about the apostles

Paul says we toil working with our own


when we are reviled we bless

when we are persecuted we endure

see basically you’ve got to do something

Jesus said when summer strikes in one

sheep turn the other the natural thing

is hit them back

the spiritual thing is turn the other

cheek but the big mistake is to deny


if you hit him back you’ve released it

if you turn the other cheek you’ve

released it if you just let it boil

inside you’ve started a problem

so don’t imagine that in such a

situation you can be neutral

you’re either going to be positive or


one other scripture all of them bring

out the same point first Peter 3


and we could go into the background but

it’s not necessary really not returning

evil for evil or insult for insult

but giving a blessing instead

for you were called for the very purpose

that you might inherit a blessing okay

so when we are cursed what do we do

bless that’s right

it may not change the attitude of the

person who’s cursing but it will ensure

our own spiritual


now the other kind of

of curse that’s satanic in origin is

comes from what I call the professional

and it’s planned

that is

the servant of Satan

and I don’t know whether you’re so naive

as not to know that this nation

and all our Western culture

is filled with professional Servants of


which is


fortune tellers


and so on now they are

they are serving Satan by choice

a lot of them serve Satan because they

think he’s the strongest person around

many many people do not realize that the

Lord is stronger than the devil

particularly in Africa I discovered in

dealing with African

they have been brought up to know the

power of the devil

and that’s in their background don’t go

to them and tell them there isn’t that

devil that’s silly

and in a crisis many many Africans even

if they’re born again Christian

will turn back to the devil for help

and mind you it’s not

without some basis and experience

because the devil does do things for


with limit

with strings attention

in the long run you’ll be sorry

but in the short run there are results



there are far more professional

practitioners of Satan

in Germany today

than there are Christian minister

and Germany is you know obviously very


cultivating Progressive Society by

materialistic standard

in fact much of Europe is absolutely

riddled with professional Servants of


I was hearing about

um one of the most successful


chains which I will not name

in a certain area in North Carolina

there is a there is a center for

training witches and I mean it’s not

secret it’s there I don’t want a name


the witches in training

went to this particular hamburger Outlet

and wanted their hamburgers

black on one side and Raw on the other

and they

people cooking them refused to do them

that way

so the witches

put a curse on the hamburger store it’s

out of business

it folded up

and yet every other part of the country

it’s success

don’t imagine that you’re not

encountering these things

at pretty close Compass because you are


a fellowship that’s very close to me

many of you know the name of the leader


deliberately infiltrated by the local

witch’s cup

they sent one of their top witches

to profess a desire to become a member

of the fellowship

to show interest in the things of God

and she was instructed to put curses on

the people in the fellowship

particularly the leaders and their

families and in particularly in the

realm of their help

and the leader himself who is one of the

most committed Christians I know nearly

died of a strange

unexpected internal problem

its wise developed

a malignancy

and his son was born two and a half

months premature now they are all doing


but believe me that was not unconnected

with that invasion

we are not dealing with Theory

if you’re walking around with your eyes

shut your alarm would have fallen into a


and then wonder how you got there

we are surrounded by enemies so if you

think this is new just take time to read

the Psalms of David sometime

and read the countless times he appeals

to God for help against his enemy and

you and I can Echo every one of those

prayers with appropriate application

will just as much surrounded by enemies

as David would


we’ll take

just one example the very outstanding

example of balam


was called

a soothsayer which is the old-fashioned

word he’s called a diviner in the modern


he had a reputation he had a large


Numbers 22

Israel has arrived on the borders of

their inheritance

and Moab is very

uneasy because of this tremendous influx

of people

and so they want to do something against


and they know they can’t defeat them by

Warfare so

they go to the occult

and um

to me I think it’s very September this

is the final obstacle that Israel had to

overcome before entering the Promised


and I think it’s no accident the final

obstacle was the occult

I think it’s probably true with us today

Numbers 22 verse 4 through 6.

Moab said to the Elders of Midian now

this horde will lick up all that is

around us this horde is Israel

as the ox licks up the grass of the

field and balak the son of Zippo was

king of Moab at that time

so he sent Messengers to bailand the son

of Bill a pathor which is near the river

that the Euphrates in the land of the

sons of his people

to call him to invite him saying beheld

the people came out of Egypt behold they

covered the surface of the land and they

are living opposite me

now therefore please come curse this

people for me since they are too Mighty

for me

perhaps I may be able to defeat them and

drive them out of the land for I know

that he whom you bless is blessed and he

who mucus is cursed that was his


it worked


I don’t want to go into the details of

that you can read it for yourself let me

just say that none of this has gone out

of date

one of my African students is a

committed Christian in fact he’s the one

that’s referred to in my book shaping


Wilson mamboleo told me this story


in his Village Way Back In The Hills

what called the kissy Hills

two families in the village quarreled

and so they did what was natural one of

them went to the local witch doctor and

said put a hex on that other family

and they gave him a goat or whatever it

was they had to pay

and the witch doctor he must have been a

very acute psychologist he said all


at midnight on a certain night a jackal

will cry in the village

and then the son of this family will die

well believe me when midnight came that

family was cowering in Terror in there a

jackal cried

and the child died

probably a pure fright

but I mean that’s the way it works

pay me

I’ll curse your enemy

that’s that’s it this is goes back to

here what’s that 3500 years ago there is

something that’s gone on through human

history and it’s more active today

perhaps than at any previous time in

human history like all the spiritual

force is good and evil now

I want to turn it closed this morning

by speaking about forms that curses take

and the great standard example

is found in Deuteronomy chapter 28.

the first 14 verses are blessings

and the remaining

approximately 50

4 verses

are curses

by the time you’ve read that chapter

can’t believe you have a good picture of

which are blessings and which are curses

it’s important because I believe a lot

of Christians are enduring curses when

they should be enjoying blessings and

they don’t even know that what they have

is a curse and not a blessing

now what is the great basic reason for

curses and blessings they’re given in

this chapter very clearly

Deuteronomy 28

beginning of verse 1 opening up the


and I have to say that both the NIV and

the nasb unfortunately

take or use a rather unsatisfactory


the King James is better and the nasb

which I’m reading is right in the margin

now it shall be if you will diligently

listen to the voice of the Lord your God

and be careful to do all his command

so what’s the source of all blessing

listening to the voice of the Lord and

doing what he says all blessings

ultimately go back to that Original Soul

what’s the source of all the curses very


verse 15.

but it shall come about if you will not

listen to the voice of the Lord your God


curse it curse it curse it curse it

so the basic issues are very very simple

listening and doing brings blessing

failing to listen

brings curses

after all if you don’t listen you can’t

do because you won’t know what to do

so that’s the starting point

and it’s like a watershed

you know what a watershed in I

discovered when somebody took me to the


in Colorado years ago they pointed out

Westwood and they said that’s the

Watershed the Continental Divide of the

United States

and I

built a picture in my mind what happened

to two little drops of rain that fell

two inches apart

one on the east and one on the west

and although they were only two inches

apart when they fell

their Destinies were thousands of miles


because they were on opposite sides on

the Watershed the Continental about one

within the Gulf of Mexico the other in

the Pacific Ocean


how you and I

determine our destiny

you may be sitting a few inches away

from the person next to you

and yet you may be on opposite sides of

the Continental Divide

that will determine your destiny

what is the Continental Divine if thou

will diligently listen to the voice of

the Lord

that’s it

some listen

some don’t

which are you


if you go through that

list of blessings and curses it’ll take

you a long while it’s worth doing

I’m going to read you a summation of


a summation of the blessings and a

summation of the curses which will only

take a minute or two

the following

is my summary of the blessings in verses

1 through 40.

exaltation exaltation being lifted up





and God’s favor

and read them again exaltation





in God’s favor

and I mean I invite you to check for

yourself I think you would do well to

see if you agree with my summation


on the other side

this is the curses


mental and physical sickness

family breakdown





and God’s disfavor I read them once more


mental and physical sickness

family breakdown





and God’s disfavor

in closing

I will also list



evidences of a curse which I have

discovered by personal experience this

is a subjective list

it’s based merely

on what I’ve discovered through dealing

with people

it isn’t theology

it’s experience

however if your theology doesn’t work in

experience you better do something about


and I have six

number one mental and emotional


and we’re thinking mainly now in terms

of family though it’s not excluding


but I’m thinking in terms of if within

your knowledge of your family’s

background and history there are several

examples of any of these things

number two

repeated or chronic sicknesses

especially without clear medical


number three repeated miscarriages or

related female problem

number four breakdown of marriage and

family alienation which really go


but it’s more than just husband and wife

being divorced there’s bad relationships

between parents and children between

brothers and sisters and so on

number five continuing Financial


especially where the income appears


that’s a remarkable thing but I’ve dealt

with many people

according to all the figures they should

be able to make it

but they never quite did

there was a member of my family who’s

with the Lord no I don’t want the name

but it’s very Vivid he died and great

suffering very boldly bravely endured

but about a week before he died

there appeared at the foot of his bed an

old man in rank

and just stood there

and I remember him saying I had to tell

him to go several times

before he disappeared

and I didn’t hesitate and I knew

immediately that was poverty

and looking back although at many times

he made

absolutely sufficient for the needs of

himself and his family they never really

ever had enough

it was so vivid to me I mean he was so

mad or a fact about it he was far from

being out of his mind or he was very

very sober

and I often think when I hear people’s

stories there’s that old man in rags

somewhere in the old magma

and then the sixth I mentioned already

being accident from

that was true of the same member of my

family he had an incredible history

of improbable accident

in fact although he’s a very he was an

expert motor mechanic he gave up driving

his car

and let his wife drive him

I mean there’s something so vivid to me

I could speak about that one situation

for half an hour without running out of


his mother was a spiritist


he never really forgave her

that’s if ever there’s a lesson in my

life about making sure your attitude to

your parents is right that’s it

I’ll read them again and then we’ll

close for this morning now I apologize

for the Len ending on a negative note

all right number one mental and

emotional breakdown

number two repeated or chronic

sicknesses especially without clear

medical diagnosis

number three repeated miscarriages or

related female problem


black women that have real problems at

the times of their periods

number four breakdown of marriage family


number five continuing Financial

insufficiency especially where the

income appears sufficient the number six

being accident prone