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Ẩn bớt

welcome to give him 15

for january the 29th friday

thank you so much for joining me we

are going to make a difference right now

the title of our post and our prayer

time today

is a surprise is coming

in yesterday’s give him 15 post

which would be thursday the 28th of


i said like any good fighter

god sometimes allows the enemy to land a


just to set him up for a knockout punch

i assure you that regarding his strategy

for america

god is far ahead of satan

and now that the church is praying the


will be released

and moving on past yesterday’s quote

those who punch god don’t often factor

in the law of sowing and reaping

in genesis 15 16.

god tells abraham it will be 400 years

it’s a long time before the promise

he made in the 12th chapter materializes

because he said the iniquity of the

amorite is not yet complete

amazing though god knows the amorite’s

cup of iniquity will be full

in his justice he still will not give

the land

to abraham until that occurs

not only are there prayer bowls in


where intercession is stored until the

time is right to release its fruit

but iniquities are also measured

and stored by god

god does not render his judgments

regarding sin or corruption

when quote he feels like it

end quote or finally decides

to do so he releases them

at the absolute right time

he is guided by justice not emotion

and only he knows when the cup of

iniquity is full

rest assured however

the judge of all the earth

will always do right

when it seems that the wicked prosper

without consequence it is

often that they are being allowed to top


their cup of iniquity

yes god has waited for

certain evil forces on earth to fill

their iniquitous

cups they have done so

he will now move

you will begin to see two things


simultaneously the goodness

of god will be poured out on multiplied

millions of people

and the judgment of much wickedness

will take place breakthroughs for which

we have waited decades

will now occur

some of the judgment will involve


i believe the greatest upheaval in the

history of the u s

government will occur beginning this


and continuing for several more

i am not speaking of war with an

invading nation

or uprisings from within

i do not espouse any violent

overthrow of our government or

physical harm to individuals

i am referring to cleansing in the form

of removal from office

and positions of power as god

and the american people deal with the

iniquitous roots

that have tried to strangle our


roots ambition

lust for power greed

and a desire to transform america have


our political system

as i have stated before god

initiated the concept of government he

is government isaiah

33 22 tells us but he despises

the political spirit let me say that


god initiated the concept of government

but he despises the political spirit

let me just insert this you should begin

making a distinction when you speak of


and government because they’re different

politics is the process

government is what god initiated so

one more time god initiated the concept

of government

but he despises the political spirit

it divides compromises

oppresses and controls people

in america enemies of christ have


with spirits of baal and jezebel

which involves a lust

for wealth power and perversion

leviathan who is all about deception and

twisting communication

and witchcraft mind control

to spin a three-fold web now i want to

say that again

because i’m doing a little teaching in

this paragraph

in america enemies of christ have

partnered with spirits

of baal and jezebel lust for power

wealth and perversion leviathan

deception and twisting communication

and witchcraft mind control

together they have spun a three-fold web

government education and media

have now trapped our nation in a web of


secularism and pluralism

i may say those again and define them

for you

humanism says man is the center not god

secularism says god must be removed from

all public

life and pluralism says

many gods there are many gods or many

ways to god

pardon me so government

education and media

have now trapped our nation in a web of


secularism and pluralism

this unholy trinity is entrenched

its roots are now deep in a generation

of brainwashed

americans and there is no

human remedy

these spirits believe they have won

like the celebrative screeching of the

hordes of hell

for three days after the cross

they are excited thinking

they have killed god and

christianity in america

but an ominous thunder is about to be


a terrifying earthquake

felt and the horrifying

grating of stone on stone

as the entrance to a tomb

is rolled back and

celebrative screeches are about to


terrified screams

the king is rising

another generation is about to


his omniscience omnipresence

and omnipotence love

and justice will be seen simultaneously

with love taking the lead

even god’s judgment of evil can be


by his mercy and love when there is


just ask nineveh but to those who repent

and those who don’t god’s all-consuming

fire is coming it will melt

hearts and destroy

demonic webs people

will be enlightened freed

delivered and reborn

others will perish

governments will change nations

will be transformed

when looking at america’s giants

what many fail to factor in

is this coming revival

and the appeal

don’t forget the appeal to heaven

it has been rediscovered

and it still works our prayers

will now release heaven’s greatest

earthly campaign

let me say it again our prayers

will now release heaven’s

greatest earthly campaign

and when god’s spirit is poured out

he can do in a day what human methods

can’t in decades

he not ideas

innovative thinking great preaching

and certainly not religion he

will save us so

take heart intercessors

be encouraged disheartened americans

phase one is complete

phase two now begins

and we’ll talk about that tomorrow

psalms nine verse ten says may everyone

who knows your mercy

keep putting their trust in you for they

can count on you for help

no matter what oh lord

you will never no never

neglect those who come to you

and let’s pray this prayer together

father in both your justice and your


you are patient and long-suffering

we thank you for this as you wait for

cups of iniquity to fill

you are always working to bring people

to repentance

your mercy is greater

than your judgment you are saying

bowls have been filled and are about to

be poured out

bowls of iniquity bowls of prayer

we ask for this

forgive and redeem all who

who will receive your love

while you remove iniquitous roots from


and other nations

like you we take no pleasure

in the judgment of the wicked yet we


at times you must do so

so please release your

fire fire to consume

sin and fire to cleanse

we place ourselves on your altar

of cleansing also we place ourselves


on your altar of cleansing also

fill us with your spirit send a fresh

pentecost turn america around

you have promised this and you have

begun the process

now let things intensify

conquer evil result restore

destiny heal that which is broken

and save millions

let those who have been negatively

impacted by the last 30 to 40 years

of humanistic ideologies be delivered in

a day

cause the scales to fall off their eyes

and the spirit of revelation

to enlighten them

deliver those in deception and bondage

awaken this nation to her true heritage

purpose and destiny

we know this is happening and we

thank you from the depths of our hearts

and we pray these things in christ’s


amen and our decree today

is this lord

the process of your victorious


has begun and your

gracious turnaround is coming

amen thank you so much for joining me

i will see you tomorrow