Listen as Dutch Sheets challenges us to pray, and passionately declares that God isn’t finished with President Trump’s assignment for America. He explains why our prayers are important and exposes the erroneous belief that “God will accomplish His purpose even if we don’t pray.” God’s will is not automatic; our prayers are critically important. Do NOT give up! Dutch also exhorts us to persevere as long as is necessary—the prize is worth the cost.

hello and welcome to today’s

version of give him 15. thank you

so much for joining me

the title of today friday january

15th today’s version is

justice is certain

a friend and leader on our election

prayer team david hurdle said the


on a recent conference call

there are many in our country who are

comparing what’s going on right now

to another period in our history

the civil war the level of division now

seems so like that time

i found an 1867 quote

from the new york times on a monument at

the gettysburg

battlefield he says it read

the contest touches everything

and leaves nothing as it found it

great rights great interests

great systems of habit and thought

disappear during its progress

it leaves us a different people

in everything end quote

this season is indeed changing america

though tumultuous now it will ultimately


to be good god is uprooting much

in yesterday’s post i mentioned genesis


16 where god told abraham

he was giving him the promised land

but not until the iniquity of the

amorites was full

as a just god yahweh had to wait

until their sin reached a certain level

before he could righteously make the


but at the appropriate time god did as

he promised

god has been waiting for the cup of

iniquity to fill

for some in our nation he is patient

merciful and long-suffering

and his willingness to honor this

process has given them

time to repent many

have refused to do so

instead they’ve mocked him

opposed his plans and conspired against


they call evil good and good

evil but they are about to hear

god’s horrifying laugh of derision

psalm 2 4. his terrible swift sword

will unleash its lightning and justice

will be served he will take no pleasure

in this

nor should we ezekiel 33 11

god’s grace and mercy is greater than

his anger

he personifies love

yet without repentance

reaping is an absolute galatians

6 7 god’s heart to redeem humankind

is also absolute he loves all

this great love is moving him quickly


earth’s greatest harvest of souls

ever america

will play a role in this both as a


and an instrument

our destiny is intact

no person will steal it

no political party will steal it no


education system will steal it

god is coming with an outpouring

an outpouring of his spirit that will be

ruthless in its power to cleanse

save and transform

it will not

be stopped

i am as confident that this is his


as was george washington in his first

inaugural address and i quote

it would be peculiarly improper

to omit in this first official act

my fervent supplications to that

almighty being who rules over the


who presides in the council of nations

and whose providential aids can supply

every human defect that his

benediction may consecrate to liberties

and happiness of the people of the

united states

no people can be bound to acknowledge

and adore the invisible hand which

conducts the affairs of men

more than the people of the united


every step by which they have advanced

to the character of an independent


seems to have been distinguished

by some token of providential

agency end quote

and the god of providence is about to


psalm 37 1 and 2.

don’t be worried with evil workers

or envy the gains of people with

all wrong upside down ways

soon enough they will wither like grass

like green herbs fading

in the summer’s heat and that is the



things to think about today as you pray

look carefully at the level of division

in america right now

thank god for all the prophetic


he has given us in the last year

he has given dreams in abundance clear

visions and words of encouragement

hope and direction

he has told us what he desires

and what he will do do not allow

what the wicked are doing to cause fear

or confusion they are fighting

against god himself

ask the lord to pierce pride filled

hearts ask him to open blind eyes

enabling them to see

what they are really doing and who

they’re fighting against

pray for hearts of repentance

and declare righteousness

and justice will reign over america

and please pray this prayer with me

lord you have directed us

you have released prophetic words dreams

and visions giving us revelation

we have declared the visions and have

carried out the assignments

you have given us we will continue to do


as we wait for you to act as you said

you would you are supremely

confident lord

you are omniscient all-knowing

nothing happening in the white house

in washington dc or the halls of


is catching you off guard

we are confident you will cause

those working against your will

to fall into their own traps

you will turn all the weapons of

wickedness back on those that plot


and you will pierce pride-filled hearts

until they are helpless before you and

we ask you to do all of this lord

and we are confident that you will

sustain this nation

you’ve heard every prayer and cry for


and you will answer

there will be a third great awakening we

decree that over

america we have done so hundreds

if not thousands of times

there will be a third great awakening

in america causing righteousness

and justice to reign over this land

there will be a revival and then a


your purposes for america are still


and will be accomplished we believe that


thank you for what you’re doing in the


the maturing that is occurring through

this process

you are teaching us much

we will be stronger wiser

and moving in greater authority when

this is over

and we pray for president trump

please give him strength wisdom

and your strategy

keep all deception and confusion off of


lord we bless him

we ask all these things in jesus name

and lord just before i sat down to do


recording and read this i heard about

a declassification that has just taken


i ask you to move on our president to


and expose declassify and expose


other than that which might endanger

any of our people elsewhere expose

expose expose lord

the deep state the swamp expose

expose expose move upon his heart to do


i pray in jesus name and i pray

lord i know the city is being locked

down there i just heard this as well

i pray for your uh peace to your people


and safety for all in jesus name

and our decree

our decree for today is america’s god

is coming to redeem her

yes he is thank you for joining me

i’ll see you tomorrow