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hello and thank you for joining me

today for another

give him 15. and today’s

post is titled god’s plans

for america have not

changed as i promised

yesterday i will be releasing a youtube

slash podcast within the next

couple of days as i

feel right now i’m going to do that late

this afternoon sometime and it’ll be

out tomorrow where i will share

fully what i believe has

taken place where we are in our nation

how to move forward and i’m talking


spiritually speaking not politically but

spiritually speaking

as it relates to that but

however in today’s post what i want to

dwell on

is the corruption aspect of the


the corruption and evil is

going to be exposed in america

i believe god will uncover what is

hidden in darkness

and exposure is going to happen

god is going to reveal fully

not only what took place in this


but many other aspects of the deep state

and corruption in our land

i fully believe god will not allow

everything to stay hidden

but that evil will be brought to light

one of the members of my prayer team is

a prophetic dreamer

god has given her quite a few dreams

concerning the election

and she was given yet another dream on

sunday january the 17th

as you will see the details of details

in the dream

indicated that joe biden would be

inaugurated as president on january 20th

again this is three days before that

this of course

was somewhat troubling to me yet the


ended with exposure and

turn around i am withholding names of

the people in the dream

other than kamala harris

those details are not necessary in order

to understand the dream or accomplish my


for uh this post

all i will say is they were

are and were and are

very high-ranking us government leaders

from both political parties

and here’s the dream this morning

i dreamed i was in the oval office of

the white house

to my right was the resolute desk

there was no one sitting in the chair at

the desk

to my left stood five

government leaders a a republican man

a democrat woman a democrat

man a prominent judge

and kamala harris

so four government leaders besides

miss harris they were standing side by

side along the wall in front of the door

the door to the oval office was closed

one of the leaders looked to her left

and said to

kamala harris take your seat

then she waved your hand toward the

chair behind the desk

as she spoke i turned my head

just in time to see a huge

lion walking out from behind the desk

making his presence known

he stopped and swiped his right front

paw in the air like a grizzly bear does

when it’s angry

with the exception of the lady

encouraging harris to take the seat

those in the group looked shocked and


by the sight of the lion as if his


was going to be a problem for them

the lady spoke up very arrogantly

and said oh don’t worry we planned ahead

we knew he was coming so we made a plan

to deal with this

too right then

she pulled out a rifle loaded with

poisonous darts

i could see the darts had deep reddish

orange feathers on them

the lion then jumped up onto the

resolute desk

and he roared it wasn’t a

full loud roar but a short

grunting type roar

this ringleader smiled and said again

very condescendingly we’ve already

planned for this

as if seeing the lion was not a big deal

again she smiled at one of the men and

he smiled back at her

then she handed him the dart rifle he

took the rifle and raised it

to aim at the lion

but then a look came over his face

almost a look of repentance as if he had

already decided

he wasn’t going to follow through with

the plan

though he did not speak his expression

was saying

i’m not going to do this he then lowered

the gun

the leader and the others in the room

did not expect

this reaction then

a man stepped beside me to my right

he was a four-star general

and was dressed in full camouflage


had his four stars on each shoulder

the man holding the dart rifle then held

it out

and the general took it the ringleader


furious that he had not followed through

with the plan

the general raised the rifle and to

their surprise

pointed it at all of them and took them

into custody

i looked at the lion she says

he was still sitting on the desk

looking very regal and that was the end

of the dream the interpretation of the


to me is very is pretty simple

it had to be taking place after

yesterday’s inauguration in order for

mrs harris

to be directed to the empty seat

it also had to occur after joe biden was

no longer functioning as president

either because of his death or bad

health or

somehow was no longer able to fulfill

the role

personally i don’t believe that will be

very long

not wishing him ill will i’m just saying

i don’t feel like it’ll be long i also

believe his party planned

for this knowing he would not be able to

do this job

let alone complete the four years

so they hand picked their choice as vice


someone whom they knew would lead

america farther

to the left

but in the dream

the lion stepped in unintimidated

filled with resolve and fully confident

without a doubt he is the lion of judah

lord jesus himself and though these

leaders took counsel together against

him and thought they could stop him

just as psalm 2 1 to 3

describes them doing

he prevailed just as the psalm

says he would and as the four-star


took control of the situation

or and i’m sorry and the four-star


took control of the situation

this could picture the church as god’s


praying and dealing with things and

causing this or could indicate the

literal military

will become involved i continue to


full exposure of the corruption in this


and even before the election will

be exposed i also believe corruption

will be exposed in congress

the judicial system the deep state

and elsewhere as it pertains

to the election this will likely create

the greatest crisis

in the history of the u.s government

the nation will be in shock the media

will be exposed

everyone will know the truth

i do not know how long this will take i

do not think it will take long

i believe it will happen fairly soon

i plan to continue prayer

or praying regarding this

and as i have said many times

i am not praying for the career of an


i am praying for the turning

of our nation and for that to happen


the purifying must come

psalm 2 says why do the nations rage

and people plot in vain the kings of the


set themselves and the rulers

take counsel together

against the lord and against his


he who sits in the heavens

laughs the lord holds them in derision

now therefore o kings

government leaders be wise

be warned o rulers of the earth

serve the lord with fear

and rejoice with trembling blessed

are all who take refuge in him

first corinthians 4 verse 5 says

for he will both bring to light the

secret things that are hidden in


and disclose the motives of the heart

as you think about your prayer time


here are some thoughts for you make a

determination that you will not give up

in your prayers for our nation

it’s okay to regroup it’s okay to deal

with your confusion hope deferred

we’re going to do that increment we’re

going to do that

but make a determination that you will

not give up

in your prayers for make for america

pray what god has put in your heart and

what the prophets

have said those promises did not

end yesterday listen to how holy spirit

asks you to pray for our land

he’ll speak to you continue to call

forth the will of god for america

confidently put your faith and trust in

the one whom you know you can trust and

who is always

faithful even though

we don’t have all of the answers

guard your faith and do not

allow it to be shaken

know that you can always trust him

and spend time with jesus and with the


quiet your soul and drink

in his presence

and pray this prayer with me now

lord jesus we thank you

that you are on the throne

you still sit there at the right hand of

the father and you still have all

authority in heaven and earth nothing

has changed where that is concerned and

nothing has shaken you

even as i believed your choice for


for president was donald trump

this election was never about a man

but about your plans for america

and those plans have not changed

you want to bring a sweeping awakening

and you are going

we know that you’re going to bring a

sweeping awakening to america

we pray for outgoing president trump and

melania as they

transition back into their lives as


we continue to ask you to draw them to


god we ask that you reveal yourself

to mr trump now that he’s out from under

the pressures of leading the nation

and the many voices associated with that

we ask you holy spirit come

and speak your words to him

drawing him near to you

and we ask you to use him in

every way you have planned

to use him let nothing

stop it and just as the dream gave us

hope that you

the lion of judah have not given up on

the oval office

and you have your own plans for that


we ask you lord to implement

your plans holy spirit

come and expose everything hidden

just because a new inauguration took

place today

does not mean that you’re not still

working behind the scenes

our times are in your hands

we continue to agree with you that all

darkness will come to light

in fact we command all darkness

come to light

shine your penetrating light into all of

the unswept

corners and shake what can be shaken

and judge what needs to be judged

lord your plans for america

have not changed we believe that

and we pray for your grace and your


to be upon our great nation in jesus

name amen

and we decree today this is our decree

we decree that the darkness in america

is being confronted

and confounded

by god’s truth and light

amen i’ll see you tomorrow

be watching looking for this

longer message that i’ll be bringing to

you and i’ll also be doing a post for

tomorrow thank you so

much for joining me i appreciate it

don’t you ever doubt we are making a


thank you