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hello and welcome to today’s version of

give him 15.

as you probably have guessed we record

these the day before

and then post them to start

being available to you sometime through

the night i guess

but as this battle

has heated up and things have started

happening at times very quickly

we can’t always do that and be current

so this evening when the impeachment

was decided i realized i needed to do

another post

write another one and and uh release it

to you

to give you my thoughts on what happened

yesterday so that we could pray and it


current and relevant which means i’m

doing this late

wednesday night which means my staff

will be working late

send up a prayer for them as well

the title of this post is

jezebel on display

yesterday was get even day

a day for the left to vent vile hatred

of a man

and his supporters who thwarted their

agenda for the last

four years in today’s

post i could talk about the blatant

hypocrisy of the left of congressional


and the weak politicized republicans who


suddenly awakened to the evil

of violent protests but that is so


there really is no need to do that

i could elaborate on the fact that any

honest person

could listen to the speeches at last

wednesday’s rallies in washington dc

and realize there was no call for


that the rhetoric of the left over the

last four years makes

anything said that day sound like

a love fest no one wore a pink hat

and spoke of blowing up the white house

no one shrieked about chasing democrats

or biden supporters out of restaurants

or told trump supporters to chant

in front of liberals homes or threaten

senators and their wives as they left


at the white house but that would be a

waste of time

because most honest americans know this

a much better use of time would be to

point out the spiritual forces

and motivation behind it

one of the lesser considered benefits of

trump’s presidency

has been the exposure of the swamp

we now realize it is far deeper

muckier and smelly than we realized

yesterday the veil was pulled back even


and the vile hateful

and vengeful spirit of the swamp spirits

manifested fully they

speak of love and peace but their fangs

were on full display yesterday

one of the leaders of this group is the

spirit of jezebel

this spirit is clearly seen in scripture

as a hater of god and a worshiper of


it is immoral seductive controlling

and vicious this spirit is vicious

i’m talking about a spirit i’m not

talking about a person right now i’m

talking about a spirit

if jezebel is not in full control

it will do everything possible to

destroy those

standing in the way of this

in scripture this spirit

motivated the woman jezebel

to literally kill the prophets of yahweh

and promote the prophets of baal

by the way was a demon who among other

things loved

child sacrifice it is a vicious

spirit one of the evils carried out by

this spirit

through the woman jezebel was the

killing of

nabath jezebel’s husband

ahab wanted a vineyard belonging to


nabath would not sell the vineyard to


stating as his reason the lord forbid me

that i should give you the inheritance

of my fathers

first kings 21 3. jezebel had him


took the land and presented it to ahab

god was furious with this act

and sent the prophet elijah to prophesy

ahab’s and jezebel’s destruction

the parallel to this to the parallel to


is striking i don’t mean yesterday what

happened there i mean

our day in time it’s striking

jezebel has determined to take from

america the inheritance

of our fathers

she will do anything to succeed in this

seduction immorality

child sacrifice murder anything

and everything is an option

a weak church in america has enabled


god rebuked to the church at thyatira in

revelation 2

20 for tolerating jezebel

the spirit jezebel the greek

word translated tolerate does not mean

partner with or even to excuse the

activities of

it means literally to leave alone

leave something alone this is exactly

what the church in america has done

put her head in the sand and act act

like the evil does not exist

leave it alone and hope it goes away

many have done this in our elections

stay out of politics

leave it alone and it is certainly

what many have done in this current

spiritual battle over the elections

leave it alone sadly for some

it’s worse than that they would rather

allow a jezebel

spirit to operate and rule this nation

than for god to use a person with an

immoral past

but whom god is now using in an

incredible way

they are completely blinded by a


spirit as i said

jezebel must have control therefore

anyone who opposes this spirit

must be removed and that is what has

been attempted

for the for the past four years

president trump has been used probably


by yahweh to stop the momentum of this

spirit trying to take from us

our father’s inheritance in america

and i’m not just talking about our

heavenly father i’m talking about our


by strengthening the church aligning

with israel

fighting globalism stopping isis

fighting for the unborn more than any

other president by the way ever

and more god has been using him

to oppose this spirit’s takeover

and jezebel is furious

she was on full display

yesterday however

jezebel’s fate is sealed

just as surely as the woman in scripture

was destroyed

this spirit’s attempt to steal from


that which our fathers gave us

will be destroyed

her immorality hatred of god

exalting of false gods

and slaughter of our children

will end the spirit of elijah

elisha and jehu is in the land

it is found in the ecclesia the church

of jesus christ

and is being manifested by an apostolic

and prophetic company of determined

followers of yeshua

and god will use them to rid this

nation of this spirit

and see a righteous government raised up

in our land yesterday

did nothing to change that

as you think about prayer today

here are some thoughts for you

read the story of nabath in 1st kings 21

think about it look at the parallels

listen to the prophet prophesying

how angry god was with this spirit

and by the way sometimes when god deals


a spirit or a stronghold in a land

let’s say in government for example it

doesn’t have to be

just through an election sometimes god

just steps in because he says

the cup of iniquity is full my people

have asked me to do this they’ve


now i can do it in genesis 15 16 he told


i’m going to give you this land but i


do it righteously yet because the

iniquity of the amorites is not yet


i know it will be one day when it is

complete i’m giving

i’m going to give it to you but until it

is complete

even though i know they’re going to do

that i’m going to wait in my justice

until it happens then i’ll give it to

you and he did

sometimes he has to wait until the cup

of iniquity is filled

then he moves to bring his judgment and

deal with the wicked

that has happened we have come to that

point in america the cup of iniquity

is full now for many of those who oppose

god and he will deal with that

ask excuse me ask god to show you the

various ways this spirit where the

spirit of jezebel has

infiltrated and ruled america

ask him to forgive us the church

for tolerating this spirit

decree boldly that the evil this spirit

has released in our government

will be exposed and removed

ask god to show you how to pray for our


and other righteous leaders in america

as they rise up against this

spirit pray for leaders

in the church that they will make

a stand and here’s our prayer

we can pray together

father forgive the american church for

tolerating the spirit of jezebel

our passivity and complacency

leaving this spirit alone has allowed it

to be entrenched

in our land she is now determined

to be in complete control

but this spirit is powerless against the

blood of jesus

and we are determined to see it removed

from our nation

bring a great awakening to the church

one that awakens us from our slumber

denial and compromise

give us hearts that will challenge this

spirit and say

no toleration we will not leave you


no day taunt no ceasefire no shared

control cause your prophets to speak

with boldness

and your apostles to rise up

in authority and lord we pray for our


in the midst of this unwarranted

political fiasco

give him much grace

use this to humble him in an appropriate


and to look to you for his salvation

and deliverance you have called him

and you can sustain him

i ask you to transform him into a


covenant-keeping warrior for you

and finish with him what you started


and lord we affirm our faith in you

and your plans for america

you will deliver us from evil

you will restore us fully

to the destiny for which you created us

and america will accomplish everything

you have determined for us to do

in the coming revival and great


and our decree for this day

is the spirit of jezebel

will not control america

we are being

saved amen

thank you so much i bless you

be strong keep praying for this great


and we’re going to see what god does to


us thank you