By: Pastor Ed Lapiz Day By Day Christian Ministries Bulwagan ng Panginoon Folk Arts Theater, Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex, Pasay #Christianity #Worship #Fellowship #Sermon #Inspiration #Prayer #Faith #EdLapiz #KuyaEdLapiz #PastorEdLapiz

the power of God’s love gives rest the

power of God’s love give us peace and

harmony not only with the surroundings

but also within ourselves Samara upon

attend counseling encounters we meet

people who are weary conflicted get

guilty and many times after a thorough

discussion realize that many of them are

needlessly guilty paramagnet are having

at the anglo be here at nájera bungalow

of the hill maraming Pina Poisson not

guilt feelings whose signal would him

noonim Ambala hindi ka lang and natal

him cousin Amanda pachenko Seguin an

onion body meta pasta Hema Hema in an

cuento mana problema Nandu I had another

Langman a girl feelings

many people realize it was not necessary

to have become guilty at all that’s in a

subpoena eva a heavy load just lifted

the important Simona pyramid Alaska

money dealing a comment Lamar Council is

nakooma and Poisson in the morgue and

página cumin hawa unpackin I’m dumb do

me one egg and banana woo hit upon

opponent by enemies whose ki asha

Bomarito Xalapa

Samina come to me all of you who are

weary and burdened and I will give you

rest take my yoke upon you and learn

from me for I am gentle and humble in

heart and you will find rest for your

souls for my yoke is easy and my burden

is light

that’s from Matthew 11:28 the thirty

opponent banging on they add apple and


you know one cinnamon and a little

violin and banging on his loose – martin

Guptill kappa and support a tango so he

began abandoning his osama natal

occupying han lu eggnog lived in a

subpoena 7 KO

makini Paran Angela being mugged Simba

Sonja learn from me I am gentle and

humble some Christian counseling and

Christian teaching is gentle and humble

some England Mogollon

Annie papa was a young Malika the hill –

too low and go high or Die Laguna de la

then began a on he – Bona Papa Lana in

sobbing begin Christian no suboxone is a

church sapa gigging active because

christ mission is to give rest and

comfort Mahina semana de Baca hang on

Dean how ha some alumina here happen

so therefore Christian mission should be

the same Hindi commanding Tehran sadly

many people when they become religious

are burdened with guilt no longer Papa

Harappan Anglo no Papa guilty you see

lalala giggling mapa kunwari la langue

de Marana hit in Otago at la loo mahira

unto Nineveh la Granja bangla popping up

spawn la bas nan lot a marina the

Ministry of the church is not accused


accusing is the work of Satan revelation


then I heard a loud voice in heaven say

now have come to salvation in the power

and the Kingdom of our God in the

authority of his Christ for the accuser

of our brothers who accuses them before

our God day and night has been hurled


so the accuser of our brothers you know

to see a napolitana knock upon Yohanan

banging on his whose song The Walkmen

you see a Hindi go on and charge at him

one and Christiano he go up in

certain ass Barrow bucket and ami damn

I’m a Christian over Lanka Navajo demon

who seemed not gigging mahir up to

Lloyd’s a sundown mocking : animal Punga

than Basha Manik at the supermarket and

in Boca Iranian guilty could you be

burdened by a needless load mirin

cabbage on Vinick panicky a bundle in

hindi naman bala DAPA selamat ahmad el

que una pelea la laa LAAS a ministry

non-unanimous ellos trabajan en una

burrito Maya Plato’s I mean GU hai pata

one in Yokohama samyama a salon and

Busan are maintained at Unga bung in

noon bubbly zombie Maharani octopi Oh

Samana pakka ha ha ha ha gloomy nice am

among acromion be our speaker teach us

set us free in the name of Jesus your

son we pray with Thanksgiving

amen what are the major sources of guilt

an abominable at Moulin a new signal in

would he wanna go Nana a plethora


broken commands of God manga alum

nodding d’Elegance Aleta obasanjo

starting millaa millaa La Paz Tongan

Hindi solution or not alcohol Island

guilt because we were created to obey

God and whenever we disobey God we are

wired to feel guilty but it’s another

source of guilt which should not be

commands of men mistaken for commands of

God who chose not Ilana DNA kudos Angus

Houston endow Selita Nahal oniton is 11

and Yas Yubel a salad island and now God

gave the Jews Ten Commandments but over

time the religious authorities added 613

mitzvot or more commands and

prohibitions sampling and water San Jose

Medina Gangnam on Aparri 613 necessary

thong Hebrew a tentative on the mid spot

in other words it was added to the

original commandments of God so a big

and white source of guilt commune Sampo

India venomous allude to note that bag

and my Bannerman and 613 more chaos

Israel sedan who finds in New York me

Munna Bhai young is a monopoly on a

sombrero Mohammed Ali Ali Sabbah Wong

Ibiza being on their conservative Jews

they are committed to obey not only the

10 commandments was also the 613 miss

votes imagine vomit or aspirin Adame

opportunity to break something sudden

ami Rami Randhawa

ah pagana be break my own a phenomena

break my own Selita miss Menounos eben

value given wait the manga Selita photos

and NGOs amah enough happy spiritus Ando

semana Salatin and patriarchs of the Old

Testament and prophets one of Allah

disciples of the New Testament or the

church leaders after the New Testament

words of great biblical persons are not

always in necessarily the words of God

in fact sometimes this great biblical

persons are mistaken and Dominion guides

a new testament see Peter Hannah table

upon the Lord Jesus now Satan get behind

me Satan milling Molly up in excessive

mo see Peter Pyle so what do we do with

the words of the prophets of the

patriarchs of the disciples of the

Apostles what do we do with the words of

pastors and priests and religious

leaders bring them refer them to the

words of Jesus for everything else that

completely agrees with the word of Jesus

value it obey it as word of God because

it agrees and it comes from the word of

Jesus but if it has no basis of all in

the words of Jesus then study if it’s

authoritative if it’s really must be to

kill or die for is it really a must to

be kacica is a New Testament women I

notice among the disciples no

condolences specific persons or groups

of persons that received the instruction

not necessarily universal for all people

at all time in all places

Catalano Salim Baba language game no an

iguana camp and agate para selalu mu


he didn’t know to say oh I know along

Naruto Salim Bhavani Paul Simon over

bodies are ordinal a gimmick Bello Maha

bandha walk Pantanal along in the Paris

Alhambra is a monk lenita Salim panahon

salon de ho Kissimmee cultural reasons

why those commands were given you my pin

a bobble up a guy in deepening bowels a

mother who do

hindi na means a lot

Planeta who knows the Jews might be

genetically designed not to eat those

foods a pair of economic Johanna

Waco a messiah Maha puedes I say but a

man young Jin’s mo so anemic waiting

comprehend something at peril in Cebu

toss a salad and Inasa biblia kite

darling is Amelia comedian Avenue in

Paris AO AO Marama me and Papa God do

meringue and batons do madam Italy in

Allahabad napadas named invalid a bottle

of vodka drove the drug on um ouzo

guilting Delica hindi naman valid Appa

what are some examples of sources of

guilt let’s read from Matthew twelve one

two eight one Sabbath Jesus and His

disciples were walking through some

wheat fields his disciples were hungry

and began picking in eating grains of

wheat some Pharisees noticed this and

said to Jesus why are your disciples

speaking grain on the Sabbath they are

not supposed to do that

so Sabbath Abednego salmon a legitimate

member of the Big Ten Commandments pero

Mira salon le bouton Uncas of Nando’s

ten commandments as about a employers

and masters

Sabina remember the Sabbath day keep it


do not work do not make your servant

your female servants male servants and

do not make your animals work so if in

Eagan enjoy human men semana amo

Parrinello Abu Sufyan Yamato ha at

Makaha yo papa hey hey hey Milan means

and he sang lingo so in an exhibition

and wok wok trabajo en Leone Saba Namita

standpoint in Makaha in Ganga who eat

among disciples in using the Silla

Naaman our religious leaders del Baca

tenet a trabajan on Sabbath see wrong

application and for many hundreds of


the Israelites were burdened with the

law of the Sabbath

Nene Maha gluto example where of Aqaba

Mahama ‘no regulate non 613 more rules

so Metallica is spiritual unknown

Department Bahia Hanuman analysis of

open moon very cow come on vomiting

liquid movie so Mohammed in Hindi cannot

manipulate than our moon of the Union

palaces Aurelia mo you are free to do it

the Sabbath regulation was for that rich

people and masters will not abuse their

employees or their slaves or even the

animals so Matthew 12 d-28 samogon I’m

banking on you surely must have read

what David did when he and his followers

were hungry he went into the house of

God and then they eat the sacred loaves

of bread

the only priests are allowed to eat

haven’t you read in the law of Moses

that the priests are allowed to work in

the temple on the Sabbath but no one

says that they are guilty of breaking

the law of the Sabbath I tell you that

there is something here greater than the

temple oh don’t you know that the

scriptures mean when they say instead of

offering sacrifices to me I want you to

be merciful to others if you knew what

this means you would not condemn those

innocent disciples of mine so the son of

man is lord over the sabbath Sabini lord

no kimochi no napa meatus Alana wanting

Boonen Calabar Hama and Elizabeth a

bucket a monopod a net a traversal of

the envelope on Shabbat but still I


dialog in Aguadilla proclaiming boots


so Amina al-majalah Gama Paglen karana

manana Ilana an Indian to the letter

Susan Dean William regular shown in fact

the regulation was meant for masters not

abuse people under them so kindness of

the needy

was an exemption according to the Lord

Jesus was trying to take the guilt away

from certain acts of piety or acts out

of needs surely in a pogrom among Jews

nap on the cylinder ground

seppuku kunwari at bankability opens

about Indian latina Panetta said about

Scylla para surely mini-break Nina Leone

long ago I was in Israel and I took a

taxi and we were traveling across

Jerusalem on a Sabbath and we were being

stoned by many people Naga garlic

cylinders a driver Danica trabajó bug

Sabbath varying driver abajo would you

Misha physical Armenia mabui

super Rama Rajyam attending banana along

and for funds so to feed the hungry the

regulation and the Sabbath and even the

holy bread were bended in fact the lower

you know Kinesis Sabean Alamo Tania neva

kite young bundle latina pine and

opening behind Alana and a para llegar

in Kumasi debate may dilemma Holly

laughing go to know go tom kina in

elaine.dean upaya pinara in on priest on

a Gallic banjos so cinnamon bent on a

young teen a pythons a dumb Bona

apparel and semana para see no momentum

Berta’s a demon Aparri in the meadow

Gallatin Justin

kina Anil a DVD on the hump Akane

partisan a boo-boo tamahagane mama take

a sagu Tomatina pandita salmon and but

Apsara semana para so Luca I mean at Ala

Moana para me monotone enugu Tom may

hear a panic do Russa halakha say the

hell’s uppity lands on Dean Mahalo and

aloha to San Jose needless lamenting

suffering nila Sona para la kindness

over technicality in Jesus’s should the

kind be guilty for being kind

should I be guilty for allowing my

people to eat into big fruits on a

Sabbath while they are hungry

in my act of mercy not exempt us from

this law Sabbath Bayona Parnevik on

Hindi’s about human rig well as a Ten

Commandments saguru búsqueda

basta Palma in context Oh mark 7 1 2 9

some Pharisees and several teachers of

the law of Moses from Jerusalem came and

gathered around Jesus the notice and

some of his disciples ate without first

washing their hands so canina eating on

a Sabbath picking fruits on a Sabbath

play on eating without washing their

hands the Pharisees and many other

Jewish people obey the teachings of

their ancestors they always wash their

hands in the proper way before eating

autonomy by a proper way of washing your

hand there is a proper way of washing a

cup a glass a plate utensils there’s

always a proper way therefore there are

many improper ways again for Hindu – oh

no John guilty Canon a man of breaking

the law sonyalynne Anila but is it an

ague focus on Kamiya verse 4 none of

them will need anything they buy in the

market until it is washed in the gallon

of an Amana and in uno they also follow

a lot of other teachings such as washing

of cops pictures and bowls the Pharisees

and he just asked Jesus why don’t your

disciples obey what our ancestors taught

us to do why do they eat without washing

their hands so now washing one of the

613 missed pot mark 769 jesus replied

you are nothing but show-offs

Masika Blanca your pal Abbas the prophet

Isaiah was right when he wrote that God

at what had said all of you praise me

with your words but you never really

think about me it is useless for you to

worship me when you teach rules made up

by humans you disobey God’s commands in

order to obey what humans have taught

you are good at rejecting God’s commands

so that you can follow your own

teachings so Jesus here was referring to

those 613 miss Botz Samia in bent on

your longing rules they on except

aggregating Euronymous oh no the man in

him Ben Benjamin Ibaka Quran on Hindi –

Lena Suzuno the yuma’s Malayalam MASMA

enum the auto San Jose and a yawn

yomijima booty mugging Baba it bugging

me too long in Sahara mapa Ganga may I


you know Maharaja Jeremy Napa halacha

Anu Anu hope meheeco bangle allah o

allah o hindi anu bangkok in in the Lord

suffer an Orion antenna pie and up

waiting to dog piano lumba organ 20 bang

drums and dummy dominion art a hindi

naman yung Garland’s a jaws aluminum

version and Bible on Babis I mean if

ability by ISIL an inversion otama young

version I mean at Makaha YY sila but

none of those versions existed during

the time of Jesus

so Panama Sasabe Gilligan’s version ‘no

tama in hindi gonna get exist on non

panahon Enzo’s Hungarian Monica petite

and I mean Papa here at Nan’s in behind

and along same bond semana somos uno de

to say in Benton and invent anima

rhyming rules do madam Italian baccarat

on to break those rules or to fail in

people end up being guilty so here Jesus

identifies a mitzvoth as made up by man

competing with and prioritized by the

religious over God’s own commands

Catalan mpact Apollo and obey on baptism

pouring sprinkling immersion he did been

robbed lemony hey Zeus Miranda King maja

modes of baptism later on in the New

Testament in all of them biblical but

after the New Testament now Christians

everywhere are quarreling which mode is

the correct one another mitzvoth not

nodosa 613 hidden that non-christians

qussuk owe me 10 commandments and yaws

me 613 mitzvahs among the jews i am a

christian and everybody at the glad or I

mean a Christian oh well anima is a

foodie misawa homily a horn of gamma

Leah what a Kassala pure guilt now Jesus

exposes the needless burden that the

religious imposed on the people Matthew

23 1 2 4 jesus said to the crowds into

his disciples the Pharisees and the

teachers of the law pile heavy burdens

on people’s shoulders and won’t lift a

finger to help

so be among our religious leaders do not

give up on the Padawan Toyama be big got

pneumonia pass on in hindi naman que UD

no to Lunan the spotnik kulonga yahoo

Siegen KO hum damming regular shown the

McClendon in the mcdougald episode 9

wire and with Abaddon uninformed Amana

Baba a and a Pathan DeVito an apple on

the noon a girlfriend of my boyfriend

and his son youth ladybug graduate

up a member Canaan quarry to keep

waiting Mallika one blonde intrusion in

Benton along and our indigenous optimism

our young rules

Karim bent on a girl he owned always

steroid there is an opportunity to fail

and there’s an opportunity to be guilty

so women have abound Bowman on again

Christian de ole Alonso me

lalalalalala laaaaa panga Parham diga

mapa gallatin oma disciplina tompa

europe also brand religion tompa bigger

pampas equipment dip dip at hindi on a

mission Neos Matthew 23:15 Jesus speaks

woe to you teachers of the law and

Pharisees you hypocrites you travel over

land and sea to win a single convert and

when he becomes one you make him twice

as much a son of hell as you are whom

Augustus Pugin semana Michonne

Sabine answers to Mirada with pointed at

mundo para michal allah wa ni’ma de las

a new manga panini wala an at Madaba

some would say yo na da da belong and

begin anak na invierno they become sons

of where they become judgmental or if

not they become conflicted internment

edit dot indicia guilty and Elvina mo

booties on upon Garlin suggestion papa

guilty party mud boggin boy akan

Mitzvahed long bala church ordinance

long paula named Benton on board or in

invented an elders for in invent an

imposter on Empire on in Amman Pannonian

science and religion on Yanagi nagawa

hindi – no – para todos esos kabbalah

karana ninagawa must be nahi here happen

on converts i love jesus very much

you know jesus in his ministry of

comfort reduce all the commands just to

love God in your fellowmen commandments

forget it 613 miss watts forget it

Matthew twenty to thirty five to forty

one of them an expert of the law destiny

Jesus with this question

teacher which is the greatest

commandment in the law jesus replied

love the Lord your God with all your

heart and with all your soul and with

all your mind this is the first and the

greatest commandment and the second is

like it love your neighbor as yourself

all the law and the prophets hang on

these two Commandments newel a certain

combination villain Whitney American

commandment yes you could even add Ellen

and just among just enough parity to

easily go miss Monica templo miss

Morelli he owned Callahan Gotama Kalama

chronograph formation Sonia de la langue

love God love your fellow men love is

above all

sahayam hominin at this point

humanitarian applications in a banana

Lloyd yeah Victor lang I’m goona him oh

love God and love your fellow men

panting any appliance among a moral loss

than a fasiq 6n you know top panel New

Year appliance engine concepts of right

and wrong so a new concept of Justice in

judgmentalism so in your concept of

religiosity sabe de Lord yo al mahalla

God love God love your fellowmen apply a

new I cannot do it for you but you have

to say it don’t know nothing behind then

I’ll be breaking a sour or lacking in EE

when you meet the national economy be

he’s young what will I apply the law of

the house or the law of love now comely

I don’t having enough what will I apply

young rules them family in Hindi

competing amongst a class in upon in the

blah blah blah or the rule of love

nakama lionosauruses arcane it’s easy


what will I apply justice or mercy in

the ruin a tiny-ass Oscar nom de padmaja

ba ba

not legalism legalism belongs in the

court of law but not in daily life

because if we’re going to be legalistic

no one will love you and you cannot be

loving anybody you will always in cease

I’ve been in paragraph and article 3

sentence number two parabola magma Hal

Co pug legalistic a Machado

so subpoena Lord love you cannot go

wrong when you love because God is love

and it is the greatness of all the


yamazaki men men Jeanine Pirro CSO’s

cinavia it is the real commandment and

it is the greatest another source of

guilt miss reading misinterpretation and

misapplication of God’s Word

ok God’s Word ilaha Hindi words learn

kanji know Hindi words lennihan see

nonprofit or disciples alabanza Sinha

Sabina use emojis an apology spirit

asunto Hindi salad Allen and pastor on a

religious leader Telecom God’s Word pair

open Obama are in mugging caution of

necen unnecessary guilt when you miss

read misinterpret and miss applying

God’s word nah you have good intention

but probably bad scholarship malay

bahasa melayu baka baka hooligan at

Pagla lapa to Ladell illumination and

bellow Ukrainian women Indian America

who saw me on here up to here up

guilty guilty connect Bible or Jenna

just made in Agra bellow Emily no a

number some way all the word Amanda

polio needing a minion the Word of God

you know sabelo cuz a minimun gods


hindi can see peter hindi can see David

or Abraham Saladin God diba capybaras

are you a letter to the Corinthians

letter to the Ephesians who knew some

being thus is the Word of God

no it is a word of Peter it’s the word

of Paul it’s a word of whoever it’s not

the Word of God because they know

men are not gods I know young mr. Baba

Sawan anumana Li attention survival does

move would have done it’s the Word of

God if the teaching perfectly coincides

with agrees with and follows the words

of Jesus

otherwise it’s a human opinion it’s the

opinion of Peter it’s opinion of Paul

it’s opinion of James but it’s not the

Word of God topic Melina we own mcafee

belong in the bigger Malaga namana

Selita so what are the additional causes

of guilt let assign some examples in

addition to all Testament and New

Testament teachings internal sources of

guilt as we have mentioned

congregational sectarian rules and

regulation human rules and regulations

in your congregation new capita even a

new fellowship whatever Atma ramyon dr.

de la semana means what mode of baptism

elements of the Lord suffered at Ireland

of here

my Christmas Paula urine urn church bio

fellowship lung Nadi vinegar and even

questionable Reverend oh pastor oh

brother long al immunity domestic

and Power Wagon Reverend guess what

audience again gooood Casey Commission

pastor Bow Wow para me Reverend I’m

Aaron de ávila was a big deal in

sovereign kapahala gossip Idol is the

reason why I refused all of this night

Rose de la Isla Bonita Reverend

banal Carbonell vanillin Lucia katipunan

ng bayan companion etc etc ad nauseam


Suhana sodomy Hana congregational rules

indicating to observe and about

maha-baho nice on you

verse Hindi pupating League of Anacapa

choir member per annum effeminate of the

lager bartend and dummy well if it works

in some congregations as their business

but I don’t think it is a word of God to

die or kill for it’s an opinion seeker

Imahara Chesley the socket anonymous

effect in young ministry must lesson

problem Paganini on policy but sometimes

the obedience of that policy stops

people from being human in theory no

mercy no Sudamericana clearly governed

insula nefeli him long it’s only

underground and therefore they are

guilty that’s what I mean you create

rules that force them to go underground

into feel guilty come on the ball for a

home single animal ago Vanya Monaghan

but but the end in a pocket lambda mu

pas leave an important Dana’s be nothing

I policy long enema natal but then you

are a member of a church

so you obey I will mama baby join

another Church / Fernando de Baca Baca

Alain Ducasse I Momoko be at unum

problem ah gah no haramein Allegheny not

in a manner regulation s that will force

people to either sacrifice feel guilty

or disobey kailangan Metallica Mirai

manana gravely misunderstood /

sensationalized and / demonized aspects

of life like lust sexuality sobre Papa

Gillian and Simba handsomer natal when

they have sexual feelings person about

creating human body Reba jaws so pocket

Amagi guilty neurologically dicker a

crock person in the movie not go to the


neguin castle on an elaborate and and

rollin ago Kannada Hindi say oh you know

creation design in biology all expressed

the intention of the creator then

religion imposes unrealistic and

unnatural expectations and requirements

you do – Rosamond a young boys now oh he

declared up at the Cohanim sexual

arousal for the maganda and you got

going move they are wired to be aroused

so guilting hilton amazing arouse what

will you do with arousal

how will you contain it how will you

control it how will you decent me put an

end to its purchase in the feed wearers

that it gives you for people to feel

guilty for being normal

created by our God to be like this it is

an unnecessary deal with la pagina

biology 1 remember that God is God of

biology – sauna game resolve is guilt

for what is only natural

God is the designer and author of nature

now again challenge number two

apply and process this in your own life

how will you differentiate between even

sexual attraction that you should be

guilty of and that which you should not

be guilty of made Imam Magid an

anthropomorphic Inaba Oh Miguel take

action on damage apply rape Medusa de

Lima oh in algo ass on your pain

Attica sobbing Annie Martin Luther

you cannot stop birds from flying over

your heads but you can stop them from

nesting in your hair Alana you’re not

welcome unconfessed lucky lucky lucky

lucky me young Pearson me no minuto

marami maganda when you do what you

would to be godly forgive yourself for

imperfections forgive yourself for your

human and natural impulses for all you

know God might not even be offended

living creatures are designed and wired

to multiply is a Answer Man

Otto’s large NGOs go and multiply the

birds will multiply the plants will

why humans will multiply everything and

everywhere creation is filled with

animals and plants that are wired to

multiply therefore they are to be

sexually oriented will applaud the bull

Allah is the sexual organ of the planet

below market number Boyle Dibango me who

Lyman are deliberately Putnam on a

design all of it to attract pollination

all of it to a trap sexual intercourse

through the insects so that the the

flower will become a fruit and the fruit

will become a tree so mama so many black

Lebanon is my bag and I remember some

B’Elanna de ballet well I won’t go lie

parinibbana menopause

no human animal bond mccoullough in

Morocco did not answer my phone or non

gimmick to attract insects and if plants

would do that

will you demonize people if they like to

be attractive or if they get attracted

musa lugar you Susumu Bunyan don’t be

needlessly guilty for being alive

remember that you’re spiritually

imperfect especially after the fall but

remember also what God remembers about


Psalm 103 13 103 14 rather because God

knows we are made of dust a teeny

logging mass among we are made of glass

now a lalala giannios ona pneumococcus

allah to reproduce among themselves in a

sexual way

come on boo boo yolk well Anissa

pandemic sex diba manga also mengapa

gone Mahalo Mahalo ha but of course we

humans are governed by higher spiritual

laws but you should not demonize

yourself for being alive and for being

sexually alive

except that God has given us ways how to

address these needs and this need of

humanity the wanting to procreate during

the London guilty logging guilty logging

guilty Mirim da Vatican guilty me wrong

in there Caillou I’m family

but remember biology plants animals and

humans are made of dust

it could mean our sexually oriented that

is the way we reproduce sound 51:5

surely I was sinful at birth sinful from

the time my mother conceived me what a

sobering realization for acceptance in

the epilogue in self condemnation surely

I was sinful at birth sinful from the

time a mother conceived me it could be a

very enlightened way of accepting


Hoonah I can strive to be better I can

strive to be good once in a while I will

have some dosages of momentary

perfection but I cannot be perfect for

long because I am made of dust and in

sin my mother conceived me it is not

meant to justify one wrongdoing but it

is meant also to make us realize that

there is an end to what we can those

humans and we should not be guilty for

being humans because we are still in the

human frame another cause of guilt which

should not always be is the issue of

pleasure John McAlinden church Posse

kill Hanukkah enjoy bowel mug enjoy

bowel a master of the pequenina marami

bowel Ommegang de menthe Valhalla has

vowel on ganito but vowel ovahimba high

vowel a little black but Solomon says in

all his wisdom enjoy life so will you be

guilty for enjoying so when a Papa’s

corner Mokpo party poem and a minimun

Gaga’s a sentence maraming mahira

economic party by mcgee – am i here a


I’m here a party animal laughs I

begin a minion Parana many endemic

particle only become a guilty put the

locket up again to someone I may hear a

mohammad bhai home open the lock on

Indonesia’s HIV be a certain percent of

your budget but Alameda kind of a party

been a bliss Kahneman and just with


Cosmo Mambo Hagen in a bar over here up

wouldn’t be an alley well I’m gonna many

blessings in and Joe’s so Lonnegan wanna

belong say para D comma guilty mariupol

issue especially the issue of divorce

alum new home associate la mañana para

being unhappy couples they we like to

have divorce but many are confused many

are condemned and many suffer needlessly

and one greatly misunderstood verse is

Malachi 2:16 I hate divorce says the

lord god of israel in a he demands

covering himself with violence as well

as with his garment just Lord Almighty

so guard yourself in your spirit and do

not break faith gan nan Wahiawa converse

nato knocking no potent latin Christian

who are against divorce but they usually

called it out of context Samuel NGOs a

open on divorce show no paraben Gilligan

Midland abortion in Whakatane demean

funky sahaja lemon of violence

funk observable officio at Monica’s

Amman here divorce refers to Israel’s

and faithfulness to in departure from

God than to a husband and wife

separation unum problem has a bad


Antonian Attila to veto among him Elena

in sales and Jose in in Ponyville enema

at la la hey Mona Sawa Gina Midland you

metaphor in marriage Varane – nina

pirogova and subject matter on a liquid

no israel san jose pakka ketones among

managers joe son

marriage was used only as a metaphor for

a symbol but Monica isn’t talking about

human marriage talking about the

partnership the covenant between God and

man Tim Sullivan divorce in biblical

vocabulary also referred to man’s

abusive aim of this empowering in

destroying women that and Daniel who

young bred numero eighteen upon an

innovating Parana new exhibition new era

and mouse hiding inaudible and Pusa play

on young salmon on computer common virus

don’t are away amiss upon that people

may own in computer well Marin the bank

a hooligan not the same word the

non-union divorce human divorce topical

I’m not a new epic Evelyn Ibaka Sawa

indigent exact aluminum divorce don’t

allow so what was the divorce that God

hated Cena’s opinion covering himself

with violence

using divorce breaking faith according

to Malachi 2:16 is like divorce but

mostly so all the New Testament

me navigating divorce may load that

meaning end but a Busan and lelaki

suburb by pani on what happened are not

in a samosas Sabina and Goethe

sha-la-la-la egg indeed abortion German

osawa new beginning and certificate of

divorce why a certificate of divorce

para masumura dimensional Arcana basta

basta DeLong Hmong divorce why new Nara

sesame landing la la casa wanna buy a

openness io divorce the diode kewpie

doll signal Baba a gentleman

Matta bangin sinigang

divorce hindi a good in bed

divorce hindi KO majin buu my own

divorce try to know where the

interpersonal are ganga bai very hindi

waiting in diverse number by and Lenape

unfair no

so stop any more sense Malaka come upon

divorce ko beginning and certificate at

least put up a safari about my hapa made

you mahir a Bahama council comma P guilt

and I’ll will animal a pilot a in the

hill and and divorce more me Obama

develop a memo Gugu stencil on Baba a

parish embryonic a Solana mafia pinned

on Dell Miyazawa Scylla did abortion

delaying by buying a young the bay

maken-ki up in cylinders among by buying

a young Mac the man boom aah gasps –

Emily Kennedy – I wanna Oh Nikita

departing the portsmen are four

important aim of society Moses beginning

in a certificate the sender little

embolic the vanellope mabye and the

little engineer upon so the certificate

of divorce was a protection for women

indian pug sang a on nobis saman elegy a

divorce Finnegan malachite haunting

protection now it a young divorce that

God hates you I hate divorce God in

Jesus hated divorce the instrument by

which men so easily through him in a way

only to pick them up at will

that was a divorce God hidden God and

you just hated the kind of divorce that

abused the week that cause women in the

weaker partner to suffer Union divorce

appealed to ye the word divorce then

doesn’t exactly mean what divorce means


so hit women and goes on divorce kuhn

honda heal on a compact the divorce i

parma pariah and cinnamon party nahi

rappin LaRussa knowledge is a Pagani the

hill murderous or insane new husband

Binet oxalá in a Abu Salah repair upon

will God still hate a divorce in the

context unit long silence his opinion he

applying a subway new the same alarming

Dow cefoxitin Atlanta do not divorce

Noah something behind Allah

eka is a selenium boo – Okanagan Valley

couple on empirica salon hindi ameesha

denis divorce crocoseum Abajo

hissing well Kazumi Lake Casa Hindi come

Akita blah blah blah Indian very elegant

hung up on us ah one more believe in a

plan chief among the Luka bang one of

our beating Kamini big pick up Alan he

knew we enter number buying diploma so

my survey Sabarimala from Ogawa cephalic

a Neapolitan abortion has been Yan Yan

hate pirinen Guardian divorce think

because God is crying and God likes the

weak to be strengthened the imprisoned

to be free what if your prison imprison

in a horrible nightmarish partnership

will God’s delayed the divorce think

even adultery and covetousness were


mainly because women were counted as

their husbands properties alumni Baraka

body nothing I’ve been above our young

covetous Nancy Oh 10th commandment

you should not covet your neighbor’s

wife because property laws would be

broken what do you mean Mallika not an

Angels 2017 the 10th commandment you

shall not covet your neighbor’s house

you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife

or his manservant or maidservant

or his ox or donkey or anything that

belongs to your neighbor so see no

copper garden and wife Amana Baca

imanakum Bing al-monawarah Ryan and

truck Torah and coche

inverter seek law and Hindi pinup

Yvette’s effortless 2017 property in

another man and the wife belongs to that

the context of not coveting your

neighbor’s wife is not to respect the

wife but to respect the man who owns her

because in the Old Testament and up to

the New Testament a wife is a property

piano key venue in pop alliances among

Ababa a you Kazakh salmon is admirable

by needed my poems of a Nozawa Nakuru

synonym freedom from being owned by a


yuma buying sumerian and african

expansion pack deuteronomy Miguel

Sabaton sister Marta hope antenna point

company cosa Marisa kitchen where we

women belong nothing got Nana Mae

reunion amar time Sabini Lord it was

Anna Marie mugging disciple who’s aiming

to reduce animal comparing L’Orange

indeed oh she has actually chosen the

better portion ee Lord pineapple

ionisable Enya look at the infinite

Linea you know how we’ll have about

Jesus is from Polynesia magma hands I’m

gonna be so Monica wah wah some

wonderful possible add some wonderful

table was here Samia come to me all of

you are tired no religion no nah kappa

go germany 613 mitzvot nagarajan

uncommon McClung love love is the

greatest come to me that’s why all the

religious people wanted Jesus dead

because he was changing the system he

was setting the captives free he was

setting prisoners free he wanted every

person man or woman child or old rich or

poor to enjoy life to have a meaningful

life to develop their personality enough

to be the shadow of someone else even if

that someone else is your father or your

husband or your mother you were created

in God’s image and Jesus was setting

people free the church system will make

people feel guilty so that they will not

want to be free or if they were able to

be set free they will be willing to be

caught again and be imprisoned again

because they are guilty can you imagine

the wife being classified with servants

animals and properties soma soma

Magnusson and indeed LJ is an American

Idol prophetic osetia

non Coppola leprae kinugasa

Satan commandment a Mahalo Lackey uncle

was obsessed commanded on the Sabbath

among amo among the Masters

which are also male so on Obama guilty

or not guilty can anyone in Misawa

Mandela McConnell among

benin tata salon in a knock among

savings more in aprender allah has more

that was you know we are gonna see

felicity shipping company fanny notice

kuku enema gonorrhea tapas menu me he

will wake up in a pagina thicker than

religious counsel or more subpoena alamo

induce anomalous boom le cadeau and

mustafa because God hates divorce wrong

reading mirepoix is accusation elegido

in guilty materialism who sister Deepa

Christian Johanna pocket and damn it I’m

among the MIR market you can he talk

alone guilt for having fine things guilt

for being comfortable

of course this guilt is fed and fan and

promoted by the church that glorifies

sacrifice that demonizes possession of

properties why because the churches want

you to date em to donate everything you

have kept it up and he’ll pick up on me

ma re-orient brother miss mulatto bomba

I’m against a church mom Nick the marina

mahogany on my booty buying by mama

garaje church mala forbidden get up on a

and wrap it in a on the movie Napa

guilty proverbs 15 six the house of the

righteous contains great treasure right

you shall make it Asha commission /

guilty in here macaron Magan was too

young if God blesses you with abundance

enjoy it just don’t fail to share don’t

fail to give to God what is God’s

into your fellow men the help the

charity that you could but enjoy God’s

blessings to you you don’t have to be

guilty for being rich mfinney a man can

induce possible value Allah in 1d bit up

a li hua mian begin Co so another source

of guilt is of course the excessive

focus on sin and guilt well on it in

Europe on the castle on and castle on

and a salon and camera McCallum a

Christian bottom attagirl as a church on

the giggling a re serenella Volare in

olga 20 castle on an ameba lagina Hanabi

castle on an amoeba

the burden of sin and guilt of course

makes the priests and other will

dispensers of forgiveness look more

important chambray lucky can go seek in

Cocina gigging Mahalo got a young

ministry no mana religious leaders the

lugging would be begin sayin on capita

bar on cognitive Italians in bhajana you

know puede Mook begin atop a tower on

young leader looking importantly Sol

Elohim Papa guilty him now what are the

cures to guilt into needless guilt

obedience to God of course you don’t

want to be killed

it’d be perfect if you could bubble

canopy yet another cure knowledgeable

wise in spirit-led scholarship Paulo and

ran subpoena gossip and not in canina

not careless or substandard knowledge of

the word of God Malema little

interpretation mammalian reading layer

upon the loyal there should be

differentiation of man’s commands from

God’s commands men in the Bible men

outside the volleyball men in your

church man-made rules not clear a total

agha in Ten Commandments

pero Sabine hijos de la vanilla love God

and love fellow men I know in relation

among among regulation boo-booed on

processing the fourth challenge should

they really feel guilty if you need it

victim pastor Callaghan nimona

religiously their Sunday is for the


Oh may Allah not come in the comic upon

us a church will you be guilty but in an

animal may celebration day or Palawan

sasame homonka church

consumer maka will you be guilty it’s a

challenge for you process it against

God’s commands against God’s love

against what is needed against what is

practical what is decent process it

further on man come out of the 52 weeks

a 49 obvious what upper canada la gamma

guillotine yarn

tomorrow I’m gonna get Lucas a lahar

Kundun una cara mia’ absent mono manga

Mahalo gommi and I’m a time arrow may

sakit miss celebration vocalist Newman

pass the more than 10% of the year a

year now absent guilty but some churches

will make you feel guilty why because

they want you to attend why because when

you attend you donate a comic dxk your

posture abs and core pero if in Adela

gonna push a bank one day or on I think

I’d I was seeing in they are

absent couple of the pendulum open a new

project a secret absent Anna Montgomery

young random building in Lima absent an

Iranian ballistic Oriente so you mean

oblivion Islamophobia and ahilla absent

Opaka present more doble security cannot

away in and whoever religious leader

Yunnan don’t December at the churches to

survive its economic responsibilities so

a knowledgeable a wise and a spirited

reading interpretation and application

of God’s Word and church history Kalon

onion and Tao param above asana

excessive expectations oppressive


needless guilt when you fail in needless

judgmentalism when others fail test tube

on teaching nato is to die for to kill

for is it really from God use this test

is it easy and restful it on Palestine

and Church time in at all doable BA easy

and restful because easy and restful is

the style of Jesus oppressive on here

appear up by Dina Stanley dishon

ask yourself does it make life easier

and more restful is it Solomonic in

Jesus life does it condemn or affirm

include or exclude accept or reject

people does it make one self-righteous

and judgmental and separatist young

tomato pie Janka hardness policy rule

law and you say hmm pumping European

Ambu hai hindi tied up again Yin

Pagani not in Cristina’s alabaster mundo

young bigoted bigoted and Alanna

monocrop Adira and picasso suggest must

dad again and panadeine Muharram demand

no Hong off on reading Paquita oppress

him at my point as a guilt trip guilt

repeated Elizabeth read in a man Thomas

ocean all day he’ll bomb a policy

uncharged or tingling go and a squadron

a home agave that I think that mug that

does a diner to Dolores before worship

Alamo I’m Madhumita maja casinos McGill

DeLong going along nothing 6:30

you know dinner menu another cure the

guilt is of course confession if you

couldn’t be perfect you know Sabrina

Corina be perfect or jump the tree

confess do your best then acknowledge

your shortcomings if your breast best is

only up to so-and-so

be perfect but if you could them when

you fail confess and by Jung

requirement you know from your be

perfect for I am perfect let’s make us a

note first John 1:9 but if we confess

our sins to God he can always be trusted

to forgive us and to take our sins away


that perfect and great more pair 174

love bring Geeta Union Gulen Nick Papa

comedy by you about the hill mob by in

grade two City Nevada Nevada expectation

more I expect you to excel I want you to

be the best I want you to win but if you

don’t mean my love remains

the same didn’t love them Jos love and

hidden agenda but going licentious

Parihaka thiamin sick of the mocking

mass my boot in my boot my boot a total

potato are invalid I own no supporting

in Edina autumnal observing her anger so

Alan Heung Bok giving them jaws

lalu tae-yong Department Excel not

because we are compelled but because we

want to return God’s kindness hindi –

IRA people even when the dilating gusto

nucleon ANCA ba eaten Nando’s Kalyan

Banerjee Munna wa my apply at my enjoy

and punky big knee has a brain attend I

don’t eat big serbian-american takapa

clicked us I don’t give exhibition

America who Gaston yoga salon and I

don’t eat except en emiram lagging come

up and upside Nagappa tawa on Ibiza me

non relaxed be nestful and let other

people relax and be restful also marami

maha padilla and mass mahi bit

passengers just and Mahalo we swung at

the end were going leonito para making

papaya pero la in Uganda and Magna

Guanyin investin gang Donilon open

whenever he sews shank open o Shang

perfecter of our faith we strive we

struggle but we cannot be perfect so

wherever we reach our maximum our limits

let God be the Perfector let him add so

it becomes full you want to be restful

focus on forgiveness and justification

in Christ focus on God’s kindness

John 8 7 to 11 if anyone of you is

without sin let him be the first to

throw a stone at her

submitted 2nd out the zoom boom Addis

Ababa a then a holy Solana again he

stooped down and wrote on the ground at

this those who heard began to go away

one at a time the older ones first and

the only Jesus was left with the woman

still standing the

Jesus straightened up and asked her

woman where are they has no one

condemned you no one sir she said then

neither do i condemn knew Jesus declared

go now and leave your life of sin caught

in the art the people wanted to stone

her to death in Jesus as well see chaos

Allah and Mohammed oh well a champagne

glass and loved a lot make a solana


album boomer to say hola endearing it

Ababa to him whom we gonna eat ha

Mabuhay Mabuhay loving very nice but I’m

in Christian brethren kappa Deeb judges

accusers condom Nader’s and that is the

work of Satan not of Jesus so the last

cure in the list but definitely in the

truth about life is acceptance of one’s

humanity mortality imperfection in this

life also acceptance of other people’s

humanity Helen and matanga moon Dao

hindi kappa perfect but you grow in the

Lord you grow in Christ’s likeness room

for improvement is the biggest room in

the world second corinthians 3:18 the

lord spirit makes us more and more like

our glorious Lord so well you cannot be

perfect you can get nearer and nearer to

perfection to Christ likeness that is

doable that is required by God so lit in

attendance I’ve been a pagina so Matthew

11:28 2:30 to give a context to

everything we have discussed come to me

all of you who are weary and burdened

and I will give you rest take my yoke

upon you and learn from me for I am

gentle and humble in heart and you will

find rest for your souls for my yoke is

easy and my burden is light

let us strive to be christ-like as much

as possible but when or where we fall

short of God’s glory let us rest in

God’s love let your faith that your

religion letter Christianity be a

shelter a resting place a hospital a

healing place not a guilt box not a

courtroom not a jail not a torture

chamber let us bring Christ back to


let us being rest and comfort back to

Christianity the way it was during the

time of Jesus when all the seniors were

going after Jesus and they were

following him because they found rest

and comfort and love and acceptance the

church cannot do less than be like Jesus

so accept your imperfection even

celebrate your humanity

1st Corinthians 13:10 but what is

perfect will someday appear in what

isn’t perfect will then disappear

Samia Donna Deegan Bella horn the

perfect will come in the imperfect will

pass away all our imperfections will be

made perfect in Christ para diuretic

Melania Mahoney on submitting verse 13

for now there is faith hope and love but

of these three the greatest is church

love another thing upon the horns having

a map a perfect day o piranhas yawning

deepa some peril in your pocket big

bunky bingston up one but he begins a

Sara Lee do not condemn yourself

needlessly for a sin that you have

already confessed for something wrong

that you’ve already repented for our in

Caesarea Lee Commission determined

envelope it’s a bar Sara Lee cousin

Deena Deena Papa how others are really

not in someone among the dominating male

soon I’ll have a new high pasadenian

cross you don’t need to do that because

Jesus carried the cross for you and

Christ died on the cross for you for

your sins for your guilt be free take

the burden of your shoulder get a life

celebrate life worship God and be the

person that God want you to be dear God

we thank you we thank you for a freedom

we thank you for your kindness and

goodness to us so we in Mojave upon Iran

gonna be winner gigging my sticky bamboo

hide the hell humming judgmentalism of

others and of ourselves the sovereign

guilt muhindi diamond ballad APPA 32

room opossum unga-bunga and a potala

gamma guilty kami epic meelee at min ago

and I mean they began Mahama gain and

clarity of mine kuronuma and now he will

I you too small a puto solemn vow

opinion lambda or regulation Lang

organization iterables I mean Lord

Kaname Department sacrilegious upon

salutes a bonito Ganymede Ovid McGill

Tekoa da – da da da da da Gama guilty in

the first place Terron upon me learn a

new Maya

para una Lala be monopoly on Sabina

mainland Omicron al ghul a non – no

musica non direction on Kabul ohon at

noggin de hann set us free from our

guild and teach us to set others free as

well you move Oh Tanya patrol is a

presenter upon you know and pocky CPC

for not in Muhammad Eden an Adele Adele

and young guilty Hindi namond a puppy

when you’re not even Japan and I’m going

on accept God’s forgiveness accept God’s

grace and celebrate God’s love I know

coming up on Papa here appear somebody

in an Amana longing by using Mokpo –

enduring Gallo and stop condemning

others so that they do might have a life

so that they do Allah breast and comfort

let us set people free as much as we

like ourselves to be free

bring all of your cares all of your

guilt all of this heaviness to Jesus

because he has set you free already

when you like bullies Amanda Lee

healing in say spirit on indoors Ambika

pelea a true and environmentally as

having Dubois made the Spirit of Jesus

may spirit of love he sacrifice his

atonement set us all free

bula-bula so Mandela and let me give you

a very personal message
