By: Pastor Ed Lapiz Day By Day Christian Ministries Bulwagan ng Panginoon Folk Arts Theater, Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex, Pasay #Christianity #Worship #Fellowship #Sermon #Inspiration #Prayer #Faith #EdLapiz #KuyaEdLapiz #PastorEdLapiz Subscribe now to receive the latest video messages of Kuya Ed Lapiz. Click here to subscribe: You can also Follow Ed Lapiz on: EdLapiz app for Apple and Android (Free to download) Click here to download: Website: Facebook Page:

Philippians 4:13 Christ gives me the

strength to face anything

other versions say I can do all things

through him who gives me strength what

to do with your personal weaknesses

maraming can endow a maraming dino

gooney goon in la pagina on a no america


pauline on salaamed al qiyamah ming

lajas sallam has an impala be nice

Salameh genuinely wanna be mean began on

Dominica meaning in Baqubah la cara

Noonan Callie wanigan

box on your hammock is about Puzo

Managua and maraming bag I the humans on

a net papa begat salmon Hawaii the

department’s anti-hindi teachers BR

preacher our teacher and healer we seek

you Father in the name of your son Jesus

our Lord and our friend what to do with

your personal weakness no in acknowledge

your weakness Gilliland in alameen at


a Mahina on Romans 7:18 I know that my

selfish desires won’t let me do anything

that is good even when I want to do

right I cannot in a sense our beanie

Pablo guide was on the win and Bama he

Deacon a gang go on right anima booting

Irwin go in the Union having logging

nagawa Kinney kilala

Vanina and Finnegan alarm again I’m

polka homily 2nd Corinthians 11:27 229 I

have worked and struggled and spent many

sleepless nights I have gone hungry and

thirsty and often had nothing to eat I

have been called from not

enough clothes to give me warm besides

everything else each day I am burdened

down worrying about all the churches

when others are weak I am weak to when

others are tricked in the same I get


so Paul speaks here acknowledging his

weaknesses his shortcomings

it is very weak human nature in spite of

his great calling in great office

strengthen your weakness with training

and practice Matt Apuzzo Mingo halala

masuri Magan edema Heenan he polakov in

some Omaha given imposes on ie partisan

I’m again human athletes you malakas

success on a Mahina la casa de la casa

la la new malakas khana Khazana

spiritual practice first corinthians 9:7

i keep my body under control and make it

my slave that is physical practice which

is a metaphor also for spiritual

practice sin asana naughty naughty

dolly sin acai acai Sina’s anion kilos

piranha otama Amelie my to Eden liquor

at mop agonda hung in the maganda first

Timothy 4:8 exercise is good for your

body but religion helps you in every way

it promises life now and forever so here

young de Lobo Orion and exercise even a

pagina physical exercise and spiritual

exercise through the practice of correct

religion Momiji Dena Dena longing Ellen

and a box asana is an among LaRon and

non boy what to do with your personal

weakness strengthen your weakness with

supplementation from other people my

mana Wahine and Biola

Penina a new box asana practice tango in

Canaan Angela God

pea fell and by Umaga nam lajas mulazim

Banton Asif Ali give Nadine a unit in

tahina an uncanny lanka’s cuyahoga

Nagasawa McCabe an enormous strength

book a favour in a weaknesses a teeny

will be believed in young strength

mimicking strength yeah continued

strength monkey became Oh Sonia at your

weakness more popular an intensive

healing strength Hindi kallana Makka Moo

ha hecho para ver moccasined o mas

Makeba must uma Cosima capital o and

chaos among a pagina chimera by own

company the Napa Valley is a San

jerónimo I shall Ithaca sahan at say

Bangla bananamana Ossetia sahteen

this is the very concept of the church

given gifts by manga Vienna by a banker

Oh Newman by bank Monica pangaean

Vanessa sama-sama Parma Catalan to Luhan

he will be Billie young girl in more

marketable Savannah

he may be people it is a mahogany and an

e ba CK – an engine at most a second

embargo paramita pan madeleine ma

support on you Nina

an amoeba a teen Aman Aman a zoo support

on mangling Milan God is not the god of


but God a variety and in our unity we

find completion through the

administration’s of each other and to

each other

Alana Tina is a asana ecclesia is 49 you

are better having a friend than to be

all alone because then you will get more

enjoyment out of what you earn

Muslim daughter McCamey Jamaica sama may

cut one kiss energy sofa at home

Alakazam young kita minami-kun resources

must my name never avakov a begun share

it with them Kusum uma Padua La Silla

para-olympic muy mas mas – damn it Molly

on para yes

Rasul Allah and he is upon a man

Muhammad kazuma-sama it is a very

essence of spirituality unity so give

help and that is strengthening others

and also yourself what is so miraculous

about helping others is that it also

helps us but by a Mottola means a

magnitude to London odd is really well

my purpose I admire him as soon as I

didn’t I Oh when I begin I oh the papaya

man be lying upon be beginning I own a

an epochal I can exercise human too long

sum up one at kwan-yuen and wrong even

the lean in became once a young kumquat

yes isn’t familiar to me celina murga

Lingam cometa

marami akong gita unum role more

financial support Samana who land on

finances very own collagen finances me

abandoning dunya Kalyan he contributed

in angling the lasso Familia in Topanga

Plaza lamp era

so who me risen membrane and family Nano

Hospital agama sake mirin the to support

adjuster paramesvara mission para you

Iman and support Angela warm body Silla

you Nogales elegant in Basel a young

Billy Nieto la cañada bonito

contribution Allah companion

contribution sifaka Allegan na mahal na

team is a buoy first corinthians 12:7

now to each one the manifestation of the

Spirit is given for the common good but

what is as a church their own spiritual

gift even occasions of engine and Jose

Peraza kaboom butene and boom boom

hoppity run in Dillon Savannah’s really

creates a church Marant a lagana gifted

with a lot of money so silly you must

marami believe began a financial support

she needs

Unimog Mahadeva shadow gifted with a lot

of money there gifted with time with

energy with effort so Selena mentor

young lagging Nanda trabajo oh my kilos

Hawaiian of Adam Edelen and ordinate a

missing whom agua de Barras upon de

negocio de Luna

companion papel sebou hi-yah Mogollon go

mental on uncommon top are you monotone

indiana boggling and my edifice afonya


Yuma who say mag organized and T people

people among Agra wine party unity

Machado Muzammil gorgonites Alain Delon

Suzuno de la coneja pana nangbou

bellissimo hi conga new arena nina

gigging lakas come home oh goodness

Lara’s Milazzo Eva the Milligan and

Justin lavas to answer mahogany and

wanna eat away Mahina a million can be

young la casa milà man

i even able given Mahina kya Pondexter

sama-sama so fellowship unending Lahab

luma las lajas lumen ago everybody is

edified first Corinthians 14 12 so with


since you’re eager for spiritual gifts

strive to excel in them for building up

the church uh no man and woman who say

Maggie ma who’s a mom again outstanding

huzzah huzzah Paris a couple butene and

puppeteer on hindi lang yung yung

surimi sapa got antonio media chameleon

and Jos concern and p no no I say hey

Zeus mismo so what to do with your

personal weaknesses strengthen your

weakness with supplementation from God

from Jesus from the Father and from the

Sun Philippians 4:13

Christ gives me the strength to face


well done man an Impala pea na Mahina so

forgotten tune in upon an alleyway it

all young Hina more awesome oh my Cristo

atanga la paz de Cristo in a gig in La

Paz mo this is the strength to change

come department improve for the strength

to accept what can and shouldn’t be

changed top admony Nolita maha bodhi me

Manhattan and I owe the diamonds aren’t

even an illegal poker not gay

Palala Hoss pure my mother pnina and I

own that the hell’s happenin a lead not

in the hizzouse Adina penny pilot Paula

as inconveniences upon a big papa tawa

double amputee her and bang Banga

masseuse department in Ione Hindi Kappa

mu Ponte hey Suze parolin Bakugan Canyon

Conde boom opakapaka hey Zeus para tank

opinion anguillan Papa Ron unit tonight

Nepali big man Jose Veronica say mirin

panini Allah that you join religion to

be changed

well in practice and in history that has

been the case religion has become a

reformatory institution but true

spirituality is God accepting you not

God changing you

it is really John who changes people it

is really John who wants to change

people so that the people would be

controlled so that behavior could be

managed and engineered Canyon again

Campbell onion and Palacio really he

owned a Maha political leaders are

spiritually there’s a locking on Mikasa

bois dependable Oman support controls

about my on a given that but not in Lena

women are Christian or God is in not in

a business of changing you but God is in

the loving business of accepting you at

Spock respond mazepa gimmick de años eco

miss manette baba go Seong

asal se-young go we say you MA Oh golly

within what your natural self can allow

means and sobre expectation of a new

thermal exchange Church diamond let me

go blue moon so my legacy church Latin

Papa Guha typical karamaneh be su mo mo

giving any to begin the nunca carefully

and locking them pressure salmon Abajo

por su masala Selassie church oppa yeah

unlocking along and backward

Sumalee casa papazilla biglan Bakugan o

hindi neelam of ayan mo ba gua telinga

me go below to companion attends a true

spirituality Jesus accepts us and in

response to that love will begin to

calibrate our behavior to the point that

we follow in his footsteps but that is

our decision but the business of Jesus

is to accept us and to love us and to

cleanse us perineum a young pastor

pacinian upon an apostle retreat para

Bouma m and in retreat reformatory

institution in husband kupo punta a new

part of my epic brain apartment Bongo

but look – coming up on the no not in

sir religious activity or spiritual

activity Ben and Ellen Athena Maha Maha

la in Cebu he seduced Parma Kappa

Epsilon Pampanga Padma Mahal but Papa

Papa giving them jaws in the para big

lands in an impression among bajo que

modellist big oh ok I’m a great read

baba Gulen and the looong lingo das

family cool en todo cousin Gwendolyn

begin bah bah bah good and Tao Young

Saeng ions opinions natural itself

Hindemith waiting Baku Henan isn’t power

labonza original way that the person was

created by God can a leopard change its

spots can an Ethiopian change his skin

submissive Bible the obvious answer is

no you don’t go to religion to be

changed you go to God to be accepted and

for you to feel that love and in

response to that love you begin to

fine-tune to calibrate to improve your

behavior within your nature but

religious activity or membership cannot

change your nature because nature mode

just and Oman on that Molina yong-pan

Hindi Sobran pressures are that when you

become a member of a spiritual community

an Indian is our impression I begin a

disabled Oh a no-talent almond Bob I was

an eatable copper is a dilemma we expect

people to change overnight

just be

some Bible just because I’m attending

church one no sunday school cannon

Sunday school John maluna in the parade

me for before be a peppermint let the

top odd component to my sovereign

pressure many begin at is about what at

Menominee people Edinburg Bunga peril

oh man at bar gonna sila tapas public

opposition to Tony Lally much each is

visited by box like a box like oppress

him because I’m a man but a man upon an

ally I’m here Abdullah Kazama

cuz in Dunellen I ain’t in the hand done

just an improper tower the Indian and

Baba go nantao creek one just under baba

wouldn’t ow it did you stab a diamond a

good Sal happen Hindi net bamboo couple

on the Baba will endow it’ll Anthony

didn’t bagua Zhang may come up no God

accept and love us words wounds scars

and all that is the love of God through

Jesus that even Christians do not

understand so pretend a gigging

legalistic ol member Gennady toad up

again into another Canada but can

a poor Omaha Panama’s at mana behavioral

changes in a topic not in some Italian

and visas and just pay McGill mock

boggling supermomo Gita and Ponton de

but a big Papa tawa what is it Bob low

then apocalypse in a ministry indeed

onion second Corinthians twelve six to

nine even if I should choose to boast I

would not be a fool because I would be

speaking the truth but I refrained so no

one will think more of me more of me

than what is warranted by what I do or

say or because of those surpassingly

great revelations see Pablo Donnellan

and just a capital on it though the

third heaven

vindication among revelation Hindi not

big eyes of an original twelve apostles

and I’m Adam

he gave Solomon and Manasseh Manasseh

Rogers upon yah sadly live near Zeus

your Sabina can atone surpassing and

regulation a mitigates happen but I me

putting up on weaknesses marami putting

up on Indian embargo at unity knocking

captain Allen a tin ear asif intelligent

game Zeus so but therefore in order to

keep me from becoming conceited I was

given a thorn in my flesh a messenger of

Satan to torment me who am the Busan

upon our corner in thorn in the flesh

pero SI da Sabina Pablo merinov Amina

and mirin Ivanka Pintas and mera naam

Ponderosa nah in the halal app it was a

just a licinia per Indian race Sokka

melanin tokahana now my opinion and

great revelation na Hussein and

implications of ministry recipe Nia some

of her – ate banana Elin and Jose into

having multiple Ivanka Pintas an oppa

Hina and para

much chicken fried go Chrissy sobre

omitting a sock and a spiritual gift so

be the guinea to not open to us an

opening on mugging capitis a setting in

london eva peron america sobre Humabon

para may weakness Marina for Ferrari

longing Huma as a San Jose some have

three times I pleaded with the Lord to

take it away from me but he said to me

my grace is sufficient for you for my

power is made perfect in weakness

therefore I will boast all the more

gladly about my weaknesses so that

Christ’s power may rest on me only now

Sabina not keen on administering

mitigation and catalina 100 the nation

of Bill Gates oven grab a pair Osama bin

Laden mere animal mitigation in a pagina

on a tip in alchemy caboose upon a long

basis Carranza Gordon jaws

hyah and humanity Liam tehina and para

chopper in sorry

Nabokov Grignon gifts are you can

applaud ridden mini CCO as a rapport in

Sepang una wa as a couple in Sycamore

indignant agua Cassie

Marin Gong Gong China and of abbondanza

it was part of the package hindi neena

least and Jose so Han yung asana formula

kawaii luma a bit K has coming up cases

the gang member is a religious community

a Latin weakness the same attack angle

Murugan seen a surgeon and just even Don

Berwick anima bang panel Oklahoma’s

españa to let gay poly

second Corinthians 12 then yes I am glad

to be weak if it is for Christ because

when I am weak I am strong

so you all make inaho Marilyn makeup in

design bureau habbaniyah a suppose enjoy

John McGinnis we own cousin and the

gigging entry-point numb your sabai call

mahir a person making entry point and

you start in your heart in strength

solid kunafa pyah pyah pyah no gigging

Magma’s very witness when allah give

away near us as a Joss you know PETA

battling entry point than just into your

life so don’t expect yourself to be

strong in every area and don’t expect

others to be strong in every area

because if God’s infinite wisdom he has

allowed this thorn in the flesh not only

involved but in many of us

I don’t I our asses on young-hee be on

young but the gooood Athenian / – Louie

De Palma Mahalo

then after doing what you could to

change or to improve accept your

weakness my witness yeah I identify my

on but my practice scars are going wrong

humungado a beret and a magnum blueberry

and palaka same pair au pomme de Gama

dominance ‘god mexicana Baku in Issaquah

develops innocent men are not keen on

Berlin on western Japan Munna the


hi I’m agin partying a young definition

of who you are and Marty mugging

springboard beyond for your ministry

second Corinthians 12:7 of course I am

now referring to the wonderful things I

saw out of Satan’s angels one of Satan’s

angels was sent to make me suffer

terribly so that I would not feel too

proud another version saying the same

thing Sabini Pablo

now who make a hidden pouring a bottle

Agha at uni Topanga bin guna admiring

and hugging son he para hindi naman

Davao mocking me aback so McGee Mauna

Kea and Mauna ala God NGOs mimic a thorn

in the flesh

mica Hina and boo boo subanalysis Indian

and Yoshida vanya Morales we’re one and

only neon color open am going on he told

is a nothing department Indian at

Matunga Neiman weaknesses on Tana Hindi

jaws and megalis pocket Chaka boom Ogden

and onion mahi Wonka on karana bogies

evening jaws at Indian Edition Apogee

tool and Santa Monica nephankaion jaws

babu janardhanan Lahontan bow your Hindi

Cannon and green iguana jaws

atmos Medina Yan must lulu exotic dip

dip the tank opinion además really

adapting kapwa so accept yourself as God

created you Matawa sponsee happen the

improvidence really cool and elegant ARA

accept yourself accept your natural self

and this is what it means to have the

peace of Jesus

harmonica keep on khan kanika science’

really happen near a red checkmark in

sevilla danyoung papua hindi tamil

kanaka by upon logging happy onion lobe

at nagging moroccan argon-argon parents

have been lured my peace I give to you

not as the world gives do I give me

Quran do not be afraid do not let your

heart be troubled

I have overcome

world so you Mahina on Arden you need

charged to Jesus you know he missed be

in a mirror biota public das Hindi

tiredly League deservings really so real

Christian spirituality is not a

reformatory institution it is acceptance

because of love because of the love of

God unto Nineveh Galapagos penguins

really to the point opposite of a NASA

standard and jaws on to the demography

dong zhuo’s a Peruvian alien attitude

about even yourself

mama Helene a Topanga penguin and jaws

came ramming down religion alone a

guilty don’t again religious la lune

Bhoomi gotten below below blue moon what

la luna giving hypocritical logging and

Mahima popping up Chrissy a colony of

homo lumo began as I just change the

change gonna hindi naman delegate Auto

so that popping up than a change popping

up you don’t change the brothers and the

sisters you accept and love them and

that love is what will inspire them to

become the better versions of their own

selves not to be the copy of another

person but to be the better version the

best version of their own natural selves

but convey Aqaba deeds upon you known

but not gentlemen a power at ease to be


to be real to me themselves he being

born engine connect pop on top Salonika

a banal banal and I’ll cry de xalapa

masa say you meheecan

mana standards ow

but tuning in not a big one and yours

then another that Guanyin punky be at

panting Captain Yoos mnemonic mnemonic

rapid I ran amok appearance George

indicative apparent police then again

again investigar that moment man

subhanAllah Nanyang HOPWA a pocket

opposed Palooza panitumumab exact same


coming to God is receiving his

forgiveness his unconditional love and


not being forced into conforming to

certain religious standards unum really

junky I’m okay but haven’t you organized

religion so true spirituality because in

spirituality you find freedom you’re

asked you relax

yes I mean it just come to me and I’ll

give you rest why because I will accept

you because I will love you and that is

the same thing you should give to your

brothers and sisters rest evening be new

booly booly move in a peel it peel it

Montezuma not semana c’mon Alan and

gooney goon emo naman impossibly among

GRA this side of eternity so accept

yourself as God created you and then you

will be free and then you will find rest

and then you will have peace and then

you will be inspired to love others as

well sound 139 14 I praise you because

of the wonderful way you created me

everything you do is marvelous of this I

have no doubt and everything includes

yourself and myself Antonin a

spiritually dodging abominable it bagua

Ogawa hoody Netanya bhushanam upon a big

bang Kanawha Putnam holla at you know

giving the enemy biggest vagina

inspiration NIU’s in it we don’t lick oh

but mud bog oh I on Sofia non-canon

natural esse during wedding Babu he knew

nature kaylynn upon an Italian who

little InDesign so God does not change

people cook me babbling on gosvamis

amines and him Allah

pero don’t expect that Hindi I assume

illegal Asami

double-bag open on the pad Somali ganas

I mean there for Topanga ping gonna mean

Union he people it’s done God accepts

and loves people it is people who change

their behavior as much as their nature

would allow it is people who decide to

change their lifestyles as a response to

stimulus very specially to the stimulus

of love come in abominable on life

staring at abut responses upon a big

Nando’s Hindi responses

Naama disciplina at metemma La Casita

Qalamoun well on quaint I’m gonna go out

of fear so important Enid is opinion

when people become spiritual in change

it is usually in response to God’s love

not to disciplinary measures of the

church Bangla belong on the giving by

buying a bow it is always important so

live with and live in spite of your

weakness I’m gonna go on when I’m

project Mona improve in and surreal AI

use it on

was it a him ammonium boosts or live

with it and live in spite of it at

lagging in Paula’s a civilian

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things

through him who strengthens me yes that

is my weakness but because of Christ’s

love that also becomes my strength

because now in this weakness I put Jesus

I put his love I put the love of God the

Father and then that becomes a strength

not my strength but the strength of God

through Jesus that I enjoy because Jesus

is in my heart and then focus and

operate on your strength

Monica body a mini began attending

Phobos I think up a deer on a Hindi

Manasa lana NAT :

agua for the uname abuti androgynous

vanilla but in an eternal unity to ask

at unity celebrate Philippians 3:13 my

friends I don’t feel I have already

arrived but I forget what is behind in a

struggle for what is ahead monta Posner

unseen ichika-kun along a younger adding

ba pocket up some healing healing

tomorrow genomic testimony attained

bubula Lebanon Latin bajo Lempa

mahadba it is a Western psychology among

Western people may miss island

para montar insulin on catharsis farm

across island and logged on deep deep

cristiano da matta Kokua

Adam Apodaca Guapo he buggies are people

a Filipino Inga noon to see me don’t die

young hanging in me sending in a Gallo

in Yuma you know my cell and I’m on

about guy support copy and when I guess

I’m on America no put him on the

testimony lagina gonna miss our churches

now punch each is visible to leave

pocket oppose a pocket oppose pakka Napa

Valley Casa de mando hamachi GC

scannable backslide healing guess I’m a

testimony why celebrate and why make a

big deal out of what’s already past

charge the prawns it’s finished so I

mean if all Union in even Counahan

in a two-pack oh you got a pimple

sudonym up in a girl gonna be surrounded

charges at or nothing gu hai it Omaha

Meehan Koh Phangan on American drama he

lived on during a tequila and Hopi

Indian Indian buggies of altar on a

monitor Gosselin and sensitive casita is

a gentleman about guy

officials for 28 to 29 Sabina to

Palomino Anna if you’re a thief quits

with stealing be honest and work hard so

you will have something to give the

people in need stop all your dirty talk

say the right thing at the right time

and help others by what you say so a

monopod ba-ba-boo dito behavioral

you actual things that people do very

deep in a bag a low blow open okay

butter on an emu so what Alabama he Lika

nakooma in an ganito mbaku Union from

the logon Iike wipe artistic in the

gallon Kundalini on who is the artistic

indicator pal opinion you basic nature

mu Indian be Nabokov I mean about Lana

nothing you outward behavior especially

that which affects people in the

negative way so something on data come

back the now how to recover nakao

belittling my own Buddhism oh brung

along another nylon and that he can go

Magua name anomaly

Itamar Munna but as in business attitude

alone and Mozilla period ikaw Billa is

empower you to running all over his even

about was it just under the beginning we

should know what can be changed and

improved and we should know what should

be accepted and even celebrated para

maganda young Cudahy Meekins I think

also accept others has God created them

so you don’t accept only yourself but

others as well Ephesians 2:10 got

planned for us to do good things in to

leave us he always wanted us to live

that is why he sent Christ to make us

what we are

Sapna I appreciate when Anna Lilla

Cochrane and Jose accompany attention

setting in a by weakness in engine ba ma

appreciate Bo Pelini on the Muroto

Tirana Kabul on your mini-map Appa Appa

onion lobe and you will stop struggling

with yourself all the time John 13:34

235 but I am giving you a new command

you must love each other just as I have

loved you if you love each other

everyone will know that you are my


well long su mamá es una cosa mamas I

mean perfect about bozo mamas I mean wa

laka booka salon and Tina Gabriela had

at Suffolk de Galan Palawan

appealing Jesus people improved and

improved and improved in response to his

love but the first act is to accept them

and love them at the noon and Ivana de

biggest hug whaaah mugging

sobbing sorry me accept people as

victims as products of their personal

circumstances marami Monica a chaos

Elena Canyon victim

look 19 verse 10 the Son of man came to

look for and to save people who are lost

so you begin with that that people are

lost and Jesus seek them out to find

them to love them to heal them

not to change them he’s a man of his own

creation books on the holiday books that

will change your life you know that idea

nothing come here and be changed you

know idea and religion a person who’s

coming I’ll accept you as you are and

then you can become the better version

of yourself in response to my love in

response to the strengthening that you

will receive

but being changed is not a requirement

my own presence o Brahma conservative

churches but Papa youth camp human a

membrane dalamud adilyn amp in sank I

began a youth purposely rejected I live

in the lagoon so odd indeed edibles

think Elena moved on comet on hidden le

gustó you eat Torah attend Parliament

was to Monsanto now you know Imahara me

John say I own a power Iona to know what

semental on people need love especially

when they don’t seem to deserve it he

did similar company believe in a God

that is the way of the Pharisees luck in

the new busca la gente que puede indica

panel enough John 8:11

sabe de sousa by buying Papa to his son

and Aminata or did anyone accuse you no

sir the woman answered and that’s

because Jesus defended a woman then

Jesus daughter I am NOT going to accuse

you either you may go now

mister of kazama’s in Zeus guide so be

him when you say young sin no more pero

hindi neena go on violence unless care

about the holomap it’s our pain

I’m not going to accuse you I will love


this is the Jesus that we should know

this is the Jesus that had been hidden

by the church from people because I’m

lacking in who kill killed Emma churches

on a Tau is the strictness and the law

of Moses nothing upon an and law of love

the zhuzh Gaia here up mind in the

annual personal witness should be

recognized strengthened and turn into

strength turn every disadvantage to an


Manaka but it was only pin it on metal

by a weakness or something in your

weakness do what you can to strengthen

it and after you have done what you

could mean a pure paren on and over in

sure-tan opinion when he me can you live

with it live in spite of it surrender it

to Jesus and depend on the love of Jesus

Ephesians 4:31 232 stop being bitter and

angry and mad at others

don’t yell at one another or curse each

other or even be rude instead become in

and merciful forgive others just as God

forgave you because of Christ

so you apply this to other people and

apply this to yourself let the love of

God through Jesus prevail personal

weaknesses should be accepted and lived

with after you have done what you could

to improve on them Ecclesiastes 3

lamented well and he puts questions in

our minds about the past in the future I

know the best thing we can do is to

always enjoy life

do not problematize life do not over

problematize even your perceived

weaknesses surrender it to the Lord and

it will become a strength or surrender

to the love of Jesus and you will find

acceptance and you will also find south

enjoy life because of your strength

enjoy life in spite of your weaknesses

God loves you anyway

God loves you anyhow and this is the

peace of Jesus dear God

teach us to identify correctly our

weaknesses surrender them to you get

strength from your Lord and improve

ourselves and in areas o Lord where our

weaknesses remain in spite of what we

try to do teach us to be at peace with

ourselves to accept ourselves and others

and to go on living focus on our

strengths instead and focus on the

strengths of others also but the war in

Mojave upon you no one can commit agimo

pangos kazakh mugging some even has

really to Roanoke Amin who masa man Alex

a new big saying important God I

didn’t pocket pocket a complete Oh

Angelina monogamy deparment diane super

freaky back up walk so far he get to

move semi-monocoque wha tau to ruin upon

you know on the Maupin Oregon lobe the

mat opossum in proxy seek up to keep

improving matanga Prime in human areas

that will remain what is called a

weakness and that is where we depend on

you on your forgiveness on your love on

your care and on your support father

teach us to be restful to be peaceful

about ourselves and others but will a

boolean Edenic of Lagunitas adding

bahama a body find very practical

applications in your very own life how

you can find rest in spite of personal

weaknesses Lord as your people remain

silent before you finish this message

personally for each one speak to us we

thank you in the name of your son Jesus

let’s be alone to the Lord in silent
