An aggressive atheist asks Frank if he would kill his family if God told him to, and then further questions Frank about killing the Canaanites. What would you do? And isn’t God barbaric for ordering these things in the Old Testament?

dr sherek i’m only asking if you would

murder your wife or children to prove

your devotion

it’s a simple question i don’t know what

would happen and by the way

when god decides that someone should die

it’s not murder for him dr cherek

god commanded you to murder your wife or


to prove your faith in god is your

current devotion

not enough to prove your faith must you

murder your children

as abraham was instructed

this is a simple yes or no question i

don’t know what i would do in abraham’s


that’s a good question you know who

really struggled with that soren

kierkegaard who wrote a book called um

is your faith strong enough to murder

your own children or whatever

i’m thinking and since i’m from new

jersey it’s really hard for me to do so

give me a minute

uh the word the the book is called fear

and trembling by soren kierkegor

so i don’t know what i would do just

like i’m never going to say if somebody

put a gun to my head or a gun to my wife


what would you do because peter tried

that i’ll never deny you lord and what

did he do

he denied him three times yes that’s

crucifixion i don’t know what i would do

okay but let me point out if your friend

is an atheist there’s nothing wrong with

god doing anything because by atheism

there’s no standard of right and wrong


so in order for you to bring up the

objection you’re actually stealing a

standard from god

in order to try and say god doesn’t

exist dr sherek i’m only asking if you

would murder your wife or children to

prove your devotion

it’s a simple question i don’t know what

would happen and by the way

when god decides that someone should die

it’s not murder for him

because god kills all of us at some

point and he’s the only one that can

resurrect us

so we don’t have the right to murder

people but god has the right to kill

people anytime he wants he can strike me

down today tomorrow anytime he wants and

it’s completely in his prerogative

god has the right to slaughter the

amalekites down to the last man woman

and child

god has the right to take us out anytime

we want because if christianity is true

men don’t really die we just change


and god can do that any time he wants

thank you for your question


it is it it it is stunning to me

that massacre and genocide gets applaud

in this building

god demands slaughter massacre and


all right cody um there’s nothing wrong

with genocide if atheism is true

are you serious if atheism’s true there

is nothing wrong with genocide

i am an atheist and i oppose genocide

every possible

in every way but that’s just your

personal opinion because there’s no

standard beyond you

which says it’s wrong the standard that

says is correct

that i will help my fellow human up to

and including you especially you doctor

that i would never harm anyone in this

room okay

atheism are you suggesting that atheism


or or or or proports or wants

genocide i know you wouldn’t say you

would never say that yes

atheism does allow it you can ask mao

you can ask stalin

you can ask pol pot because if there is

no authority beyond the government they

are god

i would i could not possibly agree i

could not possibly disagree that those


were atheists but as richard dawkins and

christopher hissons would both argue

as you well know none of those people

slaughtered millions

in the name of atheism there are

countless millions cody

cody this isn’t a debate okay i know i

think so i i thank you for thank you

but let me let me deal because i you

know i i

cody i love talking about this stuff but

there’s a line of people behind you

and uh so we can’t keep going back and

forth but i do want to answer

is god immoral for massacre slaughter

and racism and slavery

uh cody look we don’t have time to deal

with all those trust me i have slides

for every one of them

okay let me just deal with the canaanite

one if you’d be so gracious as to sit

down i would be so gracious thank you


and i’ll deal with that thank you so

much thank you doctor all right thank


so uh as i just mentioned

uh with the canaanite issue if there’s

no god why would any old testament

atrocity be wrong

but cody is correct about this he has a

fair point to ask me

um despite the fact that he being an

atheist has no objective standard by

which to judge anything right or wrong

he he is correct to ask me you’re saying

your god is a god of love so why does he

do such things so that’s a fair question

okay all right secondly though is god

arbitrary or does he give reasons in the

old testament for

judging people because that’s what it is

in the old testament it’s judging

god is not a cosmic mafia boss he

doesn’t wake up one day and say

canaanites i want him dead no

there’s a reason that he has decided to

push the canaanites out of the land

and it’s because they’ve had 400 years

of iniquity including

murdering their children sacrificing

their children on the molten hot metal


molech and it wasn’t just the new or the

old testament that talks about this

the greek writer plutarch says that when

the canaanites would do this the

drummers in the town would pound their

drums louder so the children or the

parents couldn’t hear the screams of

their own children being sacrificed

also i hear this quite a bit why

complain that god doesn’t stop

evil but then complain when he does in

other words

sometimes atheists will say why didn’t

god stop such and such a tragedy

yet here god sees that this culture is


is so degraded that he finally says

these people must be stopped and he

sends the israelites in to stop them and

now atheists are complaining about it

uh and the question i always ask people

is god committing

murder by ending lives on earth and the

answer is no god doesn’t murder anyone

he can’t murder

on he is the creator of life he can

resurrect it

only people who are other creations

can commit murder when god in somebody’s


it’s not murder and as i mentioned a

minute ago god has the right to usher

people into the next life whenever he

wants whether we’re 82 or 2 years old

that’s up to him

people never die they just change

location and we also need to remember

that the old testament theocracy was

unique and temporary it was not the

ideal for all time

but the means to a promised new covenant

and the best book on this topic is by

paul kopan

is god a moral monster and and cody’s

actually bringing up good questions that

christians need to deal with

and kopan goes through all of those

issues one is the canaanites another

slavery these kinds of issues

and you can get that book if you want to

go further but this is not genocide

it’s actually judgment why how do i know

because god did the same thing to israel

god took out the israelites through the


and the assyrians and he also took out

the israelites after they worshiped the

golden calf

it was judgment not genocide