Addressing a controversial issue about whether God is the cause of homosexuality in people and whether loving someone of the same sex is a sin.


you mentioned the Acorn analogy that an

acorn hmm his pre-programmed to grow up

into a tree yes if if things are

directed how God wanted them then why

did he direct me to love women as one

loves men mm-hmm

well the question might be how do you

know God directed you to do that right

and there are a lot of things that go on

in this world that all of us have all of

us have certain orientations to things

we ought not do according to God but yet

we still do them that’s why we live what

a fall in nature

right all of us have a fallen nature

should we expect that in this fallen

world that God would give us a nature

that wasn’t fallen no no so we’re all

struggling with sin that’s why we need a

Savior because everyone you and me and

everyone in this room needs the

sacrifice that Christ provided

regardless of what our feelings are we

caught regardless of which way we’re

directed based on nature or nurture and

as you know there’s a big debate over

how much is nature how much is nurture

for all of our sexual orientation are my

feelings inherently wrong to have our

feelings inherently wrong to have I

don’t think there’s a way you can be

blamed for having feelings look I have

feelings all day that I ought not act on

and sometimes I fail but it’s not the

feelings that are the issue it’s the

action that flows from them actually

though if you look at what Jesus said

when you look at Matthew chapter 5 Jesus

actually ratchet is this ratchets up the

standard he says if you’re just angry

with your brother you’re guilty well

thanks Jesus I don’t have a prayer of

living up to that and I don’t he says be

perfect as your heavenly Father is

perfect I can’t do that you can’t do

that nobody in this room can do that who

can do it only he can that’s why we need

him so we all have these struggles Sammy

I have struggles you have struggles but

us to say that God’s at fault for these

struggles now God’s not at fault for the

struggles I don’t believe that right you

don’t believe what I don’t believe that

he’s at fault I think we all make

mistakes but I don’t think something so

like something like love that’s

supposedly pure it can be pure in the

way that a man loves a woman or a man

loves a man or a woman loves a woman

who’s to say that the way you love your

wife is any different from the way I’m

going to love someone in the future

whether it be a man or a woman what’s

not me to say anything because I’m not

the moral arbiter of the universe that’s

true right so I I don’t decide right and

wrong this is why when people come to me

and say well don’t impose your morality

on me like I said earlier I said this is

a my morality I didn’t make any of this

up in fact there were things I wish were

different but I’m not the general

manager of the universe I’m not God so I

guess back to your question you’d have

to define exactly what you mean by love

what does what does love mean can you

care for somebody the same sex of course

you can I do the question is should you

go further than that into some sort of

romantic relationship that’s the

question I think you should well okay

you can take that here it’s a free

country but scripturally if you believe

in the scriptures and if you believe in

natural law define natural law natural

law is the idea that everybody

intuitively understands moral right and

wrong on the big issues that there’s a

natural design to us there’s a natural

design to the universe that were

intended to go in a particular direction

and that we know we’re supposed to shun

evil and we’re supposed to seek the good

so and you think that natural law was

founded by like Christianity no no no it

existed long before Christianity that

example Noah the entire generation of

Noah was judged they didn’t have any

scripture they’d have any Bible but God

expected them to know basic right wrong

because he had written it on their

hearts so you don’t need the Bible to

know basic right and wrong everyone

already knows it now we can suppress it

we can reject it we can go

our own way and all of us do on occasion

but it’s still there



