Listen as Gloria Copeland teaches Healing School, Saturday morning, at the 2016 Southwest Believers’ Convention. Receive your healing as you watch Kenneth Copeland; Pastor George Pearsons of Eagle Mountain International Church; and Pastor Tracy Harris of Harvest International Ministries, pray for those present at the meeting. Speak healing, take your healing and receive it by faith. 

lord help us today with your word give

us utterance give us hearing we honor

your word we believe it we believe it

when you tell us we’re in the healed we

take it and we act on it and we receive

it in Jesus name

thank you for uh pterence and hearing

amen hallelujah thank you lord I want to

read some scriptures today and because

faith comes by hearing and hearing by

the Word of God so we’re going to start

with Psalm 145 thank God for the word

aren’t you thankful that we can hear

from God any time we’ll pick this up put

it in our eyes in our ears glory what an

honor we should be the most the

strongest generation ever those of us

those generations that have had the Word

of God available written down in a book

and lots of probably 10 copies in every

house many generations before us did not

have that privilege so we we should go

further faster than any generation

before us glory to God I’m looking at

145 and we’re going to read some

scriptures this morning verse

145 says the Lord is good to all

hallelujah and that’s a fact

I will extol thee my god o king and I

will wish I will bless thy name for ever

and ever

now we should stay in that mode all the

time you hear bad news you say oh praise

God bless the name of the Lord I’ve been

delivered you hear good news you say

bless the Lord

oh my soul God has helped me again

hallelujah and we live in that state of

blessing so in Jena in let me think

145 in verse well let’s just start at

145 Psalm 145

I will externally oh my god oh my king I

will bless thy name for every and

forever every day will I bless thee and

I will praise thy name for ever and ever

great is the Lord and greatness his

greatness is unsearchable one generation

shall praise thy word shall praise thy

works to another and shall declare the

mighty acts we’re expected to pass on

what we know about the Lord to our

children and they to their children so

that our generations of all of the word

of God on then I will speak of the

glorious so works and mighty power and

men shall speak of thy might and

terrible or great acts I will declare

thy greatness and they shall abundantly

other the memory of good great goodness

and shall sing it at the righteousness

shall sing in righteousness we need to

we need to be always thinking about how

good god is when you hear bad news a

scripture ought to just come up in your

head that from your spirit to your mind

that covers that situation you say well

I just don’t know the scripture that

well well you need to get to know the

scripture that well it can save your

life it can save the life of your family

how you respond in trouble determines

your outcome if people that don’t know

God and they don’t know

word and I don’t know what belongs to

them they’re on their own but we’re not

those people are we we know the word we

we search the word we’ve put it in our

heart you put it in your eyes and your

ears it gets in your heart and then it

comes up and talks to you and if you if

the words not talking to you you don’t

have enough of it and you never get to

the place where you quit storing the

word in your eyes and in your ears

someone 45 says that god is good to all

that includes you thank you Jesus

the Lord is good to all he preserved us

all verse 20 says he all 19 says he will

fulfill the desire of them that fear him

or honor him he will also hear their cry

and will save them the Lord preserves

all them that love him but I had the

wicked he will destroy my mouth shall

speak the praise of the Lord and let all

flesh bless His Holy Name how many of

you in your life you can look back at a

time where you were in a critical

situation and you had to have help at

that moment and God saved your life

look at that oh what a good testimony I

never asked that question before one

time when we were young and not very

smart we will have we had a car wreck

look John who’s of course the grown man

now he was amendment I believe he was

about nine months old and we were in a

in driving some car pulled out right in

front of us and we had to Ken had to

slam on the brakes and and it it stopped

I mean it missed the car up but John was

a little baby and he was you know in

those days you know you didn’t have so

many car seats and things you the babies

weren’t restrained in cars safely like

they are now and he came through that

Ken woman pulled out in front of us Ken

slamming on the brakes John came through

that we had a beauty era with the shift

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