Jesus is your Healer today! Watch Kenneth Copeland on /Believer’s Voice of Victory/ as he reminds you that living in divine health is possible. Discover how to dwell in the secret place of God’s WORD, and it will bring healing to your life! Get more out of this broadcast! Download the notes @ Livestream more episodes for FREE @ Subscribe to get a daily faith boost from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland delivered to your inbox @ ABOUT THE BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY TV BROADCAST: Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV) is a daily Christian TV broadcast produced by Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) that teaches Christians how to live a life of faith and victory using principles from the Bible. Learn more about KCM and how we can help you live an overcoming, victorious and successful life @

♪ I’m not moved by
what I feel ♪

♪ I don’t live by
what I see ♪

♪ Because my God has
made a way for me ♪

Let’s go to Isaiah 53,

“Who hath believed our report?

And to whom is the arm
of the Lord revealed?

For he shall grow up before
him as a tender plant,

and as a root out of a dry
ground: he hath no form

nor comeliness; and when
we shall see him,

there is no beauty that
we should desire him.

He is despised and rejected
of men; a man of sorrows,

and acquainted with grief: and
we hid as it were our faces

from him; he was despised,
and we esteemed him not.

Surely he hath
borne our griefs,

and carried our sorrows:”

Surely he has borne your griefs
and he carried your sorrows.

“We did esteem him stricken,
smitten of God and afflicted.

But he was wounded for
our transgressions.

He was bruised for
our iniquities.

The chastisement of our
shalom was upon him.

And with his stripes
we are healed.”

With his stripes, we are healed.

Now Matthew, Chapter 8,

14th verse.

“When Jesus was come
into Peter’s house,

he saw his wife’s mother
laid and sick of a fever.”

Let me tell you this
before I read this.

These scriptures that I’m
reading to you right now,

I just wrote them down on a
little yellow lined tablet form

and just Scotch-tape them
to my bathroom mirror.

So I take a dose of
healing every morning,

and I pray it for
Gloria and I pray it

for the family every day.

Every day, Praise God.

I suggest that you do that.

“So when Jesus was coming
into Peter’s house,

he saw his wife’s mother laid
and sick of a fever,” Luke

Now Luke was a physician,
he said a great fever.

So this was not something like
the flu or something like that.

This is a killer fever.

“He touch her hand and
the fever left her.

She arose and
ministered to them.”

She just got up and
started fixing supper,

it’s the Sabbath and
so it’s time to eat.

Praise God, it’s
dark, let’s eat.

“She got up and
ministered to them.

When evening was come,

they brought unto him many that
were possessed with devils:

and he cast out the spirits with
his Word, and healed all

that were sick:
That it might be fulfilled

which was spoken by Esaias the
prophet, saying, Himself

took our infirmities,
and bare our sicknesses.”

Now let’s look at
Isaiah 53 and so forth

in the Classic Amplified
if you would please.

He was despised and rejected and
forsaken by men, a Man

of sorrows and pains, and
acquainted with grief

and sickness; and like One from
Whom men hide their faces

He was despised, and we did
not appreciate His worth

or have any esteem for Him.”

Look at that… My, my, my.

It was fulfilled that day,
that was fulfilled that day.

If it was fulfilled then, it’s
fulfilled today, glory to God.

Now let’s go to the 107th
Psalm, the first verse.

O give thanks unto the Lord
for He is good and his “hesed”

endureth forever.”

Hesed is a covenant term
and it’s translated mercy,

loving kindness.

What is Hesed?

It’s in Psalm 23.

“Surely goodness and Hesed
shall follow me all the days

of my life”…

Favor from the Greater.

Favor from the
Greater by covenant.

God is the Greater and
his mercy endures forever.

His Hesed endures, actually
it’s pronounced Hesed…


David came in and heard that
Jonathan and Saul had been

killed, and he said, “Is there
anyone from the house of Saul

under whom I can show Hesed?”

He was king.

They said no one
but Mephibosheth.

But he’s an invalid.

He said go get him.

That’s how important he is.

The man that explained
it to me said,

and he spent a lot
of time in Africa.

He said, “If you see a big
mother elephant and she’s got

a little elephant and you start
getting close and those big ears

come like that”, he said,
“You better get out”.

You’re going to get some Hesed
and it is going to hit you

right here, the big one is
going to come at you.”

And the big one is our
God, and he’s the healer.

And by his Spirit he’s here
this morning and he’s here

to deliver you from grief
and sorrow and pain.

The apostle Paul wrote in a
letter and the King James says

here again, sorrow not,
but the same word is grief.

He said grieve not, for we’re
not a people without hope,

for we know he’s coming.

Just as he was ascending the
angel said, now paraphrase,

what are you standing
here looking at him for.

This same Jesus is coming
back, this same Jesus.

And we’re closer today
than we were yesterday.

Glory to God, Hallelujah.

Thank You, Lord Jesus.

Now let’s get this
to the hundred…

no, look at the 17th verse.

Oh, Lord…

“Fools because of their
transgression, and because

of their iniquities,
are afflicted.

Their soul abhorreth all manner
of meat; and they draw near

unto the gates of death.”

Draw near unto
the gates of death.

It is never too late.

“Then they cry unto the
Lord in their trouble,

and he saveth them out
of their distresses.”

He sent his Word, and healed
them, and delivered them

from their destructions.

He said his Word. In the
beginning was the Word.

The Word was with God
and the Word was God.

And the Word became
flesh and dwelt among us.

And his name is Jesus.


Thank You, Lord Jesus.

Now then, the 91st Psalm,

we talked about the fact
that Moses in Psalm 90,

a prayer of
Moses, the man of God,

he’s praying in this Psalm.

Lord that that has been
our dwelling place in all

generations before the
mountains and so forth.

The days of our years or
threescore and ten by reason of

strength, they’re fourescore.

Yet is their strength,
labour and sorrow,

for it is soon cut off
and we fly away.

Who knows the power
of thine anger?

Even according to thy fear.

So is thy wrath.

So seventy or eighty years never
was the time span for man.

So to find it out
you have to go back,

turn to the left and go to
Genesis 6:3 and find out

that in God’s plan
it’s 120 years.

So then you come over
here to this 91st Psalm,

when God appeared to Abram,
entered covenant with him

and changed his name to Abraham,
he said, I am El Shaddai,

El, God, Shaddai.

The breasted one.

The God that’s more than enough.

Now there’s three people
in this 91st Psalm.

This is the Soldier’s Psalm.

He that dwelleth in the sacred
place of the most High.

How high…

[Audience] Most High

– You can’t get any higher than
that and when you appeal

to this court, you talk about
the Supreme Court.

And the judge is the
creator and he’s our Father.

It’s the Father
within, that dwells…

that does the work.

“He that dwelleth in the
secret place of the most High

shall abide under the
shadow of Shaddai”.

So there is a statement.

Now I want to read this
the way I had been…

I’ve studied this Psalm a lot.

In fact, there’s no
white left in it,

I’ve highlighted
the whole thing.

And over a period of time and
working with it and studying it,

making notes and then
one day the Lord said,

“Would you like me
to read that to you?”

– I would yes.

He said that’s a statement.

Then he says, “Now
here’s your part.”

I won’t go bother explain it,
I’ll just read it the way

it came across to me.

I will say of the Lord, he’s my
refuge, my fortress, my God,

in him will I trust.

Now I spoke my faith.

Now Jesus begins to speak.

Surely Kenneth, he
shall deliver you

from the snare of the fowler.

Why? I said it.

I made my faith statement
and stood on it.


Well, we could camp on that.

This is guaranteed.

This is a surety…

Surely Kenneth, he shall
deliver you from the snare

of the fowler.

We know who that is.

He just fouls up everything.

And from the noisome pestilence,
he shall cover you Kenneth,

with his feathers and
under his wings

shalt you trust. His truth shall
be your shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid
for the terror by night.

Lie down and go to sleep.

Look up your sleep scriptures.

David, Absalom was chasing him
trying to kill him and he said,

“I just laid down and slept.”

Then he said, “I’ll lie
down and sleep oh Lord,

for you alone make
me dwell in safety.”

Then the 127 Psalm, “It is vain
to rise up early and sit up late

and eat the bread of
sorrows, sorrows, grief,

toiling for he gives
his beloved sleep.”

So sleep is a gift.

So I have those written on that
little yellow tablet right there

next to my bed.

So sleep is a gift.

Well, praise God, I
believe I receive it.

Kenneth, you will not be afraid
of the terror by night,

nor for the arrow
that flies by day,

nor for the pestilence
that walks in darkness.

Now the word pestilence is
there or plagues, sicknesses,

diseases, pandemics.


A thousand shall fall at
your side, Kenneth

and 10,000 at your right hand,
but it shall not come near you.

It won’t even get close and
that’s a nasty neighborhood.

You don’t have to be afraid
of drive by shootings.

Stage your angels out there.

Get in this, they’re in here.

It’s called the soldier’s Psalm.

You’ll not be afraid
of the terror by night,

nor the arrow that
flieth by day.

Nor for the pestilence
that walks in darkness.

Nor for the destruction
that waste at noonday.

A thousand shall
fall at your side.

Ten thousand at your right hand.

It shall not come nigh you. Only
with your eyes, Kenneth

shall you behold and see the
reward of the wicked.

And I wrote right there,

like a bad movie.


Adjust your eyes in the middle
of all this hell on earth.

You’re just an observer.


You’re in the secret place and
under the shadow of Shaddai,

the God who’s more than enough.

Place yourself in here.

We were in Jackson, Mississippi,
in a very old hotel.

And I mean, you know, you can
tell it’s old when the door

going out in the hall has wooden
louvers in it to let air in.

Well of course now it’s air
conditioned but that hotel

had been over a long time
before we got there.

Anyway, we’d been
invited to preach there,

and that’s where they put us up.

Well, we were up pretty high and
we heard some noise downstairs.

And so I went over there at
the window and looked

and how it seemed like the name
of it was the Top Hat Tavern

or something like that,
right across the street.

And a fight had started and
it came out in the street.

And these people are
screaming and hollering

and you can hear them,

the sound’s coming up and
coming in that hotel

and this one guy, he’s the
loud mouth of the bunch.

I was standing there watching
him and there was one man

took a pipe, hit the other
fellow in the head with it,

and he went round back here like
this and he pulled out a sidearm

and man, he fired that thing in
downtown there like that…

It was so loud.

So I just picked up
the phone, you know,

just wait for the operator.

I mean this thing is ancient.

Operator answered.

I said, “There’s a fight
going on downstairs there

and you need to get
the police out here.”

– Well I…

I said get them out here.

– Oh, okay…

So in a little bit you heard the
sirens, well they scattered

you know and I was standing
there watching and they

So I went on and got back in bed

and we heard the
elevator coming up.

The elevator was just
across the hall there.

Well Gloria already
started on the 91st Psalm.

She just started quoting it.

And then the elevator opened up.

We recognized the voice of
the man with the pistol.

Gloria said, “You reckon
he found out you called
the police?”


I said, “No he’s just drunk.”

But I mean…

Gloria got all the way down to
“long life, you’ll satisfy me.”

Because Kenneth… Now
this is where the Lord

pointed this out to
read this this way.

Because, Kenneth,
you’ve made the Lord,

which is my refuge
even the most High,

your habitation,
your living place.

I’m dwelling in
the secret place.

This book is that secret
place, now hide in it.

This book is what brought
healing to my life.

This book brought everything
that Gloria and I have

into our lives.

As most of you know, we didn’t
have any way but up to go,

really, just…

There shall no evil befall thee.

Kenneth, neither shall any
plague come nigh your dwelling.

He shall give his angels
charge over you to keep you

in all of your ways.

And the Lord
stopped right there.

Now, he said that’s
referring all of the above.

Well sure it is.

They keep you in
all of your ways.


Because you dwell in
the secret place.

“To keep you in all
of your ways.

They shall bear you
up in their hands,

lest you dash your
foot against a stone.

Kenneth, you will tread
upon the lion and the adder.

The young lion and the dragon
shall you trample under feet.

And the Lord said,

“Now your Father is about
to speak to you, Kenneth”

and he’s speaking to Jesus.

And the Father says, “Jesus,

because Kenneth set
his love upon me,

therefore will I deliver him.

I will set him on high
because he’s known my name.

He’ll call on me
and I’ll answer.

I’ll be with him in trouble.

I’ll deliver him and honor him.

And with long life, I will
satisfy him and show him

my salvation until
he’s 120 years old.

Praise God.


And this psalm then
just literally

became a part of my life.

And then you come to 92.

It is a good thing to give
thanks unto the Lord

and to sing praises
unto his name,

O Most High, to show forth thy
lovingkindness in the morning

and your faithfulness
every night.

That just flows
right in behind that,

every morning and every night.

Now I quote Gloria, “If you do
what’s right in the natural

and you do what’s right
in the supernatural,

you can live in
divine health.”

[Karen] My left knee would be
really, really painful

and it would bulge
out on the inside

and I would be
waking up like two

or three times a night and just
kind of limping along like,

you know, holding
myself, whatever.

And last night I was able to
sleep through the whole night.

Before I went to sleep, I
told God, I said, “You know,

I’d really like the
knee taken care of.

And my toe”, my toe had been
bothering me a little bit

and asked him if he wouldn’t
have Brother Kenneth

call it out. And he did.

And I’m like, yes!

[Kenneth Copeland] I declare
your toes are healed.

I declare your
ankles are healed,

I declare your knees
are healed.

[Karen] So today, instead of
like grabbing on to things,

you know, and kinda getting
going, now lookie there…

I can do pretty good now.

God has just been so good to me
and I walk in divine health.

I don’t get COVID 19 or 15 or 29
or whatever they got out there.

I don’t get those things
because God takes care of me.

[Announcer] One of God’s
names in the Old Testament

is God your healer.

If that’s who he was
then, you can be sure

he’s the same healer
for you today.

“… I will take sickness
from the midst of you.

I will fulfill the
number of your days.”

Find out that God has much to
say about your healing

with Healing Promises, a
book by Kenneth and
Gloria Copeland.

This collection of
scriptures on healing

shares each Bible passage in
four different translations

to help you study the
meaning of each verse

and get it deep
in your heart.

Use Healing Promises as a
guide to confess God’s Word

over your life every day.

Whether you need healing now or
want to maintain strength

and health all your days, the
Word of God is your answer.

Take it like medicine
and see your faith grow.

Meditate on God’s
healing promises

and allow it to go to work.

It brings life to your entire
being, spirit, soul and body.

The same healing power you
read about in the Bible

is still available today.

Request your free copy

of Kenneth and Gloria
Copeland’s book,

Healing Promises
available at

or when you
call 800-600-7395.

Take hold of God’s
healing promises
for you

and receive your

Offer good for
60 days.

If you’re outside
the United States,

shipping charges
may apply.

Contact your regional
office for more

Hello, I’m Larry Warren.

God promised healing
for his people

and he doesn’t break a promise.

He is the Lord that heals
you and he doesn’t change.

This week, Kenneth and Gloria
Copeland have a gift for you.

It’s the Healing Promises book.

Each healing scripture is listed
in four different translation.

This is a great way to
keep God’s healing Word

in front of you all the time.

As Miss Gloria says:
put the Word of God

in your eyes and in your ears.

It will get down into your heart

and come out of your
mouth in faith.

This is the Copeland’s
gift to you.

All you have to do to
receive your free copy

is request it today on

The next Healing School with
Brother Copeland will be

at the Sacramento Victory
Campaign on Saturday morning,

March 25th, in North
Highlands, California.

I encourage you to come
to the entire event

that starts on March 23rd.

There’s something about being
in the atmosphere of faith

and the Word.

This is a place to receive
wisdom and answers from God.

For more information on the
Sacramento Victory Campaign

and other KCM events,
go to

Before we go today, I want
to pray for your healing.

Father, we are buried with Jesus
in the baptism of his death

and like is Christ was raised up
from the dead by Your glory,

even so, we also live and walk
in the newness of life healed

and made whole by the
same resurrection life

according to Your will and the
riches of Your sure mercies,


Thank you for joining us today.

We’ll see you again tomorrow.

Until then, this is Brother
Larry reminding you

God loves you, we love you,
and Jesus is Lord.

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
want to thank you for
joining us

on the Believer’s Voice
of Victory broadcast.

To learn more about Kenneth
Copeland Ministries

and how we can help
you grow in faith,

check out our website for
free content and

available to you on