No more fear! Watch /Believer’s Voice of Victory/ as Pastors George and Terri Pearsons discuss three ways for you to get rid of fear. Make a powerful declaration against all fear and begin walking in the glorious gift of freedom today! Get more out of this broadcast! Download the notes @ Livestream more episodes for FREE @ Subscribe to get a daily faith boost from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland delivered to your inbox @ ABOUT THE BELIEVER’S VOICE OF VICTORY TV BROADCAST: Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV) is a daily Christian TV broadcast produced by Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) that teaches Christians how to live a life of faith and victory using principles from the Bible. Learn more about KCM and how we can help you live an overcoming, victorious and successful life @

All this week on the
Believer’s Voice of Victory,

we’ve been talking
about freedom from fear.

And look at this scripture.

This is awesome.

This is Philippians 4:6.

“Be careful for nothing but
in everything by prayer

and supplication with

let your request be
made known under God.”

The Amplified Bible says,

“Do not fret or have any
anxiety about anything.”

– Not just a little bit?

– Not at all.

– What about the kids at school?

– Not at all.

– What about the pay?

No fear. No fear. No,
none. No fear.

– What about the bills?

No. No fear here.

– What about the in-laws?
What about the politics?

– No, no fear.

– Okay.

♪ I’m not moved by
what I feel ♪

♪ I don’t live by
what I see ♪

♪ Because my God has
made a way for me ♪

We’re Pastors George
and Terri Pearsons.

All this week, we’ve been
talking about freedom from fear

and how to be delivered, how
to be delivered from fear,

how to eradicate
fear from your life.

And we’ve been
using the Scripture,

the foundation Scripture,
Psalm 34, verse 4,

“I sought the Lord and he
heard me and delivered me

from all my fears.”

So we can come to a place in our
spiritual walk where there is

no fear whatsoever, completely
void of fear and full of faith.

Isn’t that right?

– Absolutely right.

Reading that about “delivered
me from all my fear”.

You know, fear…

One of the things
about the devil

is he will customize it for you.

He will customize fear so
that it seems normal.

It seems right, is something
to be afraid of because

it looks like it’s
just suited for you.

But the Lord delivers
us from all our fears,

– all our fear.

Praise God,
– Praise God.

So I want to let you know
that all of these outlines

that we’ve been working from
are available on

Go to them.

You can go back.

You can study them.

Terri, this is so important,

especially for pastors,

They can use these for
Bible study–

– There are things in
the outlines

that we don’t get
to on the broadcast.

– Exactly.

And they can get the
fullness of the teaching,

but our heart and in the
way the Lord led us

on this particular week.

And thank you, Kenneth
and Gloria Copeland,

for allowing us to host
this week of broadcast.

And it just came on me so strong
that we had to talk about

freedom from fear.

No fear here, not allowing fear
to get down on the inside.

– And when our old

Eiley was about two years old,

she was really struggling
with being shy.

She couldn’t even
talk very well.

And so, barely could talk

but every night
her mama or one of us,

somebody would lead her.

No fear.

No fear.

I have no fear.

And she’d say, “No fear, Pappy.

No fear, no shy, no shy.

So she was refusing to be shy
because shyness was fear.

And she is overcome that.

– That’s right.

That’s right.

– She’s till quiet, but
she’s not afraid.

– That’s right.

So getting down
to business here.

Three ways to get rid of fear.

Three ways to get rid of fear.

Let’s go through
these, Pastor Terri.

– Okay.

– First of all, number
one, obey the command.

Obey the command.

What command?

Well, over and over
again, the Lord says,

“If you will listen and obey,
the blessing will follow.”

– So when the Lord tells you to
do something is beyond

the Ten Commandments, but when
He gives you a directive,

if you take it as a
directive and not an option,

not a suggestion,
not a good idea,

and you line yourself up
to being obedient

with that command,

then as he says in Isaiah
his victorious right hand

will uphold you.

So the command to obey.

And what is that command?

Thou shall not fear.

Don’t fear, fear not over
100 times, it says “Fear not

or do not be afraid.”

And there are many other ways
that it says the same thing.

– In the Scripture that we use
for that is Isaiah 41:10

and it says, “Fear
not, fear not”.

You know, when you make a
decision to not fear,

you have to look at this
as a command from God.

And you look at it, you
say, you see fear not.

And you say, “Yes, sir”,
– Yes, sir.

– And your body may
not feel like it.

The surroundings may
not feel like it,

but something happens when
you obey a command from God

that there is a chain
reaction that begins.

You can’t see what’s
going on at the moment.

You can’t see
what’s taking place.

But I like what Keith Moore
preached one time about

“Be thou removed and be
thou cast into the sea.”

Sometimes you don’t see
that whole mountain going

into the sea, but the Word
of Faith is working on it,

it’s working on it.

And so that fear
is being worked on.

When you simply obey the
command and say, “Yes, sir,

that’s what I will do.”

I don’t care how I feel.

I don’t care what it looks like.

I don’t care what’s
going on around me.

I believe the command
that God says fear not.

Why? Because he says,
“For I am with you”.

Or as we learned
yesterday, the great I am.

– The I am, the I am

– The I am.

And he says, I will.

So you could say it this way.

The “I am”.

I am has said, “I will”.
The I am has said, “I will,

I will help you.

I will strengthen you.”

That’s why you don’t
need to be afraid.

But it’s also that the
I am, it said, “Fear not”.

Don’t do it.

– And you can say it like this.

Like God saying it to
you, I am your deliver.

I am your healer.

I am your provider.

I am your supplier.

So he says, “I am with you”.

God is with us, God is with us.

And if you’re in
fear, it hinders

the “I am” ability
to get to you

what he wants to get to you.

– Here’s another command.

Be not dismayed.

Be not dismayed.


I am your God.

I will strengthen you.

I will help you.

I will uphold you with
my righteous right hand.

– So he’ll do it right.

Righteousness is that
it’s God’s rightness.

There’s nothing wrong in him
or with him. His rightness then,

the force of that
will make things right.

– I like each one
of these statements.

He says, “I am your God.

I will strengthen you.

I will help you.

I will uphold you with
my righteous right hand”.

So you really could say there,
because I will strengthen you,

you don’t have to fear.

– That’s right.

– Because I will help you,

you don’t have to fear.

Because I will uphold you,
you don’t have to fear.

And then it goes on to
say this “Behold, all,

all those who are incensed
against you shall be

ashamed and

They shall be as nothing.

And those who strive
with you shall perish.

You shall seek them
and not find them.

Those who contended with you,
those who war against you

shall be as nothing as a
non existent thing.

– No effect.

– It’ll have no effect on you.

So this first one here, we
obey the command of fear.

Say, Father.

– Father.

– I see in your Word,

– You said

– fear not.

– I obey that command.

– I receive it.

– I believe it.

And I walk it out

by faith

in Jesus’ name.

– So that really leads us
into the second step here.

Three ways of
getting rid of fear.

You have to take a stand.

You have to take your stand.

And Mark 5:35 and 36, it says,

“While Jesus was still speaking,

some came from the ruler of the
synagogue’s house who said,

‘Your daughter is dead.

Why trouble the
teacher any further?

As soon as Jesus heard
the Word that was spoken,

he said to the ruler of the
synagogue, ‘Do not be afraid,

only believe.'”
That’s a command.

He’s giving him a command.

Do not be afraid.

Only believe.

I’m going to say that
to you right now.

What is it you’re facing?

What’s going on?

Only believe.

Do not be afraid.

Do not be afraid.

I like this Amplified
translation of it.

Terri, read that,
if you would.

– “Overhearing but
ignoring what they said,

Jesus said to the ruler
of the synagogue,

‘Do not be seized with
alarm and struck with fear.

Only keep on believing'”. You
know, just as important here,

just take a moment that
Jairus, he kept silent.

Brother Copeland called
this many years ago.

The vocabulary of silence,

separating not from the fear
and not giving it any room,

giving it no response.

Sometimes we’re a little bit
too quick to say things.

And the word and this and that.

Take the moment, listen
for the directions.

Don’t respond to the fear and
wait to see how you are

to respond to faith.

Sometimes the best thing we can
do is not say anything because

we’re under pressure to say
something that’s going

to undermine our faith and
give support to the fear

and the problem,

the situation.

The little girl,
she was dead.

But Jesus said, “No, no, no,
no, no, don’t be afraid.

Only believe.

– Okay. Psalm 34.

Well, no, I want to point at,

Ecclesiastes 3:7 says,

“There is a time for silence,

there’s a time to speak and
a time for silence.”

Dad also said
something that way,

way back when it’s so
good in times of pressure,

sudden urgency, crisis.

Low slow, low slow.

What does he mean?

Before I jump in and
respond if at all possible,

let’s see what to do here.

One time Jesus stooped
down and wrote in the dirt,

I believe is waiting to hear.

Only said what they
heard the Father say

and if the Father hadn’t
said anything he’s heard,

he’s not saying anything.

Low slow.

– When you tell that, Terri.

It reminds me of that story
that your dad tells about

Aunt Ally.
– Aunt Ally.

So my mother’s aunt…

Actually my dad’s great
aunt, she was in the hospital.

My dad had come in.

– Your grandmother’s?

– My grandmother’s sister,

no, my great grandmother sister,
my grandmother’s aunt

so my dad’s great aunt.

So he come in from out of town.

He stopped over at my
grandparents house

and just got off the phone.

My grandmother…

Oh, we got to go.

Ally’s dying.

We got to hurry.

And my dad said he
just immediately

went into low slow.

And by that he just said, “No.

And we’ll hear from
the Lord, I’m hungry,

let’s make some eggs.”

And my grandmother was
panicking, panicking,

and he insisted.

So she did, hurry, Kenneth,
hurry, Kenneth, hurry.

So he went and said, “I’m
going to put on a clean shirt.

So he went and she said,
“Got to hurry up.

Ally’s dying, Ally’s
dying, Ally’s dying.

And they got in the car and
he said, “You drive”.

So they drove over
there, got there.

And sure enough, it looks
like outward indications

she had died, but the Lord
had already spoke to him

and told him what to say to her.

And the Lord gave him
certain pieces of certain

scriptures, put his finger
in her chest right here.

And he said, “Ally”,

and he began to talk to
her and tell her

what the Lord had
told him to say.

And when he finished that, her
eyes popped open and she said,

“Well, Kenneth, what
are you doing here?”

Praise the Lord.

Now all that, while they’re
in the room next door,

planning her funeral and waiting
on the death certificate.

And in fact, if
I remember right,

they had already moved her into
another room just waiting

for the death certification.

So the story goes
that she went on and lived

several more years.

So she was elderly.

She lived several more years.

The Lord told my grandmother to
go see her because it was time

for her to go to heaven.

And she went and helped her
and within just a few minutes

she went on to heaven
because it was time.

But at one time before it
was surrounded in fear.

But low, slow.

– There’s something that
we have to watch out for.

There’s something that I call

a momentum of faith.

When you get into a
momentum of faith,

it’s like that snowball at
the top of the mountain.

It comes down.

It gets bigger and bigger
and faster and faster.

Well, there’s a momentum of
faith and we’re sensing

a momentum of faith here at
Kenneth Copeland Ministries

right now.

But there’s also a
momentum of fear.

and a momentum of fear…

You can get caught up in a
conversation and it’ll get

faster and faster and faster.

And you just go spiraling
downward to where

this is not working.

It’s not going to happen.

It’s not going to take place.

And what you have to do is
what she just talked about,

go into low slow or what
Brother Copeland taught me

that pilots do when
they’re in the cockpit

and they’re facing emergencies.

You have to wind your watch,

– Even if it doesn’t
need to wind.

You just take that
moment to do that.

– and he told me that,
he actually told me

that we were going through
something few years ago

where there was a
momentum going on,

but it wasn’t a
faith momentum.

And he said, “George, you just
have to wind your watch.”

And I’ll never forget
that to go into low slow,

you go down into a lower
gear, you go into God.

– Yeah, Clark Taylor said,
“Drop down into Jesus,

drop down into… He’s in
here by the Spirit of God,

drop down into Jesus even before
you start spouting scriptures,

you know, unless it
just comes up out of you.

I remember being in a situation,
I got a phone call about

one of my children and it was
a bad report, you know,

and I felt panic.

Boy, the words coming out
of my mouth and this

and that and this and that.

But I could sense I was going
down, down, down, down.

Why I wasn’t in faith.

I was speaking the
Word but in fear.

And I got a hold of it
and I heard the Lord.

I heard the voice of the
Word. The Bible says the Word

will speak to you, come up on
the inside of me and said,

“He is the righteousness
of God in Christ Jesus

and the righteousness
of God in Him

will make that situation right.

All of a sudden I had a word
of the Lord and I begin

to say that, and
with the Scriptures

that were then coming out,

then I could sense the
lifting of the Lord,

the lifting going up
and up and up instead of

speaking Scripture,
going down and down.

But you can be in fear
like a machine gun.

But you want to stop
and let the Lord speak.

– You have to really separate
yourself from the swirl of all

of that that’s going on
and that’s happening.

And I know times when
I’ve been in meetings

before and we’ve got an issue
or a problem or a situation,

and I just have to come
to a place where you just go

like this.

Time out.

Let’s get quiet.

Let’s get before the Lord.

And if there’s any fear
that we need to get rid of,

let’s get rid of the fear
part of it right now.

Like you said before, you
know, there’s pressure

in the trouble.

But you can separate the
pressure from the problems.

– You deal with the pressure so
you can get to the problem,

so you can get to
the trouble,

deal with that pressure
and shut it down.

And honestly, pressure is
pretty easy to shut down

if you’ve got any
word in you at all.

But that part, cut it off,
separate it, deal with it.

And then you can start to
really deal with the problem.

And you sometimes need to shut
down the fear around you.

What did Jesus do when
he got to Jairus’ house?

He got everybody
out of there,

nobody but the parents were
allowed in and only three of his

disciples were allowed
to go with him.

And he allowed no
measure of fear,

no measure of doubt and unbelief
to come into that room,

– Ephesians 6:13 and 14 from
the Amplified translation.

“Therefore, and I’m speaking to
people right now that are going

through issues,
you’re in the swirl,

you’re in the midst of
something that’s going on,

that’s trying to bring fear.

It says, “Put on God’s complete
armor that you may be able

to resist” and you
can say there,

“Resist the fear, resist the
pressure and stand your ground

on the evil day of danger.

And having done all the crisis
demands to stand firmly

in your place, stand there
for, hold your ground.

– You know, George, sometimes
that takes time and persistence

because as soon
as it lifts it’s back,

soon as it lifts it’s back and
we’ve had some situations that

were over a period of time that
it was having done all to stand,

stand, having all to stand,
stand and stand and stand

and come at it and
help each other.

That’s what I love about having
people of faith around us

that we can call on

but if you don’t have
anybody, you have Jesus

and you have the Word.

But sometimes it is a stand and
a stand and a stand and a stand.

Deal with the fear,
then the problem.

Deal with the fear,
then the problem.

But just keep pounding that
fear and give it no foothold.

– And you wonder
to yourself sometimes.

How, how in the world are we
going to get through this?

It’s such a muddled mess.

It’s just so crazy.

And one of the things that Terri
and I’ve done and this is…

we’ve just said this by faith.

We’ve taken the
time, we’ve prayed,

and the Lord gave us two words,

two words.

And in the midst of some of
these situations that we’ve

faced, we will say by faith,
it’s over, it’s over, it’s over.

– You need a rhyme of word like.

You can borrow ours, but you
need to hear something

from the Lord.

And he said that to
us a few years ago.

We were facing something
that was just squeezing

the life out of us, you’d think,

it was trying to.

And that was right
in the middle of it.

You know, we’re resisting
the fear, resisting.

But then the Lord spoke that to
us and it wasn’t just something

he said to us.

We knew it was something
that we were to say as well.

And we began to
say, it’s over.

Since that time that
same phrase’s come back

time and again,

not only for our sakes,
but for others.

But it’s over.

– It’s over.

– That death sentence is over.

That court case is over.

That problem is over.

It’s over.

– It’s over.

– It’s effect on me.

It’s over.

Fear, it’s over, it’s over.

You get a little sassy about it.

– You really do. Well,
that’s taking your stand.

That’s taking your stand.

So the first thing we talked
about, obey the command,

fear not.

That’s the command.

Second thing is take your stand.

Devil, this is over.

You hear me?

I’m speaking to you.

It’s over.

And then finally, first,
John 4:18. Walk in love.

Talk to us, Pastor T.

– Talk to us Pastor Terri,
first John 4:18 says,

“There’s no fear in love”, but
perfect… as we talked about

the other day, perfect or
developed fear, matured fear.

And you can develop in love.

You can develop in love really
fast because the love of God

is shed abroad in your
heart by the Holy Ghost.

But developed
love, cast out fear.

Fear has torment. He that fears
is not made perfect in love,

and the word cast is translated
from a Greek word that means

to let go of or to throw away
without caring where it falls.

Just get it away.

Just get it away.

Whatever it takes.

Perfect love drives out fear.

I want to show you
something, if I may,

and that is in Mark
chapter four, verse 35.

I saw this this morning,
George, and I couldn’t wait to

you came back in the room
to share it with you.

Mark 4:35, an episode
we’re very familiar with.

“On the same day evening
come he said to them,

let’s cross over to
the other side.

When they had left
the multitude,

they took him along in the boat
as he was and other little boats

were with him.”

This is a whole group of people

“and a great windstorm arose

and the waves beat
into the boat so that

it was already filling.

But he was in the stern, asleep
on a pillow and they awoke him

and said to him, ‘Teacher, do
you not care that we’re

Then he arose.

He rebuked the wind
and said to the sea,

‘Peace, be still’ and
the wind ceased.

And there was a great calm.

But he said to them,
‘Why are you so fearful?

How is it that
you have no faith?'”

Not having faith had opened
such a door for fear,

“they feared exceedingly
and said to one another,

‘Who can this be?

That even the wind
and the sea obey him.'”

So you know, we’ve
preached and taught.

And it’s absolutely true that
they could of, should of

spoke to that wind and rebuked
it and it’d done the same thing

because they had the word of
Jesus go to the other side.

But I saw something
in this this morning.

Where was the first
point of their failure?

Where was that first point?

They didn’t believe his love,
“Master, don’t you care?”

And because they didn’t
believe the love,

first John 4:18, 16 through
18 says “Believe the love”

because they didn’t
believe that love,

fear moved in
and the ability to stand

against the storm
was drained out of them.

It didn’t even occur to them.

But when you believe the
love and you understand

that he seated you with
Christ in heavenly places

and the same thing…

Mark Hankins
said the other day,

possession due to position,
having possession

due to position, being seated
with him in heavenly places

allows you to possess
what he possesses,

which is authority
over the wind

and the sea and the
storms of life.

But you have to
believe the love.

If you question the love, then
that authority is empty

and it just drains out of you.

– That’s right.

That’s right.

No fear here in Jesus’ name.

Say this after me.

In the name of Jesus.

– In the name of Jesus.

– I obey the command.

– Fear not,

– I take my stand.

– Fear not

– and I walk in love

– in Jesus’ name

– I walk in love

I live by faith,
I walk in love.

– And you know, in
the economic times

that we’re facing right now,

there are people that are
afraid to give, they’re afraid

to let go of the tithe.

They’re afraid to let
go of the offerings.

We in spite of the times
and because of the times,

we need to keep sowing, we need
to keep sowing into the Gospel.

We need to keep sowing
into our churches

and believe in God
for the harvest.

“Give and it will be
given back to you,

pressed down, shaken
together, running over,

shall men give into your bosom.”

So as you give today on the
Believer’s Voice of Victory

and partners, we thank you,

thank you for your
faithful giving.

Thank you for sowing
into this ministry.

The Word of God is being
preached all over the world

because of what you’re doing.

We are also because of the 10%
that we keep back from

the finances that come in.

We use those finances to be able
to minister to other ministries

all over the world.

So your work is being extended,
your work is going far beyond

just giving in to Kenneth
Copeland Ministries.

Father, we received today the
offerings of Your people

and thank You.

We do not fear.

We’re not afraid to give our
tithe and we’re not afraid

to sow seed because
we are harvesters.

We harvest great harvest and
harvesting angels, go out there

right now and get the
harvest for these people

in the name of Jesus.

We agree together over that.

– That’s right.
And pray about it.

You know, partnering it really
does make a difference,

where you partner
makes a difference,

where you go to church,

makes a difference
who you hook up with.

And so if you will
consider that partnership,

which was partnership, whether
it’s some that you ministries

in church, not church, but
ministries that you might give

to occasionally here and there,
maybe even a really large sum.

But it’s not something
you do regularly,

that’s not really partnership,
at least not to us.

Partnership is when you’re
engaged in regular support

financially, regular
support, prayerfully,

and then together we are
believing God for that,

that harvest coming back
to you on a regular basis.

So we thank you for
praying about that today.

All the information you need is
right there on your screen

so that you can hook up with us

and touch the whole
world with this message

of freedom from fear.

– We’ve enjoyed being
with you this way so much.

– Please let us hear from you.

– Yes,

– I’d like to know if you
enjoyed being ministered to

by these broadcast.

– Remember this, God
loves you, we love you.

(in unison) And Jesus is Lord.

[Announcer] Kenneth
and Gloria Copeland
would like to thank

for praying and
sowing into Kenneth
Copeland Ministries.

We are believing
with you for the

on the seed
you have sown.

To give by text,
you can text the
letters KCM

to 36609.

Together we are
sending the
Word of Faith

to people around
the world

[Announcer] In 2023,

join Kenneth Copeland
at these free KCM events

to build your faith and
live in victory.

March 23 through 25,

come to the Sacramento
Victory Campaign

in North Highlands, California.

April 13 through 15,

join us at the Branson Victory
Campaign in Branson, Missouri.

June 22 through 24,

make plans to be at the
Chattanooga Victory Campaign

in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Go to
for more information.