Pastor Jack and Amir Tsarfati of @beholdisrael, sift through God’s Word and discuss the “facts” of current Global events and this global pandemic. Take a look at how all of this lines up with the Bible and what God’s plans are for His church in the end times.

so i know you’re in favor of the

legalization of marijuana

based on like your past yeah

decriminalization yeah

but um what is your opinions on like any

regulations we should impose on it

so obviously i think you need age

regulations uh i think you have to

ensure that the weird thing about

decriminalization of marijuana is that

this free price is so cheap

that decriminalizing it to the point

where it’s still not beneficial to buy

it illegally is is a little bit


uh the reason i’m for decriminalization

of marijuana by the way is not because i

like marijuana i think people who smoke

it are losers

uh and

it smells terrible and you’re wasting

your brain cells the reason that the

reason that

i’m in favor of decriminalization is

because the government is terrible at


and the and whatever levels of

criminalization have taken place have

done nothing to prevent

the access to marijuana for young people

they’ve just done nothing i mean

when i was in junior high in public

school walter reed middle school people

were selling it on the playground

uh so that’s not so it’s you know um

i i think that criminal treating it like

cigarettes is probably the best way to

do it

you know a heavy tax and uh and

decriminalization to the point where if

you’re above a certain age you can use

it like alcohol or cigarettes makes

the sense to me thank you all right

thank you next question

how do we stop the media with what

they’re doing dividing us they’re

dividing us greatly how could we

exchange something to make it different

what can we

do well i mean i think the first thing

you can do is stop watching cnn and


i don’t i i figured i figured from your

question i was assuming that

um but i mean the the good news is that

i think that the

the age of a dominant left media is

basically over the fragmentation of the

media is is one of the reasons i’m


the fragmentation of the media has taken

place like our website which didn’t

exist three years ago now gets 140

million pages a month

so this is so and we’re not unique in

that area like there are a lot of places

that are getting

more viewership also i think more

long-form engagement is happening too

and one of the problems that i have with

cable tv as in general is that you have

to make an argument in two minutes flat

or three minutes flat which encourages

you to make the broadest possible

version of the argument

and also to straw man the arguments uh

yeah we’re we’re all better off watching

you know hour-long exchanges than than

we are watching sort of the cable news


uh and right now it seems like the the

polarization that’s happening on cable


is largely driving a lot of the hatred

because the easiest way but the easiest

shortcut in politics to victory is to

attack the character the people you’re

talking about

and it’s something i’ve been trying to

work on myself because it’s so hard not

to just call people stupid

but it’s but but with that said

uh yeah there’s a there’s a jewish

principle called don the cuffs close

which is to suggest that

you have to assume the best of

intentions on the part of people uh

as general rule that doesn’t happen too

much uh in cable news but

i think the threat of the mainstream

media is waning i think president trump

has demonstrated that’s one thing

president trump has demonstrated full
