Pastor Jack Hibbs, and Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries examine God’s prophetic Word concerning Antichrist’s origin, the destruction of Damascus, and Israel’s relationship with the United States.

okay so church before Jan comes out let

me tell you a little bit about her and I

mean a little bit because I don’t want

to take much time but Jan Markell is a

woman who came to faith in Jesus as a

young teen out of a Jewish home and God

has used her with a passion in her heart

for the word she has been a student of

the word and she has been I think what

is the most attractive thing for me for

all of us is that Jan has a high view of

Scripture which if you listen to her

radio program listen to this now her

radio program which airs on over 830

stations across America and in 24 other

countries in the world this is

unbelievable for first of all a woman to

have access into parts of the world

where men don’t listen to women Bible

teachers she understands her place in

position she’s not a pastor

she’s a Bible radio commentator and I

would call her a biblical cultural

expert I don’t know of anyone that has

their finger on the pulse of what’s

happening in the church and in the world

around us like Jan Markell she is a

Deborah in our age in in our culture and

to give you a little snippet of what God

has done with this woman she started I

think I’m going to be wrong but I’ll be

close somewhere around 2003 ish she

started a prophecy conference and today

it’s the largest prophecy conference in

North America I don’t know but if it’s

not the largest prophecy conference in

the world listen last year the church

that hosted they were so fed up with the

crowds that they limited it to I think

4,300 people because the previous year’s

over 6000 people would show up and it’d

create a big problem

there’s nothing like it and so we’re

going to show you just a few seconds of

what it would be like to be there




she’s a woman for this age to speak to

the church and analyze what’s going on

in the world so give a warm welcome to

one of my great heroes Jan Markell

the amazing

well Jan these people know that I have

said often that I view you as our

modern-day Deborah and they say that

because of your courage their Deborah

stood for the truth she heard the word

from God and Deborah went out and fought

battles and Jan Markell is that

personality in our culture in our age

and but let me tell you something if you

get an invitation from Jan Markell to

speak at our conference it is it is a

serious and reverent thing and so it’s

just an amazing thing and so Jan we’re

gonna get right into this and what I

would like you to kind of go down maybe

from memories just the other day by the

way if you guys do not get Jan’s email

you need to get it can you tell us how

to get that for those who don’t get it

so olive tree views down Oregon before

we get going look I gotta say you folks

you know you’re blessed okay not because

of me but because of this wonderful path

last fall he was with me in 2015 as well

and in you know people in the hotels

that we had about 55 States Canadian

provinces and foreign countries

represented last September and they look

at your pastor as America’s pastor I

said that from the platform so it’s

double emphasis but again you’re blessed

you’re so but because the church today

has kind of gone haywire okay not this


but a lot of churches have gone haywire

and and for a hundred reasons and we can

get into it later but when you’ve got a

pastor who’s preaching the truth who

loves the Lord and who loves you I know

you you know what I’m talking about and

you know you are blessed so thank you

but you didn’t give them the address I

got so caught up to kind all of three

views or sign up for the e alerts and I

think we’re going to talk about the one

I put out a couple days ago kind of

analyzing 20:18 from a prophetic

perspective and I’ll I’ll let you drive

the bus and I’ll just go along before we

do that olive tree views dot-com org

plural all of three views views with an

S make sure you start getting that I’m

telling you it’s awesome and you’re

gonna get the latest from all around the

world of what’s going on from a biblical

perspective that’s what’s great about

what Jam puts out it’s safe it’s safe

and I love that so just recently one of

those emails that you sent out to us

gave I think it was a list of ten

regarding the closeout of 2018 and you

worry you went down the list of things

that you felt strong that that God

showed you for if you had to reduce 2018

down to ten top issues you listed them

can you just kind of well I don’t have

them in front of me out you know we’ll

go by little memory here and everything

but Jack I thought I think what what I

would start with just to get kind of the

conversation rolling and I think you

would agree that and I happen to to to

list this issue as number one in

that would be the issue of globalism the

one world system that is just huge dying

to get burst and right now one person is

holding it back and and this isn’t a

time I wouldn’t say true we’re not here

to be cheerleaders tonight for for

Donald Trump and all that I’m thankful

that he’s my office he’s in office and

and I have a little bit of insight

behind that but Donald Trump has said in

particularly he said it again in

September at the UN he said at the

previous September at the UN he said

folks I am NOT a globalist I am a

nationalist know that through yes right

frankly that through the globalists a

curveball all the way back in 2016 but

they didn’t think they were going to

lose in 2016 it’s a fact yeah and so

they thought okay he’s a nationalist big

deal it doesn’t matter we don’t like it

but he’s not gonna win well he wins yeah

okay so now they’ve got a huge problem

on their hands and this whole globalist

agenda which I believe is being birthed

in Europe which I believe is gonna

blossom in Europe in which right now

Europe’s and chaos the Yellow Jacket Lee

revolt and all of that I believe the

Holy Roman the ancient Roman Empire the

revived Roman Empire is going to come

out of Europe I believe the Antichrist

will come up out of Europe I believe

there are some suspicious characters

over there not naming the Antichrist

okay I don’t think that’s real

profitable keep your eyes Daniel McCrone

he’s extremely sick okay listen I have

to I have to have to say something

cancer no can someone go guys in the

yeah can someone go to my the stage room

the blue room back there and there’s a

where the microphones are at there is a

Newsweek or economist condiment can

someone bring that out yeah if you can

hear me and enlight of what she just

said you might say well that’s crazy

Wow Steve

ladies and gentlemen pastor Steve Earle

bird okay Wow