happening now uh is something that

god laid on our hearts to respond to the


uh several years ago the craziness of

everybody predicting the end of the

world and this is going to happen and

jesus is coming back on that day and

bible prophecy this and bible prophecy

that and all of these

prophets about what’s going to happen

and none of those prophecies

came to true and we knew they wouldn’t

come true

but a lot of people didn’t know but how

did we know

and they didn’t know because the bible’s

very clear

and nobody should be deceived at a time

like this

and so happening now was created to

answer the bombastity and the craziness

and the drama that is out there uh


what god says about the future and when

is the end of the world and is it true

that on june

you know or july 29th it’s all going to


no no and so to help me

once again as we have in the past to

address these issues

uh a man that needs no uh introduction

at this church but i know that many of

you are new

uh amir serfate has been a long time

friend a very very close brother we have


all over speaking together and he

is a major in the israeli defense force

he’s the founder and president of behold


amir is actually an ambassador uh for


out of israel all around the world and

uh i can’t say enough about him but i

can tell you this

uh on one hand i i i could hand my

family and my wallet

in the keys to whatever i have uh to

those individuals and amir

is one of those guys and so i love him

give a warm welcome to amir sarfati


thank you

all right so we’re going to dive in

ladies and gentlemen we’re going to go

for this because

we want to be very very quick and we

want to get to questions

uh and answer them but uh regarding

again happening now the whole genesis of

this is answering

these dynamic questions that quite

frankly the christian church has

suffered a black eye

in many many ways because of these crazy


uh we want to make mention of the fact

that uh our life in this world

needs to be seen through a biblical lens

that’s what we’re going to be doing

tonight is looking at the world through

the biblical lens

and that um we are seeing in our world


the state of our world the state of

nations that are in a free fall

and we’ll talk about that tonight

before we get going i want to say

something that we were talking about

earlier today

is uh if we were to step into a kitchen

tonight or maybe your kitchen

if you were to pull out some eggs and

you would say here you go you want to

eat um i think we should cook them first

but you would say no

eat so that’s not going to work well

what if you pulled out some flour and

say here eat this

i’m not interested and i checked the

internet to make sure this was true

if you were to add things like

if you were to add things like baking


milk sugar you see what’s happening

right now

what sounded very unattractive by itself

now i think jack you’re talking about a


and i think if you keep talking you’re

talking about baking a cake

and right now in our world the things

that we’re going to cover tonight

just alone by themselves not so


when you begin to discuss what’s

happening in the world at the same time

right now

we now have a recipe for something that

god has predicted from the beginning

from the beginning amir what do you got


you know we we are watching not only

free fall but it’s picking up

speed we talked about it

the fact that more and more countries

around the world are actually collapsing

in the trust between the people and

their government is

gone you’re looking at what’s going on

in parts of south africa it’s not the

whole country but

still you see it’s a terrible thing you


uh what is also going on in

in cuba you know we’re watching what is

going on

in france and in the uk when it comes to

the green past that they the millions

went to the streets

a couple days ago to protest we are

watching can you explain the green past

the whole thing of uh only vaccinated

people are allowed to

to do certain things in certain places

and you have to show that you have been

vaccinated with that

specific uh electronic thing um on your

phone or whatever it is so

it’s it’s it’s the lack of trust between

people and government

that i believe is not only picking up


but it is going to lead to a world

wide demand for a different

type of government a different type of

government that will no longer

allow a corrupt government to rule

one nation they are looking for no way


clap because wait until you hear what

they want

hello we’re talking about

it is going to be a demand for a global


and it’s going to be a demand for

something that will not

allow a government to

be corrupt to the point

that when that world leader will

step into that scene he will be


not by one country not by two

but by the whole world and so we’re

here we are 2021 and we’re watching

the world falling apart and we have the

two options we have the option of

becoming depressed

and angry and fearful

or understand

that we were warned and told about that

for a reason and for a season and that

is so

we can a tell others

about the word of god and be get ready

to be out of here

and so

so what we’re going to try to do this

evening is basically look at

world events then zoom into the middle


and then zoom into israel because let’s

face it

bible prophecy has absolutely nothing to


about the relations between

different countries i mean you don’t

hear about

a war between germany and france in the

bible you don’t hear about

but it’s all about their relations the

nation’s relations with

israel the land and the people and so

eventually we will never be able to

understand prophecy unless we understand

how it relates to what is going on in

israel today

and that’s why i love that verse from

deuteronomy chapter 32 verses 7 and 8.

i think we have them on the screen so

you can see

remember the days of old consider the

years of many generations

ask your father and he will show you


elders and they will tell you when the


high divided their inheritance to the


when he separated the sons of adam and

that is in the

babel he set the boundaries of the


according to the number of the children

of israel

it all has to do with israel the

boundaries the nations where they are

what they do

it is connected to israel and when you

try to remove

israel from the equation you become


of the plan of god the word of god and

the hope that we have

in that word so that’s what we want to

do yeah and

i know that for many of you this is new

some of the things that even amir

mentioned a moment ago you may have

never heard this before for example he

mentioned when we get out of here or

when we go up or when we

these things we say because we talked so

much about this over the decades but we

understand that you

may not be aware or comfortable so if at

any time

remember there’s a question or you can

text the question to the number that

you’ll see

on the screen popping up uh because we

want you to know this

and in in our notes i i wrote down have

hope not sorrow

that’s why we’re here together tonight

as believers

and i want to say this carefully as

believers we we should never be the kind

of people that say things like

oh my goodness there was a 7.9

earthquake in japan

whoa the end is near i mean you look

like a lunatic like that don’t do that

well jesus said there’s going to be

earthquakes we get that

but it’s not something you cheer about

well it means that the end is near well

just wait a moment

the bible does say earthquakes are going

to increase in the last days jesus said

that’s one of the marks of the end times

but at the same time when we see these

things happen

we as believers are not to be shaken

we’re not to panic

and we’re not that goofy and we’re not

to scream and cry either

everything that god said that we need is

written down in the word

so that we might have hope in these days

so you say i don’t want to listen to

bible prophecy you need to stop thinking

like that