Watch “Breakthrough Worship” Join Jentezen Franklin, host of Kingdom Connection & Pastor of Free Chapel and special guest John Gray from the Forward conference 2014

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

connection today on indem connection

recorded live at the Gwinnett arena with

over 13,000 students for word student

conference 2014 join special guest John

Gray as he teaches us about break

through worship today I’m talking about

a worship that changes everything I’m

talking about a worship a sound that

shifts atmospheres what we need is a

break through worship somebody say break

through worship but what happens when

your worship is hindered by your

circumstance anybody ever wanted to

worship but somewhere in your mind you

keep remembering what you did wrong can

I just be honest can we just talk for a

second anybody ever wanted to worship

but somehow the enemy keeps bringing up

what you used to do and what you used to

be and how many times you missed it and

you said something wrong or you did

something wrong where you thought

something wrong and you beat yourself up

it’s only nine of us anybody else ever

been in that place of condemnation this

word is for you I want you to know that

there’s a worship that changes

everything and why does worship matter

because worship is the one thing God

cannot give himself God can do anything

he can do everything but the one thing

God cannot do is worship because in

order to worship you have to have

something higher than yourself

there is none higher than the Most High


so when I lift up my hands in the earth

it lets heaven know I acknowledge you my

king and it lets every devil in hell no

you have no authority over me because I

belong to another Kingdom but what do

you do when life has broken you arrested

you and you’ve been held hostage by bad

decisions broken by a moment what do you

do when all you can remember are the

things you’ve done wrong what do you do

when your worship has been muted by

circumstance young people I want you to

know there is one worship that if you

can get it out it’ll change everything

there is a worship that will break the

chains off of your life and cause you to

run into destiny as God intended there

is a sound that breaks you free from the

guilt and condemnation of bad decisions

but there is therefore now no

condemnation to those who are in Christ

Jesus anybody ready for a breakthrough

in mark chapter 5 we find a man that the

world had given up on anybody in here

ever been left for dead anybody in here

been sized up anybody in here ever been

overlooked undervalued underappreciated

anybody in here ever felt totally alone

isolated like no one understood you not

even the people closest to you in it’s

strange how sometimes the people closest

to you are the ones that can’t see you

here’s a man that everybody else had

given up on no hope no value lost in bad

decisions nobody’s coming to see him

oh but little did he know his life was

going to change in an instant

mark chapter five it says they came to

the other side of the sea to the country

of the gadarenes and when Jesus had come

out of the boat immediately there met

him out of the tombs a man with an

unclean spirit who had his dwelling

among the tombs and no one could bind

him not even with chains because he had

often been bound with shackles and

chains and the chains had been pulled

apart by him and the shackles broken in

pieces neither could anyone tame him and

always night and day he was in the

mountains and in the tombs crying out

and cutting himself with stones when he

saw Jesus from afar he ran and

worshipped him and he cried out with a

loud voice and said what have I to do

with you Jesus son of the Most High God

I implore you by God that you do not

torment me for jesus said to him come

out of the man unclean spirit then he

asked him what is your name and he

answered and said my name is legion for

we are many and he begged him earnestly

that he would not send them out of the

country then they came to Jesus and saw

the one who had been demon-possessed

sitting and clothed and in his right

mind and they were afraid I’m talking to

you for a few minutes about breakthrough

worship here is a man

that everyone else in his town had given

up on this man if you read the story was

so filled with the fruit of bad

decisions that he had two thousand

demons on the inside now that’s a whole

lot of wrong now I know some of I

struggle with nursing I’m I’m stride a

little bit this dude had done everything

you can think of and some other stuff

I’m gonna do that I’m with this I’m

gonna do that I did everything I’ll do

all what can I do what else can I do I’m

gonna do every single thing I can think

of two thousand demons moved in funny

how even after two thousand demons the

Bible says Jesus came to see about this

is to encourage every believer every

young person that the devil is lied to

that Jesus doesn’t love you because you

said clearly he loved you enough that

before you said he already paid for your

sin through his own death does he love

you he loves you this much but let me

give you a little backstory on this dude

he lived in a cemetery by himself

and he was always in change the only

time people came to see about him was to

put more bondage on him you ever got

people that no matter what you try to do

all they do is bring you negative stuff

me to let them people go stop texting

everybody stop DMing everybody stop

tweeting everybody everybody doesn’t

have your best interest at heart you

need to get a circle of people that love

God that will honor God that will fight

for you to get into destiny

and you need to spend more time in

prayer turn the TV off turn those video

games off spend five minutes with God if

you have to put God in your context and

texting it was still will would scare

you and shock you if he ever text back

what if you start texting like god I

just I miss you I love you I’m really

going through right now I’m just really

struggling just I need some help

what if you got a text back oh and me

I was thinking about you too because I

always think about you because I made

you in my image and I’ve got a destiny

for you and a purpose for you and

there’s nothing you can do to disqualify

yourself from my loud Jesus the Bible

says in mark 5 came to the region of the

gadarenes gadarenes means reward at the

end I’m here to encourage some young

people that you haven’t seen the fruit

of your prayers yet you haven’t seen the

fruit of your worship yet you haven’t

seen the fruit of making wise decisions

yet but there is a reward at the end at

the end of the process at the end of

your tears at the end of the struggle

there is a reward with your name on it

he will withhold no good things from

those who walk uprightly there is a

reward coming and in fact it arrives

today go ahead and high-five somebody

say my reward is coming today

and your reward is not things your

reward is a king there’s somebody to

jump up if you know who your King is

your reward is not a thing your reward


hallelujah that my reward is a king and

when Jesus comes everything he is comes

with me Oh hallelujah if I invited

pastor Jensen to come to a revival and

say passage ends would you preach for us

sure well I know let me give you another

contract because we’d like you to play

the saxophone as well well no you don’t

have to do that well what we might need

you to prophesy don’t worry you don’t

have to give me a separate agreement for


why because everything I am comes with

me you don’t have to ask for 40

different things just say Jesus come see

about me Jesus I need you I need the oh

I need the Oh bless me now my Savior I

come to thee

whatever you need is in Jesus

I said whatever you need is in Jesus

let me hurry up and give you the rest of

this story Jesus in mark chapter 3 had

announced who his disciples would be and

he began to teach and preach the Bible

says that he was on a boat preaching

because there were so many people on the

shore that he couldn’t even preach on

the sand now he didn’t have to be in the

boat to preach he could have stepped out

of the boat and preached on the water

but then he would have had to stop his

sermon to heal the people who would have

died of a heart attack so he stayed in

the boat and he preached from the boat

and when he finished preaching he said

to his disciples let us cross over to

the other side and in mark 4 is where

you and I have read the story about the

wind and the wave obeying Jesus because

a storm came up to sink the boat now I

don’t know about you but this blesses me

because in mark 5 Jesus encounters one

man now how come there wasn’t an attack

when there were thousands when he was

preaching to thousands no storm

but when he crosses the sea to get to

the other side that’s when the devil

attacks why because there was something

about that one man that God didn’t see

in the crowd I want you to know God will

leave a crowd to look for one I don’t

care who you are or what you’ve done

crowds have never mattered to God more

than the heart of one and Jesus said

this was great nice revival let’s cross

over to the other side and when he gets

to the other side as he sleep on the

pillow you can imagine what the

disciples are saying they just started

doing ministry with Jesus man this is

cold-blooded man we had thousands on our

first night that’s crazy right man what

you think gonna be happening on the

other side it’s gonna probably be 50,000

people over there Thomas what you think

and I doubt it imagine the excitement of

the disciples thinking that it was all

about crowds and as they get closer to

the shore they look out like we almost

there Jesus they probably gonna be about

50,000 out here I don’t see nobody

you’re probably coming on we almost

there Jesus man you think he knew what

he was talking about I don’t see anybody

and as they get closer all they see is

one man

I don’t want to go outside I’ve been a

dirty birdie

I don’t like mayonnaise I need a


the disciples was like a Jesus he crazy

man and then turn the boat around he

crazy he rotted Tarzan could play turn

the boat around

man turn the boat around see that’s not

in your Bible that’s in the NIV Dan

Nigro International Version it’s

available in the lobby holler at me

that’s why I know with no disciples

brothers hey crazy man

but Jesus said we’re in the right place

the Bible says when the man who had been

in bondage for years in Chains for years

the Bible says he lived in the mountains

and in the tombs that means one day he

was at the highest of the high next day

the lowest of the law says he would cry

out and cut himself with stones young

people the word stone in that scripture

would translate in the Hebrew tablet or

the law and this man was stuck in a

cemetery of his own bad decisions and

every time he would try to break free

the law would remind him that he

couldn’t get it right I failed I blew it


no hope for me the law can never save

you it can only point you to the one

that can save you the law can only

frustrate you your relationship is not

rules-based it’s confession based if you

can confess with your mouth and believe

in your heart that Jesus is Lord you

shall be safe

the law keeps you in bondage

that’s why grace had to come across the


you missed it we’re not under the

Covenant of the law were under the

covenant of grace but grace is not a


grace is a man and grace came across

wind and wave storm in opposition for

one man the Bible says he went and he

worshiped but as soon as he worship

young people the devil’s cried out what

have we to do with you Jesus son of the

Most High God now I don’t know about you

but I know we got some pastors in here

last I checked demons can’t worship they

can acknowledge but they can’t worship

because worship is an act of your will

in honor and submission to the Father so

if your wasn’t the demons who were

worshiping who was it it was the man I

don’t care how broken you are keep

worshiping I don’t care what you

struggling through keep worshiping I

don’t care how many times you fail keep

worshiping I don’t care how many times

you remember what you used to do but

just keep worshiping keep praising keep

fighting don’t give up if you got one

worship bullet lift it’s enough if you

can just point your worship in the

direction of Jesus he will come and see

about you somebody give him a pray

the Bible says that the man worshiped

but then the demons open their mouths

but I want you to know as I closed the

power of a breakthrough worship imagine

a man everybody else had given up on but

something about him was so powerful that

it took two thousand demons to hold him

down and they still couldn’t stop him

why with two thousand demons attacked

one man unless his worship was a threat

to their kingdom how did he even know

who Jesus was they didn’t send him an


nobody texted him it says he saw Jesus

from afar which means something inside

of him with all that brokenness was

still looking for an answer even though

I’m in bondage I know a king is coming

even though I can’t see my way out I

know somebody’s coming to see about me

and from a distance he saw something and

I know you don’t understand it all but

it’s something about this Jesus that

makes you come to youth group something

that makes you lift your hands something

that makes you come to church and that

something is the seed of the Holy Spirit

that’s drawing you in and I don’t care

what the name of your church is Baptist

Methodist Church of God Assemblies of

God I’m tired of all this organized

brokenness that we call denomination it

doesn’t matter

the only thing that matters is Jesus if

you can just get to Jesus everything can


I need somebody to get Jesus appraised

it’s time for me to go

the Bible says that this man with one

last worship left ran with a little bit

of humanity he had straight to Jesus and

as soon as he fell down the demon said

what have we to do with you Jesus son of

the Most High God and here’s the trick

the man didn’t know who Jesus was and

according to Levitical law Jesus

couldn’t go to a cemetery because he was

the high priest and the high priest

could not go near dead things

it didn’t say dead things couldn’t come

near him I don’t care how broken you are

if you can see Jesus run to him if you

think he’s near get to him I don’t know

who I’m talking to somebody I like Jesus

where are you said I’m over here but I

need you to run to me I’ve done my part

I’ve come across the ocean I’ve come

across your circumstance I fought for

you now fight for me Jesus is saying I

need some young people that are right

for me that a worship me in spirit and

truth who won’t be ashamed to put their

hands together even though your friends

might laugh at you is there anybody that

will give God a break through worship at

the end of this sermon

is that your best break for worship

there is a worship the man didn’t even

know who he was worship but guess who

told him who it was the Devils on the

inside said what have we to do with you

Jesus son of the Most High God fries the

Bible says if you confess with your

mouth he couldn’t eat he didn’t even

know who it was

he just ran to him it was the devil that

gave him the breakthrough I want you to

know that the devil is going to have to

free you and give you the answer to your

miracle my time is up

but I want you to know your breakthrough

is here right now if you got one worship

left let it be a breakthrough worship

the Bible says when Jesus got finished

the man who was demon-possessed was

sitting clothing in his right mind and

the people in the town were afraid why

because some people like you better

broken that way they can feel better

about themselves they don’t want you to

get free but it’s too late now I got my

last worship out you should have got me

before I got this breakthrough worship

out I’m never gonna be the same now I

got a breakthrough worship I broke

through I didn’t even understand it all

but Jesus came and healed me at the end

of the story the man said Jesus I want

to go with you and Jesus said you can’t

come with me go home tell your family

and friends what great things the Lord

has done for you when you leave here in

a few days young people go home and tell

everybody what Jesus did tell everybody

Jesus Saves jesus heals

Jesus delivers

because if you can get the worship out

of your mouth the miracle will arrive if

you can just bless him right now I

promise you he will not leave you or

forsake you there is a breakthrough

worship that gets heaven’s attention go

ahead and bless him right now if you

love him like I love him

then give him a break through worship

this is your moment

I really believe you’re watching this

program today by divine design I don’t

believe that it’s by chance that you

heard this message that 13,000 plus

teenagers at our forward youth

conference heard but God is speaking to

you directly don’t you want your life to

count don’t you want your life to matter

it begins with surrendering your life to

Jesus Christ so many thousands of those

kids came forward so many of them lifted

their hands all over that vast room and

they with tears streaming down their

face accepted Jesus Christ as their

Savior and I know that same Holy Spirit

is knocking on your heart door today

open up this is your moment pray this

prayer say Lord Jesus I receive you

today as my Savior I give you my life in

Jesus name Amen and amen

I want to say thank you thank you for

helping us preach the gospel to over a

hundred nations all around the world and

you know the truth is without kingdom

connection all of those people those

young people those students would have

never been touched in that conference

because this kingdom connection that has

given us influence across the nation and

preaching the gospel and that’s why

these kids come in from all over the

world really to hear and I want to say

thank you partners thank you friends

pray for us I’m praying for you we’ll

see you next time right here on Kingdom

connection for 10 years forward student

conference has been touching the hearts

and challenging the lives of students

across America now you can experience 10

years of life-changing messages from

Jenson Franklin preached live at the

forward student conference he’s saying

somebody happy for 2014

give me a vessel and I’ll give you

miracles and I’ll give you purpose and

I’ll give you Holy Spirit power through

your generation everybody praising if

you believe is moving again I love for

it awesome

forward decade contains 18 extraordinary

messages from Jensen Franklin that have

transformed thousands of students lives

through the hope found in Jesus Christ

forward decade is available this month

for your best gift of $35 or more or for

your gift of $60 this month will also

include Jensen’s best-selling book the

spirit of Python and illustrated DVD as

a bonus pack request your copy of

forward decade now register now for for

word conference 2015 with special guests

steven Furtick Beth Redman

Reggie dabs rich Wilkerson jr.

vanning Weezer Jentezen Franklin lecrae

elevation worship and Jesus culture for

more information and special group rates

go online at forward Qumran so Archie

life is real vivid alive

beating Bremen it happens behind closed

doors and out in front there’s joy

there’s laughter

and chaos

lifelong friendships are forged love is

found moments cherished and never


life is a gift and together we are real


real friends

real people

experiencing real life

free chapel

this program has been brought to you by

the friends and partners of Jenson

franklin media ministries for more

information on this broadcast or for

additional resources go online and

Jennsen franklin dot o-r-g
