This is “Fasting is Spiritual Warfare”. Our enemy masks himself as an angel of light. Strategic, strong and sinister he aims his fiery arrows at us in hopes of our demise. But lucky for us, we have weapons that prepare us for a guaranteed victory! In this message, Pastor Jentezen Franklin discusses the importance of clothing ourselves with spiritual armor. To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel:

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you cannot fight the devil in the power

of the flesh and win so we’re not

fighting the devil with our flesh but

when you suit up and realize that I have

a child of God and I’m a warrior and I

have weapons that will win the devil

does not have to destroy your life your

family your marriage of children you

don’t have to be a slave to pornography

or anything else put on the whole armour

of God


I want to talk to you for a few moments

this morning on fasting and prayer and

its influence on the spiritual war that

is taking place in the unseen world

first thing you’ve got to know is number

one you have an adversary that adversary

is very real and we must know our enemy

if we’re going to defeat him the Bible

said in verse 11 that you have to stand

against the wiles listen up to it of the


notice that the devil that means he’s a

real being he is not superstition he is

not a figment of imagination he’s not a

character running around in red pajamas

with a pitchfork he is real the devil is

very very real a real personal devil and

he won’t your worship who is the devil

he is a liar he is a thief he is a


he is brutal he is vicious and he hates

everyone who’s made in the image of God

and he especially hates everyone who

worships and loves and serves God so he

is a decided fact there’s no question

about it

Satan is real the devil is real demons

are real secondly not only are they real

they’re warring for your soul and for

your family and for the souls of mankind

but secondly he is he is a destructive

force we know that he has the Bible said

stand against the wiles and the word

wiles there is methods he’s very

strategic three things about the devil

and his destructive force and power that

he comes against us with number one he’s

strategic he is a planner I marvel at

the patience of Hale he’ll step back and

let you think you’re getting by with

things and make you think you’re winning

and make you think you can do things

that you know a Rome and get by with it

all the time planning planning planning

sometimes months years down the road to

destroy I want you to picture a devil

that that has a stick of dynamite under

your house and he’s already lit the fuse

and he’s perfectly

perfectly capable of just baiting and

leading you alone and he’s warning that

home that marriage that family destroyed

it is who he is and it is what he does

he exists and he’s strategic he’s

strategic in his attacks against us and

he’s a long-term planner not only is he

strategic but the Bible tells us that

he’s spiritual the Bible said we wrestle

against listen to the phrase spiritual

wickedness spiritual wickedness so

listen some people think that that all

spiritual power is gone you know

something supernatural or something is

spiritual then that power comes from God

no there’s spiritual goodness and there

spiritual wickedness there is the Bible

said try the spirit and see if it be of

God the Bible said believe not every

spirit just because something is

spiritual oh that person can they can

they can they can they communicate with

their loved ones and they told me things

that I don’t know how they told me that

that spiritual wickedness and you better

be careful because when you’re playing

with that you’re playing with demonic

powers people get into seances and

necromancy talking to the dead in Ouija

boards and horoscopes and witchcraft and

tarot cards and and you know Hindu

mysticism and Buddhism and all of these

religions of chav of crystals and

putting them in the rooms and they don’t

even understand this old but it works I

know it works it’s spiritual wickedness

and you better be careful

and understand that you’re in a battle

and you just let the enemy into your

home and into your life and into your

mind and into your body

he is strategic he is spiritual he is he

is strong listen to the word in verse 12

against principalities and powers our

enemy is strong I don’t know what’s

happened to preaching in pulpits nobody

talks about the devil was like honey we

shrunk the devil and you know he’s some

no no he’s not I’m not

here to glorify Satan but the truth is

if you’re trying to fight the devil in

your flesh

you’re gonna lose miserably you cannot

fight the devil in the power of the

flesh and when you must have spiritual

weapons our second Corinthians 10 said

our weapons are not carnal they’re

mighty through God we’re using those

weapons prayer fasting they’re mighty

through God to the pulling down of

strongholds mark chapter 9 said this

kind cometh out speaking of a particular

set of demons that are strong and

powerful this kind cometh out but by

fasting in prayer so we’re not fighting

the devil with our flesh we’re fighting

the devil with our spiritual weapons and

we’re winning I said we’re winning I

need somebody to shout it’s the truth

so he’s strategic and he’s spiritual and

he’s strong and he’s sinister he is the

Prince of Darkness he is the wicked one

he’s trying his tyrannical and wild and

he wants to wreck and ruin and destroy

our lives please listen to me the enemy

is not your friend

he’s like a cornered animal and he’s out

to destroy his sinister and we have a we

have a a real enemy a decided fact but

then there is the defeated folk that

Satan is he is a destructive force he is

a decided fact but he is a defeated foe

this Sunday morning and we need to

understand that how was he defeated

jesus said now as the Prince of this

world defeated when did he say that on

the cross first John four and for

everybody all to know that verse 1 John

4:4 what is that verse anybody know it

here it is year of God little children

and you have overcome them because

greater is He Who is in you than he that

is in the world

Satan is strong Satan is strategic Satan

is it is he sinister he’s all of his

spiritual but greater is he that is in

us at Calvary Jesus broke his back and

severed his head

he has given us the victory so you have

an adversary how many of you believe you

have an adversary but secondly you have

some armor and that’s why he after he

points out that we have an adversary he

says now you need to understand every

believer needs to understand you are not

a victim and you’re not to fear no evil

fear no evil because I’m with you if

you’ll put on the garment that I have

provided the armor you’ve got to dress

for success you’ve got to put on the

whole armor of God you got a dress to

kill come on you got it you got to be

ready for the attack and the warfare

that we’re in we need armor he said put

on the whole armour of God that you may

be able to stand notice the armor is

God’s and the stand is yours what is the

whole armour of God he starts and he

says put on the belt of truth everything

hangs on it the dagger the sword all of

the other weapons they hang on the fact

that you are a truthful person another

way of saying it so that the belt of

truth represents the the believers

integrity truth is integrity and so he’s

saying if you’re gonna go to war against

the liar and the thief and the murderer

you’ve got to go to war in truth you’ve

got to get up every day and put on the

belt of truth which is integrity I want

you to be integrity integrity I want you

to walk in truth

know the truth live the truth tell the

truth Satan is a liar and Jesus is the

truth and if you let things big or small

get in your life and they begin to

corrode your integrity you can lose the

battle notice that integrity folks is a

weapon that when you tell the truth and

you don’t deceive and you don’t lie you

have the first weapon that you need in

the suit of armor to defeat the

adversary truth-telling being truthful

being Integris having integrity when

people are watching and when people are

not integrity is the weapon that you use

satan trembles when he sees a Christian

on integrity and do what they say and

keep the word and tell the truth and

leave the truth and speak the truth put

on the belt of integrity and then he

said put on the breastplate of

righteousness this is the believers

righteousness is purity it’s another way

of saying righteousness is purity you

put on purity Warriors were wore

breastplates that were woven chains and

they covered the vital organs and so not

only do you need integrity but you need

purity righteousness is purity blessed

are the pure in heart for they will see

God the enemy wants to attack you with

impurity he wants to attack you with

lust and with uncleanness the lust of

the eyes the pride of life he doesn’t

want you to put on the breastplate of

righteousness or purity now I want you

to watch this so so you put on the belt

of truth and that’s your integrity what

does he used to try to destroy and

attack your integrity with lies okay

well then you put on the the breastplate

of righteousness and what is

righteousness righteousness is purity

and what is he attack you with to try to

destroy the believers purity lust lust

of the eyes dirty magazines websites

unclean this movies music filth and

garbage that that the enemy would love

to strip so that your vital organs

spiritually speaking are vulnerable

guard your heart with all diligence for

out of it flows the issues of life how

do you guard your heart with integrity

with purity you’re clean if your eye is

pure your whole body is pure watch what

you listen to watch what you look at

have convictions put on every day the

belt of truth integrity put on the the

chest plate a purity of righteousness

you have integrity you have purity and

then he says something else he says once

you do that he says then you are to put

on the shoes of peace oh I tell you

Satan fears a holy Christian who has

integrity and who has purity and then he

puts on the shoes of peace what a


raise the shoes of peace well what is

that about peace speaks of tranquility

so our peace and tranquility is a weapon

in spiritual warfare now listen peace is

not the absence of problems peace is the

addition of Holy Spirit power in the

midst of those problems and when you put

on the peace it’s not saying that I

won’t have storms

you know how Jesus prepared for storm he

took a pillow and went to sleep and

that’s what I’m talking about we’re

different we have integrity

we have purity and as a weapon we have

tranquillity that when I’m going into a

storm I don’t let the storm get in me I

have peace I have the shoes of peace the

peace of tranquility that I can’t speak

peace to the storm if I don’t have peace

in me so Christian don’t fall apart when

trials come don’t act go into a shock

because the devil has attacked one of

your children you enter into God’s peace

you just slip into those shoes of peace

and you say well we’re gonna walk

through this it’s a valley of the shadow

of death got some things going on got a

bad doctor’s report but I’ve got peace

that passes all understanding I’ve got

peace to know that God is with me and he

won’t leave me and he won’t forsake me

and I’m gonna come out with victory

cause I’ve got shoes apiece

I’ve got tranquility I’ve got purity

I’ve got integrity and Satan trembles at

the sight of a holy Christian praise God

put on the shoes of peace the shield of

faith is the next piece of weaponry Paul

is funny

Paul was chained to a Roman soldier when

he was writing this so he’s in prison

and he’s chained and he says you know I

might as well write a sermon and he

starts looking at all the stuff this

guy’s got he says well if the Devils

chained him to me I’m gonna preach off

of what The Devil’s tried to chain me up

with and he gets this great sermon of

integrity and purity and tranquility and

then he says now I’m noticing that guy’s

shield it’s about four feet long and two

feet wide it had was made of brass and

had a leather

covering over and he said hold up the

shield of faith that you might be able

to withstand notice notice Ephesians you

might able to withstand the fiery darts

of the enemy the darks what kind of

arrows what kind of darts the arrows are

the darts of doubt what do you do when

the enemy’s shooting and notice their

fiery darts why is it fiery because it

just takes a little fire and it starts

little but if you let doubt get in it’ll

it’ll blaze big and before you know it

it takes over and so in life there’s the

enemy that will shoot the arrows of

doubt the the darts of doubt are always

coming at us and what is our defense

against the darts of doubt he said take

up the shield of faith which is the Word

of God so that represents our certainty

our certainty the faith our faith the

shield of faith I should say the shield

is our faith and what is faith faith is

certainty faith says I don’t I don’t

believe it because I see it I don’t

believe it because I feel it I believe

it because I know it down in here I have

a certain promise that I’m holding on to

and when the enemy’s shooting those

darts are doubt God’s not gonna save

your family you’re never gonna get off

drugs you’re never gonna be free you’re

never gonna get your act together God’s

not gonna prosper you this year you’re

gonna be a failure you’re never gonna be

able to do that dream that you’ve got

you hold up the shield of certainty no

I’ve got promises I know what God told

me he is my healer he is my success

he is my here’s my here’s my victory he

is my god he is my Jehovah Jireh I know

it and you hold that up hallelujah and

then he said there’s one more piece of

the helmet of salvation put on the

helmet of salvation cover your faults

cover your mind cover your thought line

what is that about

that’s our sanity the believers sanity

you gotta keep your sanity in the 21st

century if you don’t you’ll there’s a

rash of suicides people losing heart


not seeing any hope losing all desire to

live and being depressed and being

fearful and tormented about the future I

refuse to live that way I have a helmet

of sanity that says you know what no

matter what I go through I’m gonna keep

my mind the Bible said that demonic was

when Jesus cast Devils out of him

he was sitting at the feet of Jesus

clothed and in his right mind you got to

keep your right mind

we need sanity hallelujah now I’m gonna

tell you see see see yourself and this

is sometimes I do this in my prayer time

when I’m I’m a runner and I’ll pray

through the Lord’s Prayer while I’m

running though pray I fall down a lot

cuz I’m get to pray and sometimes get

exciting yeah hallelujah and get my huh

I come home on almost weekly with Teresa

what you do here here’s a band-aid go in

there you old man you falling down all

the time I’m telling you but I’ll pray

through the Lord’s Prayer pray through

the prayer of Jabez and I like to pray

through this little outline I’ll ask God

Lord I put on the belt of truth today

I’m not gonna wait to analyze to deceive

me I receive integrity I receive the

breastplate of right is Eve purity today

help me Lord don’t even lead me into

temptation leave me out of it keep me

out of it don’t let my beady little eyes

look at nothing they shouldn’t look at

don’t let my little mind think I put on

that keep me sane that would be insane

for me a big leader and preacher to do

something crazy and not be faithful to

my wife or go get drunk that’s insanity

have you ever seen preachers and people

that you thought do something that is

insane what were they thinking insanity

and if you don’t have Jesus you have a

form of insanity and you have to put on

the helmet of salvation or you’ll miss

your whole life up in one minute in one

minute but when you suit up and realize

that I have a child of God and I’m a

warrior and I have weapons that will win

the devil does not have to destroy your

life your family

marriage of children you don’t have to

be a slave to pornography or anything

else put on the whole armor of God

everybody take a praise break right now

and shout unto God with a voice of

triumph hallelujah hallelujah you’re not

a victim

we are overcomers through the blood of

the Lamb and we need to not just sit and

hear sermons and sit and soak and sour

we need to hear messages like this and

when life comes next week you suit up in

the morning you dress for success here I

come with shoes of peace here I come

with a shield of certainty here I come

and then he said now if you want to

guarantee I’ll give you three guarantees

of victory if you use them once you’re

suited up number one he says I want you

to stand and then he said withstand and

then he came back again in the same

verse and said stand and then he said in

the next verse after you stood do all

that you can do to stand all I need you

to do once you get suited up is take a

stand then he said take the sword of the

Spirit which is the word of God our

blessed Savior Jesus on the forty day

fast in the wilderness I want you to see

him he has integrity

he has purity he has tranquility peace

he has certainty I know who I am if you

are the son of God three times if you

are the I know who I’m certain and here

comes the fiery darts the darts of doubt

but I’m certain I’m certain but then he

does something he pulls out the sword he

said where’s my blade and he pulls out

the sword and he says three times to

Satan face to face it is written ran him

through with that blessed blade cut him

deep and the next verse said and the

devil left him and angels came and

ministered to him so we have we have our

stand we compromise and in Stan quick

excusing it and

and quit excusing all those bad habits

why not change your lifestyle if you’re

going down the wrong road and your

cholesterol is going crazy and you’re

eating crazy food and you don’t like the

way your body looks it’s time to do

something about it jump in on this fast

and say you know what I’m gonna get

control of this thing I’m gonna put on

though I’m not fighting with the flesh

either I’m flying I’m fighting with the

sword of the Spirit I’m fighting with

the armor of God I can do this I’m gonna

take a stand and I’m gonna use the sword

and then the last thing he says and I

want you to see it because it’s so

powerful he said and and after you’ve

done all of that and verse 18 praying

always with all supplication in the

spirit he said he said connect to the

power of the Holy Spirit praying in the


praying in the spirit I’m telling you

Satan trembles when he sees a child of

God who knows who they are who knows

that they have righteousness which is

purity through the blood who knows that

they have all of the sanity and all of

the blessing they don’t let fear

dominate and torment their life because

they got a bad doctor’s report but they

just put on the helmet of sanity and say

no I’ll keep him in perfect peace whose

mind is stayed on me

what can the enemy do to you when you’re

stabbing him with the word and blocking

his darts with your with your certainty

of what God has said more than what you

see then you’re praying in the spirit

everybody say the stand the sword and

the spirit are my three guarantees of

ultimate victory against my adversary

lift your hands and praise him right now

in any battle that you’re fighting you

have the victory right now in Jesus name

boy I feel this in my soul I feel like

we could run every if one can put a

thousand to flight two can put 10,000 to

flight and we have thousands of


were fasting and praying I’m telling you

we’re gonna see 90 miracles as God’s

people put on the whole armor of God and

win the victory through the stand

through the sword and through the spirit

my name is Donna Haynes and we

participated in the fast in January our

prayers were just really simple it was

God you know we have so many needs right

now we have deep needs and we need for

you to meet those needs our car the

glass ended up broken out of her car and

we drove it like that for a while of six

months my daughters are sitting on trash

bags and it’s you know we’re we’ve got

the heat going wide open I remember just


I don’t I don’t think we can do this

much more you know on that Wednesday

night he said pastor said in his sermon

does anybody need a car does anybody

need a car the next day a family in the

church actually came to us and said

we’re going to buy you a car we’re gonna

get you apart a new car during the fast

we were just asking our needs to do that

but God went above and beyond that and

he gave us more than we thought that we

could ever get you know more than we

could dream of the fast made a huge

difference it really was a breakthrough

feels so good to know that we can rely

on him

and that he’s gonna come through for us

here at free chapel our mission is

simple to inspire people to live for

Jesus with incredible worship and

messages by senior pastor Jentezen


you will leave encouraged to thrive

throughout the week we offer great

opportunities for you and your entire

family to grow connect with others and

serve the community we would love you to

take advantage of all free chapel has to

offer for kids from newborn to 12

there’s kid pack it’s one of the top

children’s programs around for middle

and high school students Wednesday night

is the best night of the week with free

chapel youth in addition to our weekly

events we have conferences with some of

the top musicians and speakers from

around the world for more information on

all we have to offer a great place to

start is free chapel org so come I

invite you to join us at one of our

campuses this Sunday here at free chapel

come place to call home


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