Kingdom Connection Hosted by Jentezen Franklin – Watch : The Spirit of Python: How to Recognize You Are under a Spiritual Attack Do you ever feel tired and weary, just struggling to get through each day? Many times you feel limited or unproductive in your prayer and praise, and in your walk with Christ. It may not be a coincidence. It could be a sure sign that you’re under spiritual attack. Learn simple steps you can take to recognize and defeat the enemy in Jentezen Franklin’s message, Spirit of Python: Recognizing you are under spiritual attack.

the following program is sponsored by

friends and partners of Kingdom

collection when it comes to winning

award you have to have a battle plan and

there’s no difference in the spiritual

realm the Bible says the enemy has plans

to kill steal and destroy and he has the

resources and the schemes to slowly

squeeze the life out of you

coming up on Kingdom connection discover

how to recognize the enemy’s tactics and

how to protect your life and the lives

of those that you love it’s all in

pastor Franklin’s new book the spirit of

Python you can pre-order yours right now

by calling the number on the screen are

going online and visiting our special

spirit of Python website right now let’s

join my dad pastor Franklin as he

continues his teaching on the spirit of


today I want to talk about how to

recognize you’re in a spiritual or under

a spiritual attack how to recognize

you’re under a spiritual attack you feel

like you’re fighting a battle that’s

getting the best of you do you feel

limited hindered unproductive does it

feel like some invisible force is trying

to squeeze the life out of your dream

squeeze the life out of your marriage

choke the spiritual breath out of your

walk with God

well the Bible said we wrestle not

against flesh and blood but we’re in a

spiritual battle the battle was very

real the devil is very real he had much

rather us ignore him and pretend he

doesn’t exist and just talk about good

things but the truth is people are under

spiritual attack as never before

families are in crisis and you can’t win

a war and a battle if you can’t discern

and see your enemy and I feel like what

I’m going to preach today and what

you’re going to hear today because many

of you are in spiritual conflict is

going to give you the power to outlast

that spiritual battle who you’re in so I

want to I want to talk to you about the

warning signs just like in the natural

when somebody is having a heart attack

they have told us that you can recognize

the warning signs before the big one

hits before it gets out of hand before

you get in such bad shape that you have

to have a heart transplant you can you

can you can avoid a lot of pain and a

lot of suffering if you recognize a

heart attack the moment you feel the

symptoms in the warning signs and get

help immediately it can stop things from

getting worse and some of you as I go

through this real quick this morning

you’re going to recognize you’re under a

spiritual attack number one the first

point I want to say when you’re under

spiritual attack you begin to

have a loss of spiritual desire this is

a real sign when you when you lose

spiritual desire when you just want to

quit when you are doing what you’re

doing out of duty not out of desire the

Blessed man is he who delights in the

law of the Lord not just does the law of

the Lord but you delight in it it’s that

desire as the deer panteth for the water

Brooks so my soul loans listen to the

words of David as the deer panteth for

the water Brook

so my soul longs for you he had an

incredible desire desire Paul said the

sincere milk of the word but when you’re

under spiritual attack you have no

desire for the word you have no desire

you begin to lose the desire for

spiritual things the passion begins to

leave the fire the the desire for that

intimate relationship with God that’s

one of the sure signs now we all have

times when discipline has to kick in

it’s not always that you just desire to

read the bow discipline has to kick in

but there is also when the attack comes

we have no spiritual desire it’s a

warning sign if you can say I can miss

Church for the next two or three weeks

and it won’t bother me you are under a

spiritual attack that is very real for

your soul the second thing is kind of

different but it’s the truth the second

way to recognize you’re under spiritual

attack it’s not only you have a loss of

spiritual desire but physical and

emotional exhaustion you see it matters

the enemy loves to wear out the Saints

he said he would wear out the Saints of

the most time just wear you down

you just get frazzled your strength is

out you get weary in well-doing

Paul said if you won’t faint and get

weary in well-doing you reap but you

just get

heard physically fatigue first Kings 19

Elijah the prophet had just come from

his greatest victory 450 prophets of

bail had been defeated and fire had

fallen from heaven and your most

vulnerable when you have just had a

great victory or you’re about to enter

into a great promotion that’s when the

enemy will hit you the most when you’ve

come out of a great victory something

great has happened and now you’re kind

of on a low and a down from the high

watch your leisure time watch those

times after a great victory and and then

another that time that the enemy really

attacks is just before a great promotion

just like he did Jesus this is my

beloved Son in whom I’m well pleased and

the enemy came and tempted him

immediately the scripture said so

physically Elijah was exhausted and God

sends an angel and he fell asleep and

the angel woke him up and he said arise

and eat I prepared you a meal an angel

cooked him a meal this is amazing to me


Elijah was not eating right he was not

eating good and the angel said arise and

eat he didn’t say arise and go to a

conference he didn’t say arise and go to

church and get in a good prayer meeting

he said no I understand your physical

being and you may have a spirit that’s

eternal but you carry your spirit in a

physical body and if your body gets your

body is the vehicle through which your

spirit gets to its destination and if

the enemy can defeat and wear your body

down it your body will start affecting

your spirit and the angel said arise and

eat horizon eat I’ve cooked you a

nutritious good meal get up and eat it

and one way that the enemy defeats us is

you know we we just start eating crazy

and we act like that’s not spiritual

but when you eat I’m not talking about

eating you know here and there enjoying

some crazy meal but but in general when

you let your eating get out of control

and everything you’re eating is fatty

and everything you’re eating is greasy

and everything you’re eating and is full

of sugar and starch and you know I read

this the other day that a muffin was

designed so people would not feel guilty

for eating cake for breakfast we fill

our bodies with sugar we fill our bodies

with starch we fill our bodies and we

act like it this shouldn’t bother us but

the enemy knows if I can weary you

physically I can touch your spirit so we

have to rest he was so tired that the

angel cooked him a meal and fed him and

he went back to sleep can you imagine

going back to sleep after an angel

cooked you a meal what you do with your

body affects your spirit come on say man

somebody physically worn out lack of

spiritual desire the third thing is a

lack attack you’re under spiritual

attack when your resources start drying

up all of them at the same time that’s

your spiritual attack now I’m not

blaming everything on demons let me be

clear about that not everything is a

demonic attack come on holiday shoppers

say man on them

you can’t rebuke those bills you have to

pay them you’re not using your faith

when you write a check and believe that

God’s gonna supply it now that’s not

faith that’s a felony

but I’m talking about when you when you

when you get in a lackattack it’s like

everything starts breaking down at the

same time the car breaks down the

refrigerator breaks down the husband

breaks down every the air conditioner

breaks and everything breaks down and

the whole thing the enemy wants to do is

put your eyes on money and get them off

of trusting God so that you’ve become

opportunity opportunity oriented instead

of trusting God because not every

opportunity is from God the fourth sign

that you’re under spiritual attack is

when the enemy hits you with a prayer

attack Matthew 26 the enemy said to

Peter I’m going to sift you a sweet and

then Jesus invited him to a personal

prayer meeting and he said pray with me

and he fell asleep and the Bible said

Jesus said could you not tarry with me

and listen to these words he said pray

that watch and pray that you enter not

in to temptation please understand that

prayer is about helping you not enter

into the temptation prayer is not a gift

some of you think people certain people

have the gift of prayer and you didn’t

get it prayer is not a gift it’s a

discipline you just do it and when you

decide to pray venom is going to attack

that prayer I mean the phone will start

ringing and you turn the ringer off and

it’ll start buzzing and vibrating and

just about the time you go to pray and

you’re starting to go to your prayer

place you open the door and here comes

two Jehovah’s Witnesses on bicycles

right up your porch and about the time

you get in the car the the dog the cat

eats the fish and the dog eats the cat

it’s like this is crazy no that’s a

prayer attack the enemy knows that if

you won’t pray that you’re susceptible

to falling into temptation what was

Peters temptation his temptation was to

rely on the flesh that’s why when

somebody came to arrest Jesus he didn’t

pray remember he fell asleep if you had

to prayed he wouldn’t have pulled this

blade out and cut a guy’s ear off in

Jesus name but he entered into the flesh

and he any and he tried to handle the

problem in the flesh but if you pray

what happens is if you don’t pray you

start acting in the flesh start cussing

people out and telling people off and

giving them a piece of your mind and all

of that but when you pray you don’t

enter in you got a you got a watch on

your lips you prayed and there’s there’s

there’s a caution there’s a something

that pulls you back if you pray number

number five when you begin to feel

overwhelmed the word circumstance comes

from the two words circle and then stand

so to be in a circumstance is to be

standing and encircled by issues have

you ever felt like you were just

encircled by problems and you you just

don’t have any way out that’s what it

feels like to be under spiritual attack

to be overwhelmed to be surrounded it’s

almost like you feel like what’s the use

there’s no way out you feel overwhelmed

you feel paralyzed here’s a huge huge

sign you’re under spiritual attack old

iniquities begin to resurface stuff that

you got the victory over years ago but

when you’re under a spiritual attack you

you start having those old iniquities

resurface if it was if it was nicotine

if it was drinking if it was drugs if it

was pornography if it was something that

was in your old life one of the sure

signs you’re under a spiritual attack

it’s when the old iniquities start to


office and and you start wanting to go

back to them and explaining it in your

own mind be careful facing old sins

again Bible said when an unclean spirit

leaves it comes back with seven more

spirits to see if that house is clean

listen to this and the enemy will always

attack from the last place he was

successful so the old iniquities are

just a sign that the enemy thinks you’re

weak in that area and he’ll keep trying

to hit you and and you’re under

spiritual attack when you feel yourself

going back to those old iniquities

discouragement is a soul sin grows in

listen here’s another huge one number

seven I’ve just got maybe one or two

more pulling away from godly

relationships is a sign you’re under

spiritual attack pulling away from godly

relationships what what do you mean when

you try to stay away from save people in

church people and Christian friends and

you feel more in common with people in

the world who are lost than you do with

folks in the church not but we’re not to

have friends and we’re not to be a

friend to sinners but there’s something

wrong when you feel more comfortable

with them than you do people of covenant

you know before you got under spiritual

attack and you were on fire for God you

were crazy I I’ve seen I’ve seen some of

you in the supermarket glory to God from

our three pastor Franklin I’m

embarrassed I’m ashamed I don’t know

what to do now I see you and you’re

ducking behind the cereal trying to hide

from me

oh you know you’re not living right I

love to find those people I find them to

the Holy Ghost I’ll go in Kroger

sometimes just looking around where’s my

old ex-members lord use a start-over in

the wine section when you begin to find

enjoyment through carnal methods it’s a

sign you’re under spiritual attack

everybody ought to have a life and be

balanced and you should enjoy hobbies

and God didn’t save you to make you

peace of church furniture and all your

whole life is one-dimensional just

Church you ought to have hobbies you

ought to have entertainment you ought to

have fun you ought to have a fun time

with your family and all that but I’m

gonna tell you something that can get

out of hand where you’re looking for

life and enjoyment and stimulation from

carnal methods you got to run to another

sale run to another shop run to another

ballgame run to another entertainment

we’re going here this weekend we’re

going the beach we’re gonna mountains

we’re gonna nothing wrong with that you

ought to be balanced but when it’s every

weekend you’re doing it just to feel

something just to feel alive you used to

get that life from the Holy Spirit you

didn’t take a sail they didn’t take

buying this and doing this it you used

to get that light but but but carnal

things begin to replace your life source

because when you do it you feel

something when you go to the races you

feel something you used to feel that in

church but then you start breaking out

those old records because when you hear

those old songs shake shake shake

shake your booty you just feel something

that takes you back to when you were

young and

I’m preaching better than you letting on

this morning I’ll tell you that looking

back on that old lifestyle making

comments like at least when I was in the

world I had me some sinner friends

lord have mercy you were running with

fools you were also broke you couldn’t

even buy your own drugs y’all all had to

pitch pitch in to buy a bag of weed you

were also broke and those friends

wouldn’t come around when you lost

everything and they wouldn’t come to see

your grave if you oh did you have

selective memory Jesus found you and

saved you and redeemed you and called

you and you better quit looking back on

your own lifestyle like it was better

Jesus is the best thing that ever

happened to me

oh I want to praise in just a minute you

turn to somebody and tell them Jesus is

the best thing that ever happened to me

now shout about it just a minute shout

about it act like you believe that I’m

not God there’s nothing to go back to

didn’t he come and see about you didn’t

he come and bring you out so what do you

do how do you fix it when you’re under

spiritual attack this is huge number one

I want to tell you this and this is for

encouragement let it seep into your

spirit I may just get one or two of

these can I do two of them and then I’ll

quit then you have to buy the book to

get the rest

I’ll do to the Lord told me to tell

people when they’re under spiritual

attack to remember you’ve been made to

outlast the storm say I’ve been made to

outlast the storm what do you mean Jesus

Jesus said there were two builders a

wise builder a foolish builder the

foolish builder built his house with the

whole mindset that there would never

come a storm he built it on sand but the

wives builder built the house on a

foundation of stone and when the storm

came the weak house fell but one of the

houses was built to outlast the storm

and if your life and family are built on

the rock Jesus Christ he built you to

outlast rule I feel happy he built you

to outlast us on I don’t care what the

enemy’s bringing when the enemy comes in

like a flood you were built to outlast

the storm and when the storm is over and

the wind deceased and the rain has

stopped you will still be standing

because he built you to outlast the

storm I need somebody to shout about

that just a minute God built you with

the storm in mind he knew you weren’t

going to be going through the attack

you’re going through right now before

you ever got in it and he put a

foundation in you that will not break

and will not be moving moved and will

not be shaken don’t forsake when you get

in spiritual attack don’t forsake the

power of partnership the Bible said two

are better than one

for if one Falls he can’t help himself

get back up but if there are two if one

Falls the other can pick him up the

Bible said if any two of you shall agree

it shall be done the scripture said one

can chase a thousand of the enemy but to

ten thousand that means three a hundred

thousand and four can defeat a million

demons this is the power a partnership

I mentioned it forward that the redwood

trees in California are amazing they’re

the largest trees in the world and they

grow 300 feet up in the air but they

only have roots that go down three feet

how in the world most trees if they go

70 feet up in the air they have roots

that go down 70 feet in the ground

that’s how they stand through the storm

that’s why palm tree is so powerful they

have they have found palm trees that the

roots go a mile down into the ground

that’s why when you see the Hurricanes

they’ve been but they don’t break they

bounced back not because the outward is

strong it’s the roots that are strong

but here’s the point the redwood goes

300 feet up in there but its roots only

go three feet deep how in the world does

it suffer a storm and face the onslaught

of a storm and not topple over and the

answer is found in the root system

because what happens is they said the

roots of the redwood goes three feet

deep and then it spreads out and it

finds the roots of other redwoods and

they intertwine and link up with each

other and now instead of the wind

blowing against one isolated tree all by

itself fighting the fight it’s blowing

against the forest and I won’t let you

go and you don’t let me go and I know

you’re weak right now but I’m strong but

I’ll probably be strong tomorrow and

you’ll be stronger and I’ll hold on to

you if you hold on to me and you pray

for me and I’ll pray for you and you lay

hands on me and you you pray for my

family now I prayed for yours last week

and you pray for my marriage

now here’s what got me let’s let’s stand

down here here’s what got me the Ranger

who has given this report said I can

take you to trees in this forest that

have been dead for years

but they’re still standing and the only

reason they’re still standing is because

the other trees wouldn’t let them go

maybe there’s a little life and it’d be

ashamed to let them fall if there’s a

chance that it could come back to life

that’s the power of community and church

and being planted not being a tumbleweed

a tumbleweed is rootless and fruitless

you blow in and blow out on Sunday

morning but when you get rooted and

grounded and get in small groups and get

in youth ministry get in the choir get

in something get hooked up get get

intertwined with other believers of like

faith and when you go through stuff you

don’t face it alone but can I take a

moment I know it may seem a little corny

to you but I’m the pastor and I get to

do what I want

reach over and link-up with somebody

like we were just linked up grab them

grab them by the arm right there and

just say I’m not gonna let you go you

may be going through the biggest battle

you’ve ever been through your family may

be facing the greatest storm you’ve ever

faced you may be fighting demons and

Devils but we will not let you go we’re

gonna keep praying we’re gonna keep

bleeding the blood we’re gonna keep

holding on until the and you know what

you were built to outlast the storm if

you just won’t faint if you just won’t


if you just won’t give up even when you

feel dead just stay connected sure come

on grab them right now say let’s pray

one for another Father in the name of

Jesus I send my prayers out for this

congregation I pray for every person who


under a spiritual attack those who are

weary in their minds those who are

physically exhausted those who have lost

spiritual desire those who are feeling

the resurfacing of old iniquities coming

back after them those old things that

they once conquered now they’re trying

to get a stronghold back in their life I

pray now that their faith would not fall

I pray for your strength I pray for your


I pray for your anointing I pray that

the power of Satan would back up I pray

and plead the blood of Jesus over every

marriage and over every home we bind

together come on let’s bind on earth we

bind the enemy and we loose the power of

God the encouragement of God let’s

worship now lift your hands high and

open your mouth and begin to worship God

begin to praise and begin to praise it

we hope today’s message has been a

blessing in your life it’s all for my

dad’s new release the spirit of Python

right now you can call or go online and

pre-order your copy and when you make a

donation to the ministry at $35 or more

we’ll send you the spirit of python gift

set including two inspirational messages

from the spirit of python as well as a

30 day devotional that you can use in

your small group or for your own

personal devotional time we also created

a special spirit of python resource

exclusively online so be sure to visit

Jensen Franklin org and download the

very first chapter of this new book

absolutely free you can also join the

conversation online via Facebook Twitter

Instagram and Pinterest thanks for

watching and we’ll see you next time

right here on Kingdom connection this

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