What’s keeping you from claiming your rightful harvest? In these powerful messages, Dr. Jerry Savelle explains the Spiritual laws that govern the reaping of a harvest that has been reserved just for you. God never forgets your offerings and the seeds you sow. Start expecting extraordinary things to happen after you’ve planted your seed. Your harvest is just waiting to go to its rightful owner! Harvest time has come! 7 Keys – Calling In Your Harvest – Download http://www.jerrysavelle.org/downloads… In Your Harvest – 7 keys.pdf This week’s teaching resource. http://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pro… —————————————————— ? Like us and subscribe to our channel ⭐️ Visit our store to see our featured resources: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store ⭐️ » Do you need prayer: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/prayer-r… » Do you have a testimony you would like to share: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/testimonies » Become a partner with Jerry Savelle today: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/partnership » Support/Donate/Give: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/gi… FOLLOW US ON: Facebook ➡ https://www.facebook.com/jerrysavellemin Instagram ➡ https://www.instagram.com/jerrysavell… Twitter ➡ https://twitter.com/jerrysavellemin —————————————————— About Jerry Savelle Dr. Savelle is the author of more than forty books, including his bestsellers, If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy, He Can’t Keep Your Goods and Called to Battle, Destined To Win. He and his wife, Carolyn, also serve as founding Pastors of Heritage of Faith Christian Center in Crowley, Texas. ✅ Best Selling Books » The Favor of God ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » Called to Battle Destined to Win ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/ca… » Prayer of Petition ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… » Principles of Supernatural Increase ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… ✅ Best Selling Audio » Quitting Is Not An Option ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/qu… » The Law Of Progression ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy… ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/if… » Thoughts: The Battle Between Your Ears ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… ✅ Curriculum » The Favor of God ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » Prayer of Petition ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… » Why God Wants You to Prosper ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/wh… » Life of Faith ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/li…


everyone. Thank you for joining

us today. What a joy it is to
have you with us. And thank you

for watching our broadcast. And
those of you that have been

letting us know that you have
been faithful viewers, that is

so important to us. Thank you,
thank you, thank you. We

appreciate the fact that you
watch the broadcast regularly,

and we appreciate the fact that
you’re praying for it and even

sowing into it. Thank you once
again. We appreciate it so very

much. Those of you that have
been tuning in for the last

couple of weeks, you know that
we’ve been talking about calling

in your harvest. Let me ask you
a question. Are you a sower? Do

you sow seed? Are you someone
who supports ministries, you

support the work of the Lord?
Are you someone who sows into

other people, being a blessing
to them? If you are a sower,

then you have every right to
expect a harvest. That is not

something Jerry Savelle came up
with. It’s not something Oral

Roberts, or Kenneth Copeland, or
any other preacher came up with.

It is something God came up
with. You have a right to expect

a harvest from the seeds that
you sow. So we’re going to be

talking about today and we’ll
continue on next week, once

again, calling in your harvest.
It’s time for the body of Christ

to begin to experience harvest
like the Bible says we can have.

You know, the Bible says we can
have as much as thirtyfold,

sixtyfold, and even a
hundredfold. “Brother Jerry, you

mean you really believe that we
can have a hundredfold?” Yes, I

do. In fact, I’ve experienced a
hundredfold harvest many, many

times. In fact, when Carolyn and
I first started out and we were

believing God for everything, a
tenfold harvest on our seed

wouldn’t get us very far. We
needed a hundredfold just to

break even. And so we learned to
believe for a hundredfold way

back there a long, long time
ago. So yes, I believe you can

experience thirtyfold,
sixtyfold, a hundredfold. Well,

if we can have a hundredfold,
why not go for the top level?

Praise God. Now, let’s look at
something that Jesus taught us

from the 4th chapter of Mark,
beginning in Verse 26. “He said,

So is the kingdom of God,” or in
other words, I’m about to show

you how the kingdom of God
operates. He said, it’s like “a

man should cast seed into the
ground; and should sleep, and

rise night and day, and the seed
should spring and grow up, he

knoweth not how.” Now, what that
simply means is this: Once that

man sows his seed into the soil
and then he goes to bed that

night, he doesn’t know what’s
happening underneath that soil.

Oh, he knows from his knowledge
as a farmer, but he can’t see

what’s happening. He expects
that seed to do what it was

designed to do, and that is to
germinate and to grow. He

expects the soil to do what it’s
designed to do, but he can’t see

that happening. Once he’s
covered that seed up, he can’t

see what that seed is doing. He
just has to trust the seed, he

has to trust the soil. And so
notice here, it says, “–he

sleeps night and day, and the
seed should spring and grow up,

but he knoweth not how. For the
seed bringeth forth fruit of

itself; first the blade, then
the ear, after that the full

corn in the ear.” I call that
the law of progression. It’s

first–he says, “–first the
blade, then the ear, after that

the full corn in the ear.” So it
is a progressive thing. And then

he says, “But when the fruit is
brought forth, immediately he

putteth in the sickle, because
the harvest is come.” So notice,

once this seed has done what
it’s designed to do, what does

it do? It springs up. First the
blade, then the ear, then the

full corn in the ear, it goes
through that law of progression.

And then once it gets into that
stage of maturity or full corn

in the ear, then he says the
farmer takes his sickle, because

harvest time is come. Now, a
sickle is an instrument for

cutting crops during harvest
time. Sometimes it’s even

referred to as a reaping hook.
Now, this was something that was

used in Jesus’ day, and it was
something that the disciples

could relate to. Jesus was
giving them an object lesson you

might say. He said that once the
seed has done what it’s designed

to do, and that is first the
blade, then the ear, then the

full corn in the ear, then the
next thing that happens is the

farmer takes the sickle, or
the–the reaping hook, a sharp

instrument, and he begins to cut
it off and reaps the harvest. So

Jesus used this as an object
lesson. The point is, harvesting

requires a sharp instrument.
Regardless of whether it’s a

sickle like used in Jesus’ day
or rather it’s a big John Deere

combine like we’d use in our
day, it still requires a sharp

instrument to harvest that crop.
Now, with that in mind, what do

you think our sickle is? When we
sow seed, when we sow financial

seeds, what is our sickle? How
do we harvest from the seeds

that we’ve sown? I want to
submit to you that our sickle is

the Word of God coming out of
our mouth. The reason I suggest

that is Hebrews 4:12 makes this
statement: “For the word of God

is quick, and powerful, and
sharper than a two-edged sword.”

So notice the Word of God is
described as a sharp instrument

just like a sickle is a sharp
instrument. During Jesus’ day,

in order for that farmer to
harvest his crop, he had to do

so with a sharp instrument that
was called a sickle. In order

for you and I to reap our
financial harvest, we do so with

a sharp instrument, and that
sharp instrument is the Word of

God coming out of our mouth.
Isaiah 49:2, Isaiah made this

statement: “And he hath made my
mouth like a sharp sword.” So

notice Isaiah said, “God has
made my mouth like a sharp

sword.” When Isaiah was speaking
God’s Word, it was like a sharp

instrument. The book of
Revelation, speaking of Jesus,

says, in Revelation 19:15, “Out
of his mouth goeth a sharp

sword.” So once again, the Word
of God is a sharp instrument.

It’s like a sickle, and it’s how
we reap our harvest. We begin by

speaking God’s Word over our
harvest. Now, once again, the

Bible tells us, in Psalm
103:20-21–listen to this,

“Bless the Lord, ye his angels,
that excel in strength, that do

his commandments, hearkening
unto the voice of his word.”

Notice the Bible tells us that
the angels hearken to the voice

of God’s Word. When you and I
are speaking God’s Word, then

the angels stand at attention,
and they hearken to God’s Word,

and then they go to work
fulfilling it. It goes on to

say, in Verse 21, “Bless ye the
Lord, all ye his hosts,” that’s

his angels; “ye ministers of
his,” that’s his angels, “that

do his pleasure.” So the Bible’s
telling us that when we speak

God’s Word, heaven’s angels
stand at attention. They hearken

to the words coming out of our
mouth. You might say they’re

harvesting angels. They’re
angels that have been sent to

assist us. Hebrews 1:14 says,
“Are they not all ministering

spirits, sent forth to minister
for them who shall be the heirs

of salvation?” Are you one of
the heirs of salvation? Well, if

so, then the angels are all
ministering spirits, and they’ve

been sent forth to minister for
those who are heirs of

salvation. So what’s–what am I
leading to? What is all this

about? You and I have the
ability to harvest a crop of

finances after we have sown our
financial seeds, and it begins

by speaking God’s Word out of
our mouth. That’s our sickle. As

we speak God’s Word out of our
mouth, it is like a sharp

instrument, and it’s designed by
God to do for us what the sickle

did for the farmer in Jesus’
day; help them reap their crops.

And then it also tells us that
the angels have been sent by God

as ministering spirits, sent to
assist us and help us by

hearkening to the Word of God
that comes out of our mouth. So

I like to say it like this: When
I sow financial seed, then the

next thing I start doing is
speaking the Word of God over

that seed. I begin to say what
God’s Word says about it. And I

know at the same time that as
I’m speaking God’s Word, I have

the attention of the angels. And
the angels hearken to God’s

Word, and they will assist me in
collecting my harvest. Now, you

say, “Well, how does that
happen?” Well, you have to go to

James 5 once again. We talked
about this verse, part of it

anyway, on last week’s
broadcast, but let’s look at

James 5, and beginning in Verse
1. It says, “Go to now, ye rich

men, weep and howl for your
miseries that shall come upon

you. Your riches are corrupted,
and your garments are motheaten.

Your gold and your silver is
cankered; and the rust of them

shall be a witness against you,
and shall eat your flesh as it

were fire. You have reaped
treasure together for the last

days. Behold, the hire of the
laborers–” or you could say the

harvest. “Behold the hire of the
laborers who have reaped down

your fields, which is of you
kept back by fraud, crieth: and

the cries of them which have
reaped are entered into the ears

of the Lord of sabaoth.” Let me
explain that. What he’s saying

is this: The harvest that
belonged to these people, called

the harvesters, was being held
back–is being held back by

fraud, the Bible says. It
rightfully belonged to them, but

they were not receiving it. And
so it’s the same with our

harvest. The harvest that
belongs to us from every seed we

have sown most of the time is
being held back by our adversary

the devil. He’s holding it back,
keeping us from receiving it.

That’s why we need the angels to
assist us. Notice it says that

the harvest, or the hire of
these laborers, crieth, and then

it goes on to say, “–and the
cries of them which have reaped

are entered into the ears of the
Lord of sabaoth.” Notice that is

not “sabbath,” but “sabaoth.”
And “sabaoth” means the Lord of

hosts, the Lord of armies, the
Lord of angels. What is it

saying? There are two cries that
are taking place here. The first

cry is from the harvest. That
harvest is crying out for it’s

rightful owner. And the second
cry is the people that it

rightfully belongs to. They’re
crying out. So notice two cries,

and both cries enter into the
ears of the Lord of sabaoth, the

Lord of angels, the Lord of
armies, the Lord of hosts. What

is that telling us? Our harvest
is crying out for us. But are

you crying out for your harvest?
Let me say it again. Your

harvest, if you have sown seed,
financial seed, then you’re

entitled to a harvest, and if
you’re not experiencing that

harvest, if it seems like that
harvest is being held back,

well, I can tell you who’s
holding it back. It’s not God,

it’s your adversary the devil,
and you need some assistance.

That’s why God has given you the
angels. They are to assist you

in collecting your harvest.
However, what you need to do is

cry out for that harvest. It’s
crying out for you, but are you

crying out for it? “What do you
mean, ‘crying out for my

harvest’?” Well, “to cry” here
in this verse does not mean to

express sorrow, but it means to
proclaim with vehemence. In

other words, “vehemence” implies
with great force and with great

passion. It’s like saying,
“Satan, in the name of Jesus, I

want my harvest. Release my
harvest.” That’s the cry that

James 5 is talking about. The
word “cry” also means to demand

immediate action. Praise God. I
like that. See, if you’re not

crying for your harvest, then
it’s not likely you’re going to

experience it. If you sow
financial seed, and then that’s

the end of it, you don’t do
anything else, then it’s not

likely you’re going to see that
harvest even though the Bible

says you’re entitled to a
harvest. Now, the moment you sow

your financial seed, the harvest
that that seed will produce

begins crying out for you. Why?
Because you’re its rightful

owner. Hallelujah. Just think
about it, your harvest is crying

out for you. You know, you may
not can hear it with these

physical ears, but it’s crying
out. In fact, many times when

I’m believing God for, you know,
material things like an airplane

for the ministry or–or
buildings for the ministry,

sometimes I’ll just walk around
and put my hand over my ear, and

I’ll ask my wife, or maybe
another staff member, “Do you

hear that? Do you hear that?
That’s my harvest crying out for

me. That’s my airplane crying
for me. That’s my building

crying for me. That’s our
finances crying out for us.”

They–they belong to us, and
they want to be in our hands and

not in Satan’s hands. So what do
we do? See, there’s two cries

mentioned here: The cry of the
harvest and the cry of the

harvester. So, you need to cry.
Now, I’m not talking about, once

again, with tears, I’m not
talking about with sorrow. We’re

talking about demand immediate
action. We’re talking about with

force and with passion. Get up
every day, saying, “In the name

of Jesus, I have sown my seed,
and I am entitled to a harvest.

Satan, you release my harvest in
Jesus’ name. I’m crying out for

my harvest, and I believe my cry
is entering into the ear of the

Lord of sabaoth, the Lord of
hosts, the Lord of angels, the

Lord of armies. And God, your
Word says, in Psalm 103, that

the angels hearken unto the
voice of your Word. I’m speaking

your Word, so angels, I believe
that you will assist me in

gathering up my harvest in the
name of Jesus.” What am I doing?

I’m doing what James 5 tells me
to do. My harvest is crying out

for me, and now I’m crying out
for it. And the Bible says those

cries enter into the ears of the
Lord of sabaoth. In other words,

he hears the harvest crying.
When he hears us crying, then,

praise God, he will cause his
angels to help us and assist us

in gathering up what rightfully
belongs to us. You know, Jesus

said, in the 18th chapter of
Matthew, “Whatever you bind on

earth will be bound in heaven,
whatever you loose on earth will

be loosed in heaven.” It’s time
for you to bind the devil and

all his spirits that are holding
back your harvest. Bind them.

That means to render them
helpless, render them

inoperative. I do that. I say,
“In the name of Jesus, Satan, I

bind you. I bind your evil
spirits, and I command you to

take your hands off my harvest.”
Well, I’m also entitled to

loose. Whatever I loose on
earth, will be loosed in heaven.

And so I say, “Ministering
angels, ministering spirits, I

loose you in the name of Jesus’
to help me collect my harvest,

to assist me in gathering up my
harvest.” And, praise God, when

I say, “Amen,” to that prayer, I
walk away with a smile on my

face because I know my harvest
is crying out for me, I’m crying

out for it, and I believe it’s
just a matter of time, and

harvest will manifest. That’s
how you aggressively call in

your harvest. I want to
encourage you to begin to do so.

Don’t give up on your harvest.
The Bible says, in Psalm 20,

that God never forgets a seed
sown. It says he remembers your

offerings. He never forgets a
seed sown. You know, I’ve had

times when a harvest came in,
and I said, “Lord, what is this

all about?” And he said, “This
was the harvest from the seed

that you sowed in that
missionary 20 years ago. You

forgot about it, but I never
forgot about it.” Praise God.

Amen. I remember years ago,
Brother Jesse Duplantis and I

sowed seed into a little woman
who had come to hear us preach.

Her car broke down. We had it
repaired for her. We put her up,

and her family, in a hotel so
they could be in the meetings

and not have to be concerned
about the expense. We paid all

of their expenses; got the car
repaired, filled it up with

gasoline, gave them money to get
back home on. And we just did it

out of the goodness of our
heart. I really wasn’t expecting

a harvest, Brother Jesse wasn’t
really expecting a harvest, but

several days later–a few weeks
later, I received a harvest. I

received a blessing that–that
caught me off guard. I mean, it

was a surprise. I said, “Lord,
what is this all about?” He

said, “That’s your harvest from
the seed that you sowed into

that little woman.” I said,
“Lord, I didn’t even ask you for

a harvest.” He said, “I know,
but I never forget a seed sown.”

I called Brother Jesse. I said,
“Brother Jesse, has there

anything out of the ordinary
happened to you in the last few

days?” He said, “I received a
major blessing.” And he said, “I

asked the Lord about it, and he
said it was from the seed that

you and I sowed in that little
woman.” I said, “Jesse, God

never forgets a seed sown.” So,
if you’ve sown seed, then your

harvest is crying out for you.
Did you hear what I said? If

you’ve sown seed, then your
harvest is crying out for you.

It’s time for you to bend–begin
to cry out for it. You begin to

speak God’s Word. You put a
demand on Satan and all of his

cohorts and command them to
release your harvest, let your

harvest go, and believe for the
ministering spirits to assist

you in collecting that harvest.
I’m telling you, folks, this is

the Word of God. It works.
Hallelujah. And I want you to

notice, before we go to our
announcement, that in this same

chapter, way up there in Verse
3, notice God said for these

people that are–are–in fact,
they’re wealthy people, and

they’re using their wealth in a
wrong way. They’re not using it

for the kingdom of God. They’re
not blessing humanity.

They’re–they’re even getting
rich by defrauding others

and–and taking advantage of
others. And he said, notice, and

that–that “you have reaped for
the last days.” You

have–actually, it says, “You
have heaped treasure together

for the last days.” That’s
twofold in its application.

Number one, this is going to
end. You’re not going to be able

to keep the money that
rightfully belongs to God’s

people. And number two, you have
reaped all this up for the last

days. In other words, in the
last days, there is going to be

a major wealth transfer. And the
Bible says, in the book of

Proverbs, “the wealth of the
sinner has been laid up for the

just.” I’m telling you, folks,
if you are right with God, you

have–you–you–you’ve made
Jesus the Lord of your life, you

have right standing with him,
then you qualify as one of those

in whom the wealth of the sinner
has been laid up for. I believe

that’s part of that harvest for
the last days. I believe we’re

in the last days. Just look
around you. The signs around us

are indicating that we are
definitely in the last days, and

that means some major harvest is
going to break loose for the

body of Christ, and a major
wealth transfer is going to take

place in the body of Christ. And
I believe you and I are the ones

that are going to experience. So
let me encourage you today, if

you’re a sower of financial
seed, don’t give up on your

harvest. It’s crying out for
you. Begin to cry out for it,

and you will see that God will
honor his Word. Praise God. I

trust you’ve been blessed today.
Let me pray for you right now

and pray over your harvest.
Father, in the name of Jesus, I

pray for every person that’s
watching this broadcast. Every

seed sower, I pray over every
person that’s sown into this

ministry, and I believe in the
name of Jesus, because your word

is final authority, that they
are entitled to a major harvest,

a major financial harvest. And
in the name of Jesus, Satan, you

let it go. We break your power
and we loose the ministering

spirits to help gather up our
harvest, that it’ll come into

our hands, and we can use it
to–to further the kingdom of

God and use it to bless humanity
in Jesus name. Amen. Lift your

hands, begin to thank God for
your harvest right now in the

name of Jesus. Praise God. Thank
you for watching the broadcast

today. We’ve got a special
announcement about some

resources we’re going to make
available for you. But listen, I

want to remind you, get
connected with our social media.

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook,
it’s all there to help you. It’s

a way that we can
minister to you on a consistent

basis. Take advantage of that,
all right? Now, watch this

announcement about our
special resource that we

want to make available to you
this week, and then

I’ll be right back with some
closing remarks.

ANNOUNCER: There’s a
time to sow and a time to reap.

Now is the time for your
harvest. Harvest time has come.

What’s keeping you from claiming
your rightful harvest? In the

powerful three-CD teaching,
“Calling in Your Harvest,” Jerry

Savelle explains the spiritual
laws that govern the reaping of

a harvest that’s reserved just
for you. In this series, he

addresses, Are you entitled to
the harvest? Your part in the

manifestation of your harvest,
How the seeds you sow determine

your destiny, How to know when
your harvest is ready, What

might be holding back your
harvest, Can you ensure there’s

no end to your harvest? The most
important thing to do with your

harvest, and more. God never
forgets your offerings and the

seeds you sow. Request this
powerful series, “Calling in

Your Harvest,” today. Call or go
online to jerrysavelle.org.

Don’t wait. It’s time to expect
extraordinary things to happen.

Your harvest is ready to go to
its rightful owner. JERRY: I

can’t stress enough how
important these CDs are.

“Calling in Your Harvest,”
you’re going to learn what we’ve

covered over the last three
weeks and then even more. I want

to encourage you to place your
order for these right away.

Don’t delay, order them today.
Here’s some of the things you’re

going to learn: Are you entitled
to a harvest? What is your part

in the manifestation of your
harvest? How will the seed you

sow determine your own destiny?
When is the right time and what

are the indicators that tell you
your harvest is ready? What

might be holding back your
harvest. Can you–can you ensure

there is no end to your harvest?
What are the tools that are

freely given to you for helping
to collect your harvest? and

What’s the most important thing
you should do with the harvest

after you reap it? Praise God.
Some powerful, powerful truths

that you’re going to learn from
these three CDs on “Calling in

Your Harvest.” You can order
them by going to our website, or

you can call the number that’s
on the screen, or you can write

to the address that’s on the
screen. Okay? But do it today.

Don’t say, “Well, you know, next
week I’m going to order those.”

No. Do it today while it’s fresh
on your mind, because I’m

telling you, once you get them,
you’re not going to be able to

put them down. “Calling in Your
Harvest,” that’s our product

today. The last time we’ll be
offering this will be on next

week’s broadcast, but don’t wait
until then, order it today.

Thank you, partners, once again
for believing in our vision,

believing in the outreach of
this ministry. You know, we

don’t talk a whole lot about it,
but we have offices in several

other nations. We have Bible
schools, we have churches, we

train nationals. I’m telling
you, we are involved in feeding

the hungry, a lot of
humanitarian work. There are

things that this ministry’s
doing all over the world, and

our partners are the ones who
help us get it done. Thank you,

partners. Without you, it
certainly would not be feasible

or even possible for us to get
this done. So thank you,

partners. Your partnership with
us means the world to us. I also

want to encourage those of you
that haven’t become a partner

yet. You know, I have people
say, “I watch your broadcast all

the time, but I–I’ve never sent
an offering to you.” Well,

change that. Praise God. We
could use that offering to help

us to expand this ministry. And
if this ministry’s been helping

you, Galatians 6 says that you
should sow into those that are

teaching you. So why don’t you
consider doing that? Sow a seed.

Either a one-time seed, or
become a partner with us. If

you’d like more information on
how to become a partner, go on

the website and, you can check
it out and learn how to become a

partner. And I’m telling you,
you’ll be blessed by it. It’s

not a one-way street where
you’re doing all the giving,

we’re doing all the receiving.
I’m telling you, there are

things that will take place in
your life as a result of this

partnership that you’re going to
like. Praise God. Well, once

again next week, we’re going to
continue this study on “Calling

in Your Harvest,” and I want to
encourage you to make your plans

to be with us. Tell a friend
about the broadcast. You know,

it’s–it’s exciting to know that
more and more people are

watching each and every week.
And it’s also exciting when you

communicate with us and let us
know about it. Thank you once

again for watching today, thank
you for your prayers, thank you

for your support, and we want
you to know we’re believing God

that this is indeed your year
for a great breaking loose in

Jesus’ name. I’ll see you next
week. And until then, remember,

your faith will overcome the
world. ANNOUNCER: Next week,

Brother Savelle continues his
message. JERRY: The key

to operating in God’s laws and
to avoid frustration, and the

temptation to quit, is to
understand that with God there

is an apointed time, there is
a due season for everything.
