Join Dr. Savelle’s daughters for a special series as they teach about the faith it takes to reach the God given dreams in your life. Both ministers of the Gospel, Jerriann Savelle Newton and Terri Savelle Foy, give real life examples on how to build yourself up in the Word and expand your vision – and share steps they’ve taken that will enable you to reach your full potential as you exercise and stretch your faith. Things that may seem impossible to us are possible with God. —————————————————— ? Like us and subscribe to our channel ⭐️ Visit our store to see our featured resources: ⭐️ » Do you need prayer:… » Do you have a testimony you would like to share: » Become a partner with Jerry Savelle today: » Support/Donate/Give:… FOLLOW US ON: Facebook ➡ Instagram ➡… Twitter ➡ —————————————————— About Jerry Savelle Dr. Savelle is the author of more than forty books, including his bestsellers, If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy, He Can’t Keep Your Goods and Called to Battle, Destined To Win. He and his wife, Carolyn, also serve as founding Pastors of Heritage of Faith Christian Center in Crowley, Texas. ✅ Best Selling Books » The Favor of God ➡… » Called to Battle Destined to Win ➡… » Prayer of Petition ➡… » Principles of Supernatural Increase ➡… ✅ Best Selling Audio » Quitting Is Not An Option ➡… » The Law Of Progression ➡… » If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy… ➡… » Thoughts: The Battle Between Your Ears ➡… ✅ Curriculum » The Favor of God ➡… » Prayer of Petition ➡… » Why God Wants You to Prosper ➡… » Life of Faith ➡…

thank you so much for watching today I’m

Terry Civello Yanam with my sister Jerry

and dad has given us the privilege of

teaching on the broadcast today on

dreams destiny and opportunities that is

your thing you love talking about dreams

God has put that down on the inside of

you and you travel all over the world

encouraging people to just dream and set

their goals and vision and just go with

what God places down on the inside of

them so this is your thing this is women

yeah it’s what you’re born to do I love

this topic it’s my favorite topic you

know because proverbs tells us where

there is no vision the people perish you

remember I looked up the word perish it

means die what’s the I mean die so it

was like I’m starting to catch on if we

don’t have a vision you’re dying on the

inside you know even statistics have

proven the average person who retires

dies within three years of retirement

because they stopped dreaming

you know I one thing I like to say to

people is if your dreams are possible

you’re not dreaming big enough if your

dreams are possible you’re not dreaming

big enough you know God wants us to be

impossibility thinkers he wants us to

dream so outside the realm of

possibility that there’s no way this

dream can happen unless you use your

faith you know then the Bible say it’s

impossible to please God without a so if

you have an impossible dream you

probably got the right dream and you

know I love to learn from successful

people like you know Walt Disney you

know Disney was known as an

impossibility thinker in fact you know

they say that when he would meet with

his board of directors he drew out all

these ideas and if everybody at the

table said yeah Walt that’s a great idea

let’s do that he’d say ‘then that’s not

what we’re gonna do then he would throw

out these ideas and if everybody the

table said Walt that’s impossible no

one’s ever done that before

he’d say then that’s what we’re gonna do

he was an impossibility thinker and you

know that’s exactly what God wants you

to be so you know it’s gonna take faith

well how do you give

well the number one method that God has

given us to build our faith is faith

comes by hearing so just the fact that

you tuned into the broadcast today your

faith is gonna be stronger today than it

was yesterday just because you’re

hearing the word faith comes by hearing

so I want to share with you something

that it’s just five simple things that I

begin to practice in my life years ago

had no idea that they would absolutely

change my life and take me from just

wishing things would change to live in

my dreams just five simple things and

you know it all began I share this

everywhere I go but it all began um in

2002 I was you know faith comes by

hearing I went in my bathroom I push

play and I’m listening to John Maxwell

and I heard him make this statement he

said if I could come to your house and

watch you for 24 hours I could tell

whether or not you’re going to be a

success or a failure he said now you

pick the day but let me watch you from

the moment you wake up till you go to

bed that night he said just by observing

you in one 24-hour period I could tell

in what direction your life is going to

go he said this he said you know a lot

of times when I say that people get mad

they think it’s an arrogant thing to say

he said but the reason I say that is

because the secret of your future is

hidden in your daily routine so it’s

your daily routine that leads you either

closer to success closer to

opportunities closer to your destiny or

further from it so you know back in 2002

I didn’t have like a professional you

know success coach come to my house and

lay out this growth track or anything

like that I just made up a little plan

right there in my bedroom and thought

I’m gonna do five things every day for

21 days you were desperate for change

yes yeah cuz I had no dreams for my life

at that time my marriage was falling

apart I mean I had no goals at all all

right and I was desperate to just yeah

for a change in my life so I said I can

do five things for 21 days a you know

behavioral psychologists have proven do

something consistently for 21 days

you can break an old habit and start a

new one so I said okay I’m gonna do this

well at the end of 21 days I thought I’m

gonna do a month at the end of a month I

said I’m gonna go for two months well

that was in 2002 and I haven’t stopped

but the secret of your future is in your

daily routine so the five simple things

I did was number one pray I said every

day I’m gonna make myself pray whether

it’s five minutes 20 minutes whatever

I’m going to make myself spend time with

the Lord

number two I’m going to listen to a

faith building message every day number

three I’m gonna read something read from

a success book read the Bible do

something to read number four I’m going

to review my dreams and goals

just keep them before my eyes you know

and number five I’m going to exercise

well like I said that was in 2002 and I

haven’t stopped but here’s what happened

and you know this those simple things

took me from you know ghost writing

books for other people to authoring

books from attending conferences to

speaking at conferences from watching TV

for hours every day to co-hosting a TV

show everything in my life changed

because the secret of your future is in

your daily routine so the thing is God

has an amazing plan for your life he has

an impossible dream for you to pursue

and that could be a dream to lose weight

a dream to start your own business a

dream to pay off student loans you know

a dream to get a degree whatever the

dream is and it looks impossible it’s

going to take a plan to build your faith

to such a degree that you say Lord these

dreams are impossible but I trust you so

those five simple things but you know I

heard Jim Rohn make this statement he

said success is something you attract by

the person you become he said if you

want more you must become more you know

a lot of times we want a better body

better career better salary better

relationships but the way to have better

is to become better and you know you

think about the Bible it says to whom

much is given much is required right or

you could say it like this much is

required in order for much to be given

so the secret of your future is in your

daily routine so what I’d like to do is

share just expound on those

have things um the simple things you

know of spending town with the Lord

listening to a motivational message

reading reading for 20 minutes a day

that’s what I started with you know and

some people say that’s what then changed

my life

well do you know reading for 20 minutes

a day times 30 days a month that’s 10

hours of personal growth that can make a

change can do so I’m going to share

those five things with you expound upon

them and then I thought it’d be fun to

just share something I read from

Entrepreneur Magazine about the habits

of the wealthiest people in the world

you know change your habits you can

change your future so I want you to

watch this this special offer we put

together some of my favorite products

that dad has come out with all about

dreams all about seizing god-given

opportunities you gotta be prepared when

the opportunities come your way because

they’re coming all the time but you’re

either gonna seize them or they’re just

gonna pass you by so I’m going to tell

you how I begin to recognize

opportunities that I never saw before

just by these simple disciplines so

watch this and we’ll be right back to

teach on these five things thank you for

what the future begins with a dream in

the book if Satan can’t steal your

dreams he can’t control your destiny

Jerry Savelle teaches how Satan tries to

steal our god-given dreams by sowing

seeds of fear and discouragement the

good news is that with God’s help you

can recapture your dreams and achieve

the extraordinary in the powerful book


the battle between your ears you learn

how your thoughts determine your mood

self-image relationships and destiny

learn how to win the battle and line

your thoughts up with God’s Word and his

plan for your life also included in

today’s package is the three CD series

seizing god-given opportunities

throughout our lives we are given many

opportunities for greatness and success

so we can bring glory to God discover

the potential you have in Christ and

seize every opportunity that comes your

way don’t wait call or go online to

request this powerful trio if Satan

can’t steal your dreams he can’t control

your destiny thoughts

the battle between your ears and seizing

god-given opportunities take possession

of your god-given dreams destiny and

opportunities today

Terry I know that you are one of the

most disciplined people that I know and

it’s because you’ve applied these

principles that you learned years ago in

your life these five keys I know are so

important to the transformation that you

discovered in your life so I want you to

tell us about those expel more on those

so that other people can tap into that I

appreciate you saying that and I don’t

take that lightly but you know

discipline is a decision still I mean it

doesn’t just like happen every morning I

still have to decide to do these but

consistency is the key it is the key to

change in any area of life you know

somebody once said it only takes one

diet to lose weight which one the one

you stick with they all work just stick

with one right but it is it’s the

consistency and that’s what’s produced

some of the results that I am

experiencing now and I give God all the

glory but it does it starts with a

decision so I was sharing before the

break out years ago I started doing five

things every day in order to start

taking me closer to my destiny my dreams

and start seeing opportunities that God

had well you know the first habit of

just listening to motivational messages

every day seriously I had to just decide

when am I gonna do this when can’t be

the most consistent about doing this

this is gonna be a lifestyle I got to

decide win so I thought well I could do

it in the morning while I’m getting

ready because I gotta get ready anyway

and it takes a while to look like no

really you have no idea but so I thought

okay I’ll do in the morning when I get

ready and she’s a natural it didn’t take

her as long but you know I put the CD

player in the bathroom I put a big

posted on the mirror that said push play

because I wasn’t disciplined yet so I

walked in there the first morning saw

push play oh yeah I’m getting ready you

know and put my scare on but I’m

listening to the word then I decided you

know what I could use my drive time to

get ahead so I put a CD in my car well

you know just from doing that I

discovered that the average American

drives 20 minutes to work everyday in 20

minutes back home well if you’re

listening to a message on your way to

work on your way home after doing that

for five years that’s one

thousand two hundred and fifty hours in

your car or the equivalent of a college

education just by pushing play a lot

better than talk radio or garbage or do

you think that yeah and there’s nothing

wrong with music but you know the thing

is it’s not like you just have noise on

in the background the Word of God

changes you from the inside out it gets

the only inside of you and all sudden

you begin thinking differently you begin

talking differently even begin carrying

yourself differently so as a result of

that little habit my faith began to grow

because faith comes by hearing and then

I begin to learn things like you gotta

have a vision you don’t have a vision

you’re perishing you know I remember

hearing one guy he said just imagine

that it’s pouring down rain outside

pouring down rain you go outside you

jump in your car you turn the car on and

it turns on fine air conditioner works

fine the radio works fine everything

seems to be working except one thing the

windshield wiper he said you know as

long as your vision is impaired you’re

just gonna stay where you are that’s

good and it’s the true with life you

know same thing if you if you have no

vision for your life you will stay where

you are for the rest of your life

so you have to have a vision and you

know remember hearing about the little

African Impala you know which I thought

was a car but an animal said but do you

know that little Impala can jump 10 feet

high and 30 feet long it’s crazy but you

will find them at a zoo behind a

four-foot wall and they won’t even

attempt to get out and I said the reason

why is because they can’t see over the

fence and they will never attempt to

jump where they can’t see first what’s

the same with us you have to see where

you’re headed before you start taking

steps towards it right so I began to

realize I’ve got to have a vision for my

life and then I remember hearing it’s

not enough to have a vision you got to

write your vision you know that the most

successful people in the world write

their dreams and goals

then I heard stats like you know your

chance of success increases by 98% when

you put your dreams in writing that’s a

huge statistic in this where does that

come from how back into too

right the vision make it plain on paper

so I begin doing that just from that

simple habit of hearing the word

everyday so I began to write my dreams

and they begin to happen the second

habit of reading something every day you

know um I told you before how I just set

a goal to read for 20 minutes and you

know it wasn’t much of a reader you were

a bookworm you read everything Nancy

Drew I mean everything I read the Dallas

Cowboy Cheerleader book that was it do

you remember I used to sit in our

swimming pool in a little raft and we

didn’t read just for hours and it you

were so why do you like to read so much

less well you know I know you were a

little bookworm so you had knowledge I

didn’t I could do a cheer but that’s

laughs that you recognize that know that

you have not used always tell me the

Bible says obey your elders yeah I had

to obey her 13 months older I mean she

had to obey but that’s not my point

oh no but you did you love to read I

didn’t enjoy reading but you know

another statistic I heard the average

American watches six hours of television

every day oh now I’m not saying turn the

TV off right now but I’m saying you know

what if you were to take 20 minutes

still watch your 5 hours and 40 but take

20 minutes to just go somewhere and read

and invest in yourself invest in your

growth it’s the best investment you

could ever make I mean I remember

learning about connections that if you

want to see where your life is headed

look at the people you’re hanging out

with you know you want to know where

your life is headed look at the list of

names in your cell phone they say you

are the average of the five people you

spend the most time with so those were

little things I was learning or

confidence that if you don’t have

confidence Joyce Meyer said that’s like

a jumbo jet sitting on the runway with

no gas you’re not going anywhere and so

I remember learning I’ve got to build my

confidence if I’m gonna do anything that

God’s put in my heart I was so insecure

you know I sound like Minnie Mouse I

didn’t want to get him speaking front of

people I mean I was

I’ve got to build my confidence how do I

do this well I started reading books you

know but one of the most powerful things

I learned was speak positive

declarations out of your mouth about

yourself you know that it’s not enough

to stop saying the wrong thing you have

to start saying the right thing so I

made a list of positive declarations and

every day I would speak them out of my

mouth things like you know I’m an expert

and the message God’s given me to share

I’m highly favorite of God I’m confident

I’m confident to speak in front of live

audiences I’m confident to speak on

television I speak at the largest

conferences in the world I would say

things like my gift is making room for

me and bringing me before great men I’m

disciplined spirit soul and body I love

to work out I’m in the best shape of my

life I just started saying those things

every single day well I remember one

time I was getting ready to speak at the

largest church in France it’s like

10,000 people and I was one of my dreams

to speak there I’m sitting on the front

row and my daughter cassadee Hina was

beside me and she just said mama are you

a little bit nervous and do you know

what came out of my mouth I’m confident

to speak in front of live audiences I

speak at the largest conferences in the

world why because what you repeatedly

hear you eventually believe and you

believe your own self more than anybody

now those were just simple habits that I

begin to learn from listen to the word

every day reading for 20 minutes you

know that third habit of looking at my

dreams and goals I just started you know

every single day and I do it to this day

look at my dreams and goals pray over

them go off you know go to work go out

the door well see what I used to do

years ago and you’ll remember January

1st I’d get out a piece of paper write

my new year’s resolutions put them in my

nightstand and never look at them again

you think I achieved them I don’t even

remember what I wrote much less go after

them write and you know statistics say

93 percent of New Year’s goals go

unfulfilled 30 percent are broken the

first week because out of sight out of


well then I begin to learn you have to

keep them before your eyes if you’re

ever gonna achieve them and you know

it’s kind of

like um and you ever bought a new car

and then all of a sudden you see your

type of car all over the road but you

never saw it before well the reason that

happens is because now your type of car

is right here at the forefront of your

mind so now you recognize it everywhere

you see that car was there all along you

just didn’t notice it right what’s the

same with your dreams and your goals

when you’re looking at them every day

you’re thinking about them you’re

praying about them you’re speaking over

them all of a sudden you start seeing

opportunities all around you that you

never saw before they were there you

just never saw them that’s why I’m so

thrilled that we’re offering this on

seizing god-given opportunities because

first of all you have to recognize on

God’s bringing them all the time you

just have to recognize them so that’s

what I began to do is recognize

opportunities and then I began to

surround myself with vision you know

that you have to look at your vision

like I remember hearing a story about

Dodie goes ding you remember when Miss

Dodie was diagnosed with you know

terminal cancer and she said when she

had that disease she said when she

looked in the mirror she saw death she

saw a weak frail body that was

deteriorating and she said I knew I’ve

got to change what I see if I’m gonna

get victory over this cancer so she said

she went through the family photo albums

and she put pictures of her in divine

health like back when she was alive and

joyful and you know put him all over the

bathroom mirror put them all over the

refrigerator she put him in the picture

frames all over the house she said I had

to surround myself with what could be

not what was and see that’s what vision

is when you surround yourself with a

vision of what can be you know I’ve

walked into book stores and I took a

picture of me by the book shelves as a

vision that one day my books are gonna

be on this bookshelf well I remember the

first time I walked in Barnes a novel

and there it was on the bookshelf but

see I was surrounding myself with what

could be so that’s what happens you know

with vision and those were just simple

habits of everyday keeping the vision

before my eyes then of course the fourth

habit of spending time with the Lord you

know dad taught us that your

ago he said anytime you go into your

prayer time with the Lord he said always

take a journal and a pen and expect to

hear from God that’s how you practice

hearing the voice of God and then he

said whatever you hear write it down

even if you’re not sure is it God or am

I just making this up he said write it

down anyway so I began practicing here

in the voice of God I remember sitting

there one day and I heard icing and I

was like all that sounds so good just

thought I was hungry but the Lord told

me it was time to start a women’s

conference and call it icing so I looked

up the word I seen you know and it means

something added to something good to

make it even better cake is good but the

icing makes it better right so we

launched a women’s conference called

icing we heard about when I told Dad I

said dad you know the Lord told me start

a women’s conference and call it icing

dad thought about it for a minute he

said they’re gonna start a men’s meeting

call it puddin was I don’t think that

would go over can you imagine in you

know man go you gonna but you know that

was just that little habit of going

somewhere by myself and just listening

for the Lord and of course the fifth

habit of exercise you know there’s just

there’s a direct link between emotional

health and physical health when you’re

exercising you just feel better but you

know the thing is people will say to me

nowadays you know Terry how do you know

some these scriptures how do you know

some mean motivational quotes well every

day I listen to a motivational message

or they’ll say things like how do you

have the confidence to speak to

thousands of people well every day I

declare that I have confidence to speak

in front of thousands of people or

they’ll say how do you have the energy

to fly overseas and you never have jet

lag well every day I exercise and I feel

better or they’ll say you know how is it

why is it that everything you seem to

write down your dreams they keep

happening well whatever you keep before

your eyes will eventually show up in

your life I think one of the number one

questions people ask me is how do you

have the time to do all that those five

things do you know those five things

that I do every day I’m totally done by


in the morning now I get up at 3:00 now

King no but here’s the thing have you

ever heard of the Pareto principle

remember the 80/20 rule that’s just a

principle that it implies that 20% of

your activities produce 80% of your

results well those things that I just

listed they take up about 15% of my

whole day I’m done because while I’m at

the gym I’m listening to a motivational

message when I get back I go in another

room I spend time with the Lord I listen

for him I pray over my dreams you know

so you have to decide what is it that

God’s telling you to get serious about

so that you’re not just wishing things

would change but you’re living your

dreams so remember like we said before

success is something you attract by the

person you become if you want more

become more and you know thinking about

that scripture to whom much is given

much is required

much is required in order for much to be

given so I want to challenge you to make

an investment you know I heard something

it was an interview with the 4th

wealthiest man in the entire world and

they said what do you think is the best

investment right now he that’s what he

does he invest and he said the best

investment you could ever make is in

yourself and he said I remember there

was a day when I couldn’t even speak to

people I was so insecure this was fourth

wealthiest man in the world and he said

I took a $100 bill and I invested in a

growth course and he said it was the

best investment I ever made that’s why

I’m passionate about resources because I

know this is what changed my life that’s

why I’m so excited we put these together

because you’re gonna teach us this month

on this on thoughts the battle between

your ears because your thoughts are the

pathway to your destiny change your

thoughts you can change your whole

future and then this book if Satan can

steal your dreams he can’t control your

destiny that’s what Satan wants more

than anything else is to take your

future take your destiny you know I

remember reading about a tribe in Asia

when they would yell curses at their

enemy the worst thing naked yell was may

you stay in one place for the rest of

your life that’s exactly what Satan

hopes for you then

shirt this time you’re exactly where you

are today but I’m telling you the secret

of your future is in your daily routine

so I want you to invest in these

resources invest in yourself and best in

your future and get to a place in your

life where it just becomes routine

because the secret of your future is in

your daily routine watch this interview

the future begins with a dream in the

book if Satan can’t steal your dreams he

can’t control your destiny Jerry Savelle

teaches how Satan tries to steal our

god-given dreams by sowing seeds of fear

and discouragement the good news is that

with God’s help you can recapture your

dreams and achieve the extraordinary in

the powerful book thoughts

the battle between your ears you learn

how your thoughts determine your mood

self-image relationships and destiny

learn how to win the battle and line

your thoughts up with God’s Word and his

plan for your life also included in

today’s package is the three CD series

seizing god-given opportunities

throughout our lives we are given many

opportunities for greatness and success

so we can bring glory to God discover

the potential you have in Christ and

seize every opportunity that comes your

way don’t wait call or go online to

request this powerful trio if Satan

can’t steal your dreams he can’t control

your destiny thoughts

the battle between your ears and seizing

god-given opportunities take possession

of your god-given dreams destiny and

opportunities today hey I want to share

with you real quick something that

someone sent me on the habits of the

wealthiest most successful people in the

world I thought this was so interesting

it’s the habits of the wealthy versus

the poor you ready for this

okay listen to this how many wake up

three or more hours before they go to

work forty four percent of the wealthy 3

percent of the poor how many listen to

audio teaching during their commute to

the office 63 percent of the wealthy 5

percent of the poor how many read for 30

minutes or more every single day 88% of

the wealthy 2 percent of the poor

how many watch reality TV 7 percent of

the wealthy 78 percent of the poor how

many exercise 4 days a week

76 percent of the wealthy 23 percent of

the poor and now listen to this one how

many believe good habits create

opportunities 84 percent of the wealthy

4 percent of the poor you know I love

what Dave Ramsey says if you want to be

successful study successful people and

you know like we’ve said before the

secret of your future is in your daily

routine so we’re challenging you this

week to

make an investment in your future make

an investment in changing a few things

about your daily routine and I’m

convinced it can change your whole life

well like you said you applied this

principle in your life of getting the

word in you and that for me that’s what

changed my life too is just daily

applying the word and that’s why we’re

passionate about getting these resources

out to people so I want to encourage you

don’t delay don’t put it off go to your

phone right now or get online and order

these this man has been 46 years of

practicing the word applying it and

we’ve watched it work in his life and

now working in our life so we can’t

stress enough how important it is to get

the word in you so don’t delay go to go

online jsm ID org and order this today

thank you so much for watching us and we

look forward to seeing you next time

continue to follow us on Facebook

Twitter Instagram so we can keep you

motivated to do everything God’s put in

your heart to do thanks for watching and

we’ll see you next week

