Hear Jerry Savelle share about our more-than-enough God. Our God has unlimited ways of supplying what we need, and His hand is ever ready to provide. In Philippians 4:19 the Apostle Paul tell us, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” Paul’s words are just as true today as they were over 2000 years ago! —————————————————— ? Like us and subscribe to our channel ⭐️ Visit our store to see our featured resources: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store ⭐️ » Do you need prayer: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/prayer-r… » Do you have a testimony you would like to share: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/testimonies » Become a partner with Jerry Savelle today: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/partnership » Support/Donate/Give: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/gi… FOLLOW US ON: Facebook ➡ https://www.facebook.com/jerrysavellemin Instagram ➡ https://www.instagram.com/jerrysavell… Twitter ➡ https://twitter.com/jerrysavellemin —————————————————— About Jerry Savelle Dr. Savelle is the author of more than forty books, including his bestsellers, If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy, He Can’t Keep Your Goods and Called to Battle, Destined To Win. He and his wife, Carolyn, also serve as founding Pastors of Heritage of Faith Christian Center in Crowley, Texas. ✅ Best Selling Books » The Favor of God ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » Called to Battle Destined to Win ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/ca… » Prayer of Petition ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… » Principles of Supernatural Increase ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… ✅ Best Selling Audio » Quitting Is Not An Option ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/qu… » The Law Of Progression ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy… ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/if… » Thoughts: The Battle Between Your Ears ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… ✅ Curriculum » The Favor of God ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » Prayer of Petition ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… » Why God Wants You to Prosper ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/wh… » Life of Faith ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/li…


JERRY: Hello, everyone.
Once again, it’s a joy to have

you with us today. Thank you for
watching our broadcast. And I

trust that it will be a very
profitable time for you. I don’t

want you to waste your time. I
want it to be profitable. And I

believe if you will give me your
undivided attention, that you

can walk away saying, “It has
been good to watch this

broadcast.” You know, today
we’re going to take you into the

Southwest Believers’ Convention
that was conducted in 2015, last

year. I was preaching in that
convention, along with Kenneth

and Gloria Copeland, Jesse
Duplantis, Keith Moore, Bill

Winston, Creflo Dollar. What a
great convention it was. And

this particular service I
entitled “Supernatural

Provision.” You know, signs,
wonders, and miracles are not to

be limited to healing in the
body, you know, physical

healing, but supernatural
provision is also a vital part

of the ministry of Jesus. In
fact, one of the first miracles

that Jesus performed was not a
healing on someone, but

supernatural provision. And
we’re going to take you into

this service where we show you
that part of the signs and

wonders and miracles that we can
expect in these last days is

supernatural provision. The
apostle Paul made this statement

in Philippians 4:19, “But my God
shall supply all your need

according to his riches in glory
by Christ Jesus.” You know, it

doesn’t surprise me that God
does supply my need, because he

said he would. What does
surprise me is how he goes about

doing it. And many times it is
in ways that I couldn’t dream up

in a thousand years. So I just
have to say, it’s supernatural.

So, if you have need in your
life today, you’re facing great

challenges, I want you to watch
very closely, and you will see

that God is interested in
supplying every need in your

life. Watch this. I’ll be back
in a moment. JERRY: Let’s go to

John 6. I’ve been sharing with
you, in obedience to the Lord,

regarding the prophetic word
that I received concerning

visitations, manifestations, and
demonstrations of the Holy

Spirit. I’m not going to read
all of that prophetic word. That

was just a part of it. You could
go to the website and download

it and look at it if you’d like
to. But also, in that prophetic

word–this came on October the
18th, 2014, while I was

preparing for my annual
ministers conference. And one of

the things he also included was
that it would be known as “the

year for supernatural provision
and great breakthroughs.”

“Supernatural provision and

great breakthroughs.”
Hallelujah. How many of you

could use a great breakthrough?
(Cheers & Applause) How about

supernatural provision, praise
God? (Cheers & Applause) Now,

see, that I want to show you
tonight, supernatural provision

and breakthroughs come under the
category of visitations,

manifestations, and
demonstrations of the Holy Ghost

just as much as healing and
deliverance and–and miracles in

your physical body. (Audience
Agrees) AUDIENCE: Amen. Amen.

JERRY: Amen. AUDIENCE: Yes, sir.
Amen. JERRY: So let’s look at

John 6. And it says, in Verse 1,
“After these things Jesus went

over the sea of Galilee, which
is the sea of Tiberias. And a

great multitude followed him,
because they saw his miracles–”

Notice, they followed him
because they saw the miracles.

They saw the miracles. The
masses today need to see some

things. AUDIENCE: Sure. Amen.
Yes, sir. (Audience “Amens”)

JERRY: Particularly the people
that are so perverted–

AUDIENCE: Yes. JERRY: –and so
consumed with lust and

perversion and so forth, like it
is in our world today. It’s

going to take the preaching of
the Word and signs and wonders

and miracles to reach a lot of
these people. AUDIENCE: Yes.

(Audience Agrees) JERRY: The
reason they don’t want to come

to church a lot of times,
because all they hear is talk,

and they don’t ever see
anything. AUDIENCE: That’s

right. Mm-hmm. JERRY: Did I
touch a nerve there? AUDIENCE:

Come on. Come on. JERRY: So,
notice they saw–they followed

him because “they saw the
miracles which he did on them

that were diseased.” And then it
says, in Verse 5, “When Jesus

then lifted up his eyes, and saw
a great multitude come unto him,

he saith unto Philip–” You know
the story about, you know,

feeding these people. Brother
Copeland talked about this,

and–in one of his services.
And, you know, there could have

been 15-, 20-, even up to 50,000
people that we’re talking about

here. And so Jesus, after
healing their bodies– AUDIENCE:

Come on. JERRY: –after
delivering them from demonic

spirits– AUDIENCE: Yes, sir.
JERRY: –then the next thing he

begins to demonstrate is his
ability to provide

supernaturally. AUDIENCE: Amen.

(Audience “Amens”) JERRY: So
notice we see both occurring

here in this same chapter. We
see the miracles, the healings,

the deliverances, where people
who were diseased and bound and

in captivity being set free. And
then he also shows us that he’s

capable of not only healing and
delivering people, but providing

for them supernaturally.
AUDIENCE: Hallelujah. JERRY: Can

you say, “Amen”? (Audience
“Amens”) And he took the loaves

and the fishes and so forth and
break them, and they passed it

out among that crowd, and
everybody was filled, it

said–didn’t say everybody got a
little dab. It said they were

full. AUDIENCE: Yes. Come on.
JERRY: They were full. AUDIENCE:

That’s right. JERRY: I fed Jesse
today, and he told me later,

“I’m full.” (Laughter) You know?
Ha-ha-ha. And every time I go to

Jesse’s place in New Orleans, I
get full. I save up for about a

week, knowing we’re going to
eat, man. There ain’t going to

be no dieting in New Orleans.
(Laughter) And I am so full when

I leave there, but it’s a
wonderful full. Hallelujah.

These people were full, and
there was still plenty left

over. AUDIENCE: Yes, sir. JERRY:
Now, wouldn’t you agree, five

loaves, two fishes, perhaps
50,000 people, that would come

under the category of
supernatural provision?

AUDIENCE: Yes, sir. (Audience
Agrees) JERRY: Everybody say,

“Supernatural provision.”
AUDIENCE: Supernatural

provision. JERRY: So in this
story, Jesus demonstrates–now,

let’s remember, in Chapter 5, in
Verse 30, Jesus made this

statement: “I can of mine own
self do nothing.” The latter

part of that verse, he says, “I
seek not mine own will, but the

will of the Father which has
sent me.” And then later in

Chapter 6, in Verse 38, he says,
“For I came down from heaven,

not to do my own will, but the
will of him that sent me.” So

apparently, healing people and
providing supernaturally for

them was the will of God.

Jesus said, “I only do those
things that please my Father.”

AUDIENCE: That’s right. JERRY:
“I don’t do anything of myself.

Everything I do I’m
demonstrating the Father’s

will.” AUDIENCE: Amen. JERRY: So
say this with me: “It’s the

Father’s will to heal.”
(Audience Repeats) “And it’s the

Father’s will to provide.” Why
just take one and not the other

when you can have both,
hallelujah? (Audience Agrees)

Amen? It’s the Father’s will to

heal. It’s the Father’s will to
provide. So Jesus demonstrates

how God not only wanted them to
experience healing and

deliverance and miracles where
their diseased bodies was

concerned, but he also wanted
them to know that he’s capable

of providing supernaturally for
them. It was an opportunity for

Jesus to show them that
nothing–and us as well, as we

read the story–that nothing is
impossible with God. Hallelujah.

provide for you just as easily

as he can heal you. (Audience
Agrees) AUDIENCE: Amen. JERRY:

Amen? (Audience “Amens”) Glory
to God. What–what is a million

dollars to God if he can heal
you of cancer? (Audience Agrees)

AUDIENCE: Come on. Amen. Yeah,
that’s right. JERRY: Huh? If God

can heal you of cancer, you
think providing you, if you had

need of a million dollars, would
be sweat off his brow? AUDIENCE:

No, no. JERRY: You think he’d
choke at that? AUDIENCE: No.

JERRY: No. He’s proving it’s
just as easy for God to heal–or

to provide as it is for him
to heal. Praise God. (Audience

Agrees) Can you say, “Amen”?
(Audience “Amens”) Are you still

with me? AUDIENCE: Yes. JERRY:
He’s not only Jehovah Rapha, the

God who heals, but he’s also
Jehovah Jireh, the God that

provides, hallelujah. (Audience
Agrees) Now, I’m making this

point because I want you to
understand that supernatural

provision is just as much a part
of visitations, manifestations,

and demonstrations of the Holy
Ghost as healing and deliverance

and miracles are. In fact, I
want you to notice in this

chapter–look at Verse 2 once
again. Look at the word

“miracles.” “They saw his
miracles.” Then drop down to

Verse 14, after he had provided
for them supernaturally, it

says, “Then those men, when they
had seen the miracle–” Now,

notice both of them are referred
to as a miracle– AUDIENCE: Yes,

sir. JERRY: –healing all those
people and then providing for

them. And in the literal Greek,
this word “miracle” actually

means a sign or a token.
AUDIENCE: That’s right. JERRY: A

sign or a token. So once again,
it proved that God not only

heals, but he provides. That’s
why the apostle Paul, much

later, when he wrote the letter,
the epistle to the Philippian

church that we know as
Philippians 4:19, he said, “But

my God shall supply all your
need according to his riches in

glory by Christ Jesus.”

Notice, he didn’t hesitate when
he said it. AUDIENCE: Amen.

JERRY: I mean, he said it boldly
and clearly so all would know

that “My God–” AUDIENCE: Come
on. JERRY: “–shall supply all

your need according to his
riches in glory by Christ

Jesus.” AUDIENCE: That’s right.
JERRY: Can you give the Lord a

shout over that? Amen? (Cheers &
Applause) Supernatural provision

for God’s people will be a sign
to the world that we live in

today that our God is indeed
alive, and there is no other God

like him. (Audience “Amens”)

He’s alive, and there’s no other
God like him. Supernatural

provision will be one of God’s
ways of getting the world’s

attention. AUDIENCE: Yes. JERRY:
When they don’t know where to

turn, and everything they’ve
trusted in before is caving in

around them, and yet we are
abounding, we are excelling, we

are increasing, we are
prospering, then it makes the

God we serve attractive.
Hallelujah. (Audience Agrees)

you think they will respond when

the blessing is working in your
life like it worked in Abraham’s

life? (Audience Agrees)

told Abraham, in Genesis 12:2,
“I will bless thee.” AUDIENCE:

Amen. Amen. JERRY: “I’m going to
bless you, Abraham.” AUDIENCE:

Come on. JERRY: And by Chapter
13, one chapter later, Verse 2,

“And Abraham was already rich in
cattle, and sheep, and herds,

and gold and silver.” Why?
Because God pronounced the

blessing on him. AUDIENCE: Come
on. That’s right. JERRY: Don’t

you know that got somebody’s
attention? (Audience Agrees)

AUDIENCE: That’s right. Amen.
JERRY: And before God was

through with Abraham, the Bible
says, in Genesis 24:1, that “God

had blessed him in every way.”
Hallelujah. AUDIENCE: Amen.

Hallelujah. JERRY: “In all
things.” AUDIENCE: Yes. JERRY:

Everybody knew who Abraham was
because they could see what God

had done for him. God said, “I’m
going to make your name

distinguished.” AUDIENCE: Amen.

JERRY: And it’s because of the
blessing that was on him. What

do you think people are going to
think when they see that same

blessing working on you and
through you and in you like it

worked in Abraham? (Audience
Agrees) Because Abraham’s

blessing is ours. (Audience
Agrees) Shout that with me,

“Abraham’s blessing is mine.”
AUDIENCE: Abraham’s blessing is

mine. JERRY: Well, how many
chapters is it going to take

you? (Laughter) Took Abraham one
chapter. How many chapters will

it take in our lives? AUDIENCE:
Come on. Yes. JERRY: “Abraham

was very rich,” one translation
says. AUDIENCE: Yes, sir. JERRY:

Wealthy, rich, because God
pronounced the blessing upon

him. AUDIENCE: That’s right.
JERRY: So once again, how do you

think people around you, people
in this world that we live in

today, are going to respond when
the blessing is working in our

behalf like it did in Abraham’s?
Or how about the way it did for

Isaac, his son? In Genesis 26,
it says, “and the man waxed

great.” Everybody say, “Waxed
great.” AUDIENCE: Waxed great.

JERRY: Now, that’s not a Texas
term. (Laughter) Nobody in Texas

says that unless you’re like us.
Ha-ha. Next time when you go

home and somebody says, “How you
doing?” just say to them,

“Waxing great, thank you.”
(Laughter) Huh? Yeah, “Waxing

great, thank you.” The Bible
says that “Isaac waxed great and

went forward until he became
very great.” Now, the Amplified

defines this as, “He gained more
and more until he became very

wealthy and distinguished.” So
when you’re waxing great, that

means you’re gaining more and
more. That means the spirit of

increase is on you, praise God.
That means every time you turn

around, God’s adding something.
Glory to God. AUDIENCE: Amen.

Amen. JERRY: So now smile at
somebody and say–because you

now know what it means–“I am
waxing great. Hallelujah.”

AUDIENCE: I am waxing great.
Hallelujah. JERRY: Glory to God.

AUDIENCE: Glory to God. JERRY:
Now, you’ve got to remember that

this was taking place in Isaac’s
life when everybody else around

him was experiencing a famine.
Read Genesis 26:1, “And there

was a famine in the land,” but
it didn’t affect Isaac.

AUDIENCE: That’s right. JERRY:
Why? Because that blessing was

working in him. That blessing
was working for him. AUDIENCE:

Yes. JERRY: In fact, when nobody
else had crops, he’s receiving

hundredfold on his seed sown.
Hallelujah. AUDIENCE: Amen.

JERRY: Can you say, “Amen”?
(Audience “Amens”) What do you

think people are going to think
about you when they’re

experiencing famine and you’re
waxing great? (Audience “Amens)

“You mean, Brother Jerry, that
could really happen to us?”

AUDIENCE: Yes. JERRY: Well, why
not? It’s the same covenant–I

mean, it’s the same blessing.
AUDIENCE: That’s right. JERRY:

The blessing of Abraham. A lot
of you have been going around

talking that, confessing that,
singing that all these years.

When are we going to believe it?
AUDIENCE: Come on. Yeah, that’s

right. JERRY: Look at somebody
and say, “I really believe–”

(Audience Repeats) “–Abraham’s
blessing is mine.” Say, “It’s on

me right now.” (Audience
Repeats) Hallelujah. AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah. JERRY: You know what
that does? That gives you an

advantage. AUDIENCE: Amen, amen.
JERRY: You have something on you

that most of the rest of the
world don’t know anything about.

AUDIENCE: That’s right.
(Audience Agrees) JERRY: Amen.

It’s on you right now, not when
you get to heaven. You walked in

here with it, you’re going to
walk out of here with it, praise

God. And when you leave this
convention, wherever you go,

wherever your home might be, no
matter what’s going on back

there, you’re going to walk
right in the middle of it with

something on you that is far
greater than that challenge,

hallelujah. And it is the
blessing of Almighty God.

(Audience Agrees) AUDIENCE:
Hallelujah. JERRY: Can you say,

“Amen”? AUDIENCE: Amen. JERRY:
Hallelujah. AUDIENCE:

Hallelujah. JERRY: God promises,
in Psalm 37:19, “They,” speaking

about his people, “shall not
be ashamed in evil time: and in

days of famine they shall be
satisfied.” The New Living

Translation, I like this. It
says, “They will not be

disgraced in hard times; they
will–and in famine, they will

have more than enough.”
AUDIENCE: Amen. Yes. Come on.

JERRY: “They will not be
disgraced in hard times; they

will have more than enough,”
even in the midst of hard times

and famine and even bad economy.
AUDIENCE: Come on. Whoo! Amen.

JERRY: Look at your neighbor and
say, “More than enough.”

AUDIENCE: More than enough.
JERRY: Now, I ask you again,

don’t you think that will get
the nonbeliever’s attention?

they’re experiencing hard times,

and they don’t know where to
turn, and everything they’ve

ever trusted in, that man has
built, is caving in, crushing

around them, they’re pulling
their hair out, they’re at their

wit’s end, they don’t know what
to do, and yet they see you

excelling, they see you
increasing, waxing great.

Don’t you think that’s going to

get their attention? AUDIENCE:
Yes. JERRY: Once again, this is

a vital part of the last days;
visitations, manifestations, and

demonstrations of the Holy

“You mean, Brother Jerry,

everybody in the body of Christ
is going to be rich?” No.

Everybody in the body of Christ
has the potential. AUDIENCE:

Yes, sir. Come on. (Audience
Agrees) That’s right. JERRY: Did

I lose you? AUDIENCE: No. Come
on. JERRY: I’m–I mean, God can

be moving and–and a lot of
people will sit right in the

middle of it and not be affected
by it. AUDIENCE: That’s right.

JERRY: They don’t mix their
faith with it. AUDIENCE: Right.

That’s right. JERRY: That’s
proven in the ministry of Jesus

when he was in that house,
teaching among those doctors of

the law and the Pharisees. And
the Bible says, “And the power

of the Lord was present to heal
them all.” AUDIENCE: Yes, sir.

JERRY: Who’s “them all”? All
them doctors of the law, all

those Pharisees, all these
religious people. The power of

the Lord was in that building.
But you keep reading, and not

one of them was healed. Why?
Nobody tapped into it. AUDIENCE:

Yeah. That’s right. Come on.
JERRY: Now, there was somebody

healed, but he wasn’t one of
them. It was some outsiders,

brought that man in and lowered
him through the roof. And Jesus

said, “Man, your sins are
forgiven, and you are healed.

You’re made whole.” Praise God.

Why? Somebody tapped into what
was already present. AUDIENCE:

Yes. Amen. JERRY: Folks, deep
down on the inside of you is the

potential to excel, to rise
above, to increase, to wax

great, to be financially well
off beyond your wildest

imaginations. AUDIENCE:
Hallelujah. JERRY: But will I

ever tap into it? AUDIENCE:
That’s it. Amen. JERRY: A

miracle in a person’s physical
body, being totally set free of

cancer, tuberculosis or whatever
else, you know how loud that

would speak to the nonbeliever?
(Audience “Amens”) Well, so

would, when you don’t know where
you’re going to turn

financially, and you’re about to
lose everything you’ve got, and

God supernaturally blesses you
with a financial breakthrough

that speaks just as loud as
somebody who got healed of

cancer. AUDIENCE: That’s right.
(Agreement & Applause)

Hallelujah. Amen. JERRY: Can you
say, “Amen”? Praise God. Wasn’t

that exciting? You know, it’s
always a joy to know that you

can count on God. You know, I’ve
been in this for 47 years now,

living by faith, counting on
God, depending on him to meet my

every need. And, you know, I
have this testimony. He’s never

let me down, not one time. He’s
been faithful, never

disappointed me. You say, “Well,
I just don’t know how you could

get to that place.” Well, first
of all, it begins with studying

his Word. Go through the Bible
and find all the examples you

can find of how God
supernaturally met the needs of

people. You know, they were
people back then just like we

are people today. They had needs
back then just like we have

needs today. And the Bible says
that God never changes. So if he

would supply their needs, then
he’s certainly interested in

supplying your needs as well. In
fact, the Bible even says we

have a better covenant founded
upon better promises. One of the

things I learned a long time ago
is, don’t limit God. Don’t limit

God to, you know, the way he met
a need before. I’ve had God meet

my needs in so many different
ways, and I final realize that

God has been at this a long
time. He’s been at this faith

thing a whole lot longer than
you and I have. And he knows how

to meet your need in ways that,
once again, you and I couldn’t

dream up in a thousand years.
The Bible says, in the book of

Isaiah, that his ways are not
our ways, that his ways are

higher than our ways. That just
simply means that he’s not

limited in his thinking the way
you and I are. He’s not limited

to the natural. You know, just
about the time you think, “Well,

there’s just no way that God
could do this,” he’ll show you

that he is capable of doing
anything that you desire and

need him to do. Nothing is
impossible with God. And I tell

you, I have had him meet my
needs in ways that I just sit

back in awe of his greatness.
There’s a scripture in the book

of Job that even says that his
ways–it says they’re past

understanding. In other words,
he has no limits on how he can

supply a need in your life. The
Bible even says, from The

Message translation, that he is
famous for unexpected acts; his

surprises have no end.” I love
that. “He’s famous for

unexpected acts; and there’s no
end to his surprises.” Just get

up every day saying, “God, I’m
believing for surprises today. I

don’t know how you’re going to
supply my need, but I do know

that you promised that you
would, and I’m taking you at

your word.” And then just walk
around with a smile on your

face, a dance in your step and
the attitude that somehow, some

way, God is going to get me
over. And once again, he’s never

disappointed me, and he’s no
respecter of persons. I want to

take you into an announcement
about our special offer this

week, once again, three CD’s on
“Provision for Your Vision.” Do

you have a vision from God? Do
you have a dream from God? Do

you believe he gave it to you?
Then if he gave it to you,

shouldn’t you have every right
to expect him to finance it, to

help you get it in position to
come to pass? I do. I believe

God, if he gives the vision, if
he gives the dream, then he will

help you bring it to pass. In
these series, you’re going to

learn how to tap into
supernatural provision. And then

my book on “Every Day a Blessing
Day,” that’s part of that waking

up every morning expecting
surprises. “Every Day a Blessing

Day.” I expect God’s
blessing to manifest in my

life every day, and you can
do the same. I’ll teach you

how from this great book. I
want you to watch

the announcement, and we’ll
be back in just a moment.

ANNOUNCER: It is God’s desire
that you walk in his blessing

every day. In the book “Every
Day a Blessing Day,” Jerry

Savelle reveals what the
blessing of God is and how the

supernatural empowerment is
designed to make you prosper and

excel. When the world said,
“Downsize and decrease,” you can

rise above. You can experience
the joy and freedom that come

from making every day a blessing
day. In the three-CD series,

“Provision for Your Vision,”
Jerry Savelle shares God-given

wisdom on carrying out vision.
In this message, you will learn

how to know your vision is from
God, why God only entrusts his

vision to the visionary, how God
will provide for you to carry

out his vision, the biblical
checklist for receiving your

harvest, the possible stumbling
blocks to receiving the

provision, and much more. Don’t
wait. Request this visionary

package, including “Every Day a
Blessing Day,” and “Provision

for Your Vision.” Call or go
online to jerrysavelle.org. Gain

the understanding you need to
apply the power of God’s

blessing and carry out your
vision today. JERRY: I can’t

stress to you enough the
importance of these resources

being in your home, three CD’s,
“Provision for Your Vision.” You

know, in this series, I’ll teach
you how to stand, and having

done all to stand, stand; what
you should do while you’re

waiting for the manifestation of
your vision. The book of

Habakkuk says that you must
tarry and wait for the vision,

because if you do, that it will
surely come to pass. What do you

do between the time the vision
is placed in your heart and it

comes to pass? You will learn
that from this series. Also,

once again, the book, “Every Day
a Blessing Day,” how that you

can get up every day expecting
the blessing of God to manifest

if your life. Order these
resources today. Go to

jerrysavelle.org, and it’ll show
you how that you can place your

order, and we’ll send them to
you right away. Thank you,

partners. You’re such a blessing
to us. And I want to encourage

you to continue to support this
ministry like you always have.

We appreciate you very much. And
we ask that all of that you are

watching that are not a partner,
please consider being one. God

bless you, and I will see you
again next week.