Our God can do anything. Nothing is impossible for him. – In this teaching Dr. Savelle explains that the time is now for sudden manifestations to become common in your life. When making up your mind, giving up is no long an option. Suddenlies manifest. Dare to believe the God of the Suddenlies. Your time is now! —————————————————— ? Like us and subscribe to our channel ⭐️ Visit our store to see our featured resources: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store ⭐️ » Do you need prayer: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/prayer-r… » Do you have a testimony you would like to share: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/testimonies » Become a partner with Jerry Savelle today: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/partnership » Support/Donate/Give: https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/gi… FOLLOW US ON: Facebook ➡ https://www.facebook.com/jerrysavellemin Instagram ➡ https://www.instagram.com/jerrysavell… Twitter ➡ https://twitter.com/jerrysavellemin —————————————————— About Jerry Savelle Dr. Savelle is the author of more than forty books, including his bestsellers, If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy, He Can’t Keep Your Goods and Called to Battle, Destined To Win. He and his wife, Carolyn, also serve as founding Pastors of Heritage of Faith Christian Center in Crowley, Texas. ✅ Best Selling Books » The Favor of God ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » Called to Battle Destined to Win ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/ca… » Prayer of Petition ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… » Principles of Supernatural Increase ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… ✅ Best Selling Audio » Quitting Is Not An Option ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/qu… » The Law Of Progression ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » If Satan Can’t Steal Your Joy… ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/if… » Thoughts: The Battle Between Your Ears ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… ✅ Curriculum » The Favor of God ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/th… » Prayer of Petition ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/pr… » Why God Wants You to Prosper ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/wh… » Life of Faith ➡ https://www.jerrysavelle.org/store/li…


JERRY: Hello, everyone.
Thank you for joining me today.

I am so thrilled that you’ve
taken the time out of your busy

life to join with me and allow
me to make an impartation into

your life. I’m going to be
sharing some truths from God’s

Word that I believe have the
ability to change your life,

particularly if you’re believing
God for financial breakthroughs

in your life. I know everywhere
I go, most every church I preach

in, that is probably the number
one request, the number one need

in most of the believers that
I come in contact with. They’re

believing for financial
breakthroughs. Well, if you’re

believing for a financial
breakthrough, you’ve tuned in to

the right broadcast, because
we’re going to continue our

study on “Seedtime and Harvest,”
and “Calling in Your Harvest.”

Now, I want to read from Genesis
8:22. This is something that you

need to understand and get it
deep down into your heart.

Genesis 8:22 makes this
statement: “While the earth

remaineth, seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat, summer and

winter, and day and night shall
not cease.” Now, we all agree

that night is coming, and after
that, day is coming. There’s not

a thing you can do about that.
You can’t pray, “God, I just

don’t like the night. I don’t
want any more nights.” You can’t

pray about it. It is a solid
fact. It is something that you

have to learn to deal with.
There’s going to be night;

there’s going to be day. How
long? As long as the earth

remains. It also says, “cold and
heat.” You know, cold’s coming,

and after that, heat’s coming.
That’s just something you’re

going to have to learn to
accept, and you’re going to have

to learn to deal with it. I
don’t care how much you don’t

like the summertime. It’s
coming. I don’t care how much

you might not like wintertime.
It’s coming. But here is the

good thing we need to know: As
long as the earth remains, so

will seedtime and harvest.
That simply means, if you plant

seeds, then it is a solid fact
there has got to be a harvest.

You see, when God created
seeds–and we find this in

Genesis 1, when God created
seed, the last thing he said to

seed was, “Grow.” That’s all
seeds know to do, is to grow.

That’s what they’re supposed to
do, grow. You know, I’ve said

this on previous broadcasts, but
it keeps coming up in my

thinking, so I want to repeat
it. A few years ago, we were

doing one of our Chariots of
Light Christian biker tours, and

we do these all over the nation
and in other nations as well.

This particular time, we were
riding across the state of

Colorado. And we’re riding, you
know, and looking at the beauty

on both sides of the highway.
We’re up in the Rocky Mountains.

And I’m looking off to the side,
and I see these trees growing

out of a mountain. Now, you
understand how difficult that

is, a tree is growing out of the
side of a mountain. And as I

looked–in fact, I followed it
all the way as far as I could,

and I’m thinking, “How does a
tree grow out of a mountain?”

Well, you know, I don’t know how
it does it, but I do know this:

Seeds don’t know any other thing
to do than to grow. I assume,

maybe, that, you know, there was
a dust storm and enough dust

collected on the side of that
mountain. And maybe a bird

picked up something in another
part of the state, and it had a

seed in it, and he flew up there
and landed on that mountain and

dropped that seed off. And
eventually, because there was

enough soil there, that seed
said, “Okay, I’m supposed to

grow, so let’s go for it.” And
the seed began to grow, and a

tree wound up in the side of a
mountain. That just lets me know

how serious seed is about
growing. Now, the Bible teaches

us that our words are seeds, our
thoughts are seeds, our actions

are seeds. The Bible even tells
us that when we give, when

we–when we give unto other
people, when we give to God,

that’s also referred to as
“sowing.” The apostle Paul

referred to this in II
Corinthians 9, and he says,

“Whatever a man sows, that will
he reap.” “If you sow sparingly,

you will reap sparingly; if you
sow bountifully, you will reap

bountifully.” And if you keep
reading that chapter, he was

talking about finances. He was
talking about sowing finances.

And he referred to finances as
“seed.” So that means, just like

if I plant a watermelon seed, I
should expect a watermelon–a

watermelon, rather, to come up.
If I plant orange seeds, I

should expect oranges to come
up. If I plant tomato seeds, I

have every right to expect
tomatoes to come up. Well, when

I plant financial seeds, the
Bible says I have every right to

expect a financial harvest. Why?
Because as long as the earth

remains, seedtime and harvest
shall not cease. So if you plant

financial seeds, then start
expecting a harvest. You know, I

have people tell me, “Well,
Brother Jerry, I’ve been giving

all of my life, but I didn’t
know I had a right to expect a

harvest.” Well, according to the
Word of God, you do. Now, let me

say this: When we give to God,
it ought to be out of love, it

ought to be out of our–our
loyalty to him, our commitment

to him. I don’t just give to
get. But God made the rules. He

did say, if I give, then I am
entitled to a harvest. I give to

God because I love him. But at
the same time, he loves me, and

he loves you so much that he
says, “Hey, when you do this, I

promise you that you’ll receive
a harvest.” Remember, it was

Jesus who spoke these words in
Luke 6:38. It’s Luke 6:38, not

Jerry 6:38, Luke 6:38. And it
says, “Give, and it shall be

given unto you.” In other words,
you can expect a harvest. Not

only that, he said, but he’ll
cause your harvest to be far

greater than your seed. “Give,
and it shall given unto you;

good measure, pressed down,
shaken together and running

over.” In other words, your
harvest should be far greater

than the seed. But, see, that’s
true whether it be tomatoes or

apples or watermelons. You plant
that one little seed, that one

little tomato seed, and you’re
going to get a far greater

harvest than just one tomato.
So, understand that you have a

right to expect a harvest from
every seed that you sow. Now, I

want to say this to you. I wrote
this in my notes, and I wanted

to be sure I read it to you
because I didn’t want to forget

it. The key to operating in
God’s laws and to avoid

frustration and the temptation
to quit is to understand that

with God there is an appointed
time, there is a due season for

everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1
says, “To everything there is a

season.” Now, I understand that.
I realize that in the natural,

if I plant tomato seed, I–I’m
not going to get upset and

frustrated because I don’t see
tomatoes, you know, springing up

by morning. I know there is a
season, there is a waiting

period. And so I understand
that, so I don’t get frustrated.

The farmer doesn’t become
frustrated because he sowed his

seed yesterday, and he doesn’t
see a harvest tomorrow. He

understands “to everything there
is a season.” Well, it’s the

same way with finances. When you
sow your finances, don’t get

frustrated because you don’t see
a harvest by nightfall. Now, God

could do that–and I’ve had him
do it for me numerous times. But

if it doesn’t happen before
dark, I don’t give up. I don’t

get frustrated. I don’t quit. I
don’t go around saying, “This

stuff doesn’t work,” because I
know, “to everything there is a

season.” So let me read that
statement once again. The key to

operating God’s laws and to
avoid frustration and the

temptation to quit is to
understand that with God there

is an appointed time or a due
season for everything. So that

means if you sow financial
seed–if you were to sow seed

into this ministry, if the Lord
was to lead you to do that, to

help us in the expansion of this
ministry, and–and many people

have, and many people do. If the
Lord was to lead you to do that,

and you sowed your seed,
then God’s Word is telling you,

“Don’t get impatient, don’t give
up.” In fact, the way it’s read

in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not be
weary in well doing: for in due

season we shall reap, if–” now,
notice that little word, “–if

we do not faint.” In other
words, God promises there is a

harvest coming. Say that with
me, “There is a harvest coming.”

That’s what you need to
understand, that once you sow

your seed, then God promises a
harvest is on its way. However,

don’t give up. Don’t quit. Don’t
faint. Don’t grow weary. Wait

for it. If you’re willing to
wait for it, then God promises

it will come. In fact, in the
book of Habakkuk, or Habaka,

however you want to pronounce
it, in Chapter 2 and in Verse 3,

it says, “Write the vision.”
Now, what is your vision? Once

you sow financial seed, what is
your vision? A harvest. Write it

down. Write down, “I sowed seed,
and I am now expecting a harvest

from my seed.” Write that down
and keep it in front of you. In

fact, a lot of times, I will do
this, because the Bible says, in

Mark 4, that once a seed is
sown, it has the potential of

producing thirtyfold, sixtyfold,
and even a hundredfold. Well,

let’s just use the word “times”;
30 times, 60 times, or 100

times. So sometimes I will even
write on a sheet of paper, just

for my benefit. If I sowed a
$100 seed, then I’ll write down,

in my notebook, “I am believing
for 30, 60, and even a

hundredfold.” And I’ll just
multiply the seed I sowed by 30

times, by 60 times, and by 100
times. And I’ll just keep that

in front of me. “I’m believing
for no less than thirtyfold. I’m

believing for the possibility of
a sixtyfold, and I’m believing

that potentially I have a right
to a hundredfold.” The Bible

says, “Write that vision, make
it plain,” so that when you read

it you can run with it, or in
other words, it motivates you.

It keeps you single-minded. And
then it says, “For the vision is

for an appointed time.” What
does that mean? It may not come

to pass before nightfall, but it
will come to pass. Why? Because

it has an appointment. It has an
appointed time. It says,

eventually, it will speak, and
it will not tarry, and it shall

come. Praise God. That’s God’s
promise, that you can expect a

harvest from every seed that you
sow. So I encourage you–you

know, I–I put together a little
journal years ago. I called it

my “Seedtime and Harvest
Journal.” And what I would do,

when I would sow seed, I’d write
the date and the amount that I

sowed and even where I sowed it.
And then in the back part of

that little “Seedtime and
Harvest Journal,” I recorded

when my harvest came. But every
time I picked up that journal, I

could see the seed that I sowed.
And I could say, “Father, this

is my vision. I’m believing for
a harvest from this seed. I’m

keeping it before me, I’m
running with it. I’m motivated

by it, and I know that there is
an appointed time, and I am not

giving up until that harvest
manifests.” And I’ll tell you,

every time it manifests, and I
write it in that journal, I tell

you, it brings great joy, praise
God. And you know, the beautiful

thing is, if God will honor his
Word for me, he will honor his

Word for you. You’ve just got to
become as serious about it as I

am. I’m not playing games with
this. My attitude is, if God

didn’t intend for this to come
to pass, he should not have put

it in my copy of the Book,
because once I read it, then I’m

going for it. Praise God. And I
want you to have that same

attitude. So once again, write
the vision. If you’re believing

for a financial harvest, then
write down what you’re believing

God for. That helps you become
single-minded. That helps you to

stay focused. Whenever the devil
says, “It’s not going to happen,

no way,” you can just pull up
your vision where you’ve written

it and say, “Satan, apparently
you don’t know what I know,

because the Bible said I have
the right to expect a harvest.

It told me to write down my
vision, and that it will come to

pass at the appointed time. So
as far as I’m concerned, it is

written. Now, you just flee and
go sell your lies to somebody

else because they’re not welcome
here.” Amen? Praise God. Now, if

you’re willing to wait for it,
look–look at me and say, “I’m

willing to wait for it.” You
didn’t say that with much

enthusiasm. I could almost hear
you right now. You just said,

“I’m willing to wait for it.”
No, I want you to be

enthusiastic about it. Say it
with some enthusiasm, “I’m

willing to wait for it.” Come
on, say it one more time, “I’m

willing to wait for it.” If
you’re willing to wait for it,

and you refuse to allow
weariness to overtake you, then

God promises you will have a due
season. So say it again with a

smile on your face and say it
with some joy. “I am willing to

wait for my harvest.” Now, you
just go around saying that all

day, “My harvest is on its way.
Due season is coming.” Praise

God. See, that’s how you call in
your harvest. You have to be

aggressive about it. Paul calls
this “reaping.” You have a right

to reap from every seed that you
sow. There can be no reaping

except there first be sowing. So
if you’ve sown, then what’s the

next thing you should think?
“I’m entitled to a harvest.”

Praise God. Galatians 6, once
again, Verse 7 says, “Be not

deceived; God is not mocked: for
whatsoever a man soweth, that

shall he also reap.” Don’t be
deceived about this. If you sow,

then you have every right to
expect a harvest. If you go

around saying, “Well, I don’t
really believe I’m going to have

a harvest,” you just allowed the
devil to deceive you. If you go

around saying, “Well, it’s been
three weeks, looks like

nothing’s happening,” you just
allowed the devil to deceive

you. And what did Paul say? “Be
not deceived.” You see,

deception is Satan’s greatest
weapon. If he can’t deceive you,

then he can’t defeat you. So the
way you fight him back is with

the Word of God. Every time he
says, “It’s not going to

happen,” you quote the Word of
God. “No, devil, Bible says, in

Galatians 6, ‘Whatsoever a man
soweth, that shall he also

reap.’ I’ve sown, and I am going
to reap. That settles it in the

name of Jesus.” The Phillips
translation says, “A man’s

harvest in life depends entirely
upon that which he sows.” Now,

you know what that opens up to
me? That tells me that my

financial future is based on the
seeds that I sow. That also

tells me that I’m in charge of
my financial destiny, I’m in

charge of my financial future.
“Whatsoever a man sows, that

shall he also reap.” A man’s
harvest in life depends entirely

upon that which he sows. So that
tells me that I’m the one who’s

in charge of my financial
destiny. I’m the one who is in

charge of my financial future.
Why? Because my harvest depends

entirely upon the seeds that I
sow. Once again, as long as the

earth remains, seedtime and
harvest shall not cease. So

that’s simply telling me that,
as long as this earth is here,

then this principle can be
appropriated. Have you got that

understanding now? Is that a
revelation to you today, that

seedtime and harvest shall not
cease? If you are a seed sower,

then you should also be a
harvester. God set this into

motion, and there’s nothing that
Satan can do to change it. The

only thing Satan hopes for is
that you will give up before

your harvest comes. But if
you’re determined that “quit” is

not an option, then, praise God,
you can beat the devil each and

every time. Now, let me say
this. Genesis 1, Verses 11 and

12 say this, that God created
seed to yield fruit after its

own kind. Now, I mentioned that
at the beginning. I just didn’t

give you the–the scripture
verse. But every seed produces

after its own kind. Don’t let
anyone tell you that you don’t

have right to financial harvest
if you plant financial seed.

Seed, according to the Bible,
can include finances. So if you

plant finances, you have a right
to expect a financial harvest.

Before there was grass, before
there were fruit trees and all

other forms of life, there was
seed. God produced seed. Before

there can be a financial
harvest, there has to be the

sowing of financial seed. God’s
the one who set this in motion.

And if you and I appropriate, we
put it to work, be doers of that

principle, then God will see to
it that it will work in our

lives. Amen. Praise God. Now,
let me say this to you. I–I

picked up an outline here that I
haven’t talked about in years

and years, but I felt like that
it would be important to share

it with you on the broadcast
today, because some people still

are wondering if they really
have a right to financial

prosperity. Do you really have a
right to financial prosperity?

Let me give you some guidelines
for biblical prosperity. Number

one, you must accept God’s Word
as final authority on the

subject of prosperity. You must
accept God’s Word as final

authority on the subject of
prosperity. Go to the Bible and

find out what God’s Word says.
If God’s Word says you have a

right to prosper, then don’t
listen to anybody else. For

instance, III John 2, “Beloved,
I wish above all things that

thou mayest prosper and be in
health, even as your soul

prospers.” You go back to the
book of Deuteronomy, you go back

to the book of Genesis, you even
go back to the book of Psalms,

and you will find scriptures in
every one of these books as well

as many other books as well
regarding God’s will for your

prosperity. Psalm 35 says, “Let
them shout for joy…who favor

my righteous cause: yea, let
them say continually, Let the

Lord be magnified, who hath
pleasure in the prosperity of

his servant.” What does that
tell us? That God gets great

pleasure when you and I are
prospering. So, number one, you

must accept God’s Word as final
authority on the subject of

prosperity. Number two, make God
your source of supply. God wants

to be your source. He promised,
in Philippians 4:19–Paul is

writing by inspiration of the
Holy Spirit, “But my God shall

supply all your need according
to his riches in glory by Christ

Jesus.” What is God saying? “Let
me be your source of supply.”

Look to God for everything you
need. Look to God for your

harvest. If you planted seed,
then you have a right to look to

God to cause that seed to
multiply and come back to you in

the form of a harvest. Number
three, realize that it is God’s

will for you to prosper. Don’t
wonder about it anymore.

Don’t–don’t assume that it’s
the will of God. Know it. You

need to know it. You need to
know it deep down into your

heart. I know this. It’s not
guesswork with me. Now, 47 years

ago, I wasn’t sure about that
because I didn’t know the Word.

It wasn’t until men like Kenneth
Copeland and Kenneth Hagin and

Oral Roberts began to show me,
from the Word of God, that God

wanted me to prosper. And once I
saw it in the Word of God, then

that settled it as far as I was
concerned, that it was the will

of God for me to prosper. Are
you that confident today? Are

you that sure? Is it something
that you’ve settled in your

heart, that it’s God’s will for
you to prosper? See,

you’re–you’re not going to be
real confident about a harvest

if you’re not first completely
sure and confident, based on the

Word of God, that it is God’s
will for you to prosper. Then

number four, understand that
prosperity is conditional. It’s

not automatic, it’s conditional;
which leads to number five:

Realize that obedience is a
major key to you prospering.

That’s the condition. “If you
will obey and serve him,” the

Bible says, in Job 36:11,” then
you will spend your days in

prosperity and your years in
pleasure.” Obedience, obedience

to God’s Word. If he says,
“Give,” give. If he says,

“Tithe”, tithe. If he says, “Be
a blessing,” be a blessing.

Obedience is a major key to
prosperity in your life. And

then number six, realize the
need for consistency in your

giving. Don’t make giving a
one-time event. Be consistent.

Look for opportunity to sow all
the time. Number seven, know the

stumbling blocks to prosperity
and avoid them. The Bible says,

“Prosperity destroys a fool.”
What’s a fool? Well, one of the

definitions is somebody that
thinks that he gained all this

prosperity on his own might and
his own ability. No. If it

wasn’t for God, you wouldn’t be
able to prosper. So avoid the

stumbling blocks to prosperity.
Don’t become a fool. Keep

sowing, keep trusting God, keep
looking to God as your source.

And then finally, number eight,
you must understand that

prosperity is progressive. It’s
an ongoing thing. “The Lord

shall increase you more and
more,” Psalm 115 says. Oh,

praise God. I know that
God wants you to prosper. I

know that God wants
you to have a harvest,

so begin to call it in.
Don’t give up until it

manifests. I want you
to watch this special

announcement, then I’ll be
back in just a few moments.

ANNOUNCER: There’s a time to
sow and a time to reap.

Now is the time for your
harvest. Harvest time has come.

What’s keeping you from claiming
your rightful harvest? In the

powerful three-CD teaching,
“Calling in Your Harvest,” Jerry

Savelle explains the spiritual
laws that govern the reaping of

a harvest that’s reserved just
for you. In this series, he

addresses, Are you entitled to
the harvest? Your part in the

manifestation of your harvest,
How the seeds you sow determine

your destiny, How to know when
your harvest is ready, What

might be holding back your
harvest, Can you ensure there’s

no end to your harvest? The most
important thing to do with your

harvest, and more. God never
forgets your offerings and the

seeds you sow. Request this
powerful series, “Calling in

Your Harvest,” today. Call or go
online to jerrysavelle.org.

Don’t wait. It’s time to expect
extraordinary things to happen.

Your harvest is ready to go to
its rightful owner.

JERRY: I can’t stress enough how
important it is that you order

the resources that we’re making
available, particularly on this

subject, “Calling in Your
Harvest.” You know, I mentioned

earlier in the teaching part of
the program how that I learned

these things from men like
Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts,

Kenneth Hagin. They didn’t come
to my house and sit down in my

living room and say, “Jerry,
open your Bible. Let’s have a

Bible study.” The way that I
learned from them is through

their books and through their
tapes. We called them “tapes”

back then because I was–I got
ahold of this back in 1969. We

didn’t have CD’s back then. It
was reel-to-reel tapes.

Eventually, it became cassette
tapes. And now, praise God,

we’ve got all this technology,
and you can walk around with all

these sermons in your pocket.
You know, it’s just amazing. But

that’s how I began to learn it.
I got their books, I got their

tapes. And I sat in my little
bedroom with that little desk,

set those tapes up, got those
books out, and I fed on them

every day until it became a
revelation to me. That’s why I

want you to order this product
entitled “Calling in Your

Harvest.” It’s like me coming
and sitting down in your living

room and teaching you if you
will just sit there and listen.

Now, understand, these were done
in services where we had 45

minutes to an hour, maybe even
longer to expound upon these and

cover a lot more material than
what we were able to cover on

today’s broadcast. So I want to
encourage you to order these

right away. Don’t delay, order
them right now, how you can be

aggressive in calling in your
harvest; three CD’s. I know that

they’ll bless you, and they will
help you gain understanding

about God’s principle of
seedtime and harvest. Also, I

want to thank all of our
partners for being such a

blessing to us. You partners,
I’m telling you, we don’t know

what we’d do without you. You’re
the reason why we’re able to

reach out to people all over the
world with this good news of

hope, this good news of faith,
and this good news of victory.

Thank you, partners. And those
of you that have been following

this ministry for quite some
time, perhaps the Lord’s dealing

with you about becoming a
partner. If you’d like

information about how that can
happen, how you can be a partner

with Jerry Savelle Ministries
International, just log on to

our website or call or write
the–to the information that’s

on your screen right now, and
we’ll be happy to send it to

you. We believe that partners
not only are givers to this

ministry, but are receivers as
well, because just like Paul

said to his partners in
Philippi, he said, “You are now

partakers of my grace.” The
grace that is on this ministry

comes on your life. So, consider
being a partner. Also, don’t

forget social media. We’ve got
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

live streaming of our church
services, Heritage of Faith

Christian Center. There’s the
Jerry Savelle Ministries mobile

app. Take advantage of all these
things because they’re designed

to help you in your spiritual
growth. I’ll see you again next

week. Until then, remember, your
faith will overcome the world.
