The Merry Heart Series is a collection of humorous and heart touching DVD’s containing sermon illustrations that will have you laughing until it hurts! In this clip, Jesse tells the story about the busted pipes under his house. For more information about this product, click the link:

I honestly the Lord wanted me to buy

this home so I bought this nine hundred

and ten foot square house and I

shouldn’t have bought it because the I

remember when I walked through it and I

put my hand on the door and I remember

that Kathy about 35 roaches came out

what oh my I went I am I went I hold my

they wrote City USA and I thought oh man

I must’ve been some dirty people living

this place you can see those roaches

going hey food so boy for two weeks

before I’m moving I’ve sprayed that

house every day walls I mean the floors

there’s no furniture in it nothing I got

and then roaches died but seeing like by

the millions got them all out it was a

house on Pierce now in south Louisiana

you don’t get cold it may freeze but not

very often

so I am the man told me that I bought

the house from he said you might want to

insulate those times I said insulate the

path and I am NOT a mechanical person I

don’t fix thing Kathy is the fixer of

all things something wrong with my

Harley I send it to Kathy dad fix that

Hawk make our no Devils bless key she

likes getting into that stuff I like

watching her

she does a good job on that stuff anyway

a cold snap came in they said run the


well we forgot to run the water this is

the first home I’d ever owned in my life

well the next morning we got up turned

on the water nothing and I called my dad

he said your pipe froze boy he said but

they may not have bust it I said what

does this sound under my house he said

they’d bust it I said dad can you come

help and I can’t do it today son I said

dad I’ve never fixed the door I don’t

know how to do that he said well just

heal up the crack go get a joint of pipe

find out what’s busted cut the water off

I said we’re at he said use this in the

front of your house by the street the

main he said sometimes they got valves

and you don’t have to go to the main

valve they may have a valve somewhere

and you cut that off to them and then

you can fix it I said that is 30 degrees

he said welcome to the world I said that

I might the colony that had this wallet

murder neither you’d be surprised what

was under there so I put on my coveralls

I look and there’s a lake water I

thought I said I’m on I’m on I said I

don’t have to drag my body in that water

in mud in this 30 degrees

I said Kathy she said you’re the man of

the house


so I looked and I saw this valve so I

cut the valve off I thought that’s that

valve dad was talking about I looked at

and sure enough man it was a split and

when I cut the water came off so I said

great I went to the store bought the

wrong size kind of pipe

had the wrong time God and I’m full of

mud and you’re laying in that mud and

it’s cold

I mean cold and it’s aggravating and I

don’t know how broke glass gets under

your house everything get under your

house so I’m dragging myself I need to

put and I’m cutting myself and this

spiders everywhere going hi hello you

got to work like this I need some help I

got a break this joint a pipe out I need

a backup

so I say Calvin Galilei why I said I

need some help she said I can’t climb

and eat that house there’s spiders under

there I said they were I felt like some

it was 47 million roaches in it when we

bought it they just moved downstairs she

said I can’t do that I’ve made me mad I

said I need some help she said I can’t

crawl in that house I said why not

she said it’s dirty that’s it

so I can’t do that but I’ll help you how

so I said all right so I’m trying to

back this piece of pipe and I’m getting

mad I’m busting my knuckles it’s cold

Bloods hurt I even reverted to my

Catholic days Jesus Mary Joseph Jacob

Justin and I’m a preacher now you know

but more I’m getting matter cuz I can’t

get the pipe in then it working finally

I see which line is this the cold line

or a hot line and I looked and then I

stupid not that okay that’s where the

hot water yeah okay that’s the car I

said not cafe there’s a

there’s a knob the to knob one on the

left one on the right now I’m having

this through the floor that I’m gonna

need a lay I said don’t touch the left

knob that’s the hot border okay

I said turn on the right knob why well

cuz the cold lines fixed I got it I can

cut it off but the hot lines busted open

now she said okay

and she turned on the lift now hot water

skull and I what what I am being burnt I

am so mad I had a fetch a carnality the

Lord said yes a control yourself I said

you not laying on your back in this mud

with a crazy woman with a hot water I’m

trying to tell me how’s that God I die I


finally she said oh I’m sorry I turn the

wrong one I’m sitting in water I’m

serious it’s up to here I’m burnt

there’s spiders looking at me I’m cut on

the back I said got it

come here she comes out and I see her

little head looking it she says Jessie

don’t move I’m thinking god there’s a

snake here


don’t move I could hardly move anyway

and all the while I was on I kept

smelling something terrible she said

don’t move there’s a dead cat by your


I leave and there’s a cat with his brain

hanging out right there I go I said grab

it she said I don’t touch dead cash I am

not exert I had a I said woman when I

get out from this house I’m gonna kill

you and I go to your mama’s house and

kill her too I don’t kill everybody that

has the name of Kyra you understand they

I was so mad I said daddy got that cat I

am not touching that she’s arguing I’m

not touching that dad Zagreb push that

cat and I said also they go something

sticks me in the back I go I’ll pull out

this thorn I said what is this she said

oh I flew some cactus underneath the

house cactus a dead cat with brains

hanging out

I’m started with water I had a vet okona

I said I don’t care I come crawling out

that house glass cutting thorns good

scenario I got a dead cat one hand and

I’ve rich then I’m gonna beat my wife

within the next time I come flying out

that house thank God

my next door neighbor says how you doing


he looked at that he said you know I

wouldn’t touch that dead cat if I was


he said what’s the problem

now I had been witnessing to this man I

said he said go ahead cuss if you want

to I won’t tell nobody

his name was mr. Easton that was his

name every time you have a fit of

carnality you can take it to the bank

there gonna be somebody seeing you do it

look at me he said your wife won’t help

you huh

I said how’d you know that he said well

I busted a pipe earlier this morning I

tried to get my wife she wouldn’t do it

neither he said you want me to give you

a hand I said both of them finally got

that thing fixed

but it’s amazing I’m not ready to lose

it here’s a man that I’m witnessing to

here’s a man that tells me that I’m

telling my god Jesus the greatest thing

in the world my god give it the G can

handle anything except for broke pipe

and a dead cat and a disobedient woman


I had a fit of carnality don’t laugh at

me have you had one today or any Oh

intended man she’s listening this up



Dennison this is it deck your dine with

the endless office in your mouth

she’s Dennis a dead man coming up the

road Jesse saw him he still won’t close

the door I said grandma which I’ll do it

she said we’re watching television I

said I’m not a boy why you all dressed

up she said they can see us the Mary

Hart series six DVD set order yours
