Why have we been celebrating Easter and not Passover if Jesus told us at the Last Supper, which was a Passover meal, to “Do THIS (Passover) in remembrance of [Him]?” In this short video, we explore the fact that not only did the Messiah instruct us to keep it, but the apostle Paul did as well. And if that was not enough, we also have records showing how the early, authentic Christian churches all kept Passover until it was outlawed by the Roman church in both 193 AD and for all time in 325 AD. This video will leave you gripped with the question ‘Why don’t we celebrate Passover instead of Easter?” There are millions of people around the world that have made the transition of doing Bible things in Bible ways and have never been the same since they did. Will you be one of the End Times remnants that starts the second exodus back to just following Scripture and honoring God the way our ancestors did? To find out more about Passover and all the Prophetic Feast Days of the Bible, visit https://passionfortruth.com/holidays/ Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating at PassionForTruth.com or texting PayItForward to 801801 Stay connected with Jim Staley and Passion For Truth Ministries at: Website https://PassionForTruth.com Facebook https://FB.com/PassionForTruth Facebook http://FB.com/JimStaleyOfficial Instagram https://instagram.com/PassionForTruth… Twitter https://twitter.com/JimStaleyPage Telegram https://t.me/PassionForTruth TikTok https://tiktok.com/@passionfortruth

What on earth do egg-laying rabbits have to do
with Easter and where did the word Easter come

from anyway? Is it connected to the pagan deity
Ishtar of the bible and how does all of this

relate to the resurrection of Christ anyway?
In the next few minutes, we’re going to answer all

of these questions and more as we look into the historical Passover versus the modern-day Easter.

The real question is not is easter pagan in origin
but when did Christians stop celebrating Passover

in the first place to even create this debate if
we could find evidence both in the bible and early

Christian documents that prove without a shadow
of a doubt that the early believers kept Passover

without fail and never dreamed of celebrating
the lamb of God any other way, then that would

be powerful evidence that somewhere down the line we have strayed from the original path.

This evidence not only exists, my friends, it
is irrefutable it’s undeniable that not only

did the early Christians keep Passover but that it was the original intent of our Messiah to do

just that after all Jesus or Yeshua in the
original Hebrew commanded us from his own

lips that we should keep the Passover when he said at his own Passover which we call the last supper

do this in remembrance of me in that very moment he for the very first time connected the exodus of

Egypt to the exodus and redemption of all mankind from sin from the very blood of the true Passover

lamb that would be spilled the very next day.
The second piece of evidence is the apostle Paul,

we know that Paul kept and taught his
churches to keep the Passover when he

said in 1st Corinthians 5:8 therefore let us
keep the feast of Passover not with old leaven

nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

So now we have the Passover lamb himself
telling us to keep it and remember him

in the process and we have Paul under the
inspiration of the holy spirit instructing

all believers to keep the feast with all
sincerity and truth. But do we have any evidence

outside of the bible that the gentile church
has kept Passover as well? We know that the

early Christians kept it without fail until it was outlawed by the Roman church in 325 a.d. In fact

it all started with the very first debate about
this subject in 193 a.d between the church of Rome

that wanted to celebrate the resurrection on
easter and the churches in the east that wanted

to follow in the footsteps of the disciples and keep it according to the scriptures. Unfortunately

the anti-semitic Roman church at the time wanted nothing to do with anything that appeared to be

Jewish even if it was a direct command from
scripture because in their mind it was the Jews

that killed Jesus. Fortunately for us today we have the record of Polycrates from that first debate.

He was the eighth Christian bishop over the very church of Ephesus we find in the bible who had

this to say talking about the seven bishops before him going back to the apostle John he writes

all these observe the 14th day of the Passover according to the gospel deviating in no respect

but following the rule of faith and my
relatives always observe the day when

the people put away the left and he’s referring there my friends to the feast of Unleavened bread.

the victor of Rome incredibly
who was presiding over the debate

sought to excommunicate the entire church of Asia for even attempting to keep Passover according

to the date of the bible and not in the new
Christian tradition the famous Roman emperor

Constantine would eventually forever settle the debate by issuing his decree in 325 by saying

for we have it in our power if we abandon their custom (talking about Passover) to prolong the

due observance of this ordinance (talking about easter) to future ages by a truer order which we

have preserved from the very day of the passion until the present time, let us then have nothing

in common with the detestable Jewish crowd for we have received from our savior a different way.

With one stroke of the pen by the
anti-semitic self-appointed christ on earth

the Roman pontiff forever changed the direction of the originally authentic Christian church

where once we celebrated Passover under
the command of rabbi Yeshua who told us

to do Passover in remembrance of him we now under the command of Rome celebrate a holiday called

easter which suspiciously sounds like the very Ishtar of the bible that bare-breasted fertility

goddess of the east that just so happened to make it into the Roman pantheon under the guise of

Venus and I’m sure there’s probably no connection from the Roman-mandated holiday of easter

and their goddess of the east who was also
coincidentally called the queen of heaven

or the egg that just so happened to be the symbol of fertility in virtually all pagan religions!

Hmm, nope I don’t see any connection at all. In the end, the debate my friend shouldn’t be whether

or not the origins of easter are pagan the debate should simply be whether or not we should follow

in the footsteps of Christ the disciples and all the early believers surrounding them or should we

follow like blind sheep the emperor’s shepherd of Rome century after century after century

and in case you’re not real familiar with the
Yeshua-centered Passover and the unbelievably

rich symbolism that’s connected to us today
here are just a few points to consider one

Passover connected to the Last supper where Yeshua said, do this in remembrance of me

as I mentioned a couple of times, it’s also
connected to the feast of Unleavened bread where

everyone removes leaven from their homes which of course represents sin according to the scriptures

the shank bone on the traditional seder plate
represents the Passover lamb Jesus himself

the partially dipped in salt water reminds
us of our tears when we’re slaves to sin

the horseradish cautions us against the powerful aftertaste that sin has in our lives

the sweet charoset apple mixture reminds us of the sweetness of God’s word when we follow it and the

three pieces of matzo bread that traditionally are connected to the Father Son and the Holy Spirit

with the middle piece being broken and wrapped in linen and then hidden away for the children

to find after dinner imagine this my friends for over a thousand years the Jewish people who don’t

even believe in Jesus have been taking these three pieces of bread taking the middle one breaking it

in half taking that one half wrapping it in linen and hiding it for after dinner and they don’t even

know why nobody knows where the tradition
got started I’ll bet that it got started in

a messianic Jews home that believed in Yeshua and wanted to connect and do this and remembrance Him

and those are just a few examples, my friend
but now let’s compare that with easter

that has the easter bunny has easter ham
has easter egg hunts and the tradition of

getting dressed to the hilt for that sunrise
easter service; now don’t get me wrong they

both celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and that’s amazing but only one is found in the Bible

and only one was celebrated by all the disciples and early believers before it was outlawed.

Going against the grain my friends to do bible things in bible ways and call Bible things by

bible names it’s not the most popular thing to do today for sure but it is the bravest. When Nehemiah

tried to rebuild the ancient wall it wasn’t too
popular in his day either but it was what was

needed to preserve the people of God of his day and to repair the foundations of their faith.

Could the Spirit be doing the same thing today could He be awakening his people to rebuild the ancient

foundations of our ancestors in order to prepare ye the way of the Lord for his final return?

I believe the Spirit emphatically says yes but the real question is what did you say to find out more

about Passover and the power it has to completely revolutionize your family during this time of year

go to passionfortruth.com right now and
check out our entire Passover series and

God’s prophetic calendar where you can discover all the amazing connections of not just Passover

but how all the feasts of the Lord connect with the first and second comings of our Messiah.

Until then, I’m Jim Staley with
Passion for Truth Ministries, shalom!