For 2000 years Christians have been waiting for the return of Christ. For 2000 years the Jewish people have been waiting for the moment they can start sacrificing again. And there is one single event that must take place first in order for both to come true: the sacrificing of a pure red heifer. In order for the antichrist to stop the daily sacrifice, which is the event that begins the Great Tribulation, the sacrificial system must begin first. In an order for the sacrificial system to begin, there first must be a sacrifice of a pure red heifer. For the very first time in over 2000 years the perfect red heifer has been found, and the Jewish rabbis in Israel are preparing these red heifers to be sacrificed. This teaching is a MUST-SEE for every believer, as this prophetic event puts us one step closer to the end of the world and to the final return of the Messiah. Please consider partnering with us and paying it forward to others by donating at or texting PayitForward to 801801 Stay connected with Jim Staley and Passion For Truth Ministries at: Website Facebook Facebook Instagram… Twitter Telegram TikTok

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this morning I’m going to be talking


a subject that many of you are very

familiar with by now over the last 30

days the red heifer

the title of of tonight’s or today’s I

should say teaching is the red heifer

and the end of the world and the big

really the beginning of the end and but

I’m going to put a little twist on it as

I am known to do but the story of the

red heifers and the discovery of the red

heifers do not start with the red


they start in Matthew chapter 27 33 so

I’m going to read that for you today

it starts at the very place of the

crucifixion of the Messiah a place that

we call Golgotha and am I familiar with


all right stick around to the very end

of this teaching because you’re going to

learn actually what that really is is it

a skull is it geography is it a place in

the land what what is Golgotha so at the

very end we’re going to have just a a

mystery moment where we’re going to

unpack exactly what everyone’s been

trying to figure out where is Gaga and

what is it I’m going to show it to you

it says this in Matthew 27 33 and when

they had come to a place called Golgotha

that is to say place of a skull

and that’s what’s confused people even

Scholars for 2000 years

they gave him sour wine mingled with

with gall to drink but when he had

tasted it he would not drink then they

crucified him what I want to focus on

here is a couple of things number one it

was on gal gatha and we’re going to talk

about that at the very end like I

mentioned but they gave him sour wine

and Gall now what is that in the first

century it’s important for you to

understand that there’s so many things

in their culture that we don’t

understand and then we look into that

culture and context with our own culture

and context and now comes a new context

do you understand this is why we’ve been

misled for the last 17 1800 years in a

lot of different directions because of

not understand the hebraic culture of

our faith

so Gall and sour wine was a was a was a

way to dull the senses

it was a mercy treatment

so we see we read right past this and

never see it but before they crucified

him before the nails are even put in his

hands at the very moment where

everything begins they offer him a

solution that would be like an epidural

to a woman giving labor and he said no

now I don’t know about you but how many

of you out there if you knew you were

about to be crucified and they gave you

an epidural you’d say give me two

every guy would say one in every
