Pastor Jim Staley teaches on Truth or Tradition. Should Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter? It sounds sacrilegious to even ask the question, doesn’t it? You might be surprised to find out that God actually has an opinion when you consider the origins of these holidays…and that opinion might not be what you expect! “Well, that’s not what it means to me”, most people say. But since when does it matter what it means to us! We are not the ones being worshipped! Originally featured on God’s Learning Channel, this teaching examines the most shocking historical origins of Christianity’s most sacred holidays and will leave you desiring God’s truth like never before! Find out where Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Christmas trees, and many more holiday traditions actually come from and what the Scriptures say about them. Learn what is “truth” and what is “tradition.” After all…The Father is only looking for those who worship in both Spirit and Truth! Published Feb 28, 2014 Video transcript… Stay connected with Jim Staley and Passion For Truth Ministries at: Website Facebook Facebook Instagram… Twitter Telegram

come and join us as we travel back in

time 4 000 years ago to discover exactly

where christmas and easter came from

where did the christmas tree and the

star come from did you know the birthday

of every pagan sun god around the world

was on december 25th did you know that

christmas was illegal in the united

states until the mid-1800s where did

saint nicholas come from did you know

that the phrase ho ho originated from

the late 1600’s when public plays were

very popular and before the devil would

come out on stage he would announce

himself by saying

did you know that the original santa’s

elves were not elves at all but were

called krampus demons they traveled with

saint nicholas and they were in charge

of punishing the children if they were

not good that previous year who is the

easter bunny where do we get easter eggs

from why do we celebrate easter on the

first sunday after the vernal equinox

and where did we even get the name

easter from anyway wait a minute that’s

not what it means to me it doesn’t

matter what it means to us it only

matters what it means to him he’s the

one being worshipped are we sure that

god doesn’t care that we have

compromised and mixed the birth and

resurrection of his son with ancient

pagan cultic practices

strap yourself in as we discover what

exactly is the truth and what is simply

ancient pagan tradition

and ultimately along the way we will

uncover what the enemy is really trying

to hide






hi and welcome to passion for truth

ministries i’m jim staley

we all have fond memories of yesteryear

sitting around the christmas table

during the christmas season celebrating

the birth of our lord with our loved

ones and our friends and our family and

then also his resurrection in the spring

around easter time well i want to share

with you in this video some of the

results and conclusions that i’ve

discovered on my journey as the father

began to many years ago put a void

inside of me a yearning for something


something deeper something that has

substance that came from him

and each and every year as i began to

celebrate christmas something just

didn’t feel right something felt like i

was missing something it just wasn’t the

same as when i was growing up and maybe

some of you can relate to those feelings

deep inside of you well as i begin to go

through some of this information i will

let you know right up front some of the

information is going to be shocking some

of it is going to even be disturbing to

you because your emotions and your

memories are attached

to some of the most very fibers that

make up of who you are and so i would

encourage you to don’t be afraid of the

truth as it comes out because in the end

the truth according to the scriptures

can only do one thing and that set you

free and so as a reminder up front from

parent to apparent i have young ones at

home some of the images and information

that we’re going to be sharing today are

quite sensitive and you might want to

just keep that in mind as we move

forward here