This month is the 73rd anniversary of the rebirth of Israel as a nation and it is very significant for the times we are living in. I also share how new legislation is being passed to protect human rights in regards to technological advancements. Get $7 off the NEW Vision Retreat Guidebook from Jimmy & Karen Evans: Use promo code: VISION Get your copy of Tipping Point here: Text THEEND to 31996 for a free ebook: “The Truth About End Times” Listen to the full episode, including Q&A, when you subscribe at Listen to this podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Follow Jimmy Evans on Facebook and Instagram Jimmy is the Founder and President of XO Marriage, a ministry that is devoted to helping couples thrive in strong and fulfilling marriages and families. Jimmy and his wife Karen co-host MarriageToday, a nationally syndicated television program. Jimmy Evans also serves as the Apostolic Elder of Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, Texas. Jimmy holds an Honorary Doctorate of Literature from The Kings University and has authored more than seventeen books. Jimmy and Karen have been married for 47 years and have two married children and five grandchildren.

today i’m beginning a series of programs

about israel

in bible prophecy i’ll also be talking


the chief of the space force is now

calling for human augmentation

the nation of chile is passing

legislation to protect neural rights

to keep tech companies and tech people

from invading

our bodies with technology that

compromises us

and i’ll be answering your questions

such as does the gog and magog war

happen before the tribulation or after

the millennium it’s a great question and

other questions also

i’m jimmy evans welcome to the tipping

point show


welcome to the show today i’m going to

begin by talking about israel and bible


but this is going to be a series of

programs because

next week on the 14th of may

israel celebrates its 73rd anniversary

since beginning as a nation being born

again on may 14th of 1948 very

significant i’ll talk about that more

in just a minute if you don’t know about

our vision retreat guidebook this is a

new resource that we have to help every

married couple

to go on a vision retreat it will take

your marriage to the next level

you can go on and you

can get seven dollars off if you just

put the promo code

vision in there and so this is a great

resource if

if you’re married or you’re getting

married for you and your spouse

now let me let me talk about israel for

just a minute now the end times cannot

exist unless israel exists

and this is the big thing to understand

related to

the end times in god’s mind i’m going to

be talking about this in this series of

programs but in god’s mind

the end began when israel came back as a

nation and that’s joel chapter 3 and

i’ll read that to you

and so this is a very important time in

human history

because many people say you know there’s

always been you know

signs of the end times every generation

thought it was the end

yeah but we’re the first generation that

has israel and so i say generation the

generation that began

in 1948 has had israel plus

all the other signs that have been

coming true and so

i believe without a doubt we are the

last generation here’s what jesus said

in matthew 24 now learn this parable

from the fig tree when its branch has

already become tender

and puts forth leaves you know that

summer is near so you also when you see


these things know that it is near at the

doors assuredly i say to you this


will by no means pass away till all

things take place

heaven and earth will pass away but my

words will

by no means pass away jesus was talking

about the end times he just got through

talking about wars and rumors of wars


pestilences earthquakes uh all the signs

of the times the abomination of

desolation during the tribulation

he’s talking about all the end times

events in matthew 24 then he says

when you see these things begin to

happen it’s at the door i mean it’s

right there we’ve been seeing these

things happening

for 73 years and he says the generation

that sees these things happen

we’ll see all things fulfilled well the

question is how long is the generation

psalm 90 the days of our lives are 70


and if by reason of strength or 80 years

i’m 67 i don’t like this scripture

that’s not my favorite scripture

but 70 years or if by recent strength or

80 years 50 years ago the average person

lived around 69 years

right now the average person lives

around 79 years so 70 to 80 years that’s

a person’s lifespan so what jesus is

saying there is the generation that sees

the beginning of the end times will see

the end of the end times okay one one

it’s a one generation event because i’ve

had people say oh well we may be in the

end times but it could last for two or

three hundred years that’s not what


said he says it’s a one generation event

and the bible says that

we live 70 to 80 years and that’s true

that’s that’s statistically true to this


so let’s just say we’ve already gone

past 70 years

so let’s just say that a generation is

80 years well here’s the interesting


this is israel’s 73rd birthday

on may 14th of this month this is their

73rd birthday

but when jesus was talking about the

generation that sees these things happen

we’ll see all things fulfilled

he was also talking about the

tribulation if the rapture the rapture

is going to happen before the

tribulation i teach on that a lot

the rapture will happen before the

tribulation the tribulation

is the worst time in human history it’s

a seven year period of time which goes

back to daniel 9.

the 490 prophetic years that gabriel

told daniel

what happened to israel 483 of those

years had been literally fulfilled

from march 14th uh 4 45 bc

to april 2nd of 32 a.d

literally fulfilled i’ve talked about

that and that’s something that you can

look at if you’re an


it’s already been fulfilled so we have

seven years left there the tribulation

period of time

if you take 73 years where we are right


and add the tribulation to it you’re at

80 years okay

that’s why my book tipping point the

subtitle is the end is here

if you just do the math i am not

predicting that jesus is coming back

this year but he certainly could

i can tell you this i’ve never seen a

world like this i’ve never

i never dreamed in teaching on the end

times for 40 years

i never dreamed it would get like this

and i’m going to talk about some things

in the news

that are happening right now i never

dreamed that i would see a world like


and so we are seeing the degradation of

humankind which

uh paul told timothy about in second

timothy chapter 3

we are seeing the rise of the technology

that can usher in a one world rule of

the antichrist with a cashless society

also we’re looking at uh hybrids a

hybrid race that and i’m going to talk

about this in

in the news section here in just a

little bit it’s unbelievable what we’re

seeing but here’s what i am saying i

believe we’re in the season of the

return of jesus

whether it’s this year next year the

year after i don’t i just don’t think

that we have

10 or 20 years left because i don’t

think humankind can

survive it in its present form and i’ll

talk about that again from the articles

i’ll read in the news

so let me talk about let me talk about

five specific

and supernatural prophecies that have

been fulfilled by israel the this series

is about israel and bible prophecy now

next week i’m going to be talking about

a timeline

i’m talking about things that have

already happened that are very specific

happen related to israel during the last

73 years

supernatural fulfillment of prophecy but

next week i’m going to start talking

about what’s going to happen next

uh when the rapture occurs it’s going to

begin a quick succession

of end times events and people ask me

all the time for a timeline what

what’s going to happen in sequence

that’s going to be talking about now for

the next several weeks

and so let me begin by talking about


supernatural prophecies that have

already been fulfilled concerning israel


is the super sign related to end time


israel is everything so this is what was


and came true first of all israel was

regathered two times

remember they went into babylonian


during the days of daniel because of the


and they were allowed to go back and

rebuild the king darius

allowed them to go back and rebuild that

was the first time they were regathered


isaiah 11. in that day there shall be a

root of jesse who shall stand as a

banner to all the people

thus jesus for the gentiles shall seek

him and his resting place shall be


it shall come to pass in that day that

the lord shall set his hand

again the second time to recover the

remnant of his people who

are left from assyria and egypt from

patras and cush from elim and shinar

from hameth and the islands of the sea

he will set up a banner

for the nations and assemble the

outcasts of

israel and gather together the dispersed

of judah from the four corners of the

earth that was fulfilled in 1948

the second time there’s never been a

nation that has ceased to exist

twice and twice was brought back

and so this is a major fulfillment of

isaiah 11 that happened on may the 14th

of 1948 here’s another prophecy that was

fulfilled this is isaiah 66

israel was born in one day who has heard

such a thing

who has seen such things shall the earth

be made to give birth in one day or

shall a nation be born at once

for as soon as zion was in labor she

gave birth to her children

the british mandate ended on may 14th of


and president harry truman recognized

israel as a nation that day which began

other nations recognizing them as well

and they became a nation in one day to

be fulfillment it’s a miracle that


uh was president because roosevelt was

president before him and he died

and then truman took his place and

roosevelt was against

israel becoming a nation and there were


rabbis that met with harry truman

after they became a nation and these

jewish rabbis told harry truman

god put you in office so that we could

become a nation it’s an absolute miracle

that they became a nation but it

happened in one day according to isaiah


number three prophecy israel was

regathered from the north

this is jeremiah 16. therefore behold

the days are coming says the lord that

it shall no more

be said the lord lives who brought up

the children of israel from the land of

egypt but the lord lives who brought up

the children of israel from the land of

the north

and from all the lands where he had

driven them for i will bring them back

into their land

which i gave to their fathers now if you

go to a map

and you look at jerusalem you look at

israel and you go directly north to


the far north it’s russia moscow

directly north

of israel and so god says it’s no longer

going to be said

the god who brought them out of egypt

but the god who brought them out of the


north and from all the nations of the

world well between january of 1989

and december of 2002 1.1 million

russian jews immigrated from russia to

israel which was a miracle because that

was during the days of the iron curtain

and some of you remember the iron

curtain you could not leave the

the russian people were not free to

leave especially the jews

and the jews were cruelly oppressed in

russia through the pogroms that they had

and so very anti-semitic nation is the

nation of russia

so the first time i went to israel

was in around 1986 or something like


and there weren’t any russians there uh

there weren’t messianic congregations if

there were they

i didn’t see any uh i went back and i

did a leadership conference in israel

around seven years ago

and a lot of the messianic congregations


came to the leadership conference and

the russian

jews the christian russian jews

there complained because we didn’t have

a russian interpreter

and they didn’t come because of that i

was just shocked at how many of them

there were

that wanted to come to the conference

and so this has been fulfilled

many many russian jews 1.1 million

immigrated from russia

down to israel in fulfillment again of

this scripture

in jeremiah 16. here’s number four


this is jerusalem was desolated and

controlled by the gentiles and then

retaken by the jews and this is jesus in

luke 21

when you see jerusalem surrounded by

armies they know that his desolation is


then let those who are in judea flee to

the mountains let those who are in the

midst of her depart and let not those

who are in the country enter her

for these are the day for these are the

days of vengeance that all things which

are written may be fulfilled

but what are those who are pregnant and

to those who nursing are nursing babies

in those days

for there will be great distress in the

land and wrath upon this people and they

will fall by the edge of the sword

and be led away captive and all nations

and jerusalem will be trampled by


until the times the gentiles are

fulfilled now

in 80 70 remember when jesus

ministered during his lifetime israel

was occupied by the romans

remember it was pontius pilate a roman

who put jesus on trial

the jews had religious authority but the

romans had the governmental authority

well the jews after the death of jesus

they began to rebel against the romans

so the romans sent uh the general titus


later became the emperor general titus


and he killed over a million jews he

destroyed the city of jerusalem he

raised to the temple mount tore

the temple building down stone off stone

just like jesus had prophesied

and for 2 000 years the city of

jerusalem was literally a no man’s land

even when the the jews retook

the nation of israel in 1948 they only

had half

of the city of jerusalem but it was

literally known as an international city

or a no man’s land

until 1967 and during the six day war in

1967 the jews retook

all of the city of jerusalem they even

took the temple mount

for a brief period of time but then they

gave it over to jordan jordanian

control for fear of an uprising

among the muslims but they controlled

the entire city they’re increasingly

controlling the activity on the temple

mount big

big big end time event that i’m not

going to talk about much in this program

but what’s happening on the temple mount

right now is absolutely miraculous it’s

never happened before in my lifetime and

everything is pointing to the rebuilding

of the temple

and some type of an agreement that’s

about to be reached regarding that

but this prophecy now here by jesus

has been literally fulfilled in our

lifetime in my lifetime

in 1967 it it was trampled underfoot by

non-jews when the word gentile means a


it was trampled underfoot when the bible

says it’s trampled under foot it means

it’s controlled

it is controlled by non-jews until the

times of the non-jews

are fulfilled and that’s an interesting

statement right there because what jesus

is saying is in 1967 when jerusalem

comes back

under the control of the jews it’s a

it’s a sign to the rest of the world

that your time is up

and so it’s another another reason i

believe we’re living at the end of the

end times

here’s number five the land of israel

was and is divided and there is

worldwide anti-semitism this is joel 3.

behold in those days and at that time

when i bring back the captives of judah

and jerusalem

i will also gather all nations and bring

them down to the valley of jehoshaphat

and i will enter into judgment with them

there on account of my people my

heritage israel

whom they have scattered among the

nations they have also divided up my


now let me say this so i said that jesus

said the generation that sees

these things happen will see all things

fulfilled i’m making a very simple

statement according to the words of

jesus the end times is a one generation


here’s what god says in those days and

at the same time

when i bring back the captives of jude

and jerusalem

may 14th 1948 okay i will also gather

all nations and bring them down to the

valley of jehoshaphat the valley of

jehoshaphat is the valley between the

mount of olives

and the temple mount it’s the the valley

here and this is

when you see in zechariah 14 and also in

revelation 19

the second coming when we return with


his feet touch the mount of olives and

then he conquers

all the armies of the world that have

come against jerusalem that this

is armageddon and god says at the same

period of time

during the same period of time the same

season of time

when i bring back the captives of judah


armageddon is going to take place i’m

bringing all the nations of the world

that are going to come against israel

and i’m going to gather them and defeat

them there but he also says this

i will bring them down to the valley of

jehoshaphat i will enter into judgment

with them there on account of my people

my heritage israel whom they have

scattered among the nations this goes

all the way back now to the romans

in 80 70 scattering the jews among the

nations but anti-semitism is rising in


it’s rising on in american college

campuses it’s rising in the church

there have been several articles that

i’ve read to you about anti-semitism


within the church and it is it’s amazing

in europe

many european nations including france

and germany the jews are being so

oppressed and persecuted there they’re

either moving to the united states or

they’re moving back to israel

and so anti-semitism is on the rise and

we are dividing up the land of israel

the last thing that god says is why he’s

entering into judgment

with the nations is they have also

divided up my land now right now the

biden administration

is calling for the jews for it to go

back to the pre-1967

boundaries this means they give up the

golan heights they’ve already given up


gaza strip they’ve already given up the

sinai peninsula they’ve already given up

much of the west bank

but they have a lot of settlements in

the west bank what the bible

administration is saying is give up all

your settlements

half a million people immediately become

displaced jews

then uh give up the golan heights in the

golan heights i’ve been to the golan

heights it’s on the border of syria

the golan heights set above israel

above the sea of galilee in the galilee

area and whoever has this golan heights

area has a military advantage

deluxe it’s amazing and i’ve seen the

bunkers that the syrians had

up on here during the wars when they

were bombing

israel and so the israelis took this

land from the syrians during the war

and they won’t give it back because they

don’t want to give them a strategic

advantage right now

hamas is launching rockets from the gaza


dozens and dozens of rockets on

playgrounds and schools and

neighborhoods all throughout israel

happening right now and so when you give

the enemy

those strategic pieces of land they

don’t use it to plant gardens they use

it to

shoot rockets and so israel right now

they have their back against the wall

and by the way if the body

administration is successful

and israel goes back to the pre-1967


one part of the nation will be nine

miles wide

nine miles wide between the west bank

and between the mediterranean sea

and so it’s already a tiny little nation

that you could fit within

new jersey about the size of new jersey

and so these

these prophecies statistically


this is astronomical the chances of

these all happening

in the happening period but happening

within one generation but they have

and so next week i’ll start talking

about what’s going to happen next i just

told you what’s happened i’ll start

talking about what’s going to happen

next a timeline

but right now we’re going to go into the

the in the news section and q and a

section if you’re not a subscriber i’m

going to say goodbye to you i hope

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show we have articles that come out all

week long

to inform you to encourage you uh in the

days that we’re living in you also might

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