The sun, moon and stars give us signs about God’s timeline for the end times. I share how you can understand these signs and how it all points to Israel. Get your copy ofTipping Point here: Listen to the full episode, plus Q&A, when you subscribe at Watch this podcast on YouTube: Follow Jimmy Evans on Facebook and Instagram Jimmy Evans is a long-time pastor, Bible teacher, and best-selling author. He is the Founder and President of XO Marriage, a ministry devoted to helping couples thrive in strong and fulfilling marriages. Along with his wife, Karen, he is the host of MarriageToday with Jimmy & Karen, a nationally syndicated broadcast television program, as well as a weekly podcast with the same name. For 30 years, Jimmy ministered as Senior Pastor of Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, Texas, where he now serves as Apostolic Elder. He speaks at dozens of live events every year to tens of thousands of people. Jimmy has written more than 17 books including Marriage on the Rock, The Four Laws of Love, Strengths Based Marriage and Tipping Point. Jimmy and Karen have been married for 48 years and have two married children and five grandchildren.

on today’s program I’m talking about

seven major end time signs that prove

that we’re not just living in the end

times we’re living at the end of the end

times I’m also talking about the Biden

administration’s war on gender and two

things that they’re doing right now for

the very first time in American history

that are unbelievable I’m also answering

your questions I’m Jimmy Evans welcome

to the Tipping Point show

all right



welcome to the show today I want to

first of all just encourage you to

subscribe to my channel if you’re

watching this on YouTube and like it so

the more you do that the more people see

this and the more people are able to get

these messages and get the encouragement

from them but thank you for joining me

today I want to bring this message first

of all on seven major end times Signs

Now these are all specific to Israel but

these are all from the word of God and

they all prove now that we’re living in

the end times if you have friends if you

have family members or someone around

you and they’re scoffers and they scoff

at the end times these things that I’m

about to tell you these are absolutely

undeniable signs that the Bible foretold

thousands of years ago would happen in

the last generation and they’ve all

happened in the last 73 years so this is

Genesis chapter one this is where I want

to begin God said let there be lights in

the firmament of the Heavens to divide

the day from the night and let let them

be for signs and seasons and for days

and years and let them be for lights in

the firmament of the Heavens to give

light on the earth and it was so so God

created the the lights in the heavens

and he said let these be for signs and

for Seasons well the word sign in the

Hebrew is the word oath and it means a

signal a banner something that’s showing

you like a sign on the highway you’re

going down the highway and the signs on

the highway tell you where you’re going

and how far away you are that’s exactly

what signs do related to the end times

the word season is the Hebrew word moed

it means Feast like the Feast of Israel

it also means an appointed time or a

sacred season so God is telling us now

in the stars from the very beginning in

Genesis 1 when God created the heavens

and the lights and the firmament he said

I’m doing this to show the people on the

Earth sign lines and also special

Seasons sacred Seasons the Feast of

Israel so understand this in from the

very beginning God established a

universal method of communicating to

mankind about important things that were

happening and would happen in in history

especially regarding Israel and

understand this these are Universal so

when Jesus was born the first time when

he came to the Earth the first time

there was a star that led the wise men

Tibetan of the world it was there for

all the world to see I mean it wasn’t

just there for the wise men everybody

could see it but people didn’t care or

they weren’t watching for it and so the

entire Earth is being warned by God

right now in this generation from signs

in the sun moon and stars this is Jesus

from Luke 21 regarding the end times

there will be signs in the sun in the

moon and in the stars and on the earth

the stress of nations with perplexity

the Sea and the waves roaring men’s

hearts failing them from fear and the

expectation of those things which are

coming on the earth were the powers of

the heavens will be shaken there will be

signs in the sun moon and stars Jesus is

talking about the end times that’s the

context of Luke chapter 21 there’s going

to be signs I’m going to be showing you

things in the Sun the moon the stars

they’re going to be pointing to my soon


I’m going to be showing you science well

the question is have there been signs

the first two major end time signs I

want to talk to you about are absolutely

incredible things that have happened in

the sun moon and stars in the last 73

years okay remember this is Joel now

that there’s going to be signs and the

sun ministers this is Joel chapter 2

talking about the end it says I will

show wonders in the heavens and in the

earth blood and fire and pillars of


the sun shall be turned into darkness

that is a solar eclipse and the moon

into blood before the coming of the

great and awesome day of the Lord well

the coming of the great and awesome day

of Lord is the return of Jesus the

second coming of Jesus and the Rapture

and so before that day comes Joel says

and by the way this is what Peter quoted

in Acts chapter 2. okay about the end


so there’s going to be blood moons and

there’s going to be solar eclipses okay

in a special way there God is going to

show us signs in the heavens that are

revealing to us something special is

happening the question is has it

happened well I want to talk about two

phenomenal uh end time signs that have

happened in the heavens that had to be

God the first are the blood moons that I

don’t know if you’ve heard about the

establishment of Blood Moons but by the

way a lunar eclipse is a blood moon when

they’re when the earth begins between

the Sun and the Moon the Moon turns red

it’s a blood moon and so this is what

Joel was talking about well there have

been three sets of tetrads now a tetrad

is a set of four lunar eclipses that

happen back to back in two years on

Jewish holy days this would be on

Passover you see the the graphic there

right now on your screen these are the

tetrad that happened in

2014-2015 and so on Sukkot of 2014-15

you had a blood moon and then I’m sorry

on Passover you had a blood moon then on

Sukkot you had another Blood Moon back

to back this is four lunar eclipses

blood moons that happened over a

two-year period of time all on Jewish

holy days now that happened in 1949 and

50. remember Israel became a nation in

1948 and the tetrat of Blood Moons like

you just saw there happened in 1949 in

1950 all on Jewish holy days then in

1967 the The Six Day War was fought and

Jerusalem was unified this is what Jesus

prophesied in Luke 21 that that they

would be scattered and then the Israel

Jerusalem be trodden underfoot by

Gentiles until the times the Gentiles

were fulfilled that was fulfilled in

1967 and in 1967 and 1968 there were

four blood moons all on Jewish holy days

Israel becomes a nation Blood Moons the

city of Jerusalem is Unified blood moons

that in 2014 and 2015 there are four

more blood moons the ones you just saw

plus there was a solar eclipse

in 2014 on the first day of Israel’s

religious calendar and there was a

partial solar eclipse on the Feast of

trumpets okay during the tetrads okay so

what is the significance of those Blood

Moons well here’s what I believe in two

in the ones in 1949 and 1950 that was

the Holy Land the holy land was given

back to Israel in 1967 1968 it was the

holy city of Jerusalem had come back

under control of Jerusalem for the first

time in 2000 years but in 2014 and 15 a

lot of people are saying what’s the

significance of that it’s the Holy

Temple the the activity around the

temple picked up huge around 2014 2015.

and so and by the way right now the

Sanhedrin is creating the anointing oil

to anoint the Messiah when he comes

everything is ready for the temple they

have all the artifacts ready for the

temple all the the temple vessels there

are training priests down in the valley

of Jericho they’re training priests and

so the they’re ready to rebuild and this

is something and by the way the Jews for

the first time in 2000 years are praying

legally praying on the Temple Mount and

Gathering there sometimes by the

hundreds or thousands it’s an amazing

thing that’s happened and it started

around 2014 2015 and I believe soon we

will see the rebuilding of the temple

that is a major major end time sign that

is in the heavens it’s undeniable you

can look that up on NASA you can look it

up on different types of astronomy


the blood moons are real and they

haven’t happened these kinds of things

don’t happen now for hundreds of years

at a time so these are not regular

phenomenon a lunar eclipse is but not a

tetrad on Jewish holy days the second

major end time sign related to the sun

moon and stars is the Revelation 12 sign

that happened on September the 23rd

2017. that what I’m about to say to you

is the second most important thing that

has happened in my lifetime regarding

the end times now I was born in 1953 so

I wasn’t around when Israel became a

nation but I was around in 1967 when

Jerusalem was reunified that’s the most

important thing that’s happened

prophetically in my lifetime the second

most important thing was the Revelation

12 sign on September 23rd 2017. here’s

the Revelation 12 sign this is

revelation 12 describing now an end

times astronomical sign

it’s going to happen you see a graphic

there on your screen but this is

revelation 12. let me let me let me read

the scripture and I’ll explain the

graphic to you a great sign appeared in

heaven a woman clothed with the Sun with

the moon under her feet and on her head

a Garland of 12 stars then being with

child she cried out in labor and in pain

to give birth and another sign appeared

in heaven Behold a great fiery red

dragon having seven heads and ten horns

and seven diadems on his heads his tail

drew a third of the stars of heaven and

threw them to the earth and the dragon

stood before the woman who was ready to

give birth to devour her child as soon

as it was born she bore a male child who

is to rule all nations with a rod of

iron and her child was caught up to God

in his throne then the woman fled Into

the Wilderness where she has prepared a

place by God that they should feed her


1260 days now this was literally

fulfilled now there is a prophetic

fulfillment here related to Israel but

you see the on the screen there you see

this graphic let me explain to you so on

September 23 2017 the constellation Leo

was above the head of the constellation

Virgo of course Virgo is the Virgin Leo

is the lion and so the Virgin is Mary

and of course Leo is Jesus but you have

Leo has Nine Stars remember it says that

there was a Garland of Nine Stars over

her head well the Leo has nine major

stars that make up the outline line but

on September the 23rd of 2017 Mercury

Mars and Venus joined those Nine Stars

to make 12 stars that were over the head

of the Virgo constellation Virgo and

then the sun you’ll notice on that

graphic there the sun was over Virgos

shoulder the virgin’s shoulder in other

words she was clothed with the sun and

the moon was under her feet you can see

it right there Then Jupiter which is

called the king Planet which the Jews

associate with the Messiah now this is

extraordinary the the Jupiter entered

the womb of Virgo on November the 20th

2016 and retrograde it which means it

stayed in the same place it looked like

it was staying in the same place it

retrograded from February to July then

exited the womb on September the 9th

2017 it was inside the womb exactly 41

weeks which is the time of human

gestation and then it came out it came

out between the legs of Virgo it exited

the legs of Ergo and by the way it says

that the male child was caught up that’s

raptured harpazzo and this is the next

graphic here you’ll see now that between

the legs of Virgo there was a red creepy

object I mean this is It’s really is is

incredible is this is between her legs

and it was redacted by NASA and also by

Google sky and you say why the reacted

means they put a little black box over

it to you know to block it out from

being there and you can see it if you

look carefully between the legs a burger

there you’ll see that little black box

you’ll also see this is the actual image

that they’re blocking out there it is

this creepy red it is infrared

is creepy red creature that looks like a

dragon with 12 heads and all that kind

of stuff like that this actually

happened on September September 23 2017.

and so I’m saying to you this is

absolutely amazing when Jesus said there

will be signs in the sun moon and stars

you can check that box two major end

time signs have appeared in the heavens

by the way there is a software program

called stellarium and this is where

those some of those pictures come from

by the way that one of those chart

serversal Louis Vega chart he does

phenomenal charts there but I’m saying

to you you can look this stuff up

God created in Genesis chapter 1

universal signs that the whole world

could see well like Jesus came the first

time people didn’t care they weren’t

paying attention but Jesus Christ came

and the nation missed it by and large

but there were Watchers there were

people watching the world right now most

people could care less but you’re

watching this because you care here and

I’m saying in the last 73 years if we

are the last generation okay in Psalm 90

says of the days of man’s life are 70

years or if by reason of strength there

are 80 years we’re 73 years into since

Israel’s regathered let me go very

quickly through the next uh five signs

the number three this is the number

three major sign is the sign of Israel’s

rebirth for the second time this is

Isaiah 11. it shall come to pass in that

day that the Lord shall set his hand

again the second time to recover the

remnant of the people who are left from

Assyria and Egypt from Pathos and Kush

from Elam and shinar from hameth and the

islands of the sea he will set up a

banner for the Nations and will assemble

the outcast of Israel and gather

together to dispersed of Judah from the

four corners of the earth now remember

the first time that God regathered

Israel was from Babylon he didn’t he

didn’t gather them from the four corners

of the earth it was just from Babylon

this says God will for the second time

set his hand again to regather Israel

from the four corners of the earth that

happened on May the 14th of 1948. that

is what started that was the major sign

that started the end times prophetic

clock you can’t have the end times

without Israel existing as a nation

here’s number four It’s The Sign of

Jerusalem under Jewish rule this is Luke

21. this is Jesus when you see Jerusalem

surrounded by armies then know that his

desolation is near then let those who

are in Judea flee to the mountains then

let those who are in the midst of her

depart and let not those who are in the

country enter her for these the days of

Vengeance that all things which are

written may be fulfilled but what are

those who are pregnant and to those who

are nursing babies in those days there

will be great distress in the land and

wrath upon this people and they will

fall by the edge of the sword and be led

away captive into all nations and

Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles

until the times the Gentiles are

fulfilled now Jesus prophesied that 40

years before it came to pass by the way

Daniel also in Daniel 9 prophesied

exactly the same thing that the the

Jerusalem would be destroyed but Jesus

also says Jerusalem be trodden underfoot

by the Gentiles until the times the

Gentiles are fulfilled so the Roman

general Titus came he killed over a

million Jews he destroyed the city of

Jerusalem he destroyed the sanctuary he

took the rest of the Jews captive and

led them back to Rome scattered them

around the world just like the Bible

says they would but then in 1967

Jerusalem was reunited under Jewish

control and that was a major major end

time sign now these things like I said

these are from the Bible this this has

been a circulation for thousands of

years these are not new things and

they’re not they’re not esoteric they’re

not secret or hard to Divine these are

clear scriptures that say things that

are going to happen in the end times the

this is the next sign the the sign of

the division of the land of Israel Joel

3. for behold in those days and at that

time when I bring back the captives of

Judah Jerusalem like we just said I will

also gather all nations and bring them

down to the valley of Jehoshaphat and I

will enter into judgment with them there

on account of my people my Heritage

Israel whom they have scattered among

the Nations they have also divided up my

land I’ve been talking to you about the

by demonstration they’re trying now to

take East Jerusalem they’re trying to

open a consulate in East Jerusalem for

the Palestinians which which gives the

Palestinians ownership of East Jerusalem

it recognizes the power Palestinians as

having the ownership of East Jerusalem

Israel saying why don’t they put it over

on Ramallah why don’t they put it on the

West Bank the bank Administration says

no we want to put it in East Jerusalem

we want to recognize the Palestinians

right the East Jerusalem they want to

take away the Golan Heights they want to

move them out of the West Bank and out

of East Jerusalem where they have

settlements the land they took away Gaza

they took away the Sinai the land of

Israel is being divided by the United

States by the United Nations this is

happening in your lifetime and God says

that he is angry that he is going to

bring all the nations down into enter

into judgment with them there at the

same time in those days and at that time

when I bring back the captives legit and

Jerusalem I’m going to enter into

judgment with all the nations because

the way they’ve treated my people

they’ve scattered them around the

Nations and they’ve divided up my land

and by the way it is God’s land no man

can claim that land it is God’s land

this is sign number six

the sign of Jerusalem being the most

controversial piece of property on the

earth that would cause Armageddon

Jerusalem right now in the news right

now is in the news more than any other

place it is the most difficult foreign

policy issue of the entire Earth no one

can solve that problem this is Zechariah

Chapter 12. behold I will make Jerusalem

a cup of drunkenness to all the

surrounding people when they lay Siege

against Judah in Jerusalem and it shall

happen in that day that I will make

Jerusalem a very heavy stone for All

Peoples all who inhibit away will surely

be cut in pieces though all the nations

of the Earth are gathered against it the

last scene of human history is the

entire Earth coming against Jerusalem

and during the Obama Administration the

United States not United Nations was

trying to impose a two-state solution on

Israel imposed means they’re going to

militarily impose they’re going to force

Israel to give up East Jerusalem and

this is what’s going to happen

they’re not going to give up peace

Jerusalem the Jews have consistently

said that Jerusalem is the Eternal

indivisible capital of Israel the world

will hate them for that

they will continue to pressure them for

that this is happening our news right

now you don’t have to look around to

make make this thing happen this is

happening right now but it’s going to

get worse until the point that there’s

an ultimatum given by the United Nations

the armies of the world but they will

ultimately come against Israel Jerusalem

is the most difficult issue today and

the most contested piece of real estate

on the earth and here’s sign number

seven the sign of worldwide

anti-Semitism Zechariah 14 behold the

day of the Lord is coming and your spoil

will be divided in your midst for I will

gather all the nations to battle against

Jerusalem the city shall be taken the

house is rifled the women ravished half

the cities are going to captivity but

the remnant of the people shall not be

cut off in the city then the Lord will

go forth and fight against those Nations

as he fights in the day a battle

Jerusalem Israel right now the Jewish

people they’re persecuted all over the

world this is the most persecuted group

of people in the history of the world

that means generationally for Millennia

right now in France tremendous and any

semitism in France Germany the EU in

general also in the United States

college campuses many cities around

America there is increasing

anti-Semitism this is a major sign of

the end times so I’ve just told you

about seven major signs that have

already happened these aren’t things

that are going to happen these things

are already happened and I said at the

beginning of this teaching I’m not just

saying that we’re living in the end

times I’m saying we’re living at the end

of the end times and if there’s ever

been a time that we need to be looking

up and watching for Jesus to come in the

midst of all the lousy stuff that’s

happening the world Jesus is coming and

that’s what I keep telling you is this

this the whole purpose of this program

is to educate and encourage I want to

educate you about end time theology end

time scriptures and I want to encourage

you that everything that is happening is

telling us that Jesus is coming we’re

going to go to the subscriber only

portion right now I’m going to talk

about the bite Administration

the the war on gender two things that

they are doing right now the bright

Administration that have never been done

before that every person needs to

understand I’m also answering questions

hey if you’re not a subscriber seven

dollars a month seventy seven dollars a

year go there become a

subscriber so you can get everything we

get and we have articles through the

week we have all kinds of other stuff

I’m interviewing uh Mark bilts Pastor

Mark bilts and also I’m interviewing

Pastor Billy Crone next week we have

interviews that are coming up all kinds

of good stuff uh not just the Tipping

Point show I want you to be able to get

all of it seven dollars a month seventy

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and so thank you for joining us

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