Today I share what the mark of the beast is and how to identify it during the end times. I also share about the shifting political structure in Israel and what that means for the end times timeline. Get 25% off your first month of the 21 Day Journey at and enter the promo code: TIPPINGPOINT Get your copy ofTipping Point here: Text THEEND to 31996 for a free ebook: “The Truth About End Times” Listen to the full episode, plus Q&A, when you subscribe at Listen to this podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify: Follow Jimmy Evans on Facebook and Instagram

today on tipping point i’m talking about

the mark of the beast and what it is

what what it means and the role of the

false prophet in the mark of the beast

i’m talking about the new government in

israel and a new prime minister

very significant for the politics of

israel moving forward

there’s also a civil war going on in the

democratic party in america right now

over the nation of israel i’m going to

talk about that answering questions is a

generation 120 years long

according to genesis chapter six very

important question will racism get worse

as we go more into the end times i have

a very specific answer for that

according to the scriptures and is the

marriage supper of the lamb seven years

long and if so why welcome to tipping

point i’m jimmy evans


welcome to tipping point i’m going to

get right into the teaching here in just

a second about the mark of the beast

being revealed i want to talk one more

time about the 21 day journey we have on

exo now which is our streaming platform

we have hundreds of resources on there

to bless you and help you but we have


and 21 day

total freedom journey and both of those

are on

exo now and you can subscribe to xo now

it’s nine dollars a month you can go to forward slash tipping

point and if you uh enter the promo code

tipping point

you get 25 off your first month on xo

now now we were just in colorado this


for an exo conference a marriage

conference and they have declared a

state of emergency in colorado

because of the number of young people

they have that are harming themselves

depressed suicidal literally the

hospitals are full

their hospital’s there the governor has

declared an emergency because of the

numbers of inpatient care and outpatient

that they’re having specifically with

young people this is affecting the

mental health of our entire nation right

now if this is something that you’re

going through or a loved one is going

through i really do believe

it would bless you to go through the 21

day journeys and they’re both on exo now forward slash

tipping point and you can subscribe get

25 off

the mark of the beast in the last

program i talked about 10 facts

about the antichrist the antichrist is a

major figure

in the bible and so i want to talk again

a little bit about the antichrist but i

want to talk about the false prophet and

i want to talk about the mark of the


specifically what is the mark of the

beast and it comes from revelation

chapter 13. it’s going to talk about now

the false prophet then it’s going to

talk about the mark of the beast

this is verse 8 then i saw another beast

coming up out of the earth and he had

two horns like a lamb

and spoke like a dragon and he exercises

all the authority of the first beast in

his presence

and causes the earth and those who dwell

in it to worship the first beast whose

deadly wound was healed

he performs great signs so he even makes

fire come down from heaven on the earth

and the sight of men

and he deceives those who dwell on the

earth by those signs with which he was

granted to do in the sight of the beast

telling those who dwell in the earth to

make an image to the beast who was

wounded by the sword and lived he was

granted power

to give breath to the image of the beast

that the image of the beast should both

speak and cause

as many as would not worship the image

of the beast to be killed

he causes all both small and great

rich and poor free enslaved to receive a


on their right hand or on their

foreheads and that no one may buy or

sell except one who has the mark or the

name of the beast or the number of his


here’s wisdom let him who has

understanding calculate the number of

the beast for is the number of a man

his number is 666.

so let me talk about the false prophet

first of all because when it says i saw

another beast

rising up and he spoke uh he looked like

a lamb had the horns of a lamb but he

spoke like a dragon

this is the false prophet now he appears

as a religious leader a harmless man of


but he literally speaks for the devil

okay remember the antichrist is satan

incarnate so this is probably a

religious figure

who comes and literally he’s the worship

leader of the antichrist he comes and

causes all the world

to worship the antichrist now some

people believe this is the pope uh some

people teach very adamantly

that the pope will be the false prophet

i i don’t teach that because i just

don’t know um i don’t know who it is but

it will be a worldwide religious figure

that will lend his credibility to the

antichrist and cause the world to

worship him

he deceives the whole world into


the antichrist and he uses as part of


uh his case for the antichrist that he

was miraculously healed

from a deadly wound this is what we’re

told in revelation he was he was

resurrected just like jesus they will

pretend that the antichrist was killed

assassinated whatever and then he had

this miraculous resurrection which will

end credibility

he has the supernatural authority in the

presence of the antichrist to do

miraculous signs and wonders

to prove the deity of the antichrist or

is in the presence of the antichrist i

believe the anti christ probably doesn’t

want the false prophet doing those


outside of his presence because he wants

everyone to know it’s about him it’s not

about the false prophet he leads the

world to make an image of the beast that


and causes anyone who won’t worship it

to be put to death you say what is it i

don’t know is it in jerusalem is it in

new york city i don’t know is it in rome

i don’t know is it a hologram you know

because hologram technology now is very

uh very uh much here technologically is

it where there’s a hologram he’s

speaking he’s you know and the world

worships it i don’t know all i do know

is there will be an image and the


if you don’t worship that image is you

will be killed now the devil wants to be

worshipped in isaiah 14 ezekiel 28 we’re

told that lucifer wanted to take god’s

place in heaven

he went from being the worship leader in

heaven to trying to overthrow god and so

he wants to be worshipped this will be

his hour in the world where he won’t ask

you to worship him the way jesus does

he’ll demand it and if you don’t you’ll

get killed and here’s the fifth fact

about the false prophet

he causes the entire world to receive

the mark of the beast

in order to buy or sell it is him who

does this he’s the one who imposes this

mark of the beast on people well the let

me talk about what what the mark of the

beast is well the the word mark

in the greek language is the greek word

keragma and it literally means to


an impression

a mark cut in

or stamped on this is like a tattoo this

this is like an impression where this

this is in your skin this is something

that will be very present

in your skin your right hand or your

forehead some people say well why is

there right hand or forehead because

some people don’t have a right hand or

some people’s right hand is not

functional and so if you don’t have a

right hand you don’t want it on your

right hand you can put it on the

forehead either way without the mark of

the beast you will not be able to

transact business which will be horrific

not only are they threatening to kill

you if you don’t worship the image of

the beast

but also if you don’t take the mark

they’re going to kill you if you don’t

worship the antichrist they’re going to

kill you

so right now for the first time in


we have all the technology necessarily

necessary worldwide for there to be a

control a financial control

of the whole world now i’ve talked for

many years that the cashless society

is you know we’re going to have a

cashless society at some point and i

still believe that’s true the cashless

society makes it much easier to control

the economies of the world but you know

honestly today it doesn’t matter the

they have the technology to where you

couldn’t even use cash

if you wanted to if if you don’t have

the mark of the beast and so we have the

technology worldwide to be able to

impose this right now this is in the

middle of the tribulation so if the

tribulation started tomorrow there’s

still going to be a few years for them

to gather the technology and the


to be able to impose this on the whole

world but again it’s the false prophet

who does it and we have the rfi the rfid

chip the very chip


the very chip is like a grain of rice

that they put between your thumb and

your index finger

right here

animals have this in them products have

this this kind of technology and this is

very common today

uh vaccine passports i don’t know if

you’ve seen the pictures of the vaccine


um but they are like a tattoo uh health

here and some people have this actually

on their hand where you can’t go you

can’t travel if you don’t have this

vaccine passport now a lot of people

have asked about amazon pay by palm and

the amazon pay by palm this absolutely

totally is a forerunner of the mark of

the beast where you just walk up they

associate your palm print with a credit

card and you just wave your palm over it

and you get out but imagine just a

minute that you had to also swear to a

certain moral code or lack of moral code

before you could transact i’ll talk

about that more in just a minute that’s

what the mark of the beast is

and the last one here is universal

product code i know that you’ve seen

this on

all the things that you buy at the

grocery store maybe something that you

haven’t seen

each one of these bars has a numerical

equivalent to it if you’ll notice right

here this number six

is two bars these two bars right here

this is the number six right here



six the products that we buy at the

store pull some beans out of the pantry

pull something out that has the upc code

on there all of them have six six and

six you said was that the mark of the


no it’s not the mark of the beast but i

think all of these things are just


to getting us comfortable with the fact

that you know uh we’re going to have to

use some type of technology that’s

associated with these things to be able

to buy and sell and the vaccine

passports now this this is a this is a

wake-up call

for everyone they’re trying to force

people to get the vaccine and i don’t

want to get into all of the politics of

the vaccine i have not taken the vaccine

i don’t plan to take the vaccine and i

certainly don’t want someone to try to

force me to take the vaccine because

that won’t work i won’t do it and so you

see people a lot of americans i think 40

to 45 percent of americans right now are

saying they will not take the vaccine

but imagine just for just a minute that

you can’t travel that you can’t go to

your work uh that you can’t a hospital

has tried to impose this upon their

employees and many of their employees

walked out

imagine just a minute that you couldn’t

go to the grocery store unless you could

prove that you had the vaccine those

types of things this is what’s coming on

steroids the mark of the beast is an

absolute control mechanism let me talk

about three facts about the mark of the

beast the first is it is a mark of

submission to

and recognition of the antichrist as

lord this the reason that this is so

wrong and dangerous is you literally are

worshiping the antichrist this is

revelation 20. i saw thrones and they

sat on them and judgment was committed

to them then i saw the souls of those

who had been beheaded

for their witness to jesus and for the

word of god who had not worshiped the

beast or his image and had not received

his mark on their foreheads or on their


and they lived and reigned with christ

for a thousand years there are people

that are going to be beheaded during the

tribulation this is not you now if

you’re a believer you’re not going to be

there but for

unbelievers who become believers they

accept christ during the tribulation and

they’re told you must worship this image

of the antichrist and you must take this

mark and they say no they’re going to

get killed many of those people if not

all of them are going to get killed is

picturing them here they wouldn’t

worship him and taking the mark is a

part of worshipping the antichrist you

are recognizing him as deity and by the

way this is what the antichrist is

trying to do or the false prophet is

trying to do he’s trying to get the

whole world to recognize the antichrist

as god and this image calling down fire

from heaven this image that moves the

fact that he was resurrected from a

deadly wound all of that

is supposed to give credibility to the

fact that he’s god

number two fact

about the mark of the beast it is a

repudiation of jesus and the bible

and it’s an unforgivable sin okay so

when you take the mark you’re not just

saying the antichrist is god you’re

repudiating jesus and the bible

revelation 14.

then a third angel followed them saying

with a loud voice if anyone worships the

beast in his image

and receives his mark on his forehead or

in his hand he himself shall also drink

of the wine of the wrath of god which

has poured out full strength into the


of his indignation he shall be tormented

with fire and brimstone in the presence

of the holy angels

and in the presence of the lamb and the

smoke of their torment ascends forever

and ever

and they have no rest day or night who

worship the beast in his image and

whoever receives the mark of his name

here’s the patience of the saints here

are those who keep the commandments of

god and the faith in jesus so it’s

saying here if you take that this is not

going to be something where you just

accidentally get the mark or it’s like

carrying a credit card that has a chip

in it or something it’s not that at all

when you take the mark you know exactly

what you’re doing

you are swearing allegiance to the

antichrist you are declaring that he is

god and you are rejecting jesus remember

it’s anti-christ he’s completely against

everything that jesus is for he is the

total opposite if you took a picture of

jesus the negative that picture is the

antichrist he’s the opposite so that’s

what you’re swearing to and the bible

says it’s the unforgivable sin if you

take the mark you are going to be

tormented forever here’s number three

it is the basis of the wrath of god

being poured out

during the tribulation upon all those

who take it now this is revelation 16

that now this is horrific these are the

bold judgments there are the seal

judgments the trumpet judgments the

final judgments

are the bold judgments and they’re the

most severe and they’re universal

revelation 16.

then i heard a loud voice from the

temple saying to the seven angels go and

pour out the bowls of the wrath of god

on the earth

so the first went and poured out his

bowl upon the earth and a foul

and loathsome sore came upon the men who

had the mark of the beast and those who

worshipped his image

well the word foul it says they had a


and loathsome sore okay now remember

this can last for years this is around

the middle of the tribulation where this

happens these are the final judgments so

it says foul the word foul means severe

and malignant it can’t be cured a very



sore loathsome means painful


and malicious this is something that is

incredibly painful and the word sore

means ulcer it’s an open an ulcerated

wound an open wound these people are

going to have open sores on their body

that are going to be unbelievably


and malignant it’ll either kill them or

they’ll have to live in this pain

until they die or until the second


and how they respond you say well god

pours out these bowls how do people

respond to these bowls revelation 16.

then the fourth angel poured out his

bowl on the sun and power was given to

him to scorch men with fire

and men were scorched with great heat

and they blasphemed the name of god

who has power over these plagues and

they did not repent

and give him glory then the fifth angel

poured out his bowl on the throne of the


and his

kingdom became full of darkness and they


their tongues because

of the pain

they blasphemed the god of heaven

because of their pains and their source

and they did not repent

of their deeds when you see the just the

all-out rebellion in the world today

this is a precursor what’s going to

happen in the tribulation

in the midst of all the judgments you

would think and there will be people who

repent i mean there’ll be people who

receive christ during the tribulation

most of them will be martyred if they

don’t they’re going to live through hell

on earth but listen

would you rather be killed by the

antichrist or would you rather

have these sores on your body these

malignant terribly painful open wounds

on your body for years and then go to


and so there there really aren’t any

good choices during the tribulation but

the better choice by far obviously is to

choose jesus and to be martyred for

by the antichrist and to live forever

and ever in the presence of jesus it’s

just going to be a horrible time again i

want to say you’re not going to be there

if you’re a christian if you’re not a


i’m saying you need to open your heart

and receive jesus

as the lord of your life you know you

need romans 10 9 says if you confess

with your mouth

the lord jesus and believe in your heart

that god raised from the dead you’ll be

saved and so if you’ll just say jesus i

confess you as lord of my life and

believe that jesus is the son of god

he was resurrected for the dead he’ll

come into your heart and you’ll be saved

and what that means is you’ll live in

heaven for all of eternity and you won’t

be here during the tribulation

jesus is coming to rapture the church it

could happen anytime he’s coming to

rapture the church we’re going to be at

a wedding for seven years it’s called

the marriage supper of the lamb

and there will be seven years of hell on

earth called the wrath of the lamb and

so one way or the other you’re going to

encounter jesus for seven years

and my prayer is that you’re ready and

that you’ll be at the marriage supper of

the lamb it’s going to be the most

glorious thing in the world and in spite

of all the things that are happening in

the world today i’m telling you

we have something incredible to look

forward to that’s going to happen just

any day we’re going to be in the

presence of jesus for all of eternity

and we are going to rule and reign with

him and i hope this has been a blessing

to you if you’re not a subscriber

i’m going to say goodbye to you right

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