Today I’m sharing about the prophetic timeline of events between now and the end of time that centers around Israel. I also answer your questions about the Gog and Magog War, the Biden Administration’s position on Israel, and if believers in heaven will be able to see what is happening in hell. Get your copy ofTipping Point here: Text THEEND to 31996 for a free ebook: “The Truth About End Times” Listen to the full episode, including Q&A, when you subscribe at Watch this podcast on YouTube: Follow Jimmy Evans on Facebook and Install

today i’m talking about an end times

timeline i want to take you through

the events that are about to happen

related to israel and the world

specifically i’m talking about the

rapture of the church very interesting


i’m going to be answering questions such

as is what’s happening right now in

israel in jerusalem and in israel

is this the beginning of the gog and

magog war what about the biden

administration and their policies

related to israel

and will believers in heaven be able to

see their relatives suffering

on earth during the tribulation i’m

jimmy evans welcome to the tipping point



welcome to the show today i want to get

right into this teaching because it’s a

it’s pretty good science teaching about

the rapture of the church i’m talking

about a timeline related to israel i


in the last program about prophecies

that have already been fulfilled

since 1948 very significant prophecies

that have been fulfilled but there are a

number of prophecies that are about to

be fulfilled they’re happening

many of them right before our eyes right

now now i’m going to begin by talking

about the rapture of the church jesus


assuredly i say to you this generation

will by no means pass away till

all things take place he was talking


the generation that saw the beginning of

the end times which began may 14th of


and we know that based on joel chapter 3

this is joel chapter three verse one for

behold in those days and

at that time when i bring back the

captives of judah and jerusalem i will

also gather

all nations and bring them down to the

valley of jehoshaphat jehoshaphat is the

valley between

the the mount of olives in the temple

mount and so this is

armageddon this is the last scene of


matthew 19 zechariah 12-14

this is where history will end at the

second coming not the rapture at the


there’s a rapture at the end but this is

the second coming

and so jesus says that

the generation that sees the beginning

will see all things with all things


and then god says in joel 3 1 the at the

same time

that i bring back the captives of judah

and jerusalem 1948

i’m going to bring all the nations down

to the valley of jehoshaphat

so the end times is a one generation


and this is confirmed in the old

testament and the new testament so if

that’s true

we’re 73 years in to the end times

you know based on 1948 being the

beginning 73 years in

what that means in my mind is a lot of

things are about to happen

and the next major event that i believe

will happen

will be the rapture of the church and

let me just say next i’m going to go

through a detailed timeline now

for the next several weeks i’m going to

go through events

that i believe that are going to happen

in succession now next week i’m talking

about the gog and magog war

i’m going to be talking about it in the

the second session section of this

program today

but the gog and magog war and the

rapture i believe will happen pretty

close to one another

it could be that we see the beginning of

the gog and magog work which i really

believe we’re already seeing

that we see the beginning of it but then

we’re raptured and then the

the full war takes place it could be

that we’re here during that

but not for the signing or the

confirming of the covenant between the

antichrist and israel according to

daniel chapter 9.

but i believe the rapture of the church

is imminent now this is one of the


that i get very often and that is does

anything else have to happen

for the rapture to take place absolutely


now if you’ve heard me teach you know

that i believe the seven feasts of

israel are a prophetic grid

jesus was crucified on passover he was

buried on unleavened bread feast of

unleavened bread

he was resurrected on the feast of first

fruits pentecost came when the holy

spirit fell in the church

during the feast of pentecost exactly so

there are seven feasts

four have been exactly fulfilled the

next feast that will occur

this september will be the feast of

trumpets and i believe that the rapture

of the church will happen

during the feast of trumpets now you say

jimmy we don’t know the day or the hour

the feast of trumpets is a two-day feast

if i told you it was going to happen

this year you still wouldn’t know the

day or the hour let me say this the

first four have been exactly fulfilled

the feasts are a prophetic grid of the


there were four spring feasts and there

are three fall feasts

the next feasts that are going to be

fulfilled will be in the fall of the

year and i believe the rapture is next

and i believe it’s imminent

so let me let me talk about the doctrine

of the rapture for just a minute

first thessalonians 4 is the most

graphic description of the rapture

uh in the bible this is paul verse 13. i

do not want you to be ignorant brother


brethren concerning those who have

fallen asleep that means

people whose bodies are laying on the

earth but their spirits are in heaven

lest you sorrow as others who have no

hope for if we believe that jesus died

and rose again even so god will bring

with him

those who sleep in jesus for this we say

to you by the word of the lord

that we who are alive and remain until

the coming of the lord will by no means

precede those who are asleep

for the lord himself will descend from

heaven with a shout with a voice of an


with the trumpet of god the raptures

associated with trumpets

and the dead in christ will rise first

then we who are alive and remain

shall be caught up that’s what the word

harpazzo and the greek

rapturo in the latin where we get our

word rapture

we’ll be caught up together with them in

the clouds to meet the lord in the air

and thus we shall always be with the

lord therefore comfort

with one another with these words well

here’s the truth

and so we know according to first

corinthians 15 which i’m about to read

here it happens

in the twinkling of an eye it’s an

instant event

that takes place where people who are

dead in christ

those who have preceded us in death who

are believers

they’re going to return with jesus and

those of us who are alive and remain

will be caught up it means to seize

hastily we’re going to be raptured

in the clouds to meet the lord in the

air this is an event that happens in the

air and that’s important

because of scripture i’m going to read

here in just a minute there will be a

generation that never dies

i believe we are that generation many of


will never see death we will go in the

rapture and i think that’s a wonderful

blessing that’s why paul said comfort

each other with these words

the other comforting thing is if you

have relatives

who have passed before you their bodies

are asleep or laying down and buried but


spirits are with jesus and their spirits

will be reunited with resurrected

glorified bodies

and then we who are alive and remain

will be caught up to meet the lord

in the clouds in the air in our new uh

bodies perfect perfected bodies

this is first corinthians 15 this is

another description of the rapture

now this i say brethren that flesh and

blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god

nor does corruption inherit in

corruption behold i tell you a mystery

we shall not all sleep but we shall be

changed in a moment

in the twinkling of an eye at the last

trumpet for the trumpet will sound

and the dead and the dead will be raised

incorruptible and we shall be changed

for this corruptable must put on

incorruption in this mortal must put on


the the word there for a moment is the

greek word atomos

which means we get a word adam it means

an indivisible

amount of time the twinkling of an eye

someone said to

takes 140th of a second this is not

enough time to repent

not enough time to receive jesus not

enough time to get your life right

that’s why jesus told us to watch and be

ready when he returns but there

is an event that’s going to come and

it’s going to change us

into an incorruptible person from that

point forward we have no sin nature from

that point forward

we are we’re our minds are perfected we

are perfected and we live in the

presence of god

and that’s a wonderful thought now jesus

describes the rapture

in luke 17. let me just tell you right

now there’s a rapture

before the tribulation before wrath

and there is a rapture at the end of the

tribulation and jesus describes both of

them let me

begin before the tribulation as the

lightning that flashes out of one part

under heaven shines to the other part

under heaven so also the son of man will

be in his day

but first he must suffer many things and

be rejected by this generation

and as it was in the days of noah so it

will be also in the days of the son of


now notice here he’s describing business

as usual just a normal

a world full of sin and violence like

noah but business as usual

they ate they drank they married wives

they were given in marriage until the

day that noah entered the ark

and the flood came and destroyed them

all likewise as it was also in the days

of lot

they ate they drank they bought they

sold they planted they built

but on the day that lot went out of


it rained fire and brimstone from heaven

to destroy them all let me stop right

there i’m going to

continue with verse 30 here in just a

second but you understand now

when the angels came to get lot in his


out of sodom and gomorrah they said you

have to leave here

we can’t judge this place until you’re

out of here and you’re safely at your


lot was not present see god god didn’t

tell a lot to build a bunker and buy

guns and store water and stuff like that

that he was going to you know prepare

him to survive

hellfire and brimstone god said get out

related to noah noah got on the ark and

the ark was above the flood god took him

above the judgment

just like he will for us but jesus is

describing here

buying selling marrying given in

marriage planting

building that that’s not going to happen

at the end of the tribulation

when people say that the that we’re

going to go through the tribulation the

rapture is going to happen at the end

the the world is decimated one judgment

in revelation

6 kills a third of 25 of all people

uh three judgments in revelation nine


a third of mankind the the world is


most people are dead at the end of the

tribulation the world has been hit by

a huge asteroid wormwood

everything is just completely different

you’re not going to weddings you’re not

planning and building and doing stuff

like that

at the end of the tribulation jesus goes


even so it will be in the day the son of

man is revealed and that day he was on

the housetops and his goods are in the


let him not come down to take them away

and likewise the one who is in the field

let him not turn back

remember lot’s wife whoever seeks to

save his life will lose it whoever loses

his life will preserve it

i tell you in that night there will be

two people in one bed the one will be

taken the other will be left

this is the rapture he’s describing a

selective rapture

two women will be grinding together the

one will be taken the other left two men

will be in the field

the one taken the other left they

answered and said to him where lord

he said to them wherever the body is

there the eagles are gathered together

up there

in in the air that’s what paul said we

are taken

in the clouds to meet the lord in the

air so this is a private event

between jesus and the church he said

it’s like

lightning that flashes from one part of

heaven to the other it’s an

instantaneous event that jesus comes in

the air

we are taken away and it’s a private

event now

the rapture at the end of the


is completely the opposite jesus

describes it in matthew 24 beginning in

verse 27

for as the lightning comes from the east

and flashes to the west

so also will the coming of the son of

man be

for wherever the carcass is there the

eagles will be gathered together

listen to this immediately after the

tribulation of those days

the sun will be darkened the moon will

not give its light the stars will fall

from heaven and the powers of the

heavens will be shaken

then the sign of the son of man will

appear in heaven and then

all the tribes of the earth will mourn

and they will see the son of man

coming on the clouds of heaven with

power and great glory

and he will send his angels with a great

sound of a trumpet

and they will gather together his elect

from the four winds

from one end of heaven to the other okay


he’s describing here an incredibly

public event

he’s saying here all the tribes of the

earth will

mourn when they see the son of man

coming in power in great glory

the whole world is going to see this

they’re going to see jesus coming

and then he’s going to send his angels

to gather his elect

from the four corners of the earth who

are these people these are the people

who got saved during the tribulation

there’s going to be a lot of them

i would say tens of millions if not

hundreds of millions of people

will get saved during the tribulation

period of time many of them are martyred

revelation 20 shows us

people who are beheaded because they

would not worship the antichrist or take

his mark

so the people who live during the

tribulation period of time

yes they can get saved but the

antichrist has power over them we’re

told that

in daniel 11 we’re told that in

revelation chapter 13

the antichrist is killing people in mass

that’s the reason that you want your

relatives to get saved now

you want people to receive christ now

but during the tribulation they can

still get saved so a lot of people

get confused related to the rapture


some people teach some pastors and bible

teachers teach

that we’re going to go through the

tribulation well uh first thessalonians

chapter one it says that jesus

delivers us from the wrath that’s to

come first thessalonians 5 the apostle

paul says god has not destined us for


and so we’re not going to go through

wrath in revelation chapter 6

the tribulation is called the wrath of

the lamb

let me say this jesus isn’t mad at us

for those of us the tribulation is wrath

it’s not just judgment

it is the wrath of almighty god poured

out on a rebellious world there’s still


to get saved during that period of time

but the penalty for waiting

until that period of time is if you do

get saved you have to face

the antichrist system and you have to to

get the mark to buy or sell and all

those kinds of things

and face the penalties if you don’t but

right now for those of us who have

received jesus

there’s going to be a seven year

marriage supper of the lamb

in heaven during the tribulation there’s

going to be a seven year

wrath of the lamb on earth but at the


and the end there’s going to be a

rapture the people by the way that

lived through the tribulation they’ll be

raptured and according to revelation 20

they will rule and reign with us and


for a thousand years and so here’s

here’s what i want you to know

jesus said when you see these things

begin to happen look up and lift up your

head your redemption is wrong near

and what i want you to know is your

redemption is drawing near

and if you’re a believer don’t don’t get

fixated on what’s happening in the world

now i love

talk about current events i’m about to

talk about what’s happening in israel

but don’t get fixated on the things that

are happening in the world because it’s

all going to change in the twinkling of

an eye

i’m telling you i believe that jesus

christ is at the door

i honestly honestly when people ask me

just candidly do you believe that jesus

is coming soon i say

yes i do i don’t set dates i never set

date because i don’t know exactly when

jesus is coming

but when you see the signs of the times

that are happening right now

i’m just saying we’re seeing those

things take place jesus said when you

see these things

begin to take place he didn’t say when

they’ve all taken place

he said when you see these things begin

to happen look up and lift up your head

these things have been happening for 73

years but look at the escalation

of the evil in the world look at the

escalation of violence right now

in israel these are all signs of the

times so i’m saying

as far as a timeline is concerned


talked about what’s already happened in

israel i believe the next major

prophetic event that’s going to be


is the rapture at the beginning of the

tribulation business as usual

buying selling marrying given in

marriage seven years later

there’s another rapture for the people

who got saved during the tribulation

so i hope that helps next week i’m

talking about the gog and magog war and

i’m going to talk about a little bit now

after the break here if you are a

subscriber stay tuned because i’m going

to be talking about

current events in jerusalem in israel

and what’s happening and i’ll also be

answering some questions if you’re not a


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