This week I share why the Feast of Trumpets is connected to the Rapture of the Church and why all believers need to be ready for this moment in prophetic history. Get your copy ofTipping Point here: Text THEEND to 31996 for a free ebook: “The Truth About End Times” Listen to the full episode, plus Q&A, when you subscribe at Listen to this podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Follow Jimmy Evans on Facebook and Instagram Jimmy Evans is a long-time pastor, Bible teacher, and best-selling author. He is the Founder and President of XO Marriage, a ministry devoted to helping couples thrive in strong and fulfilling marriages. Along with his wife, Karen, he is the host of MarriageToday with Jimmy & Karen, a nationally syndicated broadcast television program, as well as a weekly podcast with the same name. For 30 years, Jimmy ministered as Senior Pastor of Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, Texas, where he now serves as Apostolic Elder. He speaks at dozens of live events every year to tens of thousands of people. Jimmy has written more than 17 books including Marriage on the Rock, The Four Laws of Love, Strengths Based Marriage and Tipping Point. Jimmy and Karen have been married for 48 years and have two married children and five grandchildren.

today i’m talking about a big big issue

and that is when will the rapture of the

church occur a lot of people are

interested in that i’m talking about the

gog and magog war and in the news turkey

is aligning themselves away from nato

and away from the eu and to russia and

china just the way the bible said that

they would i’m also answering your

questions i’m jimmy evans welcome to the

tipping point show


welcome to the program i’m really

excited about today because i’m going to

talk about

when will the rapture of the church

occur now everybody knows that we don’t

know the exact day or hour

but we actually know a lot more than

most people think about when the rapture

will occur we can really look forward to

a specif a specific event i believe

of when jesus is going to return in the

rapture of the church and so there are

feasts god gave the children of israel

seven feasts

and we absolutely know for positive that

those seven feasts were a prophetic grid

of the future leviticus chapter 23

god said it says the lord spoke to moses


speak to the children of israel and say

to them the feasts of the lord

which ye shall proclaim to be holy


these are my feasts well the word feast

there is the hebrew word moed it just

means an appointed festival

but the word convocation there it means

a public meeting

it also means a dress rehearsal

i want you to come together for these


and you’re going to have a dress

rehearsal of something that’s going to

take place in the future well let me

tell you exactly how we know that that’s

true so there are seven feasts of israel

there are four that happen in the spring

of the year and there are three that


in the fall of the year okay well the

first feast is the feast of passover in

the feast of passover the children of

israel were in egypt

and god told them take a male lamb a

young male lamb and kill that lamb and

take its blood and put it on the

doorpost of your house

and death will pass over you tonight so

in commemoration of the original


the feast of passover among the jewish

people is they would all take a lamb

they would go through all the steps of

that process that god prescribed in the

book of leviticus

and they would take that lamb and they


kill it and wipe the door blood on the

doorpost of their house and so on and so

forth well that was fulfilled in the

death of jesus jesus was killed

on the feast of passover jesus was

crucified on the feast of passover when

john the baptist saw jesus coming he

said behold the lamb of god that takes

away the sin of the world and so the the

jews they didn’t know it but when the

jewish people old testament and since

jesus died when a jewish person is

celebrating passover whether they

realize it or not they’re going through

a dress rehearsal

of the crucifixion of jesus christ

so the first the first feast

of israel

was a god in the old testament was

giving them a view of the future

and major significant events that were

going to happen in the future beginning

with the death of jesus well the second


was the feast of unleavened bread the

start of the day after passover and so

unleavened bread for seven days the

children of israel could not eat

leavened bread they had everything had

to be unleavened well what’s the

significance of that

leaven represents sin in the bible

and so jesus so why would they not be

able to eat bread leavened bread for

seven days

because seven is the number of



leaven represented sin

jesus perfectly removed sin

from the human race that is the

significance to the burial of jesus once

the death of jesus was over

sin had been perfectly removed from the

human race jesus was buried during the

feast of unleavened bread jesus was


on the feast of first fruits okay so

this was remember the third day

jesus was resurrected and on that day

was when the priest would wave the

barley harvest he would take the first

fruits of the barley harvest and he

would wave it to god okay first

corinthians 15 says this but now christ

has risen from the dead

and has become the firstfruits

of those who have fallen asleep

jesus was the firstfruits according to


of many brethren so the resurrection of

jesus we’re also going to be resurrected

from the dead and so

first thessalonians 4 talks about it

first corinthians 15 talks about it and

so jesus was the first fruits so in

other words he was crucified during the

feast of passover

he was buried during the feast of

unleavened bread and he was resurrected

during the feast of first fruits so when

god gave the children of israel the

feast in the old testament

he was they were every time they

celebrated those feasts they were going

through a dress rehearsal of the


the burial and the resurrection of jesus

christ then 50 days after

first fruits came pentecost pentecost by

the way means 50.

50 is a very special number to the jews

because it’s the number of jubilee

during the year of jubilee all debt was

remitted all slaves went free you got

back all the land that you had lost it

was a by the way and for two years you

didn’t work in the 49th and 50th year it

was just a time of freedom and rest and

all that stuff so 50 to the jewish mind

is a very important num number it’s the

year of the lord and so the 50 50 days


the feast of first fruits

the holy spirit fell on the

on the upper room and the people of the

upper room were filled with the holy


and the church was birthed

the church was birthed on the feast of

pentecost so what we see historically is

we absolutely know

that the seven feast of israel are a

prophetic grid of future events because

the first four were absolutely totally

uh fulfilled

on the exact day that they were being

held okay in order

first came passover then unleavened

bread then first fruits then pentecost

so they had to be fulfilled in order

where there are three more feasts that

are coming


what is the future in the old testament

they didn’t know when they were

celebrating the feast they didn’t know

that jesus was going to you know die and

be buried and be resurrected and all

that kind of stuff during the feast

but god was telling us and them in the

old testament here’s what’s coming in

the future remember there were four

spring feasts and then there was the

summertime in other words there was

planting and there was harvest then in

the fall in the seventh month

there were three more feasts number

seven is the number of perfection

so everything is going to be perfected

in the seventh month

there are three more feasts the first is

the feast of trumpets now i’m talking

about the feast of trumpets this by the

way is a shofar this is the trumpet

on the feast of trumpets the the priest

would blow the shofar

and that would and i believe that’s the

rapture of the church i believe that’s i

don’t know if it’s this year now this

year by the way

the feast of trumpets is a two-day feast

the feast of trumpets will be from

sundown on september the 6th

to sundown september the 8th that’s i

think a monday through a wednesday uh in

israel and so

this year

uh the feast of trumpets two-day feast

is september 6th of september the 8th

i believe some year

that jesus is going to rapture us

during the feast of trumpets i’m going

to talk to you in just a minute about

why 10 days after the feast of trumpets

was the feast of atonement this was a

the most holy day in israel

this is the it was a day of fasting it

was a day of repentance a very serious

day this is the second coming when jesus

is coming to cleanse the the temple

mount cleanse the jerusalem to defeat

the armies of god and that come again

and then five days after atonement for

seven days there was the feast of

tabernacles where the jews lived for

seven days in booths that they built

this is eternity with god in the seventh


the seven feast the seventh feast that

lasted for seven days seven seven seven

ends all the feast and we are now in

eternity with god and so there are three

major events that are going to happen in

the future the rapture of the church the

second coming of jesus in eternity with

god we will live with god for eternity

so let me talk about the feast of

trumpets and why i believe the feast of

trumpets is connected to

the rapture of the church and the first

is because scripture links the rapture

of the church

with trumpets again this is the trumpet

this is a shofar i know many times you

know we look at a trumpet as being like

a brass instrument you know the louis

armstrong plate or something like that

this is the shofar and this is what the

priest would blow when the the feast of

trumpets came so here’s what the bible

says this is first thessalonians 4 the

lord himself will descend from heaven

with a shout with the voice of an

archangel and with the trumpet the

shofar of god

and the dead in christ will rise first

okay this is first corinthians

chapter 15. beginning with verse 51

behold i tell you a mystery

we shall not all sleep but we shall all

be changed in a moment

in the twinkling of an eye at the last

trumpet for the trumpet will sound and

the dead will be raised incorruptible

and we shall be changed and so again the

rapture is associated with trumpet now

let me say this it says at the last

trumpet so when you talk about the the

feast of trumpets and paul there refers

to the last trumpet this causes a lot of

confusion among believers and i want to

help to to clarify some of that

confusion okay the there will be

trumpets blown

uh in the book of revelation there are

the seal judgments the trumpet judgments

and the bold judgments the tr when it

talks about the last trumpet it’s not

talking about the seventh trumpet

judgment of the book of revelation those

are not good trumpets those are bad


the jewish person

understands what a last trumpet means

during the feast

of trumpets the priest blew the shofar

100 times

for nine sessions

they would blow the trumpet 11 times in

nine sessions

they would in different kinds of blasts

different sounds of blast so 9 times 11

is 99 so for nine different sessions

they blew the trumpet 11 times that left

one trumpet blast to go

and the last trumpet

was the 100th blast that was the longest

and loudest blast

and so the last trumpet simply means

during the feast of trumpets it was the

last time the priest blew the trumpet in

the loudest time so let me talk about

the other names of the feast of trumpets

this this comes from the mishnah the

jews have been keeping the feast for you

know over 3000 years and so the mishnah

is what it took the oral tradition of

the jews and they wrote it down and so

the jews have different names for

the feast of trumpets that are very very

telling and very revealing about the

nature of the feast of trumpets let me

give you some examples of this one is

rosh hashanah you’ve probably heard of

rosh hashanah it’s called the head of

the year now the jews believe that the

feast of trumpets

is the head of the year

this is when god created adam and eve in

the garden of eden and by the way many

jews believe the garden of eden is the

temple mount in israel or jerusalem and

so this is when god created adam now

right now we’re in the year 5781

in the hebrew calendar this coming rosh

hashanah that happens in september 6th

through the 8th it will be the year


okay so will jesus come this year when

the new year begins and by the way the

the rapture is the new beginning

we go to be with jesus this is a total

new beginning for us so it’s rosh

hashanah and so trumpets is a season of

new beginnings here’s another

phrase that jews use for the feast of

trump it says yom teruah which literally

means a day of bl blowing or the day of

the awakening blast so this is first

thessalonians 4. the lord himself will

descend from heaven with a shout with

the voice of an archangel with the

trumpet of god and the dead in christ

will rise first and so when the trumpet

blasts it is an awakening blast for all

those who are in their graves so the

jews are saying you know going back for

thousands of years they’re saying this

is the day of the awakening blast

exactly that’s what’s going to happen at

the rapture another phrase they use is

yom hadim referring to the day of

judgment this is revelation 22. and

behold i am coming quickly and my reward

is with me to give to everyone according

to his work

i am the alpha and the omega the

beginning and the end the first and the

last so trumpus is going to be

the day when jesus judges the church

he says behold i’m coming and my reward

is with me it’s also called yom hazekron

which is the day of remembrance remember

in luke 17 when jesus is describing the


he says

two people will be laying in a bed one

taken one left two people standing in a

field one taken one left two women

grinding in a mill

one taken one left and so he’s talking

there about a selective rapture it’s a

day of remembrance

god remembers who is his

he remembers who has made a decision for


and so it’s amazing to me in in the

jewish mind you know the jews are so

brilliant and their culture is so rich

it’s amazing to me how the jews have all

these different


concerning the feast of trumpets which

is exactly what the new testament says

about the rapture when jesus comes he’s

going to remember and if you’re a

believer you may be living through some

difficulty right now you may be living

through some persecution right now of

people who despise you for their faith

for your faith i’m telling you the most

important thing that’s going to happen

is when this trumpet blast and the

rapture occurs jesus is going to

remember you and he’s going to remember

that you received him that you gave your

life for him and he’s going to take you

to be with him that’s the most important

thing here’s a remarkable one

the the jews call the trumpets the

wedding day of the messiah

isn’t it interesting

the wedding day of the messiah jesus

said in john chapter 14

in my father’s house are many mansions i

go to prepare a place for you

and as soon as i go as sure as i go away

i’m going to return

and receive you to myself that where i

am you may be also that’s jewish wedding

language when a jewish groom was going

to marry his bride he left his father’s

house with a bride price

went to the bride’s house

and gave her parents the bride price

then drank a glass of wine with them

and that sealed the the betrothal and at

the end of that he said to his bride i

won’t drink of this glass again until i

drink it with you in my father’s house

which is exactly what jesus said to the

disciples in the upper room then he left

and went to his father’s house to to


a house or a room a hoopa for he and his

bride then he came back and got the

bride that’s what jesus is doing we are

the bride of christ we will marry jesus

christ right now jesus is at the

father’s house but the rapture is when

he comes back to get us

and it becomes the wedding day

of the messiah okay here’s another

saying they have the day

which no one knows this is another

phrase that the jews use

to describe the trumpets the feast of

trumpets the day which no one knows why

do they say that because it’s a two-day

feast okay so did you know and i heard

one bible teacher teaching and he said

when jesus said that no one knows this

is mark 13 jesus said of that day and

hour no one knows

not even the angels of heaven nor the

son but only the father

when when a jewish groom

went to

build the room on for his bride

he could not go back to get his bride

until his father gave him permission

and so the the father had to examine the


and once he approved of it then he would

say to his son typically about a year

later he would say to his son you can go

get your bride down jesus said i don’t


i don’t know the day or the hour only

the father does this one teacher i heard

said when jesus said that he was

effectively telling us he’s coming

during the feast of trumpets so this

year the feast of trumpus is going to be

september the 6th through the 8th monday

through wednesday if i told you right


that jesus was coming during the feast

of trumpets you still don’t know

the day or the hour because it’s a

two-day feast okay so i believe

i could be wrong about this but i’ve

studied this jesus

when we when god gave the children of

israel feast in the old testament he was

telling us the future in advance and

they have to be fulfilled in order okay


the day of atonement or you know the the

day of atonement’s not going to come or

the feast of atonement is not going to

come before the feast of trumpets or you

know the tabernacles is not going to

come for the feast of trumpets they all

have to happen in order and the next

feast is the feast of trumpets and it’s

a wonderful feast everything begins new

the dead are raised from the grave we

are rewarded we marry jesus all these

wonderful things

that we see in the jewish culture in the

mishnah that tells us what we have to

look forward to i believe the next major

prophetic event that is going to happen

in the world is the rapture of the

church and me personally now i always

want to be ready for jesus okay

but i personally every time

that the feast of trumpets comes around

in september the feast happens september

and october every year

every time the feast come

i get very serious about looking for

jesus to return during the feast of

trumpets now let me tell you one more


israel i live in central time zone in

the united states

israel is seven hours ahead of us okay

so that whatever we’re doing now they’re

seven hours ahead so i don’t go by texas

time or by central time i go by israel

time because god doesn’t go by i don’t

believe about texas time he goes by

israel time jerusalem time so seven

hours earlier in fact and so and by the

way the jewish day does not start as sun


it starts at sun down genesis says

there was evening and morning the first

day there was evening and morning the

second day so again in the western mind

our day starts at sun up but the but the

feast of trumpets

as soon as the sun goes down september

6th that feast


until wednesday when the sun go down

during that period of time some year

i believe that jesus is going to return

from his for his church the feast of

trumpets and then the feast of atonement

is going to be the second coming so on

and so forth so

when is the rapture going to occur

that’s the question that i’m answering i

believe that it will happen some year

during the feast of trumpets that’s just

my personal opinion but i believe based

on the feast of israel based on all the

information i’ve given you i believe

it’s very sound to believe that and i

believe again you should always be ready

for jesus to return but i don’t believe

that was guesswork of when jesus was

going to be crucified it was not

guesswork when jesus would be buried

resurrected or the day of pentecost all

of those things were foretold through

the feasts of israel they were dress

rehearsals the feast of trumpets is also

a dress rehearsal of

the wedding day of the messiah the time

of the awakening blast when everything

starts new and when jesus comes for his

church i hope that this is encouraging

to you because jesus is coming very soon

i hope you’re ready

right now we’re going to go to the

portion of our program this for

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now we’re going to talk about the nation

of turkey and how they’re going away

from the west to russia and china just

the way the bible said they would and

i’ll be answering questions god bless

you if you’re a subscriber stay tuned

