Today I share details about the asteroid that is headed towards the earth and also answer your questions about UFOs. I also interview Dr. Thomas Horn, CEO of SkyWatchTV and author of The Messenger, about the Wormwood Prophecy and what NASA is doing to prepare for the imminent threat of the asteroid hitting the earth. Get your copy ofTipping Point here: Text THEEND to 31996 for a free ebook: “The Truth About End Times” Listen to the full episode, plus Q&A, when you subscribe at Listen to this podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify: Follow Jimmy Evans on Facebook and Install

today I’m talking about the star

wormwood hitting the Earth what the Book

of Revelation says and I’m interviewing

Dr Tom Horn who has written the book the

messenger and it is about wormwood

hitting the Earth potentially in 2029

and he’ll be giving you the details on

that and I’ll also be answering your

questions such as what about all the

recent UFO sightings what does that mean

I’m Jimmy Evans welcome to the Tipping

Point show

thank you



welcome to the Tipping Point show today

we’ve got a very very interesting show

today because we’re talking about

Revelation chapter 8 where wormwood the

star wormwood hits the earth now there

is a asteroid headed toward Earth that

NASA is talking about all the experts

are talking about it about it hitting

the Earth in April of 2029 and that’s

what this book is about by Thomas hornan

we have a big interview coming some in

the free portion of the version of the

free portion of the program the rest of

it will be in the subscriber portion

after the break but he’s written this

book called the messenger and this goes

into detail now about what the experts

are saying and that is there is an

asteroid a major asteroid on the way to


and many of the leading experts are

saying it’s going to hit the Earth on

April the 13th 2029 and so Dr Thomas

Lawrence can be talking about what that

means related to the end times and when

the beginning of the tribulation would

occur so stay tuned for that let me let

me just kind of talk us up to the point

of the interview with Dr horn

I’ve been talking about the Book of

Revelation and there are basically 21

judgments there there are more than that

actually in the Book of Revelation but

you have the seven seal judgments and

we’ve talked about that the seven

trumpet judgments in the seven bold

judgments and they get worse now they

start out really bad some people ask

does the tribulation begin with you know

not not too much bad stuff happening and

then there’s the Great Tribulation that

Jesus is the one that told us in the

middle of the uh tribulation when the

abomination of desolation occurs he said

the second part of that is Great

Tribulation such as never occurred on

the earth and so the last three and a

half years is definitely worse than the

first three and a half years but the

first three and a half years are very

very severe the the first seal that is

broken there’s a writer on a white horse

that’s the Antichrist and he has a bow

he’s making War he goes out to conquer

and to make war then there’s the writer

on the red horse that’s the second seal

that’s broken

peace is taken from the earth and Men

kill each other Okay the third seal is

the writer on the Black Horse and it

says that there’s famine and starvation

it takes an entire day’s wage to buy

enough food to survive that day

the fourth seal is broken and it’s the

Pale Horse a fourth of mankind is killed

in different manner by starvation by

sword and by wild animals it’s just

absolutely awful the four the first four

seals are terrible the fifth seal is

broken and you have the altar of souls

where the people who have been martyred

are asking God how much longer do we

have to wait and the Lord says to him

there’s more coming there’s more people

are going to be martyred and so you need

to wait a little bit longer what that

means is there’s going to be Mass

martyrdom during the tribulation the

Antichrist killing people Revelation 20

tells us about the people who have been

beheaded because they would not worship

the Beast or take the mark of the beast

so this is mass martyrdom during the

tribulation when The Sixth Seal is

broken something very interesting

happens and this this is kind of a

preview of what we’re talking about with


it says and I looked when he opened the

Sixth Seal and behold there was a great

earthquake and the sun became black

is that cloth of hair and the moon

became like blood and the stars of

Heaven fell to the Earth

as a fig tree drops its late figs when

it is shaken by A Mighty Wind

then the the sky receded as a scroll

when it is rolled up in every mountain

and Island was moved out of its place

and the kings of the Earth the rich men

the Mighty Men the commanders every

slave and every free man hid themselves

in the caves and in the rocks of the

mountains and said to the mountains and

rocks fall on us and hide us from the

face of him who sits on the throne and

from the Wrath of the lamb for the great

day of his wrath has come and who is

able to stand well I want to begin

this is talking about the sky growing

black and it begins stars begin to drop

like a fig tree drops its figs and all

those things well if you saw the movie

Greenland it’s a good movie and it talks

about uh extinction level event that

happens when an asteroid hits the Earth

and what you notice in that movie which

is a very realistic movie is an asteroid

is not just one big rock even though it

is ultimately you have all of these

stars all of these parts of the rock

hitting in waves and so that would be

like a fig tree losing its figs and so

we’re going to read in just a minute in

Revelation chapter 8 now all of the

events or the first four trumpets are

going to sound in Revelation chapter 8

the seals are over the first four

trumpets are going to sound and all of

these are the same event it’s all

wormwood that is about to hit that hits

and the effect after it hits so this is

chapter eight when he opened the seventh

field there was silence in heaven for

about half an hour and I saw the seven

angels who stand before God unto them

were given seven trumpets then another

Angel having the golden sensor came and

stood at the altar he was given much

incense that he should offer it with the

prayers of all the saints upon the

golden altar which was before the throne

and the smoke of the incense with the

prayers of the Saints ascended before

God from the Angel’s hand and then the

angel took the sensor filled it with

fire from The Altar and threw it to the

Earth and there were noises thunderings

Lightnings and an earthquake so the

seven angels who had the seven trumpets

prepared themselves to sound so they’re

about to sound their trumpets and each

as each one of them sounds the first

four trumpets now this is all talking

about the same event this is the first

trumpet verse seven the first Angel

sounded in hell and fire followed

mingled with blood and they were thrown

to the Earth and a third of the trees

were burned up and all the green grass

was burned up so now Here Comes This

asteroid and it begins to enter Earth’s

atmosphere and what happens is the

atmosphere becomes superheated and so

just like this this star is coming it’s

throwing off these parts of it that come

in first

that’s what it’s talking about here and

then everything begins to get burned up

it begins to squares the Earth here’s

the second trumpet same event

then the second Angel sounded in

something like a great Mountain burning

with fire was thrown into the sea and a

third of the sea became blood and a

third of the living creatures in the sea

died and a third of the ships were

destroyed again this is part of wormwood

this is part of the asteroid that comes

and it strikes the ocean and when it

does it just devastates the ocean and

the sea life in the ocean okay here’s

the third trumpet uh then the third

Angel sounded in a great star fell from

heaven burning like a torch and it fell

on a third of the rivers and a third of

the Springs of water the name of the

star is wormwood a third of the waters

became wormwood and many men died from

the water because it was bitter now you

notice that this is affecting a third of

the earth that’s a massive amount of

geography that this is covering both in

the sea and on the land and it’s making

the waters poison so that people die

when they drink the waters and now later

in Revelation 16 all sea life ties in

all of the Waters of the Earth are

either poisoned or become blood so the

Judgment upon the waters is one of the

great judgments now but what you’ll

notice now in the the trumpet judgments

and also in or the seal judgments and

the trumpet judgments is this partial

it’s a fourth it’s a third it’s partial

when you get to the Bold judgments of

later on in the Book of Revelation it’s

total everyone’s affected by those

judgments and so

this is the fourth trumpet then the

fourth Angel sounded and a third of the

sun was struck a third of the Moon a

third of the Stars so the third of them

were darkened a third of the day did not

shine and likewise the night and I

looked and I heard an Angel flying

through the midst of Heaven saying with

a loud voice

to the inhabitants of the Earth because

the remaining Blast Of The Trumpet of

the Three Angels were about to sound let

me go back now to The Sixth Seal and

read you what I read you earlier I

looked when he opened the Sixth Seal and

behold there was a great earthquake and

the sun became black his sackcloth of

hair and the moon became like blood and

the stars of Heaven felled the Earth as

a fig tree drops its slate fixed when it

was shaken by A Mighty Wind so both in

the Sixth Seal and also here at the

fourth trumpet we’re told that the sky

grows black that’s exactly what happens

when a meteor or an asteroid hits the

Earth that magnitude of an asteroid it

throws up all the dust there’s all white

Mount Saint Helens or something like

that all this dust is thrown up into the

atmosphere and it becomes very dark very

dark or black and so these these

judgments are describing one event an

asteroid is coming it begins to

superheat the Earth burn up all the

green grass all of that then it throws

off a part of itself in the ocean then

it hits the Earth and then the sky grows

black so the the Judgment of wormwood is

a severe judgment that causes great

death great harm you can understand the

level of panic now Dr Tom Horn is going

to join us here and he had a personal

experience that he’s going to talk about

a dream that he experienced that then

led him to the truth of Apophis now

Apophis is what NASA is calling the

asteroid that it’s on its way here and

there’s some level of disagreement that

you’ll hear him talk about that NASA is

trying to deny that this is going to hit

the earth directly you can imagine the

Panic that that would cause if everyone

knew this was happening and by the way

we have sent up a spaceship for the

purpose of finding asteroids and trying

to blow them up for the purpose of them

not hitting the Earth and so I

personally believe that is in response

to a popis and what NASA is saying right

here so we’re going to go right now to

this interview by Dr Tomlin

NASA has affirmed that there is an

asteroid headed toward the Earth they’re

calling it Apophis and they’re saying

it’s going to arrive was it 2029

yeah Friday the 13th April 2029 and you

may have seen in recent weeks where they

are they’re really they’re reaffirming

something they already did say and I

dealt with it in both the wormwood

Prophecy as well as the new book the

messenger uh in which they’re saying

that while both of us is going to make a

very very close Miss of the earth they

are saying that right now they’re

calling an all clear saying that it’s

not going to impact the planet now this

is something that your listeners need to

really pay attention to there are

numerous scientists that reacted to

their most recent all clear warning that

the trajectory that that they have made

their calculation of Apophis is off by

as much as 600 000 miles in fact the

mathematician Harry Lear uh he uh

implies that Apophis is going to crash

into Earth in eight years from now and

he even went so far as send us a letter

to the president of the United States

begging him to have the U.S government

scientists cross-check those

calculations immediately because he says

that NASA is either playing a game with

the trajectory stats or they are just in

you know they’re intentionally

misleading the public and then he ends

his letter anybody can log online and

read his letter he ends that dispatch

with this ominous admonition that he

thinks we’re already out of time anyway

but maybe if we got on it now and I

think behind the scenes they are on it I

think it’s part of the reason space

force was formed that they’re trying to

figure out how they might be able to

mitigate uh this uh incoming events but

it’s not just leer Nathan mirvold who

was the head of Microsoft the science

department for Microsoft for many years

um he is he has consistently listed

every year in the top 100 scientists in

the world

and he recently wrote a peer-reviewed

paper that I referred to in the books

called an empirical examination of wise

neowise asteroid analysis and results in

which he not only refutes a lot of the

data from NASA he charges them outright

with deliberately misreporting threats

by these near-earth objects and of

Behaving extremely deceptively with

deliberate scientific misconducts so in

other words he is saying this wasn’t an

accident on part they are going out of

their way to intentionally cover up very

real potentially imminent space threats

including Apophis and then there’s a

video on YouTube that anybody can watch

right now that’s got the famous

planetary scientists and the

astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson very

popular figure

and he says that on April 13 2029 I’ll

quote this is from the YouTube video

this is a quote Apophis will come so

close to Earth that it will dip below

our orbiting communication satellites it

will be the largest closest thing we

have ever observed to come by Earth the

orbit we have for it now is uncertain

because these things are hard to measure

and hard to get an exact distance for so

we cannot tell you exactly what that

trajectory will be so and this was the

same thing that the astronomer from the

Pentagon told me uh he said it’s

absolutely baloney well he used a

different word that I won’t use he said

it’s absolute baloney he said you can’t

say that a stone as big as Apophis and

it’s a monster

is going to come literally below the

satellites knock out some of the

satellites below the satellites that are

in orbit around this planet uh and and

yet say with any certitude but no worry

it’s not going to strike the planet he

said that’s absolute baloney uh watch

watch the movie Greenland where right up


well and so you know that in the

beginning NASA they’re all saying no

worries it’s just going to skim past no

big deal take pictures draw cartoon

pictures of it and then all of a sudden

everybody starts heading for cover uh

and that is what many of these people

believe is going to happen with Apophis

now why would NASA be covering that up

well it’s really obvious because uh it

would it would create mass panic uh and

so and maybe meanwhile they might come

up with some way to mitigate the

incoming of that asteroid you know

they’re sending they’re sending a

spaceship up right now to blast an

asteroid they know they are yeah

that’s that’s exactly right and that’s

the reason why they are doing that

well that’s a fascinating interview I

hope that you enjoyed that now we have

more of it coming about 10 more minutes

of that interview coming up in the

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I’m going to say goodbye to you if you

are a subscriber we’re going to take a

short break here and we’ll be back with

more of the interview from Dr Tom Horn

and I’m also answering questions
