Do you need healing in your life? Pray along with Pastor Hagee as he reads scriptures on healing.

welcome to the healing scriptures

i have put these scriptures together

because they are the word of god

and as the word of god they have the

power to heal you

the bible says in psalms 107 20

he sent forth his word and healed them

the power of the word has the

supernatural anointing

to bring the healing presence of jesus


into your life the bible says have faith

in god

nothing is impossible to those that


the bible says faith cometh by hearing

and hearing by the word of god so today

i want you to hear

this confession and i want you to learn

to speak it

because in the speaking of the word of

god you release the electrifying

power that raised jesus christ from the


this is the confession say father

in the name of jesus i confess your word

concerning healing as i do this

i believe and say that your word

will not return void

but will accomplish what it says it will


therefore i believe in the name of jesus

that i am being healed as i hear the

word of god

it is written in your word that jesus

christ himself

took our infirmities and bore our


therefore with great boldness and


i say on the authority of the written

word of god

that i am redeemed from the curse of


and i refuse to tolerate its symptoms

satan i speak to you in the mighty name

of jesus christ

and i say that your powers and


your spirits that rule the present


and spiritual wickedness in heavenly

places are

bound from operating against me in any


i am the property of the lord jesus


i am a child of god and i

give you no place in me i

dwell in the secret place of the most

high god

i abide i remain stable and

fixed under the shadow of the almighty

his power is in me and no foe can

withstand me

now father because i reverence and

worship you

i have the assurance of your word that

the angel of the lord

encamps round about me and delivers me

from every evil work