he coronavirus crisis has changed

America and the world forever

who would have believed that three

months ago that some of some Americans

would not be permitted by our government

to attend church only 10 of you can go

that’s shutting a church of 22,000

people down but we are guaranteed by the

First Amendment of the US Constitution

that we quote and I’m reading this

because I know many of you didn’t learn

this in school Congress shall make no

law prohibiting the free exercise of

religion or of the right of the people

to peacefully assemble that’s what you

do when you go to church st. Paul

presents the law of God in Hebrews

chapter 10 verse 25 he says forsake not

the assembling of yourselves together

say that with me forsake not the

assembling of yourselves together so

man’s law in this coronavirus issue was

stay at home and save the world locked

down for two weeks four weeks six weeks

until I tell you you can get loose our

government ruled as many of you who

wanted to could go get whiskey that was

considered essential but churches were

not considered essential they also ruled

that you can keep Planned Parenthood

keep killing babies will even give you

five hundred million dollars to keep

doing that which is exactly what they

did but shut down the church that

teaches six things God hates and one of

them as those who shed innocent blood

our government released one third of the

criminals in America’s prisons some of

them were murderers and rapists some of

them are out on the street now and they

put a salon owner in Dallas Texas a lady

in jail because she needed to go to work

to feed her children fortunately we live

in Texas our governor Greg Abbott and

the salon owner got the salon owner


immediately and our lieutenant governor

then Patrick offered to pay her $7,000

fine and serve her jail Simmons that’s

kind of leadership we have in Texas and

that’s why we live here

the corona virus pandemic took the

world’s greatest economy in a matter of

days 40 million people were looking for

work it’s the worst since the Great

Depression as Americans we have

discovered that our political system is

indeed saturated with 10 horn

egotistical petty dictators who are

ready and willing to trample your

constitutional freedoms away from you

just that fast this is if we do not use

our freedom to defend our freedom we

will lose our freedom

beware of those who seek to take care of

you lest your caretaker becomes your

jailer I listen to two doctors on Fox

News confess that they had been

pressured to record death certificates

incorrectly meaning that if a person did

not have CV 19 they were told to record

it as a death by coronavirus why because

it ran the numbers up and qualified them

for more federal aid that message was

knocked off of television in a hurry

why because they want to make the crisis

greater to crush the hope of the

American people through fear to

controlling you to extend this crisis

all the way to the November presidential

election if possible a student of

history and Bible prophecy I have often

wondered how long it would take the

Antichrist to come to power now I know

about 30 days that’s just about how long

it took for the American news media to

terrorize America’s citizens into

submission General Jack keen reported

over Fox News quote China weaponized

coronavirus to destroy the democracies

economy end of quote