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how’re you guys doing this evening

thank you for your commitment to the

local church even in the face of the

weather report and we believe that God

is bigger than the weather and we’re

praying for our city we’re praying for

the protection and safety of everybody

and Lord hold the rain and if it does

have to rain let it be less than what

they said and get us home safely and let

there be no accidents or issues and you

be glorified even in the rain we’re not

afraid of rain cuz we got seed in the

ground so we are thankful even for

natural and spiritual rain once you have

given your offering I just want you to

do me a favor and just if you have a

hand free lift it up if you got to lift

them up because this is holy weed this

is the week where Jesus laid it all on

the line and if there was ever a moment

where he should get glory this is that

moment who may ascend to the Mount of

the Most High he that has clean hands

and a pure heart take a look at your

hands because the enemy wants you to

think that they’re dirty but because of

what Jesus did they’re clean and you can

lift them and you can praise and you can

shout and you can shout unapologetically

and unashamedly

and if there was ever a week when we

would give God radical praise this would

be that week if there was ever a time to

put our hands together this would be

that time that there was ever a

Wednesday it would be the Wednesday

before a Good Friday before a

Resurrection Sunday and I ain’t wait

until the weekend to give God what he is

do and so we lift up the name of Jesus

tonight and we say God we thank you and

we bless you and we lift you up now

speak through your words so that we are

closer to you when this moment is over

than we were when it first began we love

you we honor you and we bless you in

Jesus name Amen amen and amen

give the Lord a great praise as you take

your seat there are some times when as

preachers and communicators we may take

it easy but then there are other times

when the intensity and the importance of

the moment requires another level of

discernment and passion and this is one

such moment this is Holy Week this is

Easter week this is where it all


and I am overwhelmed to think about the

fact that I was thought about before

this moment I’ll say again that it’s

amazing and overwhelming to think about

the fact that I was thought about before

this moment thinking about your life

about what you’ve gone through the

experiences you’ve had you are a miracle

your life is a miracle and if you don’t

know what I’m gonna say it again until

you get in your spirit that you should

have been gone a long time ago there

were so many things that the enemy tried

to do and God blocked them he blocked

them he blocked them

is there anybody other than me – God

blocked the attack he blocked the plot

the plan and maybe you don’t have

everything in your life and of course no

life is perfect we’ve all done things we

wish we hadn’t but the reality is every

time we woke up we woke up with the love

of God hovering over us and that is

worthy of a hallelujah it is worthy of a

great part of Thanksgiving and not just

a shout on a Wednesday but the life we

live on thirsty this whole thing was a

trial you know this whole thing this is

a trial we’re not gonna be here long we

you know if by reason of great strength

you reach 80 that’s great

9100 a men but after this is eternity

and that’s when we all get to worship

and glory but what is the purpose and

meaning of life for the time that we

have right now and as I want to give

greetings to our visitors 1st 2nd and

3rd time again this is a moment where we

should assess what is the purpose and

the meaning of all things Jesus who we

worship rightfully and in two days we

celebrate on Good Friday and we will

have Good Friday service right here and

we will have worship and the word and

our leadership will be here I’ll be

bringing a message and our pastors will

be here and you need to be here because

Good Friday is more important to me to

me than anything else because all of the

other things we do don’t matter if

Friday doesn’t come

you died and why did Jesus die

he died for y’all sitting in them green

chairs or if you’re on the main floor

the purple chairs good for you and those

who are watching online he died for you

as well why did he have to die where did

this whole thing start well this whole

thing is a trial God is the righteous

judge but let’s break it down a minute

and let’s talk this thing through

because if there’s a trial then there is

a prosecution and there is a defense and

there is something in the atmosphere

because we’re in a very judgemental

moment in time where people are quick to

judge others without knowing the whole

story we judge people based on things

like where they come from and what their

educational background is or what they

look like or what or what or what we

think we know from people we’ve heard

and maybe the information you got is not

correct because the person who’s

bringing it doesn’t like the person

they’re talking about be careful who you

receive information from and make sure

you understand the motive when you get

it I’m preaching already this whole

earth is a trial there is a world that

is more real than the world we are

currently occupying the Bible says that

we believe that the things that were

seen and that are seen were created from

that which is unseen that God spoke and

out of nothing came something there is a

spiritual world more real than the

physical world you can’t see it but

there are angels and demons

principalities in high places warring

even now there were whispers about it in

the book of Daniel that when he fasted

and prayed it wasn’t that God didn’t

hear him but there was a principality

over the over the region stopping the

answer of his prayer from getting to him

which means right

above your head could be the answer to

your prayer but there might be a

principality trying to keep you from

getting it so don’t get upset at God get

more passionate in your prayer get more

passionate in your position and maybe

God will send help in heavenly places to

bring to you what you’ve been praying

for I need somebody to stir up their

gift tonight my grandmother said you

should expect miracles around Easter

she’s in heaven now she’s a part of the

great cloud of witnesses but I still

believe that Jesus can do miracles this

week does anybody else believe that he

can do it

Satan doesn’t like you in fact he hates

you Jesus makes it clear that he comes

to steal kill and destroy

revelations 12 and 10 says this then I

heard a loud voice saying in heaven now

salvation and strength and the Kingdom

of our God and the power of his Christ

have come for the accuser of our

brethren who accused them before our God

day and night has been cast down

somebody needs to get excited that

trouble won’t last always and that that

devil that’s been messing with you has a

time limit on the attack on your life

and he has been cast down this is the

worst week for Satan because he is

constantly reminded of how little power

he actually has because he thought he

had the power on Friday and woke up on

Sunday with nothing because Jesus taught

the keys to death

hell and the grave and I need somebody

to get a little excited in here because

the cross was not the in five-second

plays great

Satan wants to put humanity on trial the

book of Job

which is the earliest book in scripture

it is not the first book chronologically

Genesis is the first book we read but

the first book written is joke and in it

it gives you an insight into spiritual

things and how spiritual things work and

the reason why that’s important is

because for the purposes of this message

I need you to understand why the devil

keeps messing with you

help me Holy Ghost you’re on trial the

enemy wants to keep accusing you

bringing up evidence of the things you

and I have done wrong but I give you the

title of this message and I’m a preach

torte so we can get home but the title

of the message is I rest my case I wish

I wish I was in a I just wish I could

act up but I’m gonna say it again just

for me for all the times that the enemy

has tried to shut my mouth tried to

minimize my praise tried to tell me I

wasn’t worthy that I didn’t have value

that I didn’t deserve what God wanted to

give me that I was unqualified that I

didn’t have what it took I am so

grateful that Jesus declared I rest my

somebody give Jesus of praise

you believe

Satan wants to silence your mouth every

time you lift your hands and start

singing off-key it makes him so mad

gets on his nerves and it’s not your

talent that he’s angered by it’s your

heart and the fact that God receives

your worship just it just tears him

apart and if you notice in the book of

Job chapter 1 starting at the sixth

verse it says these words it gives you

an intimate look into deep spiritual

truths how heaven operates and how the

earth needs to shift now there was a day

this is job chapter 1 verse 6 when the

sons of God came to present themselves

before the Lord and Satan also came

among them and the Lord said to Satan

from where do you come so Satan answered

the Lord and said from going to and fro

on the earth and from walking back and

forth on it then the Lord said to Satan

have you considered my servant job that

there is none like him on the earth a

blameless and upright man one who fears

God and shuns evil so Satan answered the

Lord and said does job fear God for

nothing have you not made a hedge around

him around his household and around all

that he has on every side you have

blessed the work of his hands and his

possessions and have increased in the

land but now stretch out your hand and

touch all that he has and he will surely

curse you to your face what happened in

this exchange is that humanity was put

on trial

God had an angelic census and all the

Angels showed up and the Bible says

Satan showed up – he didn’t break into

heaven because you can’t sneak into

heaven I’m getting ready to help you to

understand who Satan is and also who

he’s not because they got a whole horror

movie genre

to make Satan bigger than what he

actually is we make Satan to be this big

malevolent being who can be anywhere at

any time and possess anyone at any

moment and we even got some people with

some bad theology that say be careful

who you pray folk because that spirit

could jump on you where’d you read that

I haven’t seen that in the Old Testament

or the New Testament let me help you to

understand something about the devil the

Bible says the sons of God showed up and

Satan came to number one there’s a

distinction between the two but then the

Bible says the Lord spoke to Satan and

said where did you come from and the

Bible says Satan answered let me help

you to understand something about

Authority about power he had to answer

because he was under Authority when I’m

in my house I may answer if I want to

but I don’t have to because it’s my

house but if you in my house and I want

to know what you’re here for and you a

visitor or a stranger

you better answer I’m trying to help you

Satan has to answer to God

Oh y’all missed that


Satan is not just some awesome super

scary thing that just he can do whatever

he wants he is on assignment

particularly in the life of a believer

and he cannot do anything in your life

unless God allows it or or Daisy and if

God allows it or ordains it it is to

bring about glory out of the situation

I’m trying to help somebody today the

enemy cannot just show up in your life

if you have confessed with your mouth

and believe in your heart that Jesus is

Lord the blood has covered you the Holy

Spirit has been given to you as a

deposit until the day of redemption

so yes the enemy can oppress but he

cannot possess because he didn’t pay for

my soul so he cannot occupy my soul I

need somebody to get

tell somebody we’re on trial

God say hey man you considered my

servant job he’s faithful that’s my guy

Satan I was like yeah but his love is

conditional why is the enemy messing

with Joel why the Satan hate us so much

because God chose us over him for those

who don’t know Satan according to

scripture was Lucifer an anointed cherub

who covers he had instruments inside his

body he didn’t need a band or singers he

was the band and the singers he was the

percussion the rhythm the drums the bass

the piano the keys and he was the Alto

soprano tenor and bass he had it all and

he was so good at what he did and so

beautiful when he did it that when he

rebelled 1/3 of heavens angels chose his

gift over God’s presence

that’s why churches struggle today

because we get enamored with people’s

gifts but gifts don’t mature character


I’d rather have a submitted worship

leader with mediocre talent that is full

with the seal with the holy ghost then a

talented person with a great voice and

no lifestyle and nobody gonna clap on

that it’s alright you know why because

even in the church we’ve gotten caught

up in talent but talent take destroy no

yoke talent Cait make a demon leave your

life talent doesn’t make cancer shrivel

up and die you better have some

anointing you better have some power and

you better have a relationship with the

living Jesus is there anybody that knows

Jesus Christ makes all the difference I

understand that we all come from

different places different backgrounds

we come from different denominations and

I honor the fact that we all come from

different places and even here in

America we have a geo religious

construct because if you go to

California they worship Jesus

differently in the deep south they

worship Jesus differently the black

Pentecostal church is going to be a

four-hour service so pack a lunch

Lakewood is going to be 89 minutes

unless I’m preaching and then it’s gonna

be 98 minutes praise for me but what’s

interesting to me is how the enemy has

utilized our differences to keep us

apart same Jesus but we look at each

other side.i I don’t know what language

that is apparently they call that

tongues it’s a little weird it’s not

really my bag of tricks somebody over

here oh well they don’t speak in tongues

that means they don’t have no Holy Ghost

so I certainly don’t want to fool with

them well I’m apostolic well I Methodist

well I’m Baptist

well I’m primitive Baptists well I’m AME

well I’m nondenominational which is a

denomination by the way


all of these separations organize

brokenness keeping us apart and we took

the bait

we’ve been on trial since the beginning

of time ever since God opened his mouth

and said let us make man in our image

according to our likeness Satan has been

trying to prove to God that he made a

mistake in choosing you over him which

is why I’m zio he keeps referring he’s

being referred to in Revelation as the

accuser of the Brethren

and he doesn’t just accuse dr. Paul

occasionally the Bible says he accuses

day and night he is obsessed he is

absolutely consumed with trying to

undermine and be legitimize your worship

he wants you to shut your mouth he wants

to prove to God that God was foolish and

unwise in allowing you to get his

position help me somebody


seekers here’s the thing Satan’s entire

case because he’s been building a case

how many people know Satan he you know

he’s he’s the accuser of the brother and

every time you do something wrong

got him again I got him just you’re in

traffic said the wrong thing yeah got


slippin through the channels you were

going to t be in but you ended up on the

wrong channel and saw something but you

didn’t delete it fast enough but just

stayed there for a minute then you heard

somebody keep going to the Jesus


he’s looking for every imperfection he’s

looking for any single thing that can

cause god to disqualify you

why because Satan had a position and he

was so caught up in his position and he

wants his position back and of all the

people that God chose to replace he

Satan he chose me and you a being with

with thousands of vocal cords and

instruments and we only got two vocal

cords I’m getting ready to go somewhere

Sika Satan still caught up in the talent

thing they can’t even do what I do that

says I don’t need them to do what you do

I just need you to do what they’re

supposed to do so here’s what the enemy

is after he’s after your status as a son

because we are now sons of God you do

know that as many as are led by the

Spirit of God these are the sons of God

you don’t realize that position how many

parents do we have in here how many

people in here how many men have a child

named after them how many where my stand

up sir stand up if you have a son named

after you stand up let me ask you

something when you have a son named

after you

is there anything that you wouldn’t do

to protect that boy talk to me fellas if

somebody was messing with your son I’m


and this is Texas so y’all ready no it’s

second amendment all day long come from

me and mine and either I’m gonna pray

for you I’m gonna help you go see Jesus

it’s one of the two I might not even

pray for you you have a son that has

your name which means they carry not

only your DNA but they carry your legacy

they can perpetuate your gifts your

calling what you speak into them they

can take to the next generation now

watch this how many gentlemen in here

have a son they may not be named after

you but it’s still your son well yet

we’re out of fellas that stand up fellas

and getting ready to show you something

about about how God looks at sonship

Jesus in Matthew when he got baptized

God said this there since my beloved Son

in whom I’m well pleased what had Jesus

done up to that point nothing he hadn’t

healed one person he hadn’t raised

anybody from the dead no withered hands

stretched out no blind eyes open no deaf

ears open but because he was a son he

had immediate status I need you to know

that no matter what you do your status

does not change with God

I’m trying to help not just the fellas

because ladies you are also children of

God and for the purposes of this sonship

is a spiritual declaration which means

you can be female and still operate as a

son which means you have an inheritance

with God which means if anybody messes

with you they got an answer to your

father now watch this before you sit

down I’m getting ready to help you with


your status is a son you have a son so

he also has status anybody mess with my

son they not just messing with John

they’re messing with John gray the

fourth they’re not just messing with

Paul jr. is it Paul jr. okay okay so

what’s your son’s name

Carmelo all right so Brandon Brandon

Andrew Montgomery BAM

your son is Carmelo Andrew Montgomery so

BAM and cam so if they don’t if they

mess with cam they don’t get to BAM

you understand what I’m saying

because there’s something that wakes up

in us when somebody’s messing with our

son because sons carry sea and seed

carries legacy and legacy carries

purpose and purpose carries status and

status carries Authority and my status

is a son but my feet is my authority

watch says gentlemen be seated you just

said in your authority because authority

is what you get when you don’t have to

try I don’t have to try to be anything

because God already gave me my status

I’m a son so when I speak angels have to

move because my dad has power

one person caught it

young lady over here part I don’t have

to yell I don’t have to jump up and down

because of who my Heavenly Father is I

have status there’s something about

being seated which lets you know you

have authority you don’t believe me

where’s Jesus right now is he in the

ground no okay is he on the cross no he

is at the right hand but where what is

he doing at the right hand tell somebody

be seated whoo you missed it when you

tell somebody to be seated you’re not

telling them to be less than you’re

telling them to step up to the authority

that you have as a child of God

I don’t strive anymore I’m seated

I don’t yell I don’t I don’t beg for

things I’m seated I don’t hope they call

I know they’re gonna call because I’m

seated I don’t have to beg for

forgiveness the blood is already covered

so I’m seated so my status is a son my

seat is authority but what’s the

statement not guilty

oh well I thought I would get a little

different response from that so let me

break it down for you

when job accused when when Satan accused


Satan’s hope is that he would gather

enough evidence to cause God to say you

know what Satan you’re right these clay

creatures these creatures from the dust

are unworthy of my mercy unworthy of my

forgiveness they’re unworthy of all the

favor that I’ve given them I made a

mistake I should have given you another

chance but unfortunately Satan didn’t

follow protocol because if you’ve ever

studied trials there are certain

protocol that have to be handled you

can’t just bring evidence you got to

make sure that evidence was brought in

properly and if the evidence is tainted

it is inadmissible in court so a person

that has no integrity if you lack

integrity and you handle evidence they

strike the evidence because you can’t be


rewind Jesus said Satan is the father of

lies he’s been lying from the beginning

so a liar doesn’t have status in the

court I’m getting ready to preach it

like I feel it

you can accuse all day so you you you

you you can’t bring the evidence because

you can’t be trusted but also you can’t

just walk up into a court and say

whatever you want to a judge you can’t

walk up me like what up your judge miss

what’s up judge ship

hey what up Jenny juggs mmm mmm oh you

can’t just walk in to a courtroom and

speak to the judge any kind of way

because if you do they will hold you in

so satan actually doesn’t have standing

in the presence of God because Psalm 100

says enter his gates with and into his

court with Satan can’t praise because he

was kicked out of heaven so he can’t

even get in the court I’m getting ready

to rest my case

we get ready to go home early but I need

somebody to catch where I’m going Satan

keeps trying to bring a case against you

but his evidence is tainted and his

status is no good because God has

already made up his mind

unfortunately it’s called nepotism

nepotism is when somebody who has power

is related to you

well Satan didn’t know is that the judge

is also your dad

I know it’s almost time to go but if you

were ever gonna show that was the place

the judge is your dad and your defense

attorney is your big brother and high

priest his name is Yeshua now he didn’t

go to law school but he fulfilled the

law and the prophets he’s a carpenter by

trade but he knows the book back in sort

behold i come in the volume of the book

it is written of me to do your will

o top and so even as Satan brought the

case against you your defense attorney

said Your Honor may I approach the bid

the bench was made of wood two pieces

three nails it was a sudden he the trial

was set we were in trouble no hope no

plans they got a song videotape the jury

has seen it and as the charge was

getting ready to slam the gavel he said

stop may I approach the bench the

evidence against John grey is

overwhelming he sinned against you he

messes up every day can’t get it

together he’s big and sweaty not in

shape look like a Christmas tree

velvet and gold buddies but he loves you

and he tries

the best he can don’t forget father your

made him from the dust so every now and

then achoo he shows a little dust every

now and then tell somebody bless you

tell somebody bless you

Satan saw where the case was going he

said stop your word says without the

shedding of blood there’s no remission

for say I got him on camera he got the

goat the judge said you’re right

somebody’s got to die

because the holiness of the judge means

somebody has to pay for the sins they’ve

committed the judge said I the righteous

God find you John Gray guilty of crimes

against my holiness for the wages of sin

is death and I find you guilty slams the

gavel down now the sentencing phase

begins the prosecution Satan and all

this thing’s we gotta talk about you

ain’t going nowhere you’ll never be

nothing you’re gonna be no preacher

gonna be no pastor nothing

we got your centerr so sloppy you ain’t

gonna be nothing you’ll never perpetuate

a legacy the sentence for your crimes is

death it’s to be carried out immediately

Jesus said your honor

Your Honor is its blood you want instead

of just paying for him I see a trail of

humanity out the door all of them are

guilty too

so can I just pay for all of them Satan

said no I want to put them all on trial

all of each one individually

Jesus hit him back because any time

Satan says something Jesus always hit

him with the word the word says through

one sin entered all and through one

righteousness the inter offer

I’m gonna take his death so he can live

my life I need a sound that helps you to

understand that you hear what I’m saying

I’ll take his death so he can live my

life take him away

John grey your sentence will be carried

out on Friday and your name will be

attached to Jesus back his blood will be

shed and replace it with of you you John

are free to go Jesus I’ll see you on


and they beat him and they whipped him

the odd recognition his Vistage was

marred more than any man they led him as

a sheep before her Shearer’s is silent

yet he opened not his mouth he was

wounded for our transgressions and

bruised for our iniquities of the

chastisement for our peace was upon him

and by His stripes we are healed John 19

and 30 as the sentence was being carried

out for those of us who still leave

church early after coming in late as the

sentence was being carried out for those

of us who are still casual with the holy

things of God for those who choose not

to believe Jesus said I’m dying just in

case you decide to believe one day John

19 and 30 Jesus says it is finish the

debt has been paid

the veil has been torn and everybody who

has failed now has righteousness

credited to your account you are not

what the devil says you are you are what

the blood says you are I rest

my status is a son my seat is authority

and my statement is not guilty every

time the enemy tries to bring it up

again I’m gonna just declare not guilty

tell somebody not guilty did you do it

yeah but I’m not guilty because I

overcome by the blood of the Lamb and

the word of my testimony and what I got

freed from I’m gonna tell somebody else

that if Jesus can do it for me he can do

it for them and we overcome by the blood

of the Lamb and the word of our

testimony tell somebody if God has ever

freed you from anything if he ever saved

you from anything you might as well go

ahead and show some signs tonight the

sermon is over but the praise is just


where are you guys from with the blue

shirts Norway

from Norway you’re going to Zimbabwe

Zambia you should go to Wakanda it’s

really good this time


might find the black pants are over

there I don’t know when you have

received the gift of salvation it

motivates you to do things that you

wouldn’t normally do like get on planes

for two days to go to Zambian to do

surgery for people for months at a time

no cameras there probably a little bit

of air conditioning leaving family and

loved ones but the Holy Ghost is with

him and we’re with them and our prayers

are with him and we celebrate you

because you are an extension of the

resurrection and I’m talking to you you

and even you whoever you are wherever

you are

walk into that job tomorrow with some

joy say hello to the people at the

grocery store and if they ask you why

why are you so happy because I’m not


if it doesn’t fit you must acquit tell

them that guilty and even if somebody

wants to bring up your past because the

devil always wants to bring up your past

remind him of his future tell somebody

not guilty I’m not gonna let anybody

judge me

they can’t judge you because I all of

them haters who got a list of everything

you’ve ever done if they tried to bring

it into the court it wouldn’t make it

because the only thing that gets into

court is praise and thanksgiving some of

y’all just praise your way out of a

generational curse you just praise your

way out of bondage you just praise your

marriage into a healthy place because

some spirits can’t stay in a praise


let me pray for you father I thank you

is Holy Week a week when we should have

been reminded of the worst things we’ve

ever done but the blood comes and washes

over us and says not guilty the price

has been paid and Jesus rested his case

on the cross and he declared it is


and for all of us I’m just saying for me

who’s messed up the most and my brother

who was honest and said him too well for

those of us who know we don’t deserve

your mercy we say thank you tonight but

those of us who have been the recipients

of your Grace’s we say thank you tonight

those have been washed in the blood of

the left

may we be reminded of the great

sacrifice that was given so that we

could lift our hands this day I pray a

blessing over every family and I pray

that salvation breaks out in this room

in the next two minutes god I thank you

thank you that you and 12 legion of

angels will cover dr. pol as he travels

to Zambia I also declared that our

brothers and sisters from Norway will go

back to their homeland with a passion

and a strength to serve and to sew and

to bless this president

and I thank you for every single person

that came out tonight under threat of

rain ain’t gonna be no tornados Jesus

hold the rain and the hail till

everybody gets home can rain all night

that’ll help us sleep Jesus but it’s now

gonna rain while we driving home I

declare it you’re in charge of the

clouds you’re in charge of the clouds

you’re in charge of our lives thank you

tonight I thank you I thank you for the

blood I thank you

thank you for forgiveness I thank you

thank you for mercy I thank you thank

you thank you if you’re hearing you’ve

never given your life to Jesus we don’t

do this often and we may not do it for a

while but security prepare yourself

because I’m gonna ask if you getting

saved tonight start making your way to

the altar if you need to give your life

to Jesus or you need to rededicate your

life get to this altar right now tonight

is your night come on sis if you need to

give your life to Jesus come on

if you need to rededicate your life come

on if you want to join this church come

on if God was speaking to you tonight

and come on welcome home it doesn’t

matter who you are what you’ve done

where you been

you’re always able to come home welcome

home welcome home welcome home we can do

better than that people are giving their

life to Jesus

let’s welcome home hello sweet girl

welcome home

bless you welcome home hello my sister

welcome home come in welcome home

bless you my man bless you man a god

bless you welcome home come on up come

on up people are giving their lives to

Jesus tonight

welcome home

welcome home who in law enforcement may

the Lord bless you and every man and

woman in law enforcement

may the Lord cover you and protect you

every day you’re on the job may he keep

you all the days of your life

not one bullet will come near you you

are protected you will live and not die

and your partners will live and not die

and we declare blessing and we thank you

for the sacrifice that you made and

every other person in the military

armed services EMT firefighters we pray

a blessing over you tonight to all my

babies that are coming to get saved

tonight welcome home y’all kids are

getting saved grown folk getting saved

grandparents getting saved

welcome home welcome home we are family

there’s no judgment here God is about

souls it’s time for the church to open

their eyes and love everybody that’s the

power of the blood and doesn’t matter

who you are that matter what you’ve done

what matters is the blood let me pray

for you let me pray for you my nothing

Oh Oh and what okay

me Howlett nothing nothing

I want you to repeat this prayer after

me Lord Jesus it’s me

I confess with my mouth and believe in

my heart that Jesus is Lord thank you

for the blood that was shed for me I’m

not guilty

Jesus paid the price I am free whom the

Sun sets free is free indeed you are my

Lord and my Savior

I received the free gift of salvation

the blood is real and it’s active

tonight thank you my life is made new in

your name Jesus amen amen and amen we

believe if you prayed that simple prayer

you just got sane welcome home