Addiction to pornography has destroyed countless lives and marriages, even in the church. What is at the root of this addiction, and how can this and all destructive addictions be truly broken once and for all? Joseph Prince tackles these questions head-on and shows from God’s Word how only God’s grace and gift of no condemnation can truly set one free. Listen to this life-changing message today, and allow God’s grace to deliver, lead and empower you to experience victory over condemnation and every destructive habit in your life!


you understand you need to hear the

spirit the Word of God doesn’t tell you

how the spirit does are you with me

so when it comes to sexual temptation

all right let me bring this to a close

the only way to get out of it the

prompting and you know the general

guideline for sexual temptation

God says flee fornication flee sexual

immorality flee you must flee run like

Joseph Joseph fled from Potiphar’s wife

you know this guy potty he has he is a

high-ranking officer of Pharaoh all

right now potty can have any woman he

wants right he’s the right I mean he is

the butler for four I mean high nobility

I don’t need a butler but he’s some

people believe he’s a butler or a chief

Butler okay who was also the one that

controlled the other Butler’s but the

thing is this all right he was a

high-ranking official he has all the

women he wants for his harem but his

wife he would choose the very best

and she was probably beautiful and

that’s why when she tried to seduce

Joseph Joseph Wren

there was no Commandments because Joseph

lived before the commandments but Joseph

knew how to face sexual temptations this

is one temptation you don’t stand there

and say come luck huh come along you

know I’m gonna fight her come on man

in Jesus name no no no God says don’t

don’t even use the name you know run


you know what flee means not flee means

like you know you are driving alone and

you meet an old friend all right it’s

quite attractive person that you’ve been

attracted to last time whatever you say

can you give me a lift is it annoying I

found because testimony you know people

see me and you were not you know what

you understand what right get some money

for your taxi you understand amen

flee flee you understand like in my case

I don’t counsel the opposite sex and

because I don’t I can tell all my

pastors don’t counsel the opposite sex

our church has has invested heavily in

the training of female counselors one of

which has become a pasta all right and

these ladies are trained by me

all right the guidelines are set by me

and they counsel the ladies of our

church because problems start with good

intentions but the promise that you’re

not fleeing

are you with me flee sexual immorality

everything that a man does is outside

the body but he will commit sexual

immorality sin against his own body okay

there is something unique about sexual

sin it affects your body okay don’t ask

me to explain this because I don’t fully

can tell what is their consequence

because the Bible doesn’t tell you it

just tells you this sin will affect your

body every other sin won’t

is it your health is it you know you

will age so much faster I do not know

but one thing though I do know you will

affect your body okay are you with me so

when it comes to sexual temptation flee

I remember some years ago all right I

noticed one of the counselors in our

church one of leaders in our church you

know he was he was very popular and

ladies were coming to him and asking for

counseling and all that and so I went to

the wife I felt the wife is a better

person to talk to and I thought the wife

watch him all right and we don’t allow

you know as a whole we don’t make a law

but as a general whole you know rule we

don’t allow guys to you know be the one

to but sometimes situation is such we

are flexible by say that keep an eye on

your husband she look at me says you

know pasta I trust my husband I’m so

stupid I know say you know I trust my

husband I say you know something I don’t

want my wife to trust me in this area

why because I’m red blooded I’m a man

I’m a red-blooded man I don’t want my

wife to trust me in this area no no no

no woman don’t trust me in this area

maintain me

amen amen she needs to take care of me

in this area amen

you know why because everything starts

innocently a little flirtation a little

attraction all right the guy I really

want to counsel the girl all right but

the forces of attraction is very strong

the best thing is that don’t trust

yourself in this area

all right put no confidence in the flesh

there’s this cycle you need to

understand why people fall into sin we

learn the demands and all it was like

this the cycle first of all temptation

comes all right

temptation can come as a taught

something you saw something you remember

it’s first a temptation then before I

become sin all right this always happens

before I become sin maybe within

temptation then sin temptation then sin

no there is an in between and the in

between is this confidence in the flesh

the Apostle Paul says in Philippians 3

we put no confidence in the flesh we

must not trust in this area amen

for example you tell your boy your

computer is outside the room let’s say

for example nowadays they can access to

your phone as well you know that so the

thing is that this is one step okay the

boy says you don’t trust me that all


see I trust you I just don’t trust your

flesh that’s a smart dad because I don’t

trust my own flesh that that can say

Amen we don’t trust your flesh okay you

are safe but the moment you say I can

handle this no I can watch this show not

no problem I can handle this and you may

mean it but you’re putting confidence in

the flesh

are you listening and your flesh will

always bring you to the dark side okay

so it weighs like I can handle this

you know what it’s getting late and

attractive girl like her should not be

going back alone in a cab I think I’ll

send her back all right

innocent I can handle this the reason

I’m talking about this area of sending

someone home is because I handle a case

like this thank God you know in our

church we hardly handle this kind of

case so much so if something happens all

the leaders know about it you know among

the leaders for example very rarely you

find a leader having problem when it

happens we all know about it okay that

shows the power of grace working in the

church but one of the areas is sending

someone back innocently and the guy

meant well the lady may mean well all

right but that’s what happened later on

so he put confidence the pleasure he

came to this stage before sin I can

handle this no I can handle this I’ll

just open this email all right let’s not

open up there’s some some suggestive

photos but you know there’s some other

things but I just the web sites okay

or this movie you know it’s like there’s

some good elements I can handle this I

can handle the bad elements it starts

the confidence in the flesh you’re smart

if you learn to run like Joseph because

you know something

Joseph God can trust him to rule I mean

does that mean poor Joseph you know he

was repressed for the rest no he found a

lovely wife had children had a boycott

double fruitfulness enjoyed married life

best of all he was able to have a clear

conscience never slept with Potiphar’s

wife I mean now if you have fallen you

have missed it listen carefully

all right the Bible says there is

therefore now no condemnation all right

but you need to understand this this is

the area the utter convert in the flesh

you fall into sin indulgence and the

problem of the sin is what guilt and Gil

you have new resolutions from now on I

will never open the computer from now on

I will never look at the opposite sex

from now on I won’t even talk to the

opposite sex you know some extreme

stupidity you know from now on never

never again never again never and a

devil never hears that say that there

was his hallelu the devil says goody


the devil doesn’t praise God okay all

right so there was a good alright

there’s our resolutions don’t work

because it presumes on man’s strength

like the law it presumes on man’s

strength the more you distrust yourself

in this area the better it is for you


so you know down to the years I’ve had

my fair opportunities of people years

ago asking me pastor Prince can I have a

ride home and I said cannot because my

wife is not here if I take you back war

from one snap photo how you know then I

then I compliment her I tell her that

actually if you’re an old lady I don’t

mind but you look young you’re very

attractive cannot if you’re not

attractive I don’t mind you know I gave

her comfort I supply her you understand

a man doesn’t Ministry of grace and all

the people said let me close with this

let me close with this all right once

you put an heal resolution then if you

have a propensity now again for fresh

temptations you understand once you put

yourself the way Jesus broke this was he

and I close to this he countered a woman

all right he ministered to a woman

caught in adultery she wasn’t a

prostitute she was caught in adultery

and what did Jesus tell her I don’t

condemn you go and sin no more the

church has it backwards the church says

go and sin no more first then we won’t

condemn you Jesus says I don’t condemn

you go and sin no more in other words

what he gave her the gift of no

condemnation and that became an

empowerment to go and sin no more all

right anyone listening to me if you

think grace is a callous lifestyle it’s

because you only have one set of grace

all right we had to leave it from the

law but I’m talking about being married

to Jesus Christ enjoying his love

enjoying his supply amen

and when you fail listen carefully when

you fail I didn’t say if because here

and there you will fail all right when

you fail know this he says I don’t

condemn you now go into the normal a man

it’s an empowerment the Bible says in

Romans but we know how Romans 7 ends

later on he says the good

– do I do it and all that evil I’m gonna

do I end up doing I don’t understand

myself what I want to do I don’t end up

doing what I’d want to do I end up doing

Paul says that you know how he came out

of there

romans 8 verse 1 the very next chapter

and that close to this there let’s all

read this together therefore there is

now no condemnation for those who are in

Christ Jesus are you in Christ Jesus

there is no condemnation from God the

word condemnation is judging to be

guilty there is no sentencing you to be

guilty to be punished in one translation

says to be punished the word here kata

crema condemnation means sentenced you

to be worthy of punishment and the word

know is a very strong word is the word

you die ass and you Dyess means not a

single judging of you worthy of

punishment remains alright if you’re a

believer ok Church you need to learn

that even when you fail there is

therefore now no condemnation but why is

this gift given so that it empower you

to live a victorious life