Who was Noah, what was the real reason for the flood, and why did God choose to save only Noah and his family? What was really happening on earth at that time and why? Get the answers and much more as Joseph Prince presents the real Holy Word—not Hollywood—story of Noah. Let faith arise as you see God’s mercy in sending the great flood, why He wants you to look heavenward to Him and how you have a watertight salvation in Christ the true ark. Hear this message and live with a true sense of security and hope in the end times.

And one of the things that I have
observed that has happened recently

that I want to address because I
want to bring the truth of God’s

word on the matter – is this movie
called Noah. Now this movie is so

crazy that it makes Noah crazy;
that he is hearing voices when God

actually spoke to him, and worst of
all, it makes God appear harsh,

mean and right at the end when Noah
could not do the evil task of

killing his family, that is not
found in the Bible, it’s as if he

is more merciful than God. In the
first place God never asked him to

kill any of his family, this is
Hollywood not Holy Word. God told

him to save his entire family.
Not only that, the Bible says God

had him as a preacher of
righteousness. All those fifty to

seventy years the ark was in
building, he was preaching. But the

world was so wicked they didn’t
respond to his preaching. God

always extends chance after chance,
opportunity after opportunity, and

I hate the misrepresentation of my
God in that movie. So I am here to

tell you, there are Christians who
oppose to this, there are

Christians who say this is poetic
licence. Let me tell you what

poetic licence is. Poetic licence
never takes away from the

character, the basic essence of the

You know the movie ‘The Passion of
the Christ’? That’s par excellence.

There is poetic licence when you
see the boy fell down, Jesus as the

boy. When He fell down and His
mother ran to Him, do you remember

that? That is poetic licence.
That’s not in the Bible but that

could have happened and it was so
appropriate because it really

tugged at our heartstrings as
parents. That was one of the best

scenes in the movie. Now that is
poetic licence but it never takes

away from the character of Jesus or
the mother. But this poetic

licence is too much. Amen.

So let me tell you the story. I’m
not going to talk about that movie

no more unless it comes across in
my sermon or whatever but I want to

tell you the truth about Noah
because Jesus said, as it was in

the days of Noah, so shall it be in
the days of the coming of the Son

of Man. In other words, it’s going
to be exactly the same scenario.

First of all, you must understand
the promise. Understand the

promise. The very first promise is
a prophecy and it’s the prophecy of

all prophecies. It is the promise
of all the promises and this is the

promise in Genesis 3, verse 15. God
said to Satan, who was now in the

embodiment of the snake. Adam and
Eve have just been tempted to sin

and they sinned. They have fallen,
now God is addressing Satan, God is

addressing the enemy and God said
this. And I will put enmity between

you and the woman, and between your
seed, Satan’s seed, and her Seed,

capital ‘S’. Who is her Seed? Our
Lord Jesus. We know that women

don’t have seeds, men provide the
seeds. So this is the prophecy of

the virgin birth that Jesus would
be born as the women’s Seed. He

shall bruise, this Hebrew word for
‘bruise’ is crush. He, the Messiah,

will crush your head, and you will
crush His heel. Which is better?

Crushed heel or crushed head? In
crushing Satan’s head, He will

crush His heel. And that is a
picture of His dying on the cross

to save all of us. So the devil
heard this from the mouth of God

Himself that the Messiah will come,
the dragon slayer, the serpent

crusher, is going to come from the
woman. So straightaway Adam and Eve

had children, Cain and Abel, the
devil and John confirms it; the

Apostle John says Cain who was of
the wicked one, he was opened to

the devil and his suggestions. Cain
was recruited by the devil because

the devil doesn’t know, the devil
is not omniscient, doesn’t know

when Jesus is going to come. He
thought that immediately the

woman’s seed is going to be the
Saviour. So when the two brothers,

Cain and Abel, offered to God; one
offered blood sacrifice, the other

offered salad dressing, vegetables
and knowing full well, both

brothers knew full well that God
said without the shedding of blood,

there is no forgiveness of sins.
And yet Cain’s sacrifice was a

bloodless sacrifice. And then the
Bible says God favoured Abel, God

had respect unto Abel and his
sacrifice. Remember this, when you