Reigning in Life Through Jesus | Joseph Prince Learn the importance of reigning in life through Jesus with Jeremy Pearsons and special guest, Joseph Prince, on the Believer’s Voice of Victory. This is the entire weeks worth of programs in one episode.

hello everybody welcome to the believers

voice of victory broadcast I am so

blessed and honored to be your host this

week my name is Jeremy Pearson’s now

listen to me we have a week of broadcast

ahead of us that you do not want to miss

let’s pray or get right into the Word of

God today father we worship you today

with this broadcast Lord we bring this

before you and we honor you with it

father I’m asking today that as we get

into your word as we come boldly before

your word I’m asking you that you would

grace us and grant us eyes that see

Jesus ears that hear his voice the voice

of our Good Shepherd and hearts that

understand who we are in Jesus and who

Jesus is in us we worship you and we

praise you today in Jesus name Amen now

listen to me you and I are in for it

because today on this broadcast and all

week long we are blessed and honored to

have pastor Joseph Prince all the way

from Singapore right here on the

believers voice of victory welcome sir

thanks for having me it’s a blessing

brother Copeland this is the glorious

Warner absolutely I just got to speak

with my grandfather for a few minutes

not you know just a few days ago told

him you were in town and I said I’ve

never asked to do broadcast or never

asked to host anybody but I felt like

the Lord was in this and I just said

pastor Joseph’s here I know he loves you

and know that he loves your ministry and

you guys I wanted our viewers and our

partners to know that you guys have been

partners together for a long time now

and this has been a ministry I know

that’s been a blessing to you and I know

that your ministry has been a blessing

to them so he said go for it okay let’s

go for it go for it so all this week on

this broadcast we’re going to get into

the word together and those of you who

don’t know maybe you’ve been hiding

under a rock somewhere for the last

several years but pastor Joseph pastors

new creation Church in Singapore this

outstanding growing thriving Church and

I wanted you to tell us a little bit

about the church and then – we’ve got

some pictures of the new building the

Lord has just blessed you guys with and

let us know what’s going on there

well last Christmas we moved into our