If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to mystory@transformchurch.us. @wearetransformation | @iammiketodd | #CrazyFaithTC
Hello guys, we are about to start today’s message
but before doing so, we want to make a special announcement of the Transformation Church conference,
that’s right, we are very close, it is from September 10 to 12.
Listen, you need to get your tickets, this is going to be an amazing time.
It’s version 1 of the Transformation Church Conference. What do we mean by that?
We mean you can start right where you are, you’re putting out the first version, the first replay
You’ll be seeing the first version, the first replay
Even if it’s hard, even if it’s not all together, we think you’re going to get something special
thanks to this conference, go to our website, our social media,
our app, get your tickets today, because it’s going to be amazing, but for now, let’s see the message
Let’s see the message and for all those who are watching it on line, we are very happy
that you are joining us, you are a big part
of what God is doing here, like everyone in the church
and for anyone who is here for the first time
in the Transformation Church, we tell you :Welcome, we love you
I’m crazy
I’m really not sorry about that, because I had
a life transformation that happened
to me and me and if you stick around long enough
I’ll tell you all about myself, don’t even worry about it
what What’s wrong with the pastor? He will tell you in one of his sermons
Because God changed my life and we are so glad you came
If you ever felt judged in a church before
this is not that church, I don’t care
how you smell, or where you’ve been, whoever you’ve been involved with, where you’ve been
all these other things, I’m just glad you’re here today.
And I believe it, I believe it… I believe it so much
that we have prayed for you,
that we have prepared for you and we are really very happy that you are here.
Some of you have noticed.. some have not, this is my first week
back in six weeks
no place feels like home
I just want to say thank you
to this church for giving me, my wife and family
some time to rest and renew ourselves
and discover revelations, so that I could bring you what God has for us.
I’m telling you, this second half of the year
is about to be nothing compared
to whatever you
thought Transformational Church was like,
throw it away, just let it go,
because where we’re about to go
is another level entirely. God has spoken
to me and has given me a word, so I am not going to waste time. We are about to start
I hope you have bought a new notebook,
I hope someone is opening a totally new note on their cell phone,
because God has given me things
and today’s message has the opportunity to
change your destiny, so if you are ready for the word of God
Someone say: I am ready… to receive!
Okay, we’re starting a whole new series
called “Crazy Faith”