If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to [email protected]. @wearetransformation | @iammiketodd | #relationshipgoalstc

let’s clap our hands if we’re excited to

be in the house of God this morning I

can tell by that intro some of y’all

just had a conniption y’all just like oh

my god in the house of God today we’re

talking about sex and I’m gonna approach

this topic very delicately but very

directly because I believe God’s clear

about it but the church many times

doesn’t communicate about it I’m so glad

for all the first-time visitors that I’m

seeing in new faces and old faces who

haven’t been here long and the faithful

that are here

I think this relationship gold series

has been one of these things that we’ll

be able to benchmark when things changed

in our church and this is what’s

happening right now things are changing

in the lives of people and so I’m so

excited about what God’s gonna do today

but what I want everybody to do right

now is just take a deep breath in come

on everybody just take a deep breath in

now just let it out and I want you to

say out of your mouth relax okay look at

your neighbor and just say relax okay

this is gonna be okay okay this is gonna

be okay some of y’all like you’re gonna

bust me out no no relax it’s funny that

something that the Bible is very clear

on the church is really silent on like

there’s tons of scriptures about sex

there’s a whole book of talking about

how to please your wife there’s like

there’s all kinds of stuff you know that

cuz you don’t read your Bible but what I

am saying is that I feel like that

this perversion in sex in our society

today is silently eroding the destinies

of so many people and and and you maybe

in this room like I was and the things I

didn’t know about sexual sexual

interactions sexuality sex period all of

those things came to literally take from

my life they never came to add to my

life they always came to take from my

life and I was just in delusion for so

long and I would go to