If you’d like to know more about our ministry please visit us at http://transformchurch.us. And if you have a testimony of the amazing things that God is doing in your life through our ministry, please email it to mystory@transformchurch.us. @wearetransformation | @iammiketodd | #relationshipgoalstc
today as we start in this series we have
decided to limp in this series two more
weeks because as I started outlining the
rest of the six weeks I said I almost
better say and I really think that God
really has some more stuff to say about
things and relationships that we don’t
really talk about that really are
assumed that really we pray that our
relationships work but we do more
maintenance and healing than we do
preparation in relationships and so I
really want to help people win in
relationships because that’s what God
wanted to do that’s why he left us the
Bible that’s why she gave us the
institution of church to help us win in
relationship everybody say win in
relationship and so this week in
relationship goals we’re going to talk
about something that has gotten a really
bad rap like it’s something that when
you think about it it doesn’t even seem
appealing or good at all in most circles
but as I studied the Word of God it
really revolutionized my mind about how
important that this topic we’re about to
talk about is in every single person’s
life and the topic we’re going to talk
about today is singleness you see no
rules on that like Oh singleness mmm
that’s the mind now you said this was a
series on dating and marriage I’m
struggling in my marriage right now may
I suggest to you that it’s a singleness
problem what comes to mind I’ve got my
boyfriend here looking on even kind of
and you’re gonna talk about singleness
I’m not even single anymore but your
singleness may be the issue in your
relationship so so today’s message title
is single but not alone okay so so I
want you to just sit with that for a
second single but not alone and as I
begin to look at what the Word of God is
about relationship
it started to literally stunned me how
much God talks about the individuals and
not the relationship when you come into
church you hear stuff like this marriage
is the cornerstone of the relationship
that God created for the human family
remember that all my life something like