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SUBSCRIBE: On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, L.A. Marzulli shows evidence of the Nephilim. Who were the Nephilim? L.A. Marzulli has long searched for physical evidence of the Nephilim, the giants of the Bible. A significant cover-up over the years moved these hybrid humans to the dustbins of history. But now evidence has been found in Peru and the U.S.A.! CLICK HERE TO START YOUR HEALING – SUBSCRIBE – DONATE – Join Our Mentoring Club! – FREE Newsletter! – Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural 2013
Is there a supernatural
a world beyond the one we know?
Is there life after death?
Do angels exist?
Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?
Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?
Are healing miracles real?
Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of
the supernatural.
Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural.
Sid: Hello.
Sid Roth here.
Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.
I just love that rarified air of
I mean, I’m addicted to the
rarified air of Heaven.
I want more and more, and I want
you to have more and more.
My guest has uncovered an
amazing cover-up by our
government, by the Smithsonian
Institution to hide the evidence
that Darwinism is a phony, and
he’s going to expose it to you
because it’s about time this
evidence is presented to our
So L.A., who’s your friend?
L.A.: Well Sid, this was a
skull, a cast of a skull, which
we got in Paracas, Peru.
We saw literally hundreds of
these down there.
Sid: But you know what’s so
amazing, we’ll get to that in a
But this skull is not completely
You see, many years ago God gave
a mandate and He told him to
study as the Days of Noah.
Explain what that is and explain
what you found out from your
L.A.: Oh Jesus tells us it will
be like the Days of Noah when he
Of course, that points to the
angels coming down in Genesis 6,
having sex with the women, and
the offspring are the Nephilim.
And I believe that this is… Sid:
The Nephilim means giants.
L.A.: Well that was one of the
Sid: Ah, okay.
L.A.: Later on, I think they
became different
Sid: Okay.
Now these Nephilim, these, and
you know, I’ve always wondered,
I don’t know about you, when you
study the Bible you see God
says, destroy all the people in
Canaan, destroy all the people
in Sodom and Gomorrah.
Why would God not have mercy on
any of these people?
There’s a good reason.
L.A.: Well the reason simply is
That we’re dealing with a
demonic hybrid known as the
I believe there were many
different encourage, if you
Genesis you mentioned, of
course, Sodom and Gomorrah.
Later on when they push into
Israel, the Land of Canaan, who
were there?
The Nephilim were there.
And the mandate is always the
Sid: Now again, the Nephilim
were the fallen angels had sex
with human women and produced
these giants and these hybrid,
if you will.
L.A. Hybrid, sure.
Sid: Okay.
If God could not get rid of
them, they’d take over the
L.A.: Not only that, they would
pollute the genome of the
That’s really the end game,
especially in Genesis 6 with the
Sid: Okay.
Now you have found some amazing
research in newspaper articles
from the 1800s and 1900s about
these Nephilim.
Tell me about it.
L.A.: Well I believe that the
Nephilim, we know that 150 years
ago as settlers pushed westward
they found burial mounds.
And at first, everyone thought
these were Native Americans.
Well they would dig into these
mounds and they would 9-, 10-,
11-footers, sometimes with six
fingers, double rows of teeth,
copper ornaments.
These were not, and red hair.
These were not indigenous Native
Then when you talk to a first
nation Native American they’ll
tell you that, oh no, there was
a race of giants that predated
They were here when we arrived.
Sid: I’ve never heard that.
I always heard it was the Native
But this, even the Native
American folklore and history
talks, tell me one of the things
you’ve heard about this from the
Native Americans.
L.A.: Just one of the things,
the Paiute tribe for instance,
there was race of cannibal
They were very large and the
Paiute would fight against these
giants, and at one point in
time, they herded them into a
cave and the set the mouth of
the cave on fire, and they wiped
out that tribe of giants.
Interestingly enough, that cave
still exists today.
Sid: Tell me about the
Smithsonian and the bones that
they have found of what could be
the Nephilim.
We discovered that case after
case, after case, 9-, 10-,
11-footers were found.
And the Smithsonian shows up and
they confiscate the bones, and
they put them in crates, and
they’re carried away never to be
seen again.
We have case after case, after
Sid: But if I was the
Smithsonian, that would be major
What could possibly be the
reason that it’s been taken from
public sight?
L.A.: Well the reason is
actually very simple.
The Smithsonian adheres to a
Darwinian paradigm, the
Darwinian worldview.
They believe in Darwinism.
Anything that comes up against
that, anything that comes up
against it must be put aside,
dumbed down, just completely
cleared off the table.
And this of course goes against
the Darwinian theory, because
where did these people come
It’s not the Beringia Land
Bridge where the Ice Age when
they came across the Behring
That rules out that whole theory
out of the water.
These people came from something
I believe the tribes in North
American and in South American
are the remnants of the Nephilim
tribes that Joshua and Caleb
pushed out of the Promised Land
when they conquered IT about
3500 years ago.
Sid: But wait a second, if they
killed all the population, how
could they migrate then?
L.A.: They didn’t kill all the
It would stand to reason as they
begin to move in to the Promised
Land, the giants see what’s
happening, that the Israelites,
first of all the power of the
most High God, and they are
annihilating all the tribes.
So the Amorites and perhaps
maybe the Perrizzites over here,
some of these guys go, we got to
get out of here.
Some flee northward and we have
a trail that we believe follows
Some flee across the Atlantic
Ocean and the workings of
[unintelligible] for instance
prove that you could sail just
on the currents from Egypt and
wind up in South America.
Sid: But you know what?
There’s even greater
documentation than that.
You’re going to find out about
an entire communication system
way before the Internet, about
architecture that no one could
have known back then.
When we come back, we’ll
We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!
We now return to
It’s Supernatural!
Sid: L.A., why do you say these
skulls that you are finding out
about, especially in Peru and
the United States, are partially
L.A.: Well this skull here looks
sort of human, except of course
it’s elongated.
You can see the way, you know,
the sides of the skull go up.
A normal human skull consists of
four plates: frontal plate, and
by the way, these are sutures
here, a frontal plate.
Then you would see another
suture that would go and split
the parietal, which is the
center plate, in two pieces.
Well and then of course, the
assembly of the rear plate.
What you see here is a frontal
plate, which has been greatly
enlarged, and it’s got the very
strange ridge bone on top of it,
and then where there should be
two parietal plates, there is
only one parietal plate.
We saw many, many, many skulls
down there with these
We also believe that this is a
female skull.
The male skulls are about like
this, much, much larger, much
more robust.
Sid: Now you did an amazing
scientific study of different
colors of hair.
Tell me about that.
L.A.: Well the skull, the hair
on many of these skulls are red,
sort of a reddish auburn in
That shouldn’t be there.
Sid: Why?
L.A.: According to the Darwinian
theory, all these people should
have black hair because they
came across the Behring Strait
10, 12, 20,000 years ago,
And so these had red hair.
But we wanted to see if the hair
was dyed.
So we took some hair samples,
and there’s a machine called
Raman spectroscopy.
What this does, it shows the
molecular structure of each of
these hairs.
So we took a control sample of
normal human hair.
We took the red hair from a
mummy and then we took a dyed
hair, dyed human hair, and then
we took a hair from a man who
claimed to have been abducted by
aliens and forced to have sex
with a hybrid.
So we have four hairs.
The control sample went like
this on a graph.
The human hair just went like
The dyed sample went like this,
right through the roof.
But here’s where it really gets
And in my opinion, it links with
what happened in antiquity with
what’s going on today.
The Days of Noah, presence of
the fallen angels.
The red hair and the hybrid hair
tracked like this over the
graph, the same way all over the
graph to the very end, then it
slid off.
Now remember, this hair came off
the skulls about 2500 years ago.
Sid: So what you’re saying is it
lines up with not being totally
L.A.: Correct.
Sid: Lines up with the Nephilim.
L.A.: Correct.
Sid: That the Bible talks about
where the fallen angels had sex
with the women and men.
Now tell me about the research
you’re doing in Peru and
especially what you found under
the Catholic Church.
L.A.: Well there’s these, in
this one particular place called
Waitara, which is about 9000
feet above sea level literally
in the middle of nowhere.
There are these ancient
megalithic ruins.
And on top of these ruins
there’s built a
Sid: Help me out.
What’s a megalithic ruin?
L.A.: I’m sorry.
Megalithic ruin is ancient
stonework, very large blocks of
And we see them all over the
What was fascinating about this,
when you’re in the church, it’s
the Catholic Church, icons and
statutes, and all this.
But at the base of the church
about to the eight-foot level
are these ancient stones which
are laid without mortar, and the
joinery is so precise you cannot
fit a human hair between the
stones, and they are polygonal
What I mean by that, many
different sided shapes, not one
stone is the same.
You’d be hard pressed to achieve
that type of masonry in today’s
But you could do it, but at what
And the technology that was done
thousands and thousands of years
ago, it just, it defies
Here is a people that really
didn’t have the wheel as far as
we know.
Yet they’re taking these 4-ton,
10-ton, 20-ton and even greater
blocks of stone, and when they
join them, Sid, the sides are
completely smooth.
Sid: How do you move 20-ton,
20-ton stones without a wheel?
That will get you thinking a
little bit.
L.A.: Absolutely.
And I think there’s a
supernatural component to all of
And this is where I factor in
fallen angels.
It’s like we see all through the
spiritual the good angels and
what they’re able to do, the
fallen angels have technology.
They have powers.
They have supernatural powers
that defy we do here, defy our
physics, defy our natural laws.
And I think the stones there
were shaped, in my opinion, they
are fallen angel or what we call
Nephilim architecture.
Sid: Now you see a tie-in with
these Nephilim in the last days
and the Mark of the Beast.
I want you to hear about this.
We’ll be right back.
We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!
We now return to
It’s Supernatural!
Sid: Amazing.
Between three and 10,000 years
ago, our civilization had
How, L.A., is this possible?
L.A.: These stones in my chart,
that we just talked about, the
stone base of the Catholic
Church, had electric properties
or highly polished surfaces.
They were carved from a quarry,
in some cases, granite, a number
of cases, androcyte.
These are just stones.
And they’re able to sort of like
crystal radios in the 20s and
the 30s.
That’s similar what they conduct
What we believe is that there
was an ancient grid system over
this planet at one point with
points of connectivity.
This grid system may have been
used not only as a
communication, but perhaps to
control the weather to bring
rain in, all sorts of things.
Sid: How could they have all
this sophistication?
I mean, just sophistication
without a wheel moving the
What explanation do you have?
L.A.: Well you have two.
You have one, which is the
extraterrestrial that they came
from Zeta Reticula, which of
course, I don’t believe in.
The one I hold to and hold to
very fast and diligently is we
are looking at fallen angel
And we get some of this in the
Book of Enoch, which tells us
that they came and showed the
secrets of Heaven to the men and
women of Earth.
Sid: Tell me about in the United
States, in Ohio, the great
circle mound.
First, explain what is.
L.A.: The circle henge is a
It’s a very large circle, over
1,250 feet in diameter.
Sid: The word “henge” means—
L.A.: Henge means this.
It’s a circle, but it also has a
waterway in the inside.
And the construction of this is
incredible because at least this
particular henge dates about
3000, 3500 years ago, which
again, fits the timeline of a
diaspora when Joshua and Caleb
were moving in to with the
Israelites, into the Promised
Land and the Nephilim scattered.
They show up there about 3000,
3500 years ago in the Ohio
They create this circle, this
henge with a body of water in
the middle of it.
In the center of it, excavations
prove that there was an altar
and they found human remains on
the altar.
And that’s huge.
Sid: Okay.
Tell me about the American
Stonehenge connection with the,
we hear about the Stonehenge in
England and then a third place.
L.A.: Sure.
The American Stonehenge is in
New Hampshire.
Sid: How come we haven’t seen
How come we haven’t been told
about this Stonehenge?
L.A.: Well things are coming to
I believe because we’re in the
last days that all this stuff
which has been hidden is now
coming to light for those of us
who are interested.
Sid: Well Daniel even says a
sign of the last days is to be
an information explosion.
We always think, well that’s the
But it’s also other areas.
L.A.: Absolutely.
The typical henge is a circle.
And like many of these henges
like Stonehenge, it charts
astronomical events.
What I mean by that, summer
solstice, winter solstice,
spring equinox, fall equinox.
And the circle, when you stand
in the center of the henge and
you look out, there’s a standing
stone, and that standing stone,
let’s say is a hundred yards
And so summer solstice, the
longest day of the year, you
watch the sunrise come up over
that standing stone.
Well Kelsey Stone, a college
student, was wondering, gee, I
wonder if I extend the line from
the center of my henge in New
Hampshire out to the summer
standing stone to see where it
So he begins to extend this
He extends it further, extends
it further across the Atlantic,
and to his utter amazement it
bisects dead center, the center
trilithon in Stonehenge,
And you can’t do that in
There’s no way you can’t take a
long enough string and go across
the Atlantic Ocean.
It has to be done from the air.
Sid: Audience, do you think
thousands of years ago they had
anything remotely close to this
kind of technology?
Doesn’t this show there was a
super intelligent, and what the
Bible talks about, the Nephilim?
L.A.: And what’s amazing, I
talked to a surveyor.
There’s no way to do anything
like that unless you’re in the
Who is the principal power of
the air?
It’s Satan.
And this to me, once again,
fallen angel technology.
But it gets better.
When you extend that line from
New Hampshire and it intersects
to the center trilithon in
Stonehenge, when you continue
that line, you wind up in
Beirut, Lebanon.
And Beirut, Lebanon is the home
of the Phoenicians, and the
Phoenicians are the descendants
of the Canaanites, and the
Canaanites were a Nephilim
Sid: My goodness.
So then you can see where some
of them came to America.
L.A.: Absolutely.
Sid: And that’s why they’re
finding these skulls and these
Some of these bones they’re
finding show that the people
were how tall?
L.A.: Well there’s 9-footers,
10-footers and 11-footers, and
even pushing the border up to 12
feet in some of these burial
And again, going back to the
Smithsonian, we have report
after report from newspapers
telling about once a town would
exhume the bones and a doctor, a
man of letters, would measure
the articulator, this
articulated skeleton and this
articulated skeleton where the
bones are just laying all
But the doctor, a man of
letters, a hundred years ago,
can read a tape measure.
And yet when you talk to
archeologist he will tell you
they didn’t know how to measure,
which is, in my opinion, a bunch
of nonsense.
So the Smithsonian would come
in, they would confiscate the
bones and crate them up, and you
would never see them again.
They were just gone.
Sid: What a cover-up.
L.A.: Absolutely.
Sid: Now how does this tie in
based on all these years of
research, and I might add, he
heard from God to research the
Days of Noah.
Because of all the times in the
Old Testament, Jesus said, it
will be like the Days of Noah.
Explain to me with all this
research how it ties in with the
Mark of the Beast.
L.A.: Well the Mark of the Beast
has four characteristics.
If anyone takes it or receives
the mark on the hand or the
forehead, you can’t buy, sell or
trade without it.
That’s the one we all know.
The second one is men and women
will seek death in those days
but not find it.
Well what days?
The days of the mark, which
coincides back to or points back
to the Days of Noah, that
lifespan seems to be extended.
The third one is you take the
mark, grievous sores appear on
the body.
The fourth one, which is the
most telling in my opinion,
anyone who takes the mark winds
up in the lake of fire.
There’s no grace, no mercy.
You’re in the lake of fire.
And the same judgment that we
see with the Nephilim in Genesis
6, Sodom and Gomorrah and what
happens in Israel, the Promised
Land when Joshua and Caleb came
into the Promised Land, it’s
always the same ending.
If Nephilim is there the
judgment is always the same.
It’s total annihilation.
There’s never a shred of grace
and mercy.
Sid: That’s my question.
Why would someone in their right
mind that knows what the Bible
says even consider taking the
Mark of the Beast?
L.A.: Because what is coming,
this coming great deception,
hinges on Darwinism, Darwinism
tells us that there is no God,
that we just evolved over
billions of years.
When Ben Stein sits down with
Richard Dawkins, one of the
premier evolutionists of the
20th and 21st centuries, and he
says, “Where did life come
Dawkins says, “Maybe millions of
years ago in another galaxy a
race of highly evolved aliens
created us and then seeded us
here through the galaxy.”
That’s what he believes.
I call that the alien gospel.
This is what’s coming, and it
dovetails into Darwinism.
Scientists and the masses, when
they show up, the coming great
deception, and they will show
up, they will have two things
for us: free energy, which power
the crafts.
The second thing is they’ll have
this DNA upgrade.
And if a person takes this DNA
upgrade his DNA will become
Yes, he will have no diseases
for 500 years or more.
Yes, he or she will live and all
this, but the problem is you are
no longer human.
You become Nephilim and that’s
why the Judgment in the Book of
Revelation is exactly the same
as Genesis 6.
There’s a correlation between
the two.
Sid: Tell me about that recent
press conference of the UFOs.
L.A.: That was in Washington,
Senators, congressman,
governors, Air Force pilots,
people with top secret
clearances all came on the
record basically stating that
the UFO phenomena is real.
It’s burgeoning.
It’s not going to go away.
It’s increasing in numbers.
This is the coming great
One event can change everyone’s
worldview in a second.
You see a mile-wide craft over
your city, unless you know what
you’re looking at, you will be
And Jesus warns us that even the
elect will be deceived if that
were possible.
Sid: Well you know, you started
out talking about the Days of
Well Jesus says, it will be like
the Days of Noah and you will
not, he will come at an hour you
do not expect.
So the issue is not what we’ve
been talking about.
The issue is are you ready.
That’s the issue.
You can only get ready with
God’s supernatural change of
DNA, and that is make Jesus your
Messiah and Lord.
Ask him to forgive you of your
sins because he died for them,
and ask him to live inside of
It’s not complex.
And I tell you, your DNA will be
changed to be the way God
created you to be.
If you like the way things are
right now then don’t change.
But if you believe there’s
something better, make Jesus
your Messiah and Lord.
Do you agree?
L.A.: Amen.
Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!
My guest heard the audible voice
of God and this is what God told
him: “Teach my people how to
operate in the supernatural.”
And he has done this all over
the world.
He said, “I’ve been teaching a
revelation that very few of
God’s people understand that
will catapult you into doing the
same things and even greater
than what Jesus did.”
Do you want to hear that?
Reading your article has greatly helped me, and I agree with you. But I still have some questions. Can you help me? I will pay attention to your answer. thank you.