James Durham visited Heaven. What He saw Jesus doing will rock your world! James says you can have your spiritual eyes opened to see God’s plan for you, past, present and future. There is nothing greater, he says, than knowing God’s destiny and purpose for your life. And doing it. James Durham was taught in Heaven how to help you know God’s plan for your life. He shows you the keys to seeing what God sees in Seeing the Unseen Realm and also in his 2-CD set, Activating the Unseen Realm, including how to: • Activate your giftings • Increase your dreams and visions • Overcome self-confidence issues • Accomplish your purpose Get ready to begin having your own heavenly encounters! Heaven is a real place, and you can experience it for yourself! About James Durham: After almost 30 years as an army chaplain, James retired as a Colonel. He is also a longtime pastor and church planter. Unexpectedly, a season of trips to Heaven began which prompted him to write, teach and mentor. James and his wife, Gloria, reside in Columbia, SC. ORDER THIS EPISODE ON DVD – http://bit.ly/2rZ1td7 CLICK HERE TO START YOUR HEALING – http://bit.ly/1Ml2jVc SUBSCRIBE – http://bit.ly/10jKQtv DONATE – http://bit.ly/1cDCinQ Join Our Mentoring Club! – http://bit.ly/1hwbPvh FREE Newsletter! – http://bit.ly/1TXNkrM Copyright Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2017

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: Hello.

Sid Roth here.


Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

If I was to ask you how many of
you know for certain what your

destiny is, what you’re supposed
to be doing with your life,

and I don’t care if you’re 70
years old or seven years old,

here’s the truth, most of you
would say I’m not sure.

How many of you would like to be

You see, your destiny is like
your fingerprint.

No one that has ever lived has
the same fingerprint

like you have.

You have a destiny.

How many of you want to know for

for certain, what your destiny

All right, you’re about ready to
have it supernaturally unfolded.


Now James Durham was a spirit
built Army chaplain

for 30 years.

But I asked you last night,
there was a specific time when

you had your breakthrough in the
supernatural because believe it

or not, just because your spirit
built doesn’t mean you’re really

moving in the supernatural and
all that God has

available to you.

Tell me what caused your

James Durham: Immediately after
getting the baptism of the Holy

Spirit in 1969, I began to have
a lot of visions,

words of knowledge, words of

and I operated in that a lot.

But it was much later than that,
I was in a revival and someone

stood up and said, “I visited
Heaven last night,

and described the visit.

And I thought, hey, that sounds
pretty cool.

And that night, I went home.

It was very, very late.

I got back to my room.

And as I was getting ready to
get into bed I said,

you know, it would be really
neat to be able to have a visit

in Heaven.

That was the extent of my prayer
for this to happen.

I laid down on the bed and as
soon as my head hit the bed,

the pillow, I was standing in

standing before the throne of

and I was just completely

But as I looked at Jesus, I
couldn’t think,

I couldn’t speak, but I just
fell in love.

And something happened in my

It was like a transformation
came to me when that happened.

And from that time on it became
a very regular thing to visit

with the Lord in Heaven and very
often to go to a training room

where he was training me on how
to activate some of the things

that he was releasing to me.

And he told me very clearly,
“These are not just for you.

I want these to be testimonies
for other people so that they

will also be activated in those

Sid: Now you had a vision
recently and Jesus himself said

that everyone has to hear this

Well I’m everyone.

Tell me.

James Durham: Well it was a

I guess it was kind of a
startling vision,

I would say, and I was suddenly
lifted up into the presence of

the Lord and I saw myself, it
was like I was outside of myself

looking at myself, and I was
kneeling before the Lord with

the left knee on the floor and
my right on the floor,

kind of like a knight kneeling
before his king.

And I was kneeling for Jesus,
and I had this,

what I call my cloak of

It’s a really, old worn out kind
of brownish cover,

and I really liked that, because
you got to be humble

before the Lord.

And I was kneeling before him,
worshiping the Lord.

And suddenly the Lord said,

would you like to see how I see

Well I wasn’t sure because just
like everyone else I began to

think of past mistakes, things
that I should have done that I

didn’t do, and I wasn’t sure if
I really wanted to see that.

But if the Lord asks I’ve
learned you say yes.

So I said yes.

And when I did, the Lord sort of
stepped over to the left side

and he had a rod in his hand, a

and he began to pull that cloak
back slowly from the staff,

and I was absolutely stunned at
what I saw.

When the cloak began to come off
of me I was wearing a helmet and

full armor like a knight in the
Round Table.

But the armor was gold and it
was pure gold,

and it was shining, and I
realized it was the light of the

Glory of Yeshua that was
reflecting off of that armor.

And has he pulled more and more

I really got into kind of fear
because I do not want to get

into pride, because I think
pride will block you from really

encountering the Lord.

And this, I thought if I keep
seeing this I might

get into pride.

Sid: Proverbs says, “Pride comes
before a fall.”

I don’t want to fall.

James Durham: Be humble before
the Lord and

he will lift you up.

So I actually asked the Lord,
“Don’t show me anymore and to

put the cloak back.”

And the Lord did what I asked.

And this was so startling, and I
thought I can’t tell anyone this

vision because it will sound to

I didn’t even tell my wife that
I had this experience.

But then the Lord began to press
on me that I needed to share

this vision with other people
because he wants other people to

see how he sees them.

He doesn’t see you for past

failures or whatever.

He sees what you are created to

He sees you as if you’ve already
reached your destiny and

accomplished your purpose for
the Kingdom on Earth.

That’s how he sees you right

Right now he’s seeing you as
someone who has already

completed that and he wants you
to understand that.

Sid: Wait.

If that’s true, my experience
and I know your experience is

most people go their whole life
and they say,

well I’m not in the Bible

I’m just supposed to be a

a spouse, make money and die.

But you maintain that God has
his fingerprint that is so

unique, a destiny so unique.

Why is it most people, if you
ask them,

do you really know your purpose,
do you really know your destiny,

and they’re honest, they usually
say no.

James Durham: That’s been my

And I think that’s why the Lord
wants to activate this in people

right now is we have been,

we’ve been taught in the church
that for a long time didn’t see

the possibilities, but they kind
of focused on limitations.

And a lot of things were taught
that just really aren’t


They’re not in accordance with
what God intends for us,

and as a result, many of us are
filled with self-doubt.

Some of us are into
self-condemnation and we just

can’t see or grasp how far the
Lord wants us to go or how high

he wants to elevate us to his

But in this season, because
we’re in these last days and

because it’s a time for the End
Time harvest,

I believe, that everybody who is
a believer and is spirit-filled

needs to be activated to
accomplish their purpose for the


God chose you to live in this
generation for his purpose.

Sid: And I’ll tell you what, I
wouldn’t want to live in any

other generation.

This is the generation of the

Why would you want to live in
any other generation than this?

And everyone counts.

Everyone must fulfill their

And according to James and
according to the Bible,

God wants to activate your
spiritual senses,

your seared gifting, and I want
to find some practical ways on

how you can do it.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back to It’s

We now return to It’s


Sid: James says not only can
everyone have their spiritual

eyes activated, you have your
natural eyes,

but see what’s going on in the
invisible world,

every one of your senses can be
activated and it starts

out with focus.


James Durham: Well I think we
have focused too much on

ourselves and our limitations.

God wants us to focus on his

on his Word and begin to see how
he plans for us to live and how

he plans for us to be activated
in this generation.

Sid: One of the things you do to
focus is he’ll take stories in

the Bible, the miracles of

and you actually put yourself in


James Durham: Well I started

I noticed over and over in the

I studied through the Bible
three or four times a year and

in detail, and I saw there were
so many promises and so many

things that were spoken over

and I decided I want to claim
those for myself.

And I started reading it out
loud because faith comes by

hearing by the Word.

I began to speak those things
over myself.

And after I did that for a while
I began to really put faith

behind that, and the faith was
every promise in the Bible is

for me and it’s for you, and God
wants us to begin to grasp those

promises and begin to live in
the fullness of the Anointing as

for our purpose is awesome.

Our destiny is great.

And what God wants to release in
spiritual gifts to us through

our eyes open, our ears open,
every other sense being open to

the Kingdom, is for us to be
able to do exactly what would be

the very best thing for the

and ultimately that’s the best
thing for us and for other


Sid: Can every person that is a
believer in the Messiah looking

at us right now, can they have
every spiritual sense activated?

James Durham: Absolutely, I do.

And I think God made a promise,
I see it in the scriptures,

all the way back in the Old
Testament and repeated in the

New Testament, that in the last
days his spirit was going to

come on all flesh, on men and

on people who are older, people
who are younger,

every social status in the

That his spirit will come on all
flesh and when it does we’ll all

be enabled to prophesy to see
visions and to dream

prophetic dreams.

And so many people have never
claimed the promise,

and I started claiming the

And a lot of what I do on that
card that I put my prayers on is

I begin to pray and activate
those things.

Sid: You’ve been saying this for

James Durham: Yes, over and over
myself until I believe that 100

percent in my heart.

And that’s what I recommend to

It began to claim those promises
to say every promise in the

Bible is for you.

Sid: Most people, God starts in
just a little way and they

discard that little way.

Explain that.

James Durham: Well we shouldn’t
despise small beginnings.

And sometimes the Lord only
shows us some very small thing,

some little thing.

But instead of getting
discouraged what I encourage

people to do is to say, wow, God
is beginning to do things in me

and I began to rejoice, and
began to give him thanks and

praise for that because God
responds to gratitude much more

than he responds to grumbling.

And so we don’t grumble about a
small thing he’s doing in us,

but we begin to do it to the
best of our ability and thank

him for enabling us and
activating those gifts in us so

that we’re able to do that.

And right now, I’m feeling that
God has something really special

for people are watching this
right now.

I just have felt the presence
and I’m feeling it right now of

numerous healing angels that are
manifesting here with us and

they’re manifesting with you.

And I know in the spiritual
realm that if you need healing

there’s a healing angel that
just manifested for you.

And right just we release the
angels to minister what Father

God sent them to minister, be
healed in Jesus’ name.

Whatever you need, that angel
came for that purpose.

And I feel right now that the
love of the Father is just

pouring out like standing under
a waterfall and the blessing and

favor of the Lord is pouring out
over you right now.

Receive it and believe it, and
give thanks for it,

and keep on thanking him and
speaking it until it manifests.


Sid: Now James, why is it the
minute you spoke what you were

feeling in the invisible world I
felt a presence of God,

zoom, like that.

Why is that?

I like to try to understand the
invisible world.

James Durham: Well I think when
we do what the Holy Spirit

prompts us to do his power just

and I felt that, too.

And it almost felt like it’s
coming up from the floor.

It just felt like the power of
God suddenly surrounded us.

And the Spirit is so pleased
when we follow his prompting

that he just releases power.

And I’m feeling it right now,
it’s just like the Lord,

the presence is getting stronger
and stronger.

Sid: I don’t know what he’s
going to do when we come back,

but I know he’s going to do

and I know you’re going to be

We now return to It’s


Sid: James, you had a vision
that shows how easy,

and that’s the key word, easy it
is for you to walk into your

destiny and purpose.

Tell me about that vision.

James Durham: Well Sid, what I
saw in that vision,

the Lord was talking to me and
he was making it clear that

sometimes by the worldly wisdom
we’re always thinking about all

the things that we’ve got to do
to earn our position.

We’ve got to elevate ourselves
through effort and trying and

praying, and pressing in.

Sid: Well but in the corporate
world you jockey to get to the

top and you don’t care who you
step on.

That’s the corporate.

James Durham: Right.

Sid: My Bible says that if I
will lower myself

God will raise me.

If I higher myself, he’ll lower

James Durham: So in my vision
the Lord told me basically just

to get over myself, quit
thinking so much about what I’m

supposed to do to get worthy of

It’s not about me, it’s about

It’s about what he’s done.

And all the heavy lifting has
already been done for us and all

we have to do is just open up
and receive it.

And that’s what the Lord is
trying to release to people.

You don’t have to go through all
of these machinations.

You don’t have to do all of
these things.

Now it’s good to pray, it’s good
to worship and I encourage

people to do that all the time,
but you just need to open your

eyes, ears and your heart to see
that the Lord is the one who has

accomplished this for you and he
wants to just release it to you

right now.

And we release it to you and
just ask you to open your heart

and claim it for yourself right
now in Yeshua’s name.

Sid: You know, in that vision I
found it fascinating the Lord

was holding something that was

and what did it look like, a
beach ball or something?

James Durham: Well I thought of
an exercise ball that you have

at the gym, and I thought well
that’s odd because he’s not


And I was just watching the Lord
as he was holding onto this


And then as I focused more on
the ball,

because at that time I was
looking at him,

I saw that it wasn’t an exercise

it was actually Planet Earth,
and the Lord was looking so


He was so focused on people on
the earth.

And the first thought I had was,
you know,

a lot of people would be
uncomfortable with the idea

because they don’t really want
the Lord to look that closely

into their life sometimes.

Sometimes they like to slip back
in the darkness so they can do a

few of the things they don’t
think would please the Lord.

But the Lord said to me, he
reads my thoughts,

he said to me, “I’m not watching
them closely to do them harm,

I’m watching them closely to
bless them and to give them

purpose and destiny.”

And then I began to almost like
have telescopic vision,

and I kind of zoomed in.

And I saw a woman standing there
holding the hand of Jesus,

and it looked like she had been
weeping maybe through the night,

and she desperately reached out
and took Jesus’ hand,

and I heard the Lord say to her
something he had been saying to

me all morning: “Comfort, yes,
comfort my people

says the Lord.”

And I believe the Lord wants to
comfort people who are going

through difficult times.

And then I focused in some
people who were worshiping,

and their worship seemed so pure
and it seemed so focused on the

Lord, and the Lord was focusing
on them as well.

And I heard the same thing:

yes, comfort my people.”

I believe the Lord wants people
to know that their worship,

their praise is pleasing to him
and he’s watching that,

and it opens up doors of
blessing and favor.

And I just saw that the Lord
wanted each and every person

that he was looking at on Planet
Earth to begin to see the

awesome destiny he has for them.

Sid: Does he have a destiny for
a unique fingerprint,

just as our fingerprints are

does he have that unique a
destiny for each person?

James Durham: Absolutely.

And that’s one of the awesome
things about the Lord that he’s

able to do that for every single
human being.

Everyone who has flesh has the
potential to get in that kind of

relationship with the Lord and
begin to see what that awesome

destiny is and what God has
destined you,

created you to live in this time
to accomplish this amazing

purpose unique to you.

And if I don’t do that, if I
don’t open up and see that and I

don’t do that, something is
going to be missing in the

Kingdom of God in this

because you and I have been
uniquely equipped and created

for that purpose, and we need to
do that for the fullness of what

God has planned for this

Sid: Talk to the person at home
that says that’s okay for these

superstars, but can I really
know this.

Talk to that person that’s

can I really know this.

James Durham: Well I see that
all that time that people say

well that may be something for
famous people or people that we

know, they’re gifted and have
all of these special spiritual

gifts, but what about me, can I
do that?

And I say absolutely yes.

The Lord isn’t looking for

He’s not looking for people that
come to him fully equipped.

He’s looking for people who are
willing to see the awesome thing

that he created them to do, and
they’re willing to see it and

then let him equip them and then
lift them up to the fullness of

the Anointing he has.

And it’s not about who you are.

It’s about who he is.

It’s not about what you’ve done.

It’s about what he’s done.

It’s about what he’s going to do
in the future and he wants to do

it through you.

And just imagine the joy that
you can have when you realize I

fulfilled my purpose on Earth.

I reached the destiny that God
established for me from the

foundation of the earth for this

You will have so much joy and
you will have so much comfort

from the Lord when you allow him
to lead you into the fullness of

your destiny in the Kingdom.

Sid: And what would you say to
the person that says,

I knew what I was supposed to do
and I didn’t do it?

Is it too late?

James Durham: It’s never too

Sid: All right, did you hear

It is never too late.

God said to Jeremiah, “Before
you were conceived in your

mother’s womb I knew you.

I called you.”

And I say to you, before you
were conceived in your mother’s

womb I knew you and I called

and God said the best is yet to

James Durham: Amen.

Sid: Next week on It’s

Shawn Bolz: Hello.

I’m Shawn Bolz.

Join me on It’s Supernatural as
I share with you supernatural

insights to learn how to hear
God’s voice for yourself and
